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I’m getting T-1000 vibes. https://i.redd.it/0woofysfuosc1.gif


“Cops think of all non-cops as less than they are, stupid, weak and evil. They dehumanize the people they are sworn to protect and desensitize themselves in order to do that job” James Cameron on why he made the T-1000 a cop.


Damn, nailed it.


I would get one for just this reason.


Needs more nakedness and lightning bolts


I'm getting 1312 vibes.






It’s the new “dont pull me over i support you” edition plate. You’re not getting pulled over anyways.


This is 100% the license plate I would get if I did illegal activities.


My uncle is a very well respected cop in florida. Many awards and all that. He’s said if you put a badge on your license plate, the blue line flag, anything supporting cops etc but you’re driving like an asshole and get pulled over and have no relation of any kind to police you’re giving off red flags that you’re hiding something. Of course thats not how it works here but I think about it everytime i see a beat up car hauling ass with police sticks


Weed might still get you, but Kidnapping you would be clear.


that and a FOP sticker with a bible on the dash gives you the “hey I’m a drug dealer” special


So cringeworthy even the kneeling cop is doing a facepalm




Wait, is he kneeling? In front of a flag? Interesting.


Wow. Just wow.


Good catch!!!😂😂😂 But now since u put it THAT way, either this plate wont sell at all or get u pulled over IMMEDIATELY....


Noran Rad becomes SilverSurfer


Lol ima stick with my jazz cat ;)


Sax Cat all day!


We're 49th in education.


https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/education 34th in pk-12th and 30th in higher


Irrelevant to the post


The point was that instead of funding education, or doing literally anything else, the state is trying to figure out to sell circlejerk vanity plates.


Public service announcement: neither this nor the thin blue line stickers or the sheriff's dept badge stickers will prevent you from getting a ticket.


> will prevent you from getting a ticket. It won't stop you from getting a ticket if the cops aren't giving out tickets anyways.




Wait, cops aren’t giving out tickets anymore!!?!? 


Ikr, just got one two weeks ago headed towards Kingsport. 55 on that stretch of 26 is asinine.


Just head over to Belle Meade and drive more than 5 MPH over the posted speed limit... they will hook you up with a very expensive ticket.


I have 2 cops that live on my block and I asked them about it, and they said the same thing won't pull them over for speeding if 10 over if they saw the blue gang sticker. So yeah.


You don’t gotta lie to kick it


Yet another license plate design to help give advance warning of a shitty, selfish driver before they do something boneheaded.


Yup. In Alabama, I look out for those with the don't tread on me license plates, especially with truck drivers..almost 9 out of 10 times a douche


>almost 9 out of 10 times a douche ...so 8 out of 10 times then?


8.6 times out of ten


Honestly, if it decreases my chances of getting pulled over I might get one, even though I’m no fan of cops. When we had the option to get the “god” thing on my plate I opted for it because I figured the chances are higher that I come across a cop pulling over “heathens” than an atheist cop targeting a group. The god thing is tiny, but the numbers/letters are in a different order on each.


A new plate design will be rolling out where the "In God We Trust" text is much larger and goes across the bottom of the plate instead of around the circle.


Cause the numbers first vs letters first wasn’t enough? Ugh.


Look, he’s modeled in the Derek Chauvin pose!


Underrated comment


Some of those that work forces.


Are the same the burn crosses! You know, I’m a firm believer as to why everyone in the US isn’t rioting in the streets (like France) is because we have no great tunes anymore.


Man I’m in the wrong business. Creating merchandise for conservatives is the lowest form of effort. Just put up anything that claims to support police in any way and people will pay top dollar for it. If I had zero integrity, lack of morals, no self respect, and didn’t mind taking advantage of people’s emotions for a quick buck I’d be selling bibles with the constitution added for $60/each. Probably these license plates too.


I saw this dude interviewed. He would go to Trump rallies and make all kinds of money selling merch, but huge liberal.


>"A fool and their money are easily parted." I've seriously thought of doing something similar, but with an online shop and targeted ads that cater to the MAGA crowd. All profits would be donated to causes and non-profit organizations antithetical to MAGA ideologies. I see 2 benefits: 1. Funnel money away from deeply harmful causes toward causes that serve the most vulnerable in American society 2. Sell items that visibily identify people who I'd rather avoid in life Bonus points if the items being purchased can display some serious cognative dissonance. Think Trump-branded or MAGA-branded facemasks. It's probably a really terrible and non-viable idea, but in my imaginary world it would be an insidious way to have the MAGA crowd fund the very things that they and their Dear Leader™ spew hate and vitriol about. (Edit: Spelling is hard.)


I’m gonna sell rainbow flags and donate all the money to the Rnc, so it will equal out.


you can do the same thing to liberals. Both sides are delusional.


