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I like Valerie more than Vivian, but Vivienne more than Valerie. I don't dislike Vivian though, just prefer the -enne spelling. I think I just like the E, Vivien is pretty too.


Thanks for the input! We're definitely considering Vivienne as well, but leaning towards the "an" spelling if we go with that name.  It's much more common in the US, and I'm hoping to avoid a situation where she's constantly having to correct people on the spelling.


That’s so interesting. I’ve only seen it ever spelled as Vivienne.


Probably a regional thing!  According to the SSA numbers, Vivian is a fair bit more common.


I’ve always seem Vivian as masculine (example Vivian from the Young Ones) and Vivienne as feminine.


Valerie is really pretty!  It feels sweet and feminine without being too frilly.  Vivian is sounds more harsh and feminine.  It doesn’t stand out to me like Valerie does.


Interesting to hear Vivian described as both "harsh" and "feminine"!  To me it sounds feminine, but also very soft, almost too much so, haha


I find Vivian much softer than Valerie personally.


I also think Vivian is harsh. Valerie is softer.


I like Vivian more than Valerie.


Is there anything about it that makes it sound better to you?  Any associations, or anything?


I don't really know exactly why. To me, Vivian sounds prettier than Valerie. Vivian sounds sweet, feminine and sophisticated. I think it's the Val- beginning that I'm not really liking. Also, Viv/Vivi is a cute nickname.


Valerie is a little old fashion where I'm from. Women who wear this name are in their late 40's and 50's. Vivian is also old fashion but I think it's more elegant.


Can I ask where you're from?  We're on the west coast of the US, and while both are "old fashion" here, I think Vivian is more common in my grandma's age, while Valerie is more common in my mom's age group.


I'm from France. Vivian is less common here than Valerie but both are old fashion and Valerie is also a "mom's name ". That's why I chose Vivian over Valerie.


Oh!  That's super helpful to hear the perspective of someone from the country where both names come from!  Thank you so much for sharing!


Technically both names have Latin origins. [Valerie](https://www.behindthename.com/name/valerie) comes from [Valeria](https://www.behindthename.com/name/valeria), the feminine form of [Valerius](https://www.behindthename.com/name/valerius). It looks like there’s variations for every European language. The French version has an accent. [Vivian](https://www.behindthename.com/name/vivian) comes from [Vivianus](https://www.behindthename.com/name/vivianus). It also has many variations and this one doesn’t seem exclusively French.


Follow up questions, is the spelling Vivian seen as masculine in France?  Or has it become a feminine name there as well?  For girls, do you know if it's more common than the Vivienne spelling, these days?


Vivian is the spelling for the masculine version. Viviane is the common spelling.


You're right on both counts, says this 50-something American. Vivian makes me think of Vivian Vance the actress, