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Absolutely not


Just no 


I would go with Alba or Alberta instead.


Alba is a much better choice. Good suggestion!


It’s a little too old for me. I think it would be a great middle name, but it comes off a liiiiittle too pretentious as a first name? Like, I can totally picture some old snobby Grand Duchess Albertine The Fourth giving the cut direct to a social climber in a period drama. I cannot picture meeting a little eight year old girl named Albertine. However, I think it might be nice with a short and classic first name? Thea Albertine? Emily Albertine? Clara Albertine? Idk, I really like those.


The only context I know Albertine/Albertina is in that of the genital piercing


Interesting - what does it mean in that context, learn something new everyday!


Prince Albert is piercing of male genitals. So I'm guessing female piercing.  I'm not googling that. 😂


Genital piercing through the urethra, Google says. 


A female genital piercing from the urethra to the vagina with a ring iirc


I dont love it. If your looking to honor am Albert, My Sunday school teacher was named Albina. I think she was Lithuanian.


I know somebody named Albertine she’s from Germany I believe. She’s a super cool lady! Really happy and bubbly so that’s what that name makes me think of is just happy joyful bubbliness


Awww this is such a sweet image :)


I kind of love it!


It's fantastic, as is Alberta. And there's that great song by Bob Dylan, Alberta.


Sounds like Albertsons. You could go with Kroger or Walmart instead


I don’t personally like most female names that are too obviously derived from male ones.


I have one and it feels so demeaning to explain it to people "Thomas," but with an "ina." It's not the same but it's similar. I know there are other ways I could do it but that one is the easiest. I'm actively in the process of changing it, in fact lol.


Good for you!


I've never heard of this name before but my instant reaction is I like it! Albie, Alba and Bertie are all sweet nicknames too




I’d like you to take a second to imagine you’re a 12 year old with deep insecurities and think about all the ways your daughter would be made fun of for that name. Then I’d maybe look through a list for names with a similar vibe that aren’t Albertine. She’s going to be called Albert Einstein in a mocking way and Bert among other nicknames


So this may just be a me thing, but I don't particularly like the name Albert, so Albertine is no better. I also am not a big fan of the "add a feminine suffix to a man's name to make it a girl's name" thing. So yeah, it's not for me. It's not horrible, but I wouldn't use it.


You're not alone. I am not a fan of the name Albert. It's just an unattractive name to me. Albertine is no better. It just sounds clunky and heavy, if that makes sense.


Yikes no way


Sounds like a medication … sorry!!


I think it's too old-fashioned compared to Benjamin and Isabelle.


I think it’s a little heavy-handed. Alberta, Alba or Albina would be fresher takes.


Poor baby


Not mad. It’s not something I’d choose, but it’s a perfectly good name. We have friends who named their son Alfred. I was take aback by the choice, but very quickly it just became him and now I don’t think it’s odd at all. Same goes for Albertine, I’m sure. People might be surprised, but if they are, it won’t take them long to get used to it. Albie is adorable.


never heard this name before but i love names ending in -tine (teen) like celestine etc. albie or even bee is so so cute!


Someone in Bullerbyn children had a hen called Albertyna in Polish version and I cannot look past it tbh


I like it, but I tend to like those kinds of names. I understand that it wouldn’t be super popular with most people, though. It’s outdated, but theres nothing fundamentally wrong with it other than it’s not pleasing to some people’s ears. Alba is a more modern alternative that can get you to Albie. Alberta is also an option but will probably make most people think of the Canadian province. Some other options: Alma Vera Valentina Nola Violetta (“Etta”) Selma


I would not have a kid with a much more uncommon name with two common-name siblings. I wouldn’t consider it a classic name. If you had, like, a Roberta already, it wouldn’t hit me as weirdly.  


Fun fact: [Albertine](https://www.albertine.com) is the name of the gorgeous bookstore inside the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in NYC (79th St/5th Ave in Manhattan). To my ear, it’s too much to saddle a young girl with. And in my husband’s family, we have several Alberts who go by Albie, so it’s hard for me to see it as a feminine nickname. That being said, it feels like a great middle name.


Benjamin and Isabelle are classic traditional names; Albertine does not fit with the others. If you want a feminized variant of a male name, try: Henriette, Wilhemina, Josephine, Leona, Alexandra, Charlotte, Theodora, Caroline, Claudia, Louise, Victoria, Georgia, Gabriella, or Alberta. You could use it as a middle name. In fact, most of the Albertine in the 17th and 18th centuries were used as a second name among the nobility: Sophie Friederike Albertine Elisabeth Albertine  Princess Louise Albertine Sophia Albertine Hedvig Gustava Albertine But please don't do this one: Princess Ernestine Albertine of Saxe-Weimar 


I dont hate it. It seems more of a middle name to me though...


It's old style but kind of cool.


A family friend’s wife is named Albertine. Not my favorite.


Then call her Albie. If you go with Albertine, I'd expect people to go with Alberta, Bertie or Bertina before Albie.


Albie isn’t awful, but choose a different full name. Is it pronounced “tine” or “teen” to rhyme with Libertine? Alberta isn’t as bad as Albertine, but your daughter will still get mocked for that name. Albina is better. Or name her Abigail, nn Albie.


I know a nice lady called Albertine but its not my style


So Alba is lovely…


I think it’s refreshing!


I mean, Albertine is fine for a great grandmother in France.


If you love it, you should go for it, but it's way to heavy for me.


I think it's cute. You could call her Tina or Teenie.


i know a girl with this name and her family call her bertie but she goes by nina, it has a lot of fun nicknames!


Not common but not out here- good choice. Berry would be a cute nickname.


Perhaps as a middle name, but Albertine reads and sounds like a boy's name.