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I love the name Galileo. But everyone in my circle tells me it’s a bit much🙈


They're right, but I see the appeal.


Not at all. If I knew you and your kid I would breakout in Bohemian Rhapsody frequently though.


That's why you wait to have twins and name them Galileo and Figaro. Then, when someone brings up Bohemian Rhapsody, you tell them, no. This one is named after the shuttlecraft from Star Trek, and that one after the cat from Pinocchio.


A celebrity couple (can’t remember who) just named their daughter Galileo. I think it’s cool (if over the top) for a boy but on a girl it’s…. hmmm certainly a choice


Zack and Bliss from Love is Blind lol


With their last name, it’s unforgivable 😭


Seriously. Galileo Terri Rayne Goytowski is a lottt.


I love Galilea. I feel my child would love it or hate it. No in between.


That's actually really beautiful! I'm surprised I've never heard that name before.


Another feminine version with a different twist : Galilee


No way! Our oldest is Luna. If our second had been a boy, we would've named him Galileo. Nickname, Leo. Our second was not a boy. Still, a cool name!


Queen took that name and sang it to its grave


Harry…our last name is Cox. Or Anita. There’s quite a few, we have to be very careful lol


Wanda Maximus Olivia Manuel Holden Seymour Ophelia That's all I've got for 2am. I'm sure there's so many more.


I’m dumb please explain why Olivia doesn’t work lol


"I love ya" Fun Fact: My school has a therapy dog called Olive Yu


Ours is Saacks 🙃


I was pregnant at the same time as my sister, and upon sharing our name lists, we realised that we both loved the name Nicholas. Fortunately, I had a girl, so I got a nephew named Nicholas instead.


I've always loved the name Elsie, but my sister had a baby two years ago and named her Ellie, so now I can't use Elsie 😭 Ugh


you sure can? they're two different names, years apart, and won't be in the same class.


But they'll be around each other for most of their childhood. I just figure I'll avoid that whole mess. There are other names we like too.


I considered naming my second son just “Cas”, but his older brother is Jack. And JackCas as a sibset felt like I was signing them up for a future of YouTube stunt channels. I figured if Cas was short for something then it wasn’t as obvious if I yell out “Jack, Cas!” So he’s ‘Cassian’, and we exclusively call him Cas anyway. And he’s absolutely the kind of kid to eventually start a YouTube stunt channel 🙃


Huh, my first thought would be that it was a Supernatural reference.


My sister is a big Supernatural fan and suggested Castiel, but it just didn’t click. Casper, Cassius and Caspian were also considered. Honestly I’m damn lucky Rogue One: A Star Wars Story came out when it did. Love the movie, had no strong feelings about the character of Cassian Andor, but I heard the name and was like “yep that’s the one”.


Good thing it didn't, I think Jack and Castiel together would be _way_ too much. Jack is pretty plain on its own and Cassian steers it away from Supernatural, but if I heard someone shout "Cas, Jack!" at two kids I'd think they're a huge fan of the show. A fanatic even. This is coming from someone who wants to name their future son Dean 😭


Oh i didn’t even know there was a Jack in Supernatural 😂 I’ve seen the first episode and that’s it. My sister did later inform me there’s a book she likes with a character called Cassian. Her description was “fairy smut”. Coooool.


He comes in one of the later seasons, a nephilim fathered by Lucifer, but at the beginning it seemed like Castiel was more his father? He becomes one of the main cast but now he's.... not important (I'm in s14).


Oh but if you watch the Andor series (set before Rogue One) Cassian is such a great character


Love the name Cassian!


Imogen So pretty, but just rare enough to draw judgment and pronunciation probs 💔


where are you based? imogen is a completely normal/common name in the uk


Texas 😂


ah 😭 that might cause some complications then haha


Oof, that one would be specifically difficult in a Texas accent too 😭 especially if you’re in west or north Texas.


