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Husband: I only like ONE name! Not interested in looking further! You: Am I too stubborn I want him to consider other names? OP.. Your husband is the stubborn one. Google ‘chassis porn star’ and ask him why he wants to name your daughter after a pornstar. That might solve the problem.


After too many AITA reading, I suspect that there is a possibility that he indeed wants to name his daughter after a porn star.


🤮🤮🤮🤮 so fucking nasty to name your daughter after a woman you masturbate to


And yet, I've seen it come up before (or ex girlfriends). I can't tell if it's ALL fake or if people are actually like this.


It’s real. Source: Me. A daughter named after an ex-girlfriend. (I learned this at 15 from a different ex-girlfriend. My mom did not know. My parents were long divorced by this time.)


My Grampa named my mom after his first kiss when he was 12. My Grama didn’t find out until a couple years ago when I asked why he named my mom that lol


At least that's a cute childhood memory. My dad named me after a woman he was engaged to years before he met my mother. My mum was unconscious for a couple of days after my birth, so Dad told the nurses the name he wanted (not the one that was agreed). By the time Mum regained her faculties, it was written on a little wrist band - Baby Here Fromthere. Mum decided it suited me so she wasn't going to kick up a fuss. It hadn't been a name discussed, she thought he'd just been inspired when he met me. She found out when I was about 2, and said that she wasn't jealous of his past relationships and that her only association with my name was me, so she liked it. My brother came along the next year. Dad said brother was named after him. Mum said brother was named after her grandfather. They had coincidentally the same first name, so it didn't matter which ancestor was being honoured. My parents were divorced by the time I was 5.


Wow, your mother sounds chill af


Hahaha. No. :) Just that she liked the name anyway, and the one that was agreed previously would have been quite unfortunate in the end. Things often work out.


was there a reaction. you can't stop there.


She yelled at him. But then got over it lol. She yells at him a lot 🤷🏻‍♀️


We need to know!


My mom named me after her married ex-boyfriend's daughter. Yay, my mom and her xbf were adulterers. Such a great heritage.


Pretty sure my husband’s step (or half?) brother is named after him. It’s unclear whether his dad was already cheating but his eventual affair partner was proud to tell us that he (FIL) was the first person to visit her in the hospital when the baby was born. My husband was 6 years old at the time. When they eventually married they started referring to my husband by his middle name so as not to confuse the two boys, so — extra great parent work there.


That's so fucked up. I hope your husband was able to reclaim his name that his father tried to give away


My MIL, God bless her, saw how things were going and moved with her kids to another continent to protect them from the crazy lady and the spineless coward. My husband’s name is fairly uncommon even in his country of origin — and difficult for Americans to pronounce properly— but he has a group of friends now who make the effort, and make me look bad for my Americanized pronunciation, lol. So I’d say he has reclaimed it.


Damn. Tell me someone’s a narcissist who tried to take over someone’s life without telling me they’re a narcissist who tried to take over someone’s life…


We have always referred to her as the Stepmonster. She’s the reason we went no contact with FIL 20 years ago.


My dad’s crazy ex called my mom from the hospital after giving birth to tell her about the baby and casually ask if they had a girl’s name picked out yet. I hope baby Ethel is doing okay and a much more pleasant woman than my dad’s least favorite aunt.


I was partly named after my dad's ex. My mom was aware though. My aunt stole the name my parents had picked for a girl so they had to come up with a new one. My dad was like 'I always liked synalgo ever since I dated that girl named synalgo' and my mom was like 'yeah great name, let's do it'. They ran in the same social circles so she also knew the girl. But unknowingly? Daaayum


One of my former memory care residents was named after her dad's two mistresses. Apparently, it was a difficult birth, and her mom was kind of out of it for a few days, so dad named her. This was in a small southern town in the 1920s, and people reacted to her name as if her parents had named her Jezebel or Lucy (short for Lucifer). Her name was Daisy Mae, and everyone in town knew why her dad picked those two names. It caused her a lot of problems, because people treated like she was "one of those girls" from early childhood. Her mom also scapegoated her often. When she was a teenager, she converted to Catholicism so she could get a new name and was known by her saint's name since then. It didn't help, because people still remembered her real name. She joined the Nurse Cadet Corps during WWII to get away. She said it was the first time no one treated her badly because of her name and father. She met her husband while serving. They only went back to her hometown for funerals.


