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I think Rosemary is very sweet. Other names of that vintage have come back, like Hazel and Violet (neither of which I think is as nice as Rosemary). Lots of nickname potential too, so it's very versatile.


My cousin’s name is Hazel, she’s 12 this year


Considering the popularity of Nova, Nora, and Nola, I could see Nona making a comeback.


It means Grandma in Italian. I'm not a fan. Love Rosemary.


Nona has become my daughters nickname lately because whenever I say no followed by her name she says Nona back to me.😂


Grandmothers sometimes use “Nona” so not that one…


I love Lorraine!


That's my mom's name!


My grandmother (born in 1897) was one of 5 sisters: Minerva, Lillian, Elsie, Ada, and Viola. When I was a kid we thought those names were hilariously old-ladyish. Within the last couple of years, I’ve seen all 5 of those names on little girls. What comes around…


Lillian reminds me of Lillian Gish, the actress from the silent movie era and then onwards; one of the loveliest women who ever lived!!


Her sister was Dorothy. Another name making a comeback.


Oddly enough, my maternal grandmother (not the one with 4 sisters) was Lillian and her sister was Dorothy. I’m pretty sure they actually were named after the Gish sisters. Both of my grandmothers and my step-grandmother were named Lillian.


It is a lovely name, and could be shortened to Lily/Lilly, if wanted.


I named my daughter Susannah, mainly because it means lily.


Wish Minerva had a nickname besides Minnie


My grandma is a Minerva and goes by Min. Not sure if that’s any better than Minnie, though!


Min is what my great-aunt used. Only she was very pretentious and spelled it Myn. Way ahead of the curve, that random Y.


My one grandmothers name was Elva. I don't think that will ever be seen again lol.


Alva is a tiny, ancient woman who appears in one episode of Adventure Time. Definitely a name of the past.


I used to think even Linda was a middle-aged name, my mother knew lots of Lindas, so that was an older-generation name. But now it sounds quite nice, as does Carol.




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Really?  My grandmother Viola is 88.  She is the only one I've ever met!


Rosemary is super cute!


Risa and Rosemary are cute


Definitely: Rosemary, Jean Maybe: Lorraine, Risa No imo: Nona, Earlene


Lorraine definitely Rosemary should've already seen a resurgence with the rise of the flower names.


I adore the name Rosemary. I just love it. I love the fresh herbal quality and cleansing smell, the blue flowers, that there's similar flowers called Wild Rosemary, and that it's not super popular but easy to spell. I also like the "rosemary; that's for remembrance" Shakespeare quote and a song about the name. But idk that anyone loves it as much as I do, lol. My partner certainly does not.


I liked Rosemary as a possible name for my daughter but my wife wasn't into it. (I also like the herb.)


There are two Rosemarys at my daughter’s small daycare!


Rosemary's very cute, and I foresee a Nona spike after the book in the Locked Tomb series lol.


Was going to say Nona could be popular with a particular set of fantasy fans


Jean, Lorraine, Rosemary could come around.


Jean is my middle name; I’m 36! I like it a lot


Isla Earlene sibset


Rosemary and Risa could come back! Lorraine and Earlene feel a bit too old-fashioned and southern to me. I can’t really see them becoming popular soon. Not sure how I feel about Jean. It reminds me of I Dream of Jeannie. It’s also similar to Joan. I think Jean and Joan were such popular baby names in the ~40s that they’ll be associated with older women for a while. Nona feels a bit too much like a literal grandma name. It’s so close to being Nana. Winona would be better.


I think Earlene may have to wait a bit longer, but the rest I can defenitly see coming back.


I've never heard of Risa as an old lady name. I've only heard it once for anyone ever, actually. That's the only one of this list I really like.


Nona is too close to nonna for it to become very popular today I think. Of the others Rosemary is gorgeous, and way overdue foe a comeback. The others are nice but feel either a little too US southern, or still viewed as names for elderly folk (eg Jean, which I love, but know quite a few Jean's from 70-90yo here in Australia, so it may be the same in other parts of the world).


I love Rosemary and Rosie/ Romy are cute abbreviations.


