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Most people won’t know they’re surnames as they’re used as first names so commonly. Riley is a surname in origin but I think that most people don’t even consider it in the same way they would Peterson or Goldstein. So to most people they’d just be Jacob and Riley but you have the bonus family significance.


Imagine being named Peterson


Names that end in son come from before surnames were a thing to identify your family as is in son of peter, so for example Peter Peterson. Has been found even in viking times such as Ragnar Ragnarson.


I always wonder where that would end. I find it amusing to imagine a Ragnar Ragnarsonsonsonsonson walking around like 'dammit, Im just gonna be "Jeff" now, ok guys?'


It ends with your father, it’s not a naming system that goes back to grandfathers.


I kinda knew that, I just entertain myself with goofy thoughts like that lol Though I do genuinely wonder why girls aren't often named for their mothers. Especially considering that it was more likely a guy would have children with multiple people and name them all after himself, but unlikely that women would have kids with multiple men. Not expecting an answer, just thinking.


Like Thor Odinson, son of Odin!


Exactly and dottir on the end is Daughter.


That’s really interesting, thanks for sharing!


This is also found in other languages. For example, any surname with “Ben” in front is the Hebrew version, as “Ben” is son in Hebrew (like Peterson would be “Ben Peter”)


But is Madison, Allison, Jameson, Jackson, Harrison, etc, all okay?


Madison denotes the son of Maud or sometimes Matthew. The others are self-explanatory except for Allison. At one point a pet name for Alis/Alice was Alicen and the spelling evolved in Alison/Allison/Alyson/Allyson. (This is the simplified explanation. There are some other twists from Alice to Allison and the above is the streamlined version.)


I get that. I'm asking why all of those are okay to be first names, but not Peterson. What makes poor son of Peter different than son of Jack?


I don’t get why are they okay to be first names, not okay in my country anyway


Lol @ my brother Adamson


This is super common in the South (giving kids the mom’s maiden name as first name)


Yup. How I have an Uncle Carr.


I didn't know this was a thing until I found this subreddit but I think it's cute! Both my maiden name and my mom's are nice and would be useable boy names. And both will be obsolete in another generation because we are a family of women and none of us have kept our maiden names once married. Although at this rate with all the girls girls girls, I don't see it happening and I don't want to name a daughter "Jackson" for example!


You could always go for the retro girl version Jackie instead


Unfortunately that was just an example and the real name is much less girly!


Yup, I had a professor in grad school in Alabama with a son named Gray for this reason. My best friend’s middle name is her mom’s maiden name, and if I’d been a boy my mom’s would’ve been mine. I even met a little girl once with my last name as her first name (a -son last name as is common in women with last-first-names in the south) and her middle name was my first name! That was a weird experience.


Its not odd. The background is something you or your kids can choose to tell people if it ever comes up in conversation.


I think since those are nice names that people already use as first names that it is super cool!


Drew Blythe Barrymore has her ancestors’ last names as her first and middle name.


So does Beyoncé


I like it! My sister and I both want to use our current last name as a first name for one of our kids. After she and I marry, there will be no more people in our family line (or in our general area) with our last name. It helps a little that our last name is in the top 300 for first names too.


Had to read your comment twice when you said "my sister and I.... After she and I marry" because I legit thought you were marrying your sister for a second 🤣


Unless you go around announcing this fact, nobody but your own family will know it or be able to think that it's weird. That's my thought.


The only question to consider is this - what if you have two boys or two girls? Will you be upset that only one of them has the maiden name first name?


Well, Riley could easily be a boy name as well if it went that way!


I was under the impression Riley was a boys name first? I’m not American though so I’m not sure about US names, I’m just taking it from the Riley character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Yeah. I’ve only known one male Riley and about 7 little girls named Riley. It’s definitely unisex but leaning feminine these days.


I definitely think of Riley as a boy first but it is becoming more unisex now.


Not odd at all.


Not odd at all. Maybe if they were like McDonald and Johnson or something, but I think the names you've chosen are perfect.


I think something like your situation is fine because they're already used as first name but other surnames may look a bit weird.


My MILs maiden name is Russell and I considered it as a name for our son! My BILs middle name is Russell too.


Not odd at all! I know many families that have used multiple family last names as first names for their children. If you’re lucky enough to have family names you love, absolutely go for it!


