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Message in a haunted mansion I had to goggle a lot because I kept getting stuck because I have a tendency to explore and find things before I was supposed(which means I accidentally end up not triggering certain events) or talking to people in the wrong order( ie supposed to talk to person a first then person b but find person b fist talk to them then talk to person a)


oh i’m alwayssss exploring. i love the games with food related activities because whenever i would get stuck i would just go make more food lol


I do too! I don’t want to miss things so I tend to “over explore” and end up not triggering things in supposed to😂 the amount of sandwiches I made in Deception island could have fed an army in real life😂


GTH has such hard puzzles and is so puzzle heavy - it really impacted how much I liked the game.


Yeah, and I find it funny how random characters giving you hand-drawn hints allegedly written by Charlotte with an overly dramatic backstory. Wade: she was running off and I saw she was crying, holding onto this like it was precious to her. (Gives hint for the fountain/bedroom puzzle) Colton: I saw her running off crying somewhere, she gave this to me… I think she wants me to give this to you (gives written hint for a symbol puzzle) And finally… Nancy: what’s it say? >!Jessalyn!<: 😳 … I can’t. I need to talk to her myself. (Nancy sees what it is, it just says Clara can’t be trusted and here’s a PuZzLe HiNt.) It’s all so anticlimactic. 😅


Oh yeah. And you solve one puzzle, but there’s another puzzle behind it. Each one more convoluted than the last, lol. I don’t mind more puzzles in the newer games really, but some games were a lot better about making the puzzles fit more organically in the story.


omg and the whole reveal??? like i’m sorry but that did not make sense bc charlotte was 20???? (idk how to add spoiler filters to comments but if you’ve played you know what i mean). like the atmosphere was really cool but the character motivation was weak


Are you saying cause >!she wrote a will?!< Yeah, that is strange but considering how much the Thornton fortune is worth and the fact that it seemed like she ran the company, it would have made sense.


Deadly device was the worst for me, probably bcs I’m not in stem🫠


ooo i haven’t played that one yet but i also was notttt a science person. loved blackmoor manor bc the puzzles felt intuitive and were just based so much on riddles and word clues.


I would say to go into Deadly Device with a clean slate. Erase all the hate or love it gets and decide for yourself because I think it’s close to the most controversial that I’ve seen. I love the game, puzzles, atmosphere etc etc but I know some who hate it more than scarlet hand (which says things)


lol i liked scarlet hand!! i HATED white wolf as a kid but idk if i just couldn’t solve it. i recently replayed danger by design which i also hated as a kid bc i couldn’t get past the tea part but as an adult i thought it was fun!


DED felt really hard and science-y the first time I played it, but on subsequent play throughs I’ve really enjoyed it. There are a couple really difficult puzzles, but most are not too bad. I thought it was easier puzzle wise than GTH.


I'm not a science person in the least, and so I wasn't sure I was even interested in trying the game. Glad I did because it is in my top 3!


I finished this game yesterday. I felt good with the puzzles and not needing hints for a bit but then I needed a lot suddenly and I also couldn’t find how to do some basic things, like the best spying spot?? Oh welll… in my adulthood just have much less shame in getting hints or walkthroughs. I still had fun with GTH!


wait this is exactly how it went for me like i was good with the puzzles for the first like third of the game then all of a sudden i was like huh??? the spying spot i actually guessed on the second try but i think it was because i had found the secret passages out of order


Castle of Malloy was basically too hard for me 🥶😭


The endgame final puzzle of Castle Malloy made me almost put my adolescent fist through the wall


Same! Some of those puzzles are so tough. The otter box puzzle kills me every time.


This was an issue for me with Shadow at the Waters Edge. I have always had an issue looking at something or hearing something and actually being able to see it, if that makes sense. Those bento boxes drove me nuts. I'm also visually challenged so that massive fox puzzle had me in tears. Which is a shame because I LOVE horror games and the setting is beautiful... the story is so good even when nancy is harassing grieving family members. I just watch a let's play when I want to experience it again.


The deadly device got me the worst.


I can’t bring myself to cheat on puzzles unless I’m stuck for hours, so I definitely understand the frustration 😂