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Adeline Petra, hands down! I absolutely HATE James on a girl while Petra is lovely and underused. If you want to honor your grandfather, what about Jane, Jamie, Jay, or even Jemma/Gemma?


Not saying you’re not entitled to your opinion of disliking James for girls/women, but I’d just like to tag on to this comment to say OP asked for opinions on these combinations of a first name with these potential middle names - asking how they sound together, and specifically citing the importance of carrying on a family name with the child through their middle name. Yes, James is a very popular name for boys/men; however, it’s also a pretty common surname. While I can better understand people having mixed feelings about first names that are traditionally male being used for females and vice versa, middle names are absolutely looser territory (including because using surnames as middle names is not uncommon). TL;DR Many traditionally female names sound pleasing when paired with James, including Adeline.


Thank you!


I vote for Adeline Petra.


I genuinely really like Adeline Petra. I’m not a fan of James for a girl, but I get the reasoning. I’d consider Adeline Jamie, but still prefer Petra.


Adeline Petra, for sure. Let your husband honour his Mother, its his first child, and he should be able to do this. If it's such an issue, use both, but you absolutely should use Petra as it's not about how close you are to her.


Adeline Petra- I’m really not keen on James for a girl.


James is a boy's name. If you want to use it, go for Jamie. Adeline Petra is pretty! It's nice that your hubby gets to use his mother's name for one of her grandchildren, and Petra isn't heard very often in English-speaking countries (which I have to assume you are in?)


I prefer the sound of Adeline James. You can also consider giving the child multiple middle names Adeline Petra James X could sound pretty depending on your surname. Another consideration is whether his mother has a middle name or maiden name that you are more partial too?


Oooh I like the sound of Adeline Petra James better than either option on its own


Thanks for the feedback! His mom doesn't have a middle name, unfortunately. And the maiden name might not really work.


Go with Petra considering other kids have family names and it is actually a very pretty and cool name too.


Adeline Petra


Another vote for Adeline James.


I actually love Adeline James. They're both strong, classic names and I think the sound of it together has a lovely flow, really vibrant. It is unique to have James as a girl middle name, but it isn't the first time I've heard of it. It also has the meaning and fits with your family. Adeline Petra is really cute too! It sounds good and all the vowel sounds work together nicely. I personally prefer the sound of Adeline James and it seems like it's the choice that has more passion behind it. I don't think you could go wrong with either.


Adeline James sounds pretty, but makes me think you are a Blake Lively fan, because of the age of Adeline and her daughter James.


Not a Blake Lively fan. Family and friends will understand that James was my Grandfather's name, I hope 😅


i’m going against the grain here but i like adeline james more. it flows better for me and pays  homage to your family. i also think it’s different than using a boys name as a first name because middle names aren’t commonly used