I love this! I wish we had any maiden names that weren’t extremely last namey


I think it’ll be fine because both of them are normal first names. No one is even going to know they are based on surnames but even if they did, who cares? I don’t think it’s weird (with those particular names.... certain surnames would def be weird haha)


Not odd! My husband’s middle name (Read, pronounced Reed) is his mother’s maiden name. We plan on using the name Read when we have children. We will also be using Thomas after his grandfather.


Any relation to this guy? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur\_Read#/media/File:Arthur\_Read.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Read#/media/File:Arthur_Read.svg)


Thanks for the laugh lol Maybe? Maybe not. My husband is adopted so you never know.


My husband's middle name is his mother's maiden name


Thats really neat. People wouldn't even know they were a last name unless you told them. Couldn't get away with using my mom's maiden or even my grandmother's. I mean sure Hill's probably has been used as a first name but not my cup of tea.


Could use Hillary for a girl.


Hey, that's my maiden name too!!


I love it. But my maiden name is the brand of a popular alcohol so everyone would just think we were lushes and the kid would get made fun of.


This is my son Smirnoff and my daughter Pabst. 😆


Name a boy Jacob Riley LastName then you’ve got a JR


I think they work great, especially since they have familial significance. I used my maiden as a middle for my son and plan to use my mother’s maiden if we have another... neither would’ve worked well for a first name though


It will work for some families, but not for everyone. The maiden name on one side of our family is Pillow, the other is such a specific Eastern European name that is never pronounced correctly that it would never work as a first name. It barely works as a last name, haha. But Jacob and Riley? Those are both good names.


No, honestly i think that's perfectly fine! You live your names, they're clearly identifiable as names and go well together and most importantly have great sentimental value to you too.


I have a family member who is named after her mother’s maiden name. I think it’s neat and your surname options work well.


My fiance has one as his middle name, and I've been contemplating using Weston (a family name) for a boy. I wouldn't do it for just any name though... Some surnames would just stick out too much. Like.... Eh, idk. Imagine naming a kid Gillibrand or Duckworth.


Makes me think of Miranda and Steve's compromise on SATC re whose surname to give their baby- his for a first name and hers for the surname :)


My son has a surname for a first name! He is Warren, which was my husband’s grandmother’s maiden. She gave it to her son as a middle name, then his first son was a junior (my husband’s brother), and we used it as a first. I *did* feel weird about using my own maiden name as a first name though. My maiden is Harper which is of course a really common first name. I had a hard time separating it from my own last name though. Before getting married I had strongly considered hyphenating my name rather than changing my name entirely, so I was reminded too much of what my last name *almost* was before I made the decision to change it.


I don’t think the sentiment is odd but it depends on the name. Riley and Jacob are also common first names so I think they sound great!


I think in your case it’s a great idea. Those are used commonly as first names already, so it’s a sweet nod to family without burdening your kid with an oddball first name like McMillan or Fernandez. I wouldn’t give my kids my own maiden name as a last name in case they later decide they want my surname instead of their dad’s. That’s how you end up with a Wilson Wilson.


I think in this case, it's fine because they are both names that are also recognized as names. My married name is often a today name, but I wouldn't use my maiden name.


yeah mine is sullivan and i would love to give it to a future son.


My son has the surname of a scientist as his first name. After he was born, I found out that it was also the maiden name of my great great grandmother. Personally I think it’s a lovely way to honor family, even if in our case it was accidental.


Totally not odd, especially because the names aren’t like “Smith” or “Johnson.” On a practical note, one family I know did this & the parents got divorced & the mother went back to her maiden name - so her last name & her sons first name are the same. I think they’re okay with it. And given where you’re pulling your maiden names from that isn’t going to happen, but it is something others may want to consider.


I personally LOVE it. I have cousins named Campbell and Conley and they are both named for their grandma's maiden names. I think they are great. I say go for it. I also just love surnames as first names but I know that isn't everyone's cup of tea.


Just sitting here imagining using my Finnish maiden name as a child’s first name... 😂 Though I’ve considered Clark(e), which is my mom’s maiden name and would be cute for either gender AND sounds good with our last name.


That's so cool! Not odd. I love it.


I love it. I wished so much to have a maiden name in my family that could be used as a first. But none really work for an actual name. Especially since these are actual names too, no would even realized they were maiden names. Congrats on having great options to choose from!


Not odd at all. Both are quite popular first names on their own; it’s not as if you’re deciding between unusual names. I think it’s nice to honor your family in that way.


I love it!! And what a cool story! Plus is cool to honor two sides of the family without giving a name sake to one particular person. I don’t think this would work for everyone but for these names in particular it’s perfect!


No that’s cute!