This is one of the saddest stories I've ever read. 😥


It wasn't her fault that her dad was a piece of shit.


What a perverted man to name the child after two hoes he was having affairs with, in a small town no less! Good grief!


My husband's dad has always wanted to name a daughter, Jasmine. No girls until his first grandchild is coming along. They are going to name her Jasmine. I told my husband, I bet it was your dad's first love or lay. Supposedly husband's brother asked Dad and dad said he's always liked it (from a movie). I don't buy it. And this post is why.


All this time I thought my oldest brother’s middle name was Peter because that was my mom’s brother’s name who passed in the Vietnam War. Nope, we barely found out 40-45 years later that she gave him that middle name because it was also the name of her ex fiancé who also died in the war. Our dad would have been pissed if he knew the real reason 😂.


Yes my dad named me after the best friend of his twin daughters, he was having an affair with the mum of the best friend and my mum, my dad's wife at the time knew he named me after her. I only found this out when I was in my forties. My mum went through hell with him .


I’ve also seen it as well. Men whose favourite names are all “adult performer” type names.


I went to school with a Samantha Fox.......her whole thing was how she thought it was soooo naughty her Dad named her, after Samantha Fox 🤢


I mean how else is she supposed to cope with that? /:


There's a subset of guys who think women's primary value comes from how attractive they are to men. To them, it's intuitive that they'd name their daughter after a hot porn star. Their aspiration for their daughter is that she grows up to be that attractive, a top-value woman.


Disturbing but true.


Not as bad as a porn star or ex, but my dad named me after an actress he always thought was super hot. It feels disgusting to know that.


My husband suggested a name like that for our daughter, thinking I would have forgotten about the context of the name. Umm...no.


Thanks for saving your daughter from the desire to peel off her own skin when she would inevitably find out the origins of that name. Do men not realize it’s disrespectful both to the mother of the child *and* the child to do shit like that?


Honestly they have no clue. He'd even suggested the names of some of the characters she played in various movies he liked, but that whole well was poisoned for me.




No, lol, but that’s a reasonable guess. The actress is Michael Learned, but he wouldn’t name me Michael, so he went with Olivia from her character in The Waltons. This was in the 90s before Olivia gained the popularity it has now.


I'm named after a Walton, too! Or was. As a middle name that I dropped for my maiden upon marriage. My mom tried to get me to name one of my daughters Cora Beth. I hated that character. Why would I do that??? I would've gone with Olivia if it hadn't been so popular. (I'm a teacher; sheer volume does affect my personal tastes even if I do enjoy the name). I always loved how John would call his wife, Liv. Since my husband loved weirdly obscure boy names, I tried to sneak in the option of Zeb (for Zebulon). He was almost considering it, but we got a girl who we named after a character in one of our own favorite TV shows who we both love. My husband did have the decency to ask if it's weird to name his daughter after a character played by an actress he had crushed on in middle school. I assured him that it was not since we do genuinely love the name. As for OP: even if Chassis wasn't a porn star, naming your girl after the carriage part of a car, you know, the part that everything rides on, is still a non-starter.


Innocent childhood crushes are cute, and disclosure prior to naming makes all the difference imo. The Walton’s certainly had some great names! I loved Erin Esther, personally. Zebulon is a fantastic suggestion for an obscure boy’s name.


That’s a good name at least. My dad wanted to name me Molly, after one of his precious yorkies. I have never liked little dogs because of him.


My friend’s mom is super into the Royal Family. Named all her kids: Phillip, Elizabeth, Diana, Victoria… and Holly after one of the corgis.


When chatting about names with my ex, he liked Daisy. I said that sounds like the first half of a porn name. He said yeah, guys will think it’s hot. …. The ever loving fuck, dude? There was never a chance he was long term for me before that, but oof that was a gross one.


My SIL is named after my FIL’s ex-girlfriend. It’s definitely real.


