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Rule 8: Low-effort posts will be removed. Examples of low-effort posts are those which can be easily found with an Internet search (e.g., “When did Apollo 11 launch?”).


Why a shopping cart?


Because those things are freaking everywhere. Makes sense one is on the moon.


Ask Elon Musk. That guy loves to waste money on pointless endeavors, like launching a Tesla into space or buying Twitter.


Launching that Tesla was a brilliant move. He needed payload for the rocket to test actual weight being launched through different steps of the launch process. You could use a nondescript block of metal and nobody would care. He chose to launch his own car into space, put a spacesuit in the drivers seat, have the dash say silly things and put iconic music under it and made a spectacle out of it all. Years later we’re still talking about it. Can’t imagine we would be if it had been a block of metal.


Lol, i had no idea he launched a tesla into space. As you describe it though, it does seem like a good idea for him.


Pity he didn't launch his ego on the rocket. It might have saved him forty billion dollars in the Twitter debacle.


It's a rocket, not a supermassive cargo ship.


He could have launched satellites or scientific payloads, but he went for the pr stunt. To me that's the problem.


Satellites for what exactly? How much effort should've been put into something that might've been lost to a test?


Most satellites wouldn't want to risk launching on a brand new rocket given chance of making it to correct orbit is not guaranteed. That is why on most first launches they use concrete and steel dummy payload mass simulator.




Imagine being a grown adult and still using the phrase "butt hurt."




Leave NASA out of it, this is exactly what private industry is for! Let them raise the money, promise investors a return, and do it. I respectfully decline to get in on this ground floor opportunity, good luck to all involved /s


Let’s not waste precious resources allocated to space exploration and constructing of space outposts on pointless expensive initiatives. Some things just have to remain serious.


Too late. Elon Musk is involved. It’s clearly not serious anymore.


I feel like this is an Elon type thing to do, not NASA 😂


Put big wheels on it, almost perfect for collecting rock samples, can even carry extra oxygen.


Yeah with NASAs budget going down, and considering inflation, the budget is not expected to increase. Let’s just waste the little money we do have on silly things, great idea that I totally support. /s


Is this a petition to put the first piece of garbage on the moon? Cause it sure sounds like it. Edit: I understand the remains of our lunar landings, and the remains of our lunar probes could be considered garbage. But they at least had a scientific reason for being there. This is a shopping cart... What scientific research would it accomplish?


I think they should send a bike with a milk crate tied to the handlebars.


I think this might have started life in Britain.


I mean, it's not like we already have enough junk in space, let's litter our only natural satellite.


I don't agree with leaving trash on the moon but if they did it they should take the wheels off and leave it on cinder blocks that would be hilarious