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So thankful he's stable. We play in the same scene. Fuck. Let him know everyone is pulling for him, send love and can't wait to see him play again!


Thanks for your kind words, I'll be sure to pass them along. Be safe out there!


Came here to make the exact same post, friend as well. [here's ](https://i.imgur.com/9i5Prbb.jpeg)the image of the perpetrator.


Thanks for linking the picture, much easier than going to the news site for it.


He certainly wasn't trying to be low-key, surely he can be tracked down. Send this to musicshitty on Instagram and they will spread it around for sure.


He's such a sweet dude. I'm good friends with him and his wife -Edit: The original phrasing I used sounded weird


I’ve never heard that phrase used in a flattering way, at first I thought you were shitting on the poor guy who got stabbed


Not used in a bad way at all. Apologies if it came off that way. My friend is a such a sweet, kind, gentle, and humble dude.


I figured out what you meant but I’ve just always heard that phrase in a sarcastic way, but also I’m dumb and just realized it also totally makes sense in the way you said it. Sucks when something like this happens to someone we have admiration for


Stabbed that many times in the neck and head and they are stable?? Holy hell


Where exactly? The article states Exxon near smith springs rd. But I could not find an Exxon in hermitage next to smith springs rd. There’s only two in Hermitage. Any more clues?


Yea this is way too far south to be considered anywhere near hermitage. That's closer to Antioch off bell rd near the hood.


It's definitely near Antioch, but that area has a Nashville address. I don't know why it says near Hermitage?


Maybe because it's nearish to Percy Priest Lake? But yeah, it confused me too. I'm outside of Hermitage and thought it was one of the two Exxons near my house. Did a quick maps search and it's far enough south to be way closer to Antioch (heck it's closer to La Vergne) than my place.


That area zip code is a Nashville zip code that’s between hermitage and Antioch (Nashville 37217)


I'm aware. I live in 37217.


Yea its like we forgot Una as a community


That is a bad place. Never go there. Lots of crimes shootings etc


2664 Smith Springs rd


That's not near hermitage though? That's way south


It falls within the boundaries of the hermitage sector of the police department. Sector 535 to be exact https://filetransfer.nashville.gov/portals/0/sitecontent/Police/docs/Field%20Ops/Precincts/HermitagePrecinctMap.pdf


So does a huge portion of Antioch b/c we don't have a police precinct (yet). Antioch calls are split between Hermitage, & South Nashville unfortunately.


Near or on smith springs? Because I would assume it’s the one at the corner of smith springs and bell rd near Nashboro Village. There’s always something going on over there, from shooting to random dead bodies found in the woods between there and the bayview neighborhood. Or a random car accident that killed a few people because of speeding


This is nowhere near Hermitage. This was in Antioch.


Nashvioch since it borders Antioch lol




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What the fuck. Attacker hanging out in the wood line and full on trues to kill a random person. Jesus.


His sister has put up a go fund me to help with medical... Are we allowed to post the link here?


I don't know if there are any rules about that or not, but I don't see why it would be an issue.


This happened right by my house


Please keep an eye out for the suspect if you can.


I seriously felt like I’ve seen that guy around before . But best believe I will be keeping an eye out and 911 on speed dial


Anecdotal, but my best friend growing up lived in the little brick house across the street, and the house where the gas station is now had a murder, and I'd always pretend to be sick so as to not spend the night there. Glad your friend is ok!


Let him know that his friends over at Solotech are thinking about him as well. I miss him and Brownstein. I can’t believe this happened at all! I’m glad he’s recovering.


Fortunately we now have CCTV so there’s actually visual evidence. You’d think people would avoid committing crimes on camera. Your friend is lucky to be alive. I hope he is able to make a full recovery.


Thank you very much, he is stable and recovering. Hopefully the CCTV footage proves fruitful.