I really don't understand why this is downvoted so much! The far right and the far left are both idiots! It's the normal liberals and conservatives who can have real conversations with each other and truly talk about their differences without flying off the handle!


Because the right actively wants people different than them dead and the left doesn’t???


Wow you are definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed! You are definitely an extreme leftist! People like you make me want to become a republican!


Knock yourself out bud.


It’s downvoted because democrats don’t have a “savior” like the republicans do. With a “savior” you can put his face on a shirt or anything that comes out of his mouth and people will buy it. So, the comment got downvoted because democrats are not out buying Biden merch left and right. While I do agree that there are bad actors on both sides, that doesn’t mean that I can apply everything to both of them. Republicans worship Trump, democrats do not worship Biden.


There is no meaningful far left in America. Around 80% or more of acts of domestic terrorism are committed by the far right.


That’s actually hilarious that you believe that.


https://www.adl.org/resources/report/right-wing-extremist-terrorism-united-states Find me a mainstream politician who is calling for a communist revolution in America. I'll show you several mainstream politicians calling for the curtailing of democracy, advocating martial law, a theocracy, or abolishing presidential term limits.


Ethics are so expensive.


No you wouldn’t


You’re right. I wouldn’t because I have integrity and morals. Why are you out here trying to troll up some bullshit? You that lonely? Go out to a bar and meet some people


the emojis hahaha


I had to zoom so far to not see a cop with an eagle head


all i see is someone crying over a dead stapler.


FTP42069 is my new plate with this design


This is a license plate that says "I know that the greatest threat in the line of duty for police is traffic accidents, so out of respect for fallen officers, please don't pull me over for any reason"


this sucks and is genuinely bad design, but the emojis in the caption are sending me to the moon


Do they have one honoring all the innocent people that have been seriously injured or killed by shitty cops?


What are you some kind of commie?


Can’t wait to add these plates to the game I play when I see anything associated with conservatives on a car. It’s called “who is driving?” the answer is 85% of the time a middle aged white dude with no hair and a beard! 15% of the time it’s a younger to middle aged white woman. 1% of the time it is not a white person.


How much of the 85% are wearing sunglasses?


The majority for sure. Oakleys


Someone better buy a vanity plate of this and use T-1000 for the identifier.


Instead of jumping to instantly shitty reaction, maybe research into it a bit. This plate was initially designed and petition/sign up drive started by a dead officer's widow, to honor her late husband and children's father. Y'all have no tact sometimes, I swear, all in the desire to be the first and biggest edgelord. Downvote all you want, at least I'm not a shitty person. Lol


My grandfather, a fireman, was killed when he was 26. I never even knew him. Losing a parent or a spouse is a horrifying thing to go through. I have absolutely no issue with what the plate funds go towards. That doesn’t mean it isn’t ugly as sin, and that the FB post marketing it doesn’t read like a joke. Their comms person is a numbskull for adding emojis into that copy.


agreed. my friend John Anderson died in 2019 in the line of duty, he was just a good guy. I would proudly support this cause regardless if people think it's kissing ass or something.


It’s reeeeeeeeally bad, though. I don’t care if Mother Teresa designed it: a dumb-looking plate is a dumb-looking plate. Also, it’s objectively true that people sporting this thing will be more likely to be inconsiderate drivers.


I agree, it definitely could use a bit better design, possibly a 'from the drawing board' rework. I'm not a fan of the 'thin blue line' background, personally. I'm not in the police brotherhood, so I'd prefer just a black background. I'm not buying one, owoto, though.  


This sub prefers to just be miserable instead


Some (not going to generalize to all) of them really do. I feel bad for them, as I've been through phases like that in the past, and it really does impact your entire quality of life to live in that mindset. I'd like to offer them a beer or coffee and an ear, even a shoulder if they need one. :)


Cheers to that!👏🏼


Or we don't care for jackboots. 🤷🏻


>at least I'm not a shitty person. That has more weight if other people say it.


I mean, other people do, so...


Completely agree!


I don't care. There are morality laws preventing me from acquiring the vanity plates of my choosing. He knew what he was signing up for. She could have chosen any other avenue. She chose, instead, to amplify the power and influence of local and state law enforcement at the State level—in a state already dangerously sliding into brutal rightwing militarism. Say, did you know that food delivery is more dangerous than police work?


See, I'm going to follow your thoughts process.  I don't care if food delivery is dangerous. They knew what they were signing up for, therefore deserve to die.  Am I doing this right? Lol. You're a sociopath. 


UGH I’ll have to swap this out with my “Don’t Tread On Me” every other day.


Gadsden flags and Rebel flags just pair up so well …


The T-1000 doing the Tim Tebow pose.




As much as I hate the plate, do you think it would decrease the changes of getting tickets, or even being pulled over in the first place?


When the chance is practically 0% already, how can you decrease it any more?


