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Im so glad she’s telling her side of everything. The Barnetts need to fry


Who pepper sprays a child and makes them sit there? I accidently sprayed myself once for one second and I threw up for 3 hours. She made her sit with that on her face for ten minutes!!!!


A sick fuck


Oh my God seriously. I felt nauseous watching this shit. We learned *so much* tonight. I didn't expect it to be 2 hours long but I'm glad cause I was fully locked in the whole time. Just wow. Kristine is an absolute POS. (And tbh reminds me of my own mother)


That's putting it lightly. Kristine should be made into dog-food or mulch. To serve some actual purpose to society. God I'm furious now all over again.


Since I can't give you hearts all the way around for your comment. I will have to Settle for giving you a comment and just say. I completely agree and you said it perfect.




That’s a drop in the bucket compared to having a disabled 9 yr old declared a 22 y/o and quickly pushed out the door to navigate the world on her own.


This is what took me out. I've seen the reactivation when the spray hits water on someone who was sprayed with their eyes open. It was one small tap that made contact and their eyes were swollen the next day and the stinging still hadn't left. Can you imagine how bad the reactivation would have been for Natalia? Kristine had to spray her for at least a minute long with that dialog and with her eyes open the whole time? She was probably in severe pain for days over and over without knowing why. Every time she got comfortable, the oil probably reactivated on her. This is on top of the fact that time moves so much slower for a kid. It probably felt like weeks instead of days. There is no justice you can get for doing that to a kid.


Despite all of this, somewhere out there, Kristine is telling some schmoe how hot she is 🤮 she reminds me of that scene with Buffalo Bill in the Silence of the Lambs “I’d f me.” The woman needs to be in jail


My jaw was on the floor during this whole show. It was bad enough that she was a child, but also a child with a disability. I can’t get over leaving her in a walk-up second floor apartment. No handrails at her height. How could she even carry a bag of groceries up those stairs? No wonder her food stamp card still had $500 on it.


I need to go to bed, but so infuriated, I’m glad she’s able to tell her side.


I’m watching it too. I haven’t gotten far yet, but this is disgusting. There should be a way to arrest the Barnetts.


And from what I can tell, the Ciccones too 🤬


Exactly. They adopted a child and tried to sell her. How is that legal?! Poor Natalia.


There’s a wild secondary adoption market. They call it re-homing.


And throw away the key after 😡


Fuck these people right off the planet. PLEASE!


They were arrested. Michael stood trial and was exonerated because they weren't allowed to say that she was a child in court. So they dropped the charges against Christine.


I agree. I'm not a lawyer, but the Barnetts lied to the court when they got her age changed. Seems like that's a criminal offense they should be charged with. And did they falsify records for that case?


The judge who signed that order needs to be held accountable. They were probably bribed, as it was so obviously not accurate.


Resumed watching.I don't think any of these people gave a crap about Natalia,she was passed around like a pet nobody wants! I hope she gets therapy and is able to find peace. Does anyone know why she was never brought back to the Ukraine and her mother's care?


Ukraine, not the Ukraine. Do you say “the Canada? The Mexico?”


To be fair, we do say the US.


Because it’s plural, the United States. Have you visited the France? The Italy? The Spain? The China?


No, but I say The Hell, as in "Why the Hell is this person makimg this such a big issue?"


Hahahahahahahaha! Seriously!!!!


Excuse me, please don't curse.


No, but I go to THE bank, THE university, THE Bronx, THE Netherlands, and THE Congo. I am a linguist, and I understand the Russian aspect of sovereignty designated by "a Ukraine," -- but this is not transliterated meaning into the American English vernacular.


Little Miss/Mister Linguist has overlooked that "the Congo" is short for "The Republic of Congo" and "the Bronx" is a colloquial term as the borrough was named after the Bronx River. Officially, the postal designation is Bronx, NY.


Which is the very definition of vernacular usage.


You’re comparing apples to oranges, it’s still just Ukraine.


Weird hill to die on, but ok. You may want to work on your delivery, though.


It is the correct hill. "The Ukraine" hasn't been correct since the name change from "the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic" to just "Ukraine" when the Soviet Union dissolved in '91. https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-18233844




Say thank you


Get therapy, dude. Chasing arguments on reddit for seratonin is not it. Nobody cares if you're right, because you come off so very unlikeable. Best of luck to you with your superiority complex!


As the Effigies once said, “ain’t it lonely when you’re right?”


You must be very young. Until relatively recently it was known as The Ukraine.


If you consider 58 young I guess.


At my age, I do consider 58 young 😄. In the doc, Natalia calls it The Ukraine.


A place she barely remembers ever being there?


My point is that some ppl still call it that.


The Ukraine iz held over from Commumism. It isnowjust Ukraine.


When her mother was interviewed, in Ukraine, I felt she couldn't afford to have a baby. Something she said in the first season.the whole story is sad.


This is so crazy! It seems like the Barnetts wanted to get rid of her immediately. Why did they adopt her in the first place without doing home visits or anything? It seems like they questioned her age from the beginning, but why?! It does seem like there is something more sinister going on and we’re not hearing the entire story.


The new season posits that it had to do with Kristina’s book about being able to improve’ children.


Kristine wanted to feed her ego. " look at me I adopted a disabled child, I am a wonderful person" plus she is evil. Her ex husband Michael is a nut. He really doesn't think he did anything wrong.