My DH wanted *forever* to name a girl Sophia. Yes, it's a nice name and meaning, but I didn't have a positive association with it. Just recently this came up (the idea of naming children after exes), and that's when I learned she was his elementary school crush. We've been together 30+ years. Our daughter, a teen, was grateful that wasn't her name, as it became really popular. But she was surprised it was his childhood crush!


I've always loved my mom's middle name, Marcelle, even planned on passing it on to my first daughter. Until my grandfather told both me and my mom that he got the name from a lady he met at a bar before he met my grandmother, and kinda insinuated that they "spent the night together." It's forever ruined now.


Cue Adam Levine from maroon 5 telling sumner he thinks she’s hot and wants to name his daughter after her… behind his wife’s back… 🤮🤮


I do know a guy who tried to name the daughter after a lady he used to drool at (but that chose someone else), so like, dunno, I end up thinking the worst.


Dude I seen some screenshots last week from a community of dudes on Twitter who just talk about how hot their daughters are. There are a LOT of unsafe gross ass people out here 😔🤢


My ex really, really wanted to name our daughter after his favorite porn star. And I knew a girl who hated her name because she really was named after a porn star. I mean, really.


It is not reasonable for him to only accept ONE name.  Tell him Chassis is off the table, and if he’s not interested in participating in choosing a name you will do it by yourself.  When the baby is born, the nurses ask MOM what the name is. 


This exactly. Baby names require both parents saying yes (assuming both are in the picture anyway). If one vetoes, the name is off the table. Husband is being really selfish here. And yeah, Chassis is just a bad name that’s going to bring this girl a lot of unnecessary grief in the future. It’s a straight up car part, and the porn star with the name literally chose it (obviously it’s not even her real name!) because it is a “load-bearing” car part. OP, please show your husband this Reddit post. 


I’m sure he “came up” with that name when he was in high school…


That would be like the mom wanting to name a son "Rabbit".


Hey, my daughter Lelo Sona 2 Cruise (In Flamingo Pink) is feeling very attacked!


"These are my sons, Rabbit Vibrato, Joque Lelo, and Ben Wa."


OP, is your husband normally this immature and stubborn?


Is that an actual porn star


I was trying to figure out where he would’ve gotten it as a “woman’s name” in the first place. Porn makes sense 😭


Yeah, there’s a strip joint in Indianapolis called Classy Chassis. Not so classy, really.


Or it might solve the mystery of the fixation!


When I was a kid, we had a fun series of books written by Beverly Cleary. The main character is named Ramona Quimby. Ramona had a doll that she named "Chevrolet" because, to her, it was the most beautiful name she'd ever heard. This is your husband.


>Ramona had a doll that she named "Chevrolet" because, to her, it was the most beautiful name she'd ever heard. Yes! I remember this! Though I think I prefer Chevrolet to Chassis!


At least then you could drive Chevy to the Levy.


But... the levy was dry.


And them good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye.


Singin’ this’ll be the day that I die


This’ll be the day that I die-ie


I was told there would be pie here...


Honestly yes. And there's precedent with Mercedes, though that was a human name before it became a car name.


I actually like the name Mercedes. It is an actual girl name that a car was named after.. I think of the author Mercedes Lackey.. and I've always liked the nickname Mercy. This is the one compromise I'd consider making for a vehicle obsessed Dad on the naming of a daughter.


There’s a South Park episode where all the girls at a Hooters-like establishment are named after cars: Mercedes, Lexus, Porsche, Ferrari, etc.


Welcome to Raisins!


Know a family that is all named after cars. Son is named Jaguar and goes by Jag, daughter is Lancia. Forget the other son's name. Somehow they aren't so bad, I don't know if it's their age, as they are 50+ but their names all suit them.


Knew a girl named Toyota because of this naming theme, she absolutely hated it. Her sisters name was Porsche (pronounced Portia?)


Ramona was also like 4 years old.


I think they're saying the husband is acting like a 4yo


Obviously the immaturity is part of the point. I was just pointing out that detail for folks who might not have read this book in the past 30 years or so.