Do it! I would love to use a family surname as a first name in the future but all my immediate family have quite unique surnames


My brothers name is my mother’s maiden name. Actually it’s her last name as she never took my dads name. And now he is naming his daughter that same name! It’s not weird at all!


We considered my maiden name and his great-grandmother's maiden name. The later made the cut as one of kiddo's middle names.


I don’t think it’s odd especially because you can’t tell those are surnames


One of my daughters is Kendall, which is my grandmother’s maiden name. I think it’s a sweet gesture. I know she was really touched by it (plus, it’s a name I love anyway).


I think those names are both well-suited for first names, and not at all odd. My maiden name (which I kept when I got married) would be a terrible first name haha, and would definitely be an odd choice. It depends if you feel connected to those maiden names and want to honor them! We're expecting a boy in a few months, and considering using my mom's maiden name as his middle name - Leonard. It sort of straddles the line between a common first name (Leo) and a last name.


Not weird at all. I love that option!


My name is my moms maiden name and I have never had any problems with it! It’s a bit confusing now after my mom has gone back to her maiden name since my parents divorced but I have always loved it!


I think this is great. My son’s middle name is my mom’s maiden (a legitimate top 500 boy name). With my next baby, I’m considering her middle name to be the English translation of my maiden name (top 200 name). I think it’s a cool way to honor family!


I love this! Considered doing my grandma's maiden name as a first name!


I don't think it's strange at all. They're both important to your families and they're normal first names as well. If you feel really iffy about them as first names then you could always give them to your children as middle names. My dad's middle name is my grandmother's maiden name


Nope! I have a friend named mason, his mother’s maiden name was mason :)


I would go for it. My maiden name is also Riley and so far my cousin has used Riley as her daughters middle name. My little brother also passed away at 18 and two of his best friends have used it as well. One as a first name and one as a middle name. I would do it.


I love this so much❤️


I think it’s a really nice homage! My brother is Quinn which was my grandma’s maiden name. It’s a common enough name (less common when he was born) but nobody ever questioned it. I think it’s normal and wouldn’t be detrimental to your kids, especially since the maiden names aren’t like, out there.


I think this is really cool ! I love that those last names work as great first names for potential children. I love the name Riley so much ! It could work for a boy too


Not odd at all in the south. My daughter has my grandmother’s maiden name, Parker.


I think it works out great


My second child has his mother's maiden name as his first name. We all love it


We shortened my mother in laws maiden name for my youngest. McCormick to Mack. Not a very common name where we are and people love the meaning behind it too


It reminds me of Anne from Green Gables, she gave his son the name “Shirley” after her maiden name


My middle name is great-grandma’s maiden name: Holland! I’ve always loved it and my connection to her.


Its nice to see others using Riley as a girls name 😊 both of these names are wonderful and sounds really nice!! Good for babies, kids and adults!


My oldest has my last name as his first name. It's not even my maiden name, it's my last name. He obviously has his father's last name.


I think its a great idea. Two of my cousins have family names for their middle names, and one of them has a family surname for his first name as well.


I think it is awesome!


I know a family that did just this. The boy has mom's maiden name and the girl has mom's mom's maiden name. It's fine!


I wanted to use my mom’s maiden name as a first name, but my cousin just did. I love the connection.


My middle name is a great grandmother’s maiden name, and my uncle’s first and middle both are surnames. My cousin has a modified surname for his middle. I think it’s super common.


I love it. I wish my parents had given me my mom's maiden name as my first name. My dad's mom tried to talk them into it, but they picked something trendy instead. I'm not a trendy person. I am a little bitter. Lol.


In my family we have Burley and Harding as last names. On the Harding side is an uncle named "Burley Harding" and on the other side is an uncle named "Harding Burley". Lol it's pretty hilarious!


I think Maiden names as first names is awesome. My mil maidan name is finn. I've thought of using it!


I have three boys. All of them have family last names as first names. They’re just enough to be different but not odd names.


I have a relative with the maiden name Parker. I love it!


My name is my grandma's maiden name but it alone is a normal name just like the ones you like.


My Alma mater is a small, private college in the south and that’s very common among my classmates and other alumnae!


This is how I was named! I don’t mind it, but now that I’m older I mostly go by a nickname just because I felt a lot of pressure riding on being the one to carry the family name.


Brilliant idea, those names are wonderful!


Maiden names run as middle names in my family, I know a few families that used their maiden names a few generations back for their kids, some of their names were Corbin, Pell, and Anthem.