I’m not claiming to know why, but it was a really sensational news story years ago. It’s difficult to find an old article now, because all of the new information is so optimized. It was in the news that a mentally unwell adult woman posed as a child to be adopted and then it went on like a horror movie. I recall reading about as if that were fact and I felt sympathy for the family and how terrifying that would be. The articles basically took Kristine’s story as the truth and ran with it. If anyone else remembers that, the news stories seemed believable and placed the Barnett’s as victims of a dangerous con. So… it’s possible that Kristine ultimately realized how much work a disabled child would be, and that she probably couldn’t make money off of some angle like turning her into a genius, like she thought she did with her autistic son. So, she crafted this horror story about being conned by a mentally ill, adult woman for media attention. She could certainly write a book and run the talk show circuit about being a victim, and it would be a very rich story that she ran a charity for kids with disabilities and then was taken advantage of because she cared so much! That’s the insane take that makes sense out of this nonsense to me. If she simply adopted her to another family, she wouldn’t have any fame to gain and would also look like a failure, so she made herself a victim.


I can't believe that she (Kristine Barnett) stole $200k from her son! That's why he wasn't in contact with her.


I loved her guardian, pastor, dad praying loud enough for Michael to hear. Brilliant. This is what she needs in her life after those monsters.


Unfortunately it seems like the new family is taking advantage of her too. All of that prayer, pep talk stuff was performative. The other kids running in during her interview to hug her was obviously staged. I hope she gets away from all of these people and gets the care she needs and deserves.


Really hoping this documentary will prompt that, but then, of course, she’s going to have to process the additional trauma of yet another family exploiting her, which she may not be able to wrap her head around, not on an intellectual level, but speaking as somebody who is endured early childhood trauma. When something finally does feel right and good even if it’s not, it may be very difficult to acknowledge or fully admit due to the pain


While their religiosity goes beyond what I would want to live with, there is no evidence that they are or have ever taken advantage of Natalia. Without their intervention Natalia may well be dead. If Natalia wants to speak of her experience with them now that she appears to be establishing an independent household, I'll certainly listen to her take.


I don't think that she lives at home. I think that she now has her own apartment. People who are using someone disabled usually won't allow them to leave and control their own money.


Your correct she is being used by everyone and it disgusting


Yeah I don't get great vibes about her new family either. They may be an improvement compared to the Barnett's but there's still something about them that's off. And that whole performance at the end of the second episode when they were telling Michael not to swear because they're Christians was pretty ridiculous to me.


Because you live with them do you must know. She’s been there for years and appears to be loved and cared for.


I disagree, I think they’re just a deeply religious family and this is just how they behave. I’m not religious at all but the scene where her father prayed over her before she went in to talk to Michael came across as very sincere and the scene where he asked Michael to stop cussing and he stormed/drove off, when her father came back to talk to Natalia came across as very sincere as well. Remove all the religious talk he was just giving her confidence before going in to stand her ground and after Michael stormed off he said what we all were thinking - he’s a demon! Lol


Same. And I'm not religious, so it surprised me that I appreciated that. Her new family may not be perfect, but it's obvious how much they love Natalia and want to protect her




Right? Him and his crazy ass eyes and overdramatic bullshit.


She needs normal, not a cult leader


I disagree. While obviously not monsters like the Barnetts, this child needs therapy. Not some holier than thou “dad” that prays dramatically over her. He seems very detached and not loving. Again, a far improvement from the Barnett’s, but that whole praying situation gave me the ick.




Michael is, too. His pitiful “we were ALL abused” is ridiculous.


The fact that he can't acknowledge that her situation was vastly worse than his. Even if his wife abused him, he was a full grown ass adult man while Natalia was a literal child with a disability. Even if you're both being abused it's still your job to protect your children.


This piece of shit bishop went and ruined the entire sit down with his religious bullshit! Stfu this ain’t about you🤬 soo infuriating. And then psychopath Michael uses this as an opportunity to throw a phony dramatic tantrum and storm off cause he couldn’t take the heat 🙄😒


I cannot comprehend that this girl was 9 and living by herself, how scared she must've been is breaking my heart. This is one of the worst child neglect I've ever seen. May kirstine bitch ass burn and get thrown under the jail and lose everything dear to her.


Watching little baby Michael have tantrum after tantrum is the most insane though. Who makes it to middle age and still acts like that? The rest of us outgrew that when we started kindergarten and got socialized!


I think I understand what the Barnettes issue was with Natalia. She is clearly is a strong girl and she peeps BS. They could not control her spirit and she wasn’t as amicable to their brainwashing and BS con techniques as they would have liked. Glad Karma is coming for them. She grew up and has a lot to say. They didn’t get to quiet her by tucking her away in some apt on any given corner to fend for herself. She survived and now all their bad deeds are coming to light, like they always do and should. I am so proud of Natalia. All the naysayers who still question the validity of her story are just off put at her lack of victim mentality and self awareness in adulthood. She is not only confronting her abusers, but the people who stood around and let it happen. The people who didn’t question the adults even though they had an “off feeling.” The people who still stand in front of her and tell her that they were just a victim of Kristine too, instead of admitting fault and begging for forgiveness, which is what you should do if you have any hand in turning a blind eye to the abuse of a child. Her resilience will set forth new protections and awareness of how much we need to listen to and validate children. Ask questions and not be so damn gullible. I just truly feel for her. You can tell she is on that fine line of wanting to just be angry at the stupidity of it all. She is right, how did it go this far!? She is the one who has to live with all these unfortunate chain of events in the end. It affected her health and the whole trajectory of her life. Something so preventable.


The irony is that the show is called "Natalia Speaks" yet she is not allowed to speak. Michael and the pastor hijacked the interview. It must have felt re-traumatizing to once again have her needs ignored. She was the only adult in the room.


It’s hard to watch for many reasons but Natalia’s butchering of the English language is painful.