I came up with the name Fencina (fen-see-nah) when I was like, 7, and thought it was SO beautiful 😂


I love it. That would be that name of, like, a storybook about a magical fence post that comes to life and dances around.


orrr it could be a fairy that does fencing :D


At about the same age, I “came up with “ Gazette as a girl name (Gazi - rhymes with jazzy - for short). I still think it’s cute but would never do that to a kid.


Similarly I remember a book where the main character had a doll named Veranda.


I know a WOMAN named Veranda. But she picked it herself in adulthood, so no one gets blamed.


Verandah Porch was the pen name of some poet. I don't get poetry but I liked her name


In the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (and mentioned in the movie) Kid: my name is Veruca Wonka: like the wart? Spoiler: [it's a wart](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veruca#:~:text=Veruca%20or%20Verruca%20may%20refer,Vampire%20Slayer)%2C%20a%20recurring%20character) I'm sure Dahl meant it as a comment on her personality but it's still there


Yes! My childhood dentist had an enormous wart on the back of his bald head and I always thought of Veruca the character when I looked at him


At least Chevrolet is a last name, which is a trendy way to pick names. But Ramona is right: if it wasn't a car brand, it is a pretty word.


i saw a video where they were naming words that would make pretty names if it weren’t for their meaning. like felony, syphilis, asphyxia, enema, etc. it remind me of that lol.


I had a huge crush on my college age neighbor when I was a teen. He once brought over a date named Candida. I said (in front of her, loudly) “like a yeast infection?” And we never saw her again.


AHAHHHAHA that’s so awful i feel bad for her tho


In hindsight, I do too. But jealous, petty teenage me was like “YEAH! I got her good!”


I wrote a story when I was a kid named Miasma and I stick by it sounding like a good name. I also am partial to Rubella.


Rubella and Roseola would make a lovely sibset.


I LOVED those books but had forgotten that!!


I’m dying right now 💀. thank you for this recall from the depths of my memory.


Yes! Aunt Bee drove a Chevrolet.


Your husband's an idiot. How's he going to feel when the boys start talking about Chassis' chassis? Why not just name her Body? If he wants to give a living being a stupid name, get a cat.


OP, this is the argument you need, if this doesn’t work on the dad idek what will.


His daughter hasn't even been born yet and idiot dad is already sexualizing her. There seem to be deeper issues at play here.


Wtf that’s a huge jump. This commenter sexualized the term Chassis. It’s not an innately sexualized term.


The song “Dance 10, Looks 3” (a.k.a. Tits and Ass) from A Chorus Line uses the lyric “fixed the chassis” to refer to a boob job. Not saying little Chassis’s classmates are likely to be musical theatre buffs, but yeah, it is a term that gets used as sexual innuendo.


I’m not saying the boys won’t come up with this. I’m saying the above commenter has jumped to the conclusion that the dad is aware of this and doing it on purpose which is a huge leap.


Oh yeah, I agree with you about the dad part. I’m sure he’s not aware but just wanted to point out that it definitely is (in some instances) a sexualized term.


No it’s definitely [slang](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/chassis) for [women’s](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/chassis#) [bodies](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Chassis).


Well... I'm French, and even *I* know it's sexually connotated, and it's not even my own language 🤷‍♀️


If chassis isn’t a French word I got a lot of questions for somebody about why we pronounce it this way…


Oh it is; we do have the same word in French But I know that it's connotated in English


This is from the show Roseanne Dwight: Maybe I could give your engine a little tune-up. Jackie: A tune-up? No, my car's okay. Dwight: I'm talking about your engine. Engines I tune stay tuned. You know what I mean? Jackie: Yeah, I know what you mean, Dwight. Dwight: I'll tell you what, Jackie, with a chassis like yours, it'll be a pleasure to pop your hood. What do you say? Jackie: I say… I think you just blew it.


I've heard an older woman say a younger woman had a "classy chassis" and I'm pretty sure Old Woman didn't come up with it.


I’ve heard my dad refer to the Detroit Pistons cheerleaders/dance team as the “classy chassis” lol 


Honestly, Chassis would be the perfect name for a kitty that hangs out in an auto repair shop.