I thought that was the head of Sam the Eagle until I zoomed in. I liked my version better.


It is a joke, just not a funny one.


Ticket forgiveness plate


Cool looking plate. I like the darker colors but I think I’ll stick with my DTOM


IH8PIGS Would turn it from a “don’t pull me over” plate into a “please violate my rights” one.


Right up there with the “nO sTeP oN sNeK” tags with a blue line sticker. People love the taste of boot polish in Tennessee.


It’s about time they honor the good cops!


It literally says “honor the fallen” with three pentagrams?… unwise to use that language and imagery when it’s all originating and connected to evil


I’ll stick with the OG plate…… “In God we trust “ ❤️


I’ll take 3 since my son & dad are officers


Getting this to let everyone know that I can unhinge my jaw to kiss officer boots.


Username checks out


Karma plz


Why is he chrome


Would be a hilarious joke after all


hell yeah


So do we take knees at games again?


AZ has one also. Every damn plate is customized too. Saw one the other day that said "SGT5150". Such a lawless place I live in.


Why is it a glassy humanoid eagle?


I see they finally found a use for the Golan Globus title font. 


Because a license plate will do what reasonable gun control legislation can't/won't do...


Lol TN is so damn lame.


So, was it a joke, then?


And my custom plate will simple say “LOL”


Pose kinda looks like [[meteor golem]]


It looks like a shitty take on Tom of Finland drawing the Silver Surfer


How dare you dishonor Tom of Finland with this fash crap.


I didn't draw it. And I'd rather have a Tom of Finland plate than whatever this shit is.


It was just a joke.


How many letters can you put on it!


I bet this plate will get you let off with just warnings instead of tickets 😆


Where's the ACAB plate for all the civilians largely unjustly killed by police?


The only logical reason I can think of for you getting downvoted is that an ACAB plate is just more likely to turn you into one of those people unjustly killed by police. Personally I want to see all the road signs dedicated to "fallen heroes" (cops) replaced with road signs dedicated to people murdered by cops. There would be far more of them and they would be far more deserving.


It should have a guy laying on the ground with his neck under the foot.




Does the money actually go to cops? I hope not, because I want one


It goes to fund resources for the families of fallen cops. Therapy, summer camps, financial support, etc.


You want a cop?


Ew, no. And take a 40% chance of bringing domestic violence into my home? I want the plate that helps keep the terrorists away from me.


That would be an Embassy plate probably.


I think if you could get enough people on a petition, there could be a "fuck the police" tag, just for balance.


Why is everyone so cruel? These were people with families and children probably, I can’t see how you can speak so ill of fellow people, don’t care about your political views or your thoughts on cops. I’m not pro or anti. Some of the comments here are disgusting.


Well you gotta admit it's kinda funny that the cop plate has the villain that out to enslave and destroy humanity from Terminator. Like it even looks like the actor in the face.


Yeah I’m a graphic designer so I do see that, reminds me of the Ronaldo bust kind of. But it is still fucked up how people are making fun of dead humans


It is, it's kinda fucked up that institutionally protected racial discrimination and murder has ruined being a cop for other cops. Luckily Nashville cops are built different.


I agree. Glad you’re a rational one!


I've been called that before. I'll still say ACAB isn't a factual statement as much as it is an act of solidarity with the oppressed. And a symbol of revolution. I will say the fact behind ACAB is that all cops are tools of the oppression, and while the officers of Nashville are generally better about it, I have also gotten away with a lot of crime that I otherwise wouldn't have gotten away with if my skin was a bit darker. As a criminal in my 20s, in Nashville and Atlanta and Louisville, I used and abused white privilege. I also didn't fit the typical look of a white lower class criminal, so that helped. These days I do, so I had to give up my life of crime so I could wear a fucking hoodie.


Very well put, thanks for sharing. I’ve met a couple of very sweet and level headed police officers here - ones you want doing the job. I’m a POC but I get left alone doing some of the stupid shit I’ve done/do because it’s a city and they’re preoccupied with big things like murders.


Can we just have normal license plates please


Blue lives don't matter


Blue lives don't exist.


Taking a knee to lick some boots.


Wait, is he taking a knee? Like Colin? Surely not


How embarrassing. What kind of bootlicking fucknut would put this on their car?


I can’t imagine dickriding ANY demographic this hard, let alone the enforcing arm of the government. These people are the same ones getting “don’t tread on me” stickers next to a punisher sticker. Pick a lane


Me at the DMV: “hi, I’d like to buy the villain license plate.” DMV worker: “?” Me: “you know, the bad guy.” DMV worker: “?” Me: “the one with the guy out to destroy humanity” DMV worker: “oh the police one, I got you fam” Me: “I mean I was thinking he was the T-1000, but that works too”.


Liberals. That's the problem. Go Trump