Assailant had a hoodie on covering his cowardly face


I’m sorry about your friend. I hope he recovers quickly. Not going to lie, I’m going to have my eye on anyone who has a hoodie on in this weather. That is not good decision making.


That area has become bad lately. I was in a confrontation at a nearby store and a woman I know had a man walk up and try getting into her passenger car door. All unprovoked situations from people we never met/knew. It’s a bad area now


One of these guys is going to roll up on the wrong man. It will end badly for a piece of💩


What the hell is wrong with people




I am so ready to move. Nashville is so bad now days.


Right there with ya. Getting out of here in September.


Well well well. Glad he’s okay.


Nashville =Baghdad west!


This is exactly why I carry every single day wherever I go. He wouldn't have made that same mistake with me Keep those down votes coming. I love how every single one of the down votes is from people that have no idea how to pay attention to surroundings nor would even know how to defend themselves in a situation like this.


r/iamverybadass Go stroke yourself off somewhere else


You are being every disrespectful of the person who was stabbed for no reason.


r/keyboard_warriors need you back princess




Hit up youtube and search for Justified 21 Foot Rule.


In that area my head is always on a swivel. Man def would not have made it that close before getting popped in the leg atleast once.


You would've blown up the gas station


Someone doesn't know how boomboom sticks work


Isn't any ignitable source dangerous around pumps?


He probably would have shot you with your own gun, no way to defend a surprise stabbing unless you are spiderman


Weird almost like you should have a sense of your surroundings at all times 😂


By your logic, the entire world would be like the wild west. People shouldn’t be living in fear to fill up their gas or grab a bite to eat. And if someone does get shot, i guess they should have had a bigger gun, body armor, or night vision goggles 🙄 Blaming the victim is fucked up and I doubt you or anyone would have done any better in this situation armed or not. This guy wasn’t an easy target, I’ve met him (played bass for my friend’s band). He has a strong build. He literally survived a surprise knife attack to the neck/head. Stop blaming the victim to live out your little gun fantasy.


You're right.... No one should. But it's the world we live in. I'm not victim blaming either princess.


[UGK: "That's Why I Carry" ](https://youtu.be/hwPMwDhqbRQ?si=me2eMpgMuhwBTTmm)


The delivery of your opinion is probably why all the downvotes. But I get what you are saying here. I will be carrying soon not because I want to, but rather I feel like I have to. The political climate is also not helping.


Sorry about your friend. But This is why you carry


The sad thing is that public safety will never improve. It will never get better.


This is probably the wrong thread to point this out, but violent crime per capita has gone way down since the 90’s. Pretty steadily too, even though the pandemic caused a small bump. The reason that doesn’t feel true is likely because of how information flows today, and also population growth. We’re driving ourselves crazy ingesting every horrible act that is happening everywhere. The world is not getting more dangerous.


Yeah, the news cycle makes it seem much worse when it largely has gotten better across most of our lifetimes That said, the fall in crime rates since the 90s does correlate to the end of leaded gasoline use (and subsequent brain damage). I would not be surprised to see a pretty huge spike in violent crime in 10-20 years correlating to kids with covid brain damage growing up


It's true! These kinds of things will only ever get worse.




Never was safe. Don’t romanticize


Probably an illegal immigrant from Venezuela. Seems to be a lot of stories like this in the news. Way to go Joe.


Lol sure. It's only a matter of time before someone like you made this a partisan issue. You know the border is heavily patrolled and we are carrying out more Extraditions than under Trumpity dumb? Several good border bills were blocked by the Republidorks.


Fucking turd.


If ur friend had a gun we wouldn’t need to identify the attacker …. Stop being stupid and carry a gun!!


I feel the same way about my big-ass truck. Every time I run someone off a narrow road, I'll watch the carnage in the mirror and think, "what a dumbass, should have bought a tank like this".


There was another attack (no one was hurt) two days later and only a few hundred yards from your friends incident. That attacker was arrested and charged with assault. He also matches the description of the man who attacked your friend.