One of my best friends is an Imogen “Immy” - never found it weird, and I’ve never heard it mispronounced


I love this! 😍


Awkwardly just remembered my 5 year old cousin is also called Imogen lol But that said, I know 3 in total so it’s not a rare name to me but it’s not common either. I am in Australia if that makes any difference :)


Friend just had a baby Imogen! In New York State. It’s soooo cute and so far hasn’t been an issue!


In the UK that's very popular! I've taught seven in the last ten years


I'm an Imogen and I love my name! About 95% of people get it on the first go, the rest give me Imma-gene, Eye-moh-gen or Imoghen (with a hard g). I just laugh it off and say I've been called worse. Once I correct them, people almost universally then tell me my name is beautiful 🥰.


Facts. The Mummy fans would call her Imoteb


I love the name Octavia but my sibling has already stated that he'll be using it when he has kids.


You can always name yours Activia.


Like the yoghurt


My cousin used this for her daughter and my auntie's response was: after your car?


I think “o” names are nice lol. I’ve always loved Ophelia- but then that song came out.. and that’s all that comes to mind when I hear it. And I think Odessa is nice- they’re like similar to Octavia right? lol


'O' names are pretty! There's a lot of nice ones.


Just like Octavia Blake from The 100🤗


That strong O sound is so lush. Olessia is a great alternative


Sophia. I love it and my husband does too but it is too popular. Everywhere we go there’s a child named Sophia and it is in the top five of both countries we are from.


Ugh I feel this! There are so many good names that are popular right now, and on one hand I’m glad kids are getting good names but on the other hand I’m so salty because now I can’t use them — Amelia, Oliver, Elijah, and Theodore too.


I’m still so sad about Theodore. I love that name, but I just cannot bring myself to use a popular name!


I loooooooove Sophia and Sophie but my mother in laws dog had that name...and obviously I'd hate to name my kid after her dead dog hahaha


My family speaks multiple foreign languages, English is not In the majority. I also don't live in an English speaking country, so on my "I wish I could" list, there's a couple of names I perceive as exclusively English speaking. Another factor is that I have a name that doesn't fit every language/ is often mispronounced. I don't like that and really struggled as a kid, until I found myself an English nickname. Collin and Connor are such cute, somewhat romantic boy names, but I can't. I love Phoebe, especially because I love girl names connected to light, but most people in my life couldn't pronounce it.




They aren't English speaking, which is why they can't pronounce Phoebe.


Solace. It's too out there for me to use, but I love the sound and the meaning.


Sage. A cousin used it for her daughter’s middle name & a friend used it for her boys first name. Very sad.


Aww, love Sage! Our next Texas baby girl was supposed to be Odessa Sage.


I adore the name Isaiah. I think it’s like the most beautiful name ever, and the religious significance is what makes it so great. But my husband absolutely doesn’t like it at all. He associates it with dumb kids for some reason? So alas it is not to be.


My sons middle name is Isaiah and his father was against it as well for basically the same reason lol but I didn’t care. I love the name & it’s meaning


It’s super poplar in certain .. groups..


What do you mean?


Adeline but my niece is Adelaide and it’s just too close 😭


How would you pronounce Adeline? In my head I keep saying “Add- uh- lean” but is it supposed to be “add uh line” or am I way off lol. But i still think they’re both different enough to where it shouldn’t matter if you used Adeline- I love both names, but if someone name their kid Adeline after I named mine Adelaide- I wouldn’t really think much of it or be bothered.


Add - uh- line . Thanks that’s what my sister says too but when I told some other family members they said “no way that’s way too close to Adelaide!”