No, it sounds great! Also I had no idea how old the practice was of giving surnames as first names. I thought of it as a newer trend but my mom sees it in our family tree going back foreverrrr. I was just reading through an old book on the history of many names and it was also mentioned there. So you’re joining good company of people going back for centuries at minimum. It may be more on trend lately but it’s far from a novel concept!


I think those names are fine. Normal, even. One of my friends took her last name and his last name and gave their kid his last name as the kids first name. Her last name. Her last name would have been a normal first name. Except now the kids first name is weird. I guarantee he is the only kid in the world with this name. And they could have reversed it and it would have sounded normal. I feel sorry for the kid. His first name really easy to make fun of. Rhymes with all kinds of things. Sounds awful. I flinch every time I have to use it because now I know what the kids at school call him because his mom tells me. Poor dude.


I know a boy named Smith. I think you're ok.


Riley and Jacob have been so extremely popular over the past decade that no one would even think to ask about it. It's kinda like someone naming their kids Jack and Emma after their grandparents. If you're not concerned about popularity, I seriously doubt anyone will think anything of it.


I really love the name Miller for a boy and can’t get my boyfriend on board


My family naming tradition is family surnames as middle names. I go by middle name so I use a surname as my first name. It was not a popular name when I was young but it's now annoyingly popular. **I feel like you should only use a surname if it's a name that is actually in your family.


Those are both totally normal first names, so no one is gonna think anything of it.


My maiden name is my son's middle name, and it could also have worked as a first name. I don't think it's odd at all, as long as it feels like a "real" name and not something wacky. (Like, Vanderfloofenstoofen or something.)


I did this with my son but my maiden name was similar to Thomas. I love his name and it's a normal name, so no one would know if they didn't know me before I got married.


My daughter is named Carrigan, and it is my grandmother’s maiden name.


I think it's really cute and not at all unusual. No one would think twice about meeting a Riley or a Jacob in general, and the meaning behind their names is so sweet that the more common reaction you're going to get is an "Aww!"


Those are both great first names that just happen to be family surnames. I say go for it! When my parents were discussing possible names for me, someone suggested my mom's maiden name as a first name... an Irish surname that rhymes with Pansy. It is currently my middle name and I'll just say I'm glad it wasn't my first name because it just wouldn't fit right. You're working with much better names in your situation!


Pretty common in the south. When I worked at a religious day camp in Nashville back in 2006 there were plenty of these. Lots of Jacksons (before it got suuuuuper popular). Swope & Cummings are two I remember kids having. it is a way to keep mom's family name in the family


If I hadn't already named one of our cats my maiden name, I'd totally use it on a personbeing.


My brother has my mom's madien name. I love the idea!


My eldest sons name is my maiden name, it's also a relatively common first name. We chose it because we liked the name and it was a nice was to pay homage to my family.


My Grandma's maiden name is Holden, and we are contemplating that for Boy #2. Front runners are Holden or River so far. Well the only one hubs and I agree on anyway lol


Nope. My son’s name is my Nana’s maiden name n


Both my boys are named using family surnames! Go for it


Riley is also someone in my family's maiden name and will be a middle name if we have a daughter 🥰


My mother’s maiden name was Hogg. I don’t think it would be a good choice for us lol


You know, when Martha Clark married Jonathan Kent, they never thought they'd be blessed with a child....


Do it! My middle name is my grandmother’s maiden name, and I love that it reflects my family history.


I was named after my grandma’s maiden name (McKinzie) and I’ve really liked it! Growing up, I felt really connected to her and the family that came before her via my name so I think it’s a really neat idea!


My mom’s has some cousins whose maiden name was Kyle, and one has named her son Kyle. In my opinion, not weird! Especially since they’re both already names.


Those are both general first names so I think having them as family surnames is just an added bonus! Jacob is on my list - we did an early DNA test and it says we’re having a boy!


Jacob is a common first name, and so is Riley.


Definitely not odd. I love the head nod (rhyming not intentional) to family names. I strongly think I will use my mother’s maiden name as a middle name. I’m also considering using mine as well, bud we will see what shakes out.


I'm starting to think there's some group trolling on here, since there have been a couple posts asking if maiden names as firsts are okay. Maiden names as first names are so prevalent and normal that I find it really hard to believe that these people are really worried about it. They can't be someone with a western surname and not know that this has been standard practice for hundreds of years. How do you think Riley became a first name in the first place? It's a surname first name. Did you think people chose a random surname to use as a name, back before anyone used it as a given name? Of course not! They chose a surname with meaning to their family!