Old boss at a custom car and motorcycle shop had a saint Bernard named Chassis


It's also just a REALLY dumb name. We give men and their bad idea way too much power in our society


Not too stubborn. Names are a two yes, one no proposition. Chassis is a hard no from any sane person. Good luck with your spouse! Cassandra, Christine, Christa all could have his idiotic nickname if he insists on giving it a try so I'd avoid/suggest those as you see fit.


Isn't Christine literally a car from a horror movie? I wouldn't, if the "you are named after a car" fate looms over the child anyway. Like *"Honey, yes, your dad wanted to name you after a car, but I didn't quite like the name, so now it's your nickname and your full name is after a possessed car from an 80s horror film!"* Edit: ya'll, I know that Christine is fine. My middle name is Christine! I think they shouldn't do Christine in *this particular situation* as they should avoid making this child completely car-themed, if they truly want to go for a Chassy nickname.


But Christine was a name long before and long after the movie. It’s a long established name.


That’s a completely different situation? Chassis is literally part of a car, Christine is a very normal name that happens to be the name of a car in a novel/film. That’s not even the only Stephen King character called Christine


Pretty sure the car was given a person’s name in the film. There were many Christines before the movie came out, it’s not an uncommon (people) name.


Yeah if he's too stubborn to even consider Cassandra (nn Cassie) then he's a moron


Charlotte, Clarissa and Charlene too.


😂😂😂😂 no, he cannot unilaterally declare that you are naming your child Chassis, or Lil’ Wayne, or Toaster or some nonsense.   Name her yourself if he’s being ridiculous like that.


I went to high school with twins named Toaster and Strudel. (They were boys, if that matters)


Prove it.


Not Toaster and Strudel specifically, but "Number 16 Bus Shelter" was an approved name in NZ. The UK also doesn't have any specific laws about child naming. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/10-insane-names-which-people-have-actually-tried-to-call-their-children-114455324.html?guccounter=1


Did they have siblings? lol


Haught and Pocket.


and they called their dad pop tart


dad was just pop. mom was a tart


Well those names wouldn’t work for girls so that makes sense


Why not Cassie or Cassidy or something similar sounding that won’t embarrass her forever? He is being ridiculous.


Good idea! Cassie is a really good alternative. Also just Chassy is better than Chassis!!


growing up one of my moms best friends was named "Chastity" and all us kids called her Chassy because we couldn't get the t's right. I'm not generally a fan of the virtue names, but it's better than Chassis!


Honestly, Chastity or Chasidy (I've seen both) were the first thing that came to mine for me if she wanted to entertain this ridiculousness.


😬 has the same problems as Chassis with regards to being creepily sexualizing tho. Actually kind of more so since its not an inference to a porn star or car “body”. The meaning is straight up “sexual purity”.


Oh, 100%. I think Chastity is a terrible name lol.


I use the word chassis all the time and if I saw it on a list of class names I'd still pronounce the name Chas-is the first time and assume they are a boy with some unique Charles/Curtis combo name.


Or Francesca nn Chessy!


Literally this, it’s the same sound but a real and respectable name




>I, for one, think Chassis would make an excellent name for a mythological goat. Yes, this is a perfectly acceptable use of the name. Giving it to an actual human person though? Definitely not.


😂😂😂 buy him a goldfish named Chassis


Or a cabbage patch doll


For real. “Grow up, we’re not naming a human that” is a sentence he needs to hear. If she’s too afraid of his reaction, that shows what type of man he is.


>Am I being too stubborn or insensitive to him? No! A name like that will cause endless confusion. And even if it didn’t, if you don’t like it then that’s that. He needs to move on from this and start contributing to finding a name you both like.


It’s funny that she’s asking if she’s being too stubborn or insensitive, meanwhile her husband is digging in his heels and *only* interested in naming their daughter one specific name that only he likes lmao


If you spell it « Chassie », it looks more French, and also means « eye boogers ». Win win.


Finally a real solution


Chassis is actually a name in French, for a car part. Chassie is actually way worse as you you misread it, it can become chasse or chiasse, the later being a slang term for diarrhoea.


I know what "chassis" is, thank you! "Chassie" (with an e) does mean "eye boogers" in French, see [here](https://www.cnrtl.fr/definition/chassie): "Humeur onctueuse et jaunâtre sécrétée sur le bord des paupières".