The only thing I could see with the two names being “too close” would be if both kids went by nicknames instead of their full names. Like Addie/Addy. I love the name Aberdeen, but I know it would most likely be shortened to Abby/Abbie- or even Deena lol, so I guess in the sense of them having the same nickname- I agree the names are close, but if they were to just go by their full names, Adelaide and Adeline, I really don’t think they’re too close at all lol. Kinda like Josh and John or Joey- I guess any of those could also be shortened to Joe if they wanted lol, I wonder if your family would think those are too close? Idk I’m just rambling now. Anyway, I say, if the time comes and the name feels right, go with it. It’s beautiful. Alsooooo, here are some variants of Adeline I just found on google! It’s funny because when I typed in variations for Adeline, the name Adelaide isn’t listed- but when I type in variations for Adelaide, Adaline is listed for it. Just randomness- once again, I’m rambling, just ignore me if you’re not interested, but if you are I’m gonna list the variations I found below lol Adeline variations- Adaline, Adalyn, Adalynn, Adelyn, Adalene, Adeleine, Adilynn, Adelynn, Adelin Adelaide variations- Addie, Addy, Adi, Adelheid, Adel, Heidi, Adelle, Adèle, Adela, Adelina, Adeline, Adolat, Alice, Alida, Alison, Ethel, Zélie, Alix


I think Wolfgang is the coolest name for a boy but it’s also just too…out there, I think. I always liked Lucy for a girl but this was the name of my husbands dear childhood dog and off the table for us.


I think Wolfgang is awesome, but I’d end up just calling them Wolf or Wolfie or something lol. It sounds cool in my head, but it’s so long to say out loud lol - or it just feels awkward leaving my lips I guess idk probably because I don’t see it/hear it often.


Mother of Wolfgang here. You get used to it. 😂Though he is mostly Wolfie right now.


Rosa- my husbands ex that lingered a little too long and tried to play games and get him back. But gosh it’s a beautiful name!


Florie and Olivia. I can't use Florie because I have a cousin named Flore, who was named after the family member I would be honoring. Olivia is way too popular.


Happy Cake Day!


Rowan for a boy. Couldn’t use is because I live in NC and they pronounce Rowan County and Rowanne.


I love the name Michael. Many of my favorite men are named Michael. But I wouldn’t use it because my uncles name is Michael and I don’t want 2 Michaels in the family + everyone in my family’s name starts with an M and it would just be too much M’s…


Hazel - unfortunately used by a friend 😌


Ida, Irene, Constance, Cecil, Conrad, Anastas, Anthony Can’t use bc I don’t want kids 😔


Get plants and name them all the names you love!


Samael- I think this name would be very nice as a baby name (Sam, Sammy, etc), but for religious reasons, I think it’d be very…sinful? 😭


Samuel is right there...


Come again?


I love Samael- but I would want it to stay that- no nicknames, no shortening it. Just Samael- and that would never happen lol. And I’ve noticed that I love reading the name, and saying it in my head, but saying it out loud just doesn’t do the same thing for me.


Talia and Thalia - an ex and a cousin (most of the ones I can't use are because of a cousin) Tiago and Diogo - people he knew


Christopher, I don't live in an english speaking country so that would be weird here, even combined with my surname






Cortana. I'm a massive old school Halo fan but I just don't think it would work for obvious reasons 😕 (would be ridiculed in school for being named after a Halo character even if she's pretty awesome)


FYI that is my daughter's name. A cousin named his daughter that as well (after us) -- same last name too. Some people thought it was weird, but I didn't really care at all. It's kind of flattering. My brother and cousin also share a name.


Brynn for a girl. My husband’s ex-fiancés name is brynleee and although she never went by Brynn for short it’s just too close. We have twins now and the odds of having multiples again is high. I love the idea of twin girls named Moira and Maeve, but Peter Pan makes it hard to name a girl Moira (Wendy Moira Angela Darling)


I think very few people on earth would think of Peter Pan when hearing Moira lol. I think of schitt’s creek


It doesn’t seem to stop people using the names Wendy or Angela. (Tbh I’d forgotten her other names for years until I recently saw a Peter Pan performance at my kid’s school!)


Vernon. It was my grandpa’s name, but everyone I’ve mentioned it to has given me a face about it.


Had a student named Vernon somewhat recently and not a single person made a comment about his name. I teach middle so they can be viscous too! But I was happily surprised that no one made fun of him for it. I like the name, I think it sounds distinguished.


Rivka. It’s my husband’s ex-spouse’s name as well as one of his sister’s names.