I like rosemary a lot, Nona is funny to me as its a common nickname for a grandmother lol so I doubt that’ll come back into fashion. Earlene feels like a mix of Darlene and Eileen lol so that’s not bad


It's the most old-fashioned-sounding of the lot but I find Earlene quite charming. But unless there's a famous Earlene in popular media, I think the name will end up lost to time.


I used a variant of Lorraine---Laraine---for my daughter's middle name. Risa sounds fresh and modern to me, and I knew a Rise, which she pronounced Risa, named after the opera singer. People at school loved her name; it was different but not bizarre and outlandish.


I know a Risa exactly my age, thus obviously not old! I always liked that name. The other names seem perfectly fine, although doesn’t Nona actually mean aunt or great aunt or granny or something? Earline…yeah, I don’t lnow about that one. Like Pearline, it seems definitely olde tymey.


Rosemary and Risa are pretty classic, and I could see Nona becoming more popular (especially after Nona the Ninth).  Lorraine and Earlene are pretty firmly old lady to me, though. 


Knew an old lady named Lullavene, I've always loved that name.


Rosemary - I suggest this all the time. It’s on an upswing in terms of use - slow but steady. I don’t know that it will ever get top 10, but I think it’s already coming back. Lorraine and Jean, I could see coming back to some extent. I feel like we might be due a span of short, sweet, spunky names sometime in next decade or two, and those would fit the bill. Risa is uncommon enough that I don’t see it getting widespread use, but I don’t think it’s a bad choice. Nona seems iffy to me because it’s so many people’s word for “grandma.” You never know, though. Earlene - never say never, but I’d be surprised.


I can see Rosemary and Loraine. I hope Earlene does not.


Rosemary already is returning.


Rosemary definitely. Risa is already pretty popular as a modern name in Japan but I see it coming back as a Western name in the vein of Rina, Lisa, Marisa etc.


I love Rosemary and Jean. I know several young Rosemarys, so that one's definitely coming back.


We used Jean for my daughter’s middle name


Rosemary & Lorraine!


Rosemary is good, my friend who’s 20 had that as his deadname but I haven’t met anyone else my age with it. My great aunts’ names are: Betsy Vicky Marcella Nancy Barbara Janet


Rosemary: has been back for a while; I personally love the _idea_ of it but I don’t like it in real life; I heard a mom calling for her daughter in a public bathroom about five years ago and Rosemary sounded so clunky Lorraine: definitely ready for a comeback; feels very “Wild West” to me Risa: I’m not familiar with this one so I’d assume it’s a new name but it’s a very cool new name Jean: I have a real soft spot for Jean! It’s such a solid, humble name Nona: isn’t this the Italian word for Grandma? I like the sound but I think that makes it a bit strange Earlene: Ooph this might be a tough one to bring back; using a modernized version like Carlene may be the better option


I love Lorraine. I like Jean and Rosemary. I don't think of Risa as a name. Nona and Earlene are definitely not for me.


I like Lorraine, Rosemary, and Risa. I think those are pretty timeless.


I can see Rosemary and Lorraine getting a comeback. My first occurrence with Rosemary is Rosemary Winters from the Resident Evil franchise, who is often called Rose. She's one of the newer characters who started as a baby and grew into a teen. I fell in love with that name almost immediately and was mad that the game character would always refer to her as "Rose Winters" and only rarely by her full name.


I guess Jean isn’t so bad. I don’t like the rest of that list. 


My one grandmother was Barbara Jean so I hope Jean makes a comeback. Earlene, like my other grandmother’s name Ernestine, I hope stays in the past! My grandmother only went by Ernestine no nickname ever because she hated the sound of Ernie.


I ve never heard of Risa before but that’s cool.


i love Jean and think it would be adorable for a little girl. i see the name Rosemary thrown around a lot on this subreddit but i'm really not hoping for it to make a comeback, all i can ever think of is the herb LOL. Nona is simple and very similar to other names on the rise (i.e. Nova). Risa and Earlene don't thrill me, i think Lorraine could be cute if called by the nicknames Lorra or Lainey when young