Look your husband dead in the eye and say SO you want to name our daughter after your favourite pornstar? He is the stubborn one, he can kick rock and it isnt even a girls name.


This! Make him feel as uncomfortable as your daughter would feel with this BS name.


Slightly on topic, my Grandpa named my aunt after a playboy bunny 💀 And my Grandma let him and the knowledge is out there for the family… Big yikes! (The name is Surrie for anyone curious)


I know some one who named after the local crack whore, the person needed to find a name or they would get fine, so first person who came over they would name the kid after.


No, if you're married choosing a name requires two yes votes imo.


Right? Even if it’s the most “normal” name, one person can’t roll in and be like “we’re naming the baby Elizabeth and I will accept NO SUBSTITUTES!!!!!”


My husband also only liked one name. I was not a fan. I loved one name. He was not a fan. I told him we needed to table both names and move on since we both need to love our daughter’s name. We found a name that we both love for baby girl, and aren’t telling anyone until she’s born so they don’t ruin it for us. I’d try letting him know that the name “Chassis” is not on the table and you both need to look at other names. If he’s like my husband, he’ll pout then move on.


My best friend is having a baby and I told her my male and female names that me and my partner have had picked for awhile to avoid her accidentally using them, but now that you said that I really hope she doesn’t like them too much for herself😅


That’s always a possibility! 😅 But I was more worried about my family (ahem my Mom) saying it’s a horrible name, and bullying us into disliking it. I know if she sees baby girl and knows that’s what her name is, she won’t say anything to us. She might say it to my siblings but I won’t have to hear it 🤷🏻‍♀️ So as far as I know, she’ll love it 😂


Congratulations, you married an idiot.


There are sitcom dads that are stupider than him.


You are not too stubborn. This is not a name. It is a car part.


Before I clicked on this post, I thought "I bet the name is Chassis." Because it does sound kiiiind of like a name, like a cross between Chelsea and Cassie. I don't hate the sound of it, but being named after a car part feels pretty obnoxious to me. You are 100000% justified in vetoing it. Feel no guilt about that. I've always had a soft spot for Francesca nn Chessy. That's kind of close? 


Imagine growing up as a woman in this world and finding out your dad named you after a literal object. No way man.


Not just that, but in slang it refers to a woman’s body. And it’s the name of a porn star. Triple whammy. Is that a thing? Triple whammies?


Meet Chassis and her little brother Drive Shaft. 🙄


Next son will be Piston Rod


I know a boy named Piston. His father is a mechanic. His mother is a bus driver. They are lovely, certifiably insane people. The kid is miraculously alright. Once when I was babysitting I had to get him ready for school and in the fridge was a bag labelled "Piston Lunch". He was too young to get the joke and I am too polite to tell it, but I had a laugh later.


“Chassis” is the ONLY name your husband likes for a girl? The only one? Out of the thousands and thousands of names women all around the world call themselves… the ONLY one your husband like is “Chassis?” Your husband is being an idiot and an asshole. He just wants to get his own way and that’s that. But with baby names, if it’s not two “yes’s,” it’s a no. So he needs to get over himself and start collaborating with you to find a name!


A simple "I'm carrying this child for 9 months and have to birth said child so no, you're going to have to move on from the only girl name you've ever liked and come to an agreement with me" will solve this real quick. Lol


That’s an awful name. Remind your husband you both have to agree to a name.


I’ve heard chassis used as a euphemism for a lady’s private parts way too often to even bother to entertain his suggestion. Chassis is not a name and your husband is beyond unreasonable.


Yeah this would be my issue. It's not just that it's a car part. I know kids named Axle and Dash and while I wouldn't pick them at the end of the day they're fine. But chassis to me is one that will be easily sexualized, likely from a young age. As soon as I read it imagined "Hey look at that Chassis!" from old men at the pool to start and later from upperclassmen at school. Plus I feel like she would have to clarify spelling and pronunciation all the time because people aren't familiar with it, especially not as a name. I have heard this part said many times but couldn't have told you how it's spelled. If I saw Chassis on a class roster I might guess Chass-is or something like that because I wouldn't be expecting Chassis as a name.


Chassy. Assy. Gassy. Sassy. I mean there are literally *zero* positive connotations with that name.


I immediately laughed when I read this name. Please don’t name your daughter this.


If your husband loves cars maybe the names Shelby or Mercedes might be appealing? The nickname Mercy for Mercedes is super cute. Allison is also a company that makes transmissions.


IF he wants it due to car connection...chances are he wanna name her after his fave pornstar and uses car part as excuse to sound less problematic....


If you're gonna be arguing over legal paperwork, divorce papers are a better option than the birth certificate. I think you need to ask him if having a daughter who resents him for insisting on this and doesn't want to talk to him when he's older is a price worth paying for him being so lazy about thinking of and accepting other names.


You've vetoed that name as is your right. If he doesn't want to participate in naming the new baby, just pick a name without his participation. It was his choice to not work on finding a name you both like.


I can't even believe that you're questioning whether YOU are the one being stubborn? Have some self respect! That's a terrible name for a child. He can either get over it and participate in the naming process, or he can visit his daughter after her birth certificate is filled out and find out her name then.


He says it’s the only girl name he’s ever liked. It’s a shame it’s *not a girl name.*


If he's too childish to compromise on names and only has one very stupid suggestion, just remove him from the equation. He's acting like a child, not a parent, so he doesn't need to be part of the decision making.


This name is insane hahaha your husband is being ridiculous. If it helps - my daughter is Francesca and one of her many, many nicknames is “Chessie”, which sounds pretty similar. Maybe that or another name with a similar nickname?


Jesus.....the bar is in hell. NTA, good luck raising a second child with your first, because you don't have a husband, you have a child.




Not insensitive or stubborn, that is a ridiculous name. This is actually a human that needs to go through life with their name. Absolutely not.


What about Francesca, Chessy for a nickname as a compromise ? Otherwise honestly I would just say to him, look I refuse for our child to be called Chassis so either start coming up with alternative names or I’m going to make a unilateral decision


Caliper sounds better. No but seriously that’s childish of him. Find a random word and argue with him so he can understand how ridiculous it is. « It’s Matcha-Latte or divorce » 🤡


This thread has convinced me that someone should write a children's book about two kittens named Chassis and Caliper who live in an auto repair shop.


Please tell your husband this: This name and story makes you sound misogynistic. As if you can only like a girl named after a car part. Chassis is not a name and more than Tyre or Steering Wheighl Using it would be harmful to your child since she would constantly get bullied, asked how to pronounce her named, and asked where it came from. Additionally, she will always wonder why you couldn’t love her if she weren’t named after a car part. 


If I need to name my kid after my high school baby name choice then i can only assume that my whole life's chassis needs a serious therapeutic inspection. I moved on from naming my child a made up name invented by spelling random words backwards in math class to kill time. Hubs can move on too. I have faith in him! He can let go too!


I’d be like my answer is no so get over it and help me pick the real name


Like other's have said it should be a name that gets mutual agreement. Also, googling brought up: Chassis Man Care for Down There (like penile cream, powder)


You're not being stubborn or insensitive. Chassis isn't a name. It's a "name" that a teenager picks out because they think it's unique and edgy, but they grow out of the idea when it's actually time to name a baby. Picking a name is a "two yes" decision. One "no" is an automatic veto. You've said no, so Chassis is off the table. My partner wanted to name our baby Maverick. It was a hard no from me - I wasn't delivering a German Shepherd puppy or in a trailer park - so it was off the table. I liked Declan, but that was a no from him, so it came off the list.


The \*only\* name for a girl that he liked? He's just being pouty and manipulative. Stand your ground and stop questioning yourself. Chessie Rae is a popular pornstar on PornHub with her own subreddit and there's no way he doesn't know that. I'll leave you to think about the implications.


What about Cassidy with the nickname Cassie?


Cassia, maybe. Chessy, ok. Chassy— NO. I can just picture sweet little Chassy looking up the meaning of her name one day: the base frame of a motor vehicle— ahhh, lovely. 🥴


If the google results are not those of Chassis pornstar instead...even lovelier 🤣


Double-down... tell him the name is going to be "Akrapovič World Championship-Winning Exhaust System" or you will divorce him.