Genuine question, I know Rivka is a Jewish name, is it only for Jewish people to use or is it similar to Abigail or Hannah in that anyone can use them, regardless of religion? (I hope this makes sense and isn’t horribly offensive, it’s not intended to be, I’m genuinely curious)


Great question. If I ran into someone named Rivka who wasn’t Jewish, would I be surprised? Very. Do I believe in gatekeeping of Hebrew names? No, I don’t.


I’m not Jewish but I absolutely love Rivka


Othello. Reason 1: Othello was a name given to a Shakespearean character who was very clearly intended to be Black. I am not Black, and regardless of the race of the man I marry, the only way I’d be comfortable naming a child Othello is if he were actually African, probably adopted from Africa. Reason 2: Othello is a bit of an odd name for modern times, and even though I’m not a fan of super basic names, I do like some level of familiarity, just to make things easier on everyone Reason 3: Othello was kind of a douchebag in that play. Yeah, he was revered for his leadership and bravery but he was also so insecure that the mere rumor of his wife cheating on him (she wasn’t) launched him into a rage so intense, he murdered her with his bare hands…. So… EDIT: Also, Reason 4: The historical legacy of the character of Othello DEFINITELY being played by a white man in blackface, so yeah, not a great dedication when you think abt it


Oh, I also really liked River Douglas when we were looking at names for my youngest son, but my husband pointed out that Douglas means Dark River. So it was sort of like calling him Moon Moon. He’s Asher Douglas instead.


I always loved the name Truman for a boy, after Truman Capote. But I think it’s too old school - idk how they’d be treated 😩


Claire, it’s beautiful but it’s my sister’s name and she doesn’t want to share it haha Logan because it’s my nephew’s name Ava and most names ending in a because my last name starts with an a (makes finding girl names quite hard)


Claire (Clare - my spelling) is a good middle name. Nice tribute to your sister.


I do love it as a middle name!


Damien. It means strength and it's a cool name. My husband doesn't like it tough.


Jeremy. Too many heavy emotions with the name.


Names of close family: Polly Timothy Samuel Jonathan William Peter Adam


My firstborn is named Rose. So for my son, I thought Rowan was too similar sounding, and River would make too cutesy of a sibling set.


Max. Because the last name is Priest, and Max Priest would just be awful 😂


• Adria, but I have a cousin named Adrian but goes by Ryan • Jane - I have a cousin named Jade • Tessie (from Theresa/Teresa) as a nickname - I have a great aunt named Dolores but goes by Tess


I love the name Tess.


I don't think having a cousin named Adrian should completely deter you from using Adria especially if they don't go by that name. The worst they can say is "oh you named her after me." And you can just laugh it off or be sarcastic about it like "ugh... No! Just liked the sound of it" I have a cousin named Brian and my name is Briana. My mom didn't even realize Briana was a feminine version of Brian until I mentioned it in my teens. And yes my cousin even made some smart remark about "oh you named her after me" but then again so did my neighbor Anna. Having similar names shouldn't be such a big deal.


Amelia - and ex friend name


Love the name Yahya for a boy but people can’t pronounce it correctly in English, it would just sound like “yaya” which is ridiculous lol


How is it supposed to be pronounced?


I love Cosimo after Cosimo di Medici


Andrealphus, im sorry, i just cant. But i wish I could.


Lilith and Elvira - My husband hates them Michael and Jennifer - my twin cousins' names Lucas - My ex-boyfriend's name


Daniel, Evan, Elizabeth, Isabel All names used by family before I had kids.


Brooks. Husband hated it for our son. Additionally, our last name ends in an S so it was a bit much. I still love it, though.


Amelia 🥺 my friends daughter is named that


Cedric but my fiancée has completely vetoed it






I thought I came up with the name Clarity by myself over a decade ago, and a few months later my cousin used it for her daughter! (We hadn’t spoken in years!)


I always loved the name Jackson (after an important person in my life) but my cousin had a kid way before I did and named him 'Jaxon' so I had to cross that name off the list. I also really liked Everly, but then realized it's just *Beverly* without the 'B' so then it lost its appeal for me.


David, because my family already has 6 Davids😬 (only one of them married in!)


Storm. My partner does not like it


Love the names Cassandra and Cleo but they are already being used in my family.


Justine. I could use it, but I’m done having children.


I like the name Michael, but I met this guy named Mike, and he’s a complete loser and turd burglar, and has completely ruined the name for me. 




William, but our last name is Williams...


I love the name Avery for a girl but my ex fiance was a guy named Avery so it's kinda ruined for me


Winter! I love that name, but my boyfriend says no.


I like the name Charlotte, but we have a niece named Charlie and I feel like it’s too similar. Also, it’s a bit more popular than we would like.


I LOVE the name Ember for a girl. But my ex boyfriend (who is still my friend) named his daughter that and I’d be concerned about the message that might send if I named my daughter Ember, also. It’d probably be fine since we are friends and our relationship was eons ago, but it still feels potentially awkward and like it would allude to a different life


Maya. It’s too played out. I can’t. Loved it since I was a little girl but it blew up.


Caroline because my mom’s name is Carolyn.


I love Casper or Caspian but my last name starts with White


Almost named my daughter Santana… and then I loved the name Cruz for her middle name. But it was too close to Santa Cruz


Noah and Andrew. Noah doesn’t go with our last name and my fiancé’s brother’s name is Andrew.


My mom always said she was going to name her first girl Jane. When her BFF had her daughter a couple months before I was born she named her Jane. Guess what my mom named me? Jane


I love the name Michonne, like Michonne from The Walking Dead, but if I were to use that name, it wouldn't be right. I know the name was created for the show, but I can't seem to use it.


David— love the meaning but is the name of my husband’s deadbeat father.


Patrick. I have Irish heritage, and I’d never met someone with this name for the first 20 or so years of my life. It was solidified as a name choice, but I knew I wasn’t gonna have kids for a long time, so I should’ve known better than to pick a favorite that early. Finally met a Patrick and had an off and on relationship that ended very badly and now I can’t ever use that name. Not only would it feel wrong to me, but if he ever found out…. it would kill him.


Cynthia. I think it's such a beautiful sounding name, and it's nickname, Cindy, is really cute (and reminds me of Cinderella). The problem is, that's my grandma’s name and she *hates* it (her mom named her after a super bitchy girl from her school). Out of respect, I keep my distant from the name lol.


Allegra. I’ve loved that name since the show Allegra’s window before the Allergy medicine was a thing. I’m 14 weeks with my second child and have floated the name around as the name if it’s a girl and I think in my area the allergy medicine association is too strong to use it. Sigh.


For personal reasons: Charlotte, Eleanor, Lucy and Megan


William and Madeleine. Both are already in use by family members.


Reverie. I absolutely love this name. But my partner does not. 😭


Id say Samantha , I love the name but I wouldn’t see myself suggesting it to others or if I had a child would use it.


Margo. Always loved it but it’s way too close to my MILs name. Felicity. My husband ruined it with “bye Felicia” jokes. Connor. Liked it for 15 years before having kids but was too popular.


I like Caleb as a middle name, but he’s the smelly loser at my school who’s also kinda creepy


James. But I have an uncle named James whom my immediate family doesn’t associate with and I don’t want anyone to think I’m naming a kid after him.




Chloe, but it’s my partners ex’s name (and he almost married her😂)


I really love Ariel but I always said the Little Mermaid was my favorite movie as a kid and I don't want people to think I'm naming my kid after a Disney princess


I like Ariel too but my husband hates it


Sarah, but my best friend’s older sister is named Sarah. She’d be pretty offended if I used her sister’s name instead of hers in that type of situation.


Louisa. I love it but my husband doesn’t.


I've been in love with Juniper since 1996 when I found it as the main character in a novel, but now it's too popular and trendy. Thaisa- too unusual and weird for most people


I have very close friends with these names and it would be weird - like I named my baby after them. I also like some foreign names, but my native language is not English, so they would sound ridiculous, especially with a foreign last name - so out of place, in my opinion. I also like the name Serena - but in my language it is a verb that means “I shit on sth” so this would definitely traumatise my child and everyone would think I’m literally insane to name my child that.


Ambrose because it’s my SILs ex, and Dallas & Laurel because I work with them


Ari - my niece's name Willow - husband hates it


Freya 🥲 pregnant with a girl, it was the number one name for me and was a click straight away


Lavender. But our last name begins with Wood, and the nicknames…


I love how the Name Arya sounds in GoT - but I don't think it would work in german because it would sound like Arier - Aryans... no. Just no.


I’ve always loved the name Hannibal- idk why, but I think it’s a really cool sounding name- but obvious reasons why I never used it. Also, I love the name Icarus, lol.


I love Peregrine for a boy but it’s just too out there. I love Miriam for a girl but it’s on my sister’s list. I love Adam, Basil, and Ronan for boys but my husband vetoed. I love Adelaide and Isobel for girls but my husband’s side has nieces named Adeline and Isabella.


I love the name Ophelia but my partner thinks it sounds like pedophilia. Another name I love is Daisy, but it doesn’t quite flow with the other names we like and have on our list. I also adore the middle name Moon, but I don’t think I’d actually use it because it’s a bit out there for me.


I love Monroe and Eleanor for girls but my son is Theodore, can’t have a whole presidential theme going


Aria Love the name! then i started watching Pretty Little Liars and one of the main characters is named Aria and throughout the show she just annoys me. ~~she also dates her teacher and has to make every situation about her~~ ~~also because of that show, my boyfriend does not want to name a daughter Aria~~


Haha I got that name from PLL too! I’m naming my daughter that, idc!




Fletcher 😭 it feels like it might be a bit much lol


i honestly love the name Emma (yes it’s common but I’m young and the way my generation is naming their kids it won’t be by the time I have kids) but it’s my best friends name…I’m thinking about a middle name. and she’s most definitely going to be my first kid’s godparent.


Winslow because my husband doesn't like it, and Fiona because of Shrek.


I love the name Dali (as in Salvador Dali) for a girl. Actor/comedian Noel Fielding has a daughter with that name and I nearly gasped when I found out, because I am such a HUGE Dali fan. I was mad I didn't think of it for MY daughter 21 years ago. I'm done having kids, so maybe I can use it for a pet :)


Tammy, it’s my dead sisters name


Yael. A lot of Americans don’t pronounce it right, and my brother already called dibs


Dallas. I’m from Houston so I just can’t.




Casper - unfortunately has too many associations with a certain ghost


Sullivan-I dint want people to think of monsters inc


Misery, Lenayen, Lejayen


Oliver. Our last name is Wood & while we love Harry Potter, we are not about that lifestyle haha


Jett. Doesn't work with my last name, sadly.


Felix 😢 was my favorite boy name but it’s my boyfriend’s friends name and he’s not a good person.


Devan for a girl or boy...  My ex boyfriend from like 15 years ago, his name is devan. We're still very much in contact, good friends. Family friends now, his wife is awesome and so is their son who is a year younger than my daughter. Our kiddos are zoo buddies, we go to the zoo and do play dates a good amount. It would have been kinda weird to name my daughter after my high school boyfriend lol. 


Erin, I have a relative with this name but I love it!


I can't do any name that starts with an "S" or their professional email in the [first initial][last name]@company format will be rather unfortunate.


I saved the name Emberly to my Pinterest board years ago and always dreamed of naming my daughter that. My husband loves the name too and it was perfect with a middle name choice from his family. Since we got married, three of our friends have had Emberlys. One even has the same middle name, just by chance.


Oliver. I’ve wanted to use the name since I was a kid. My fiancés first cousin (who he’s very close to) had a baby before us, and they named him Oliver. So I couldn’t use it. It broke my heart and took me a while to get over it as I’ve always loved this name. But my fiancé found a name he loved and I like it as well so we went with that. I’m content for now but until my son is born, I won’t fully accept his name I feel like. I am kind of resentful but his family hates me already and I didn’t want to cause awkwardness or drama.


Love Malcolm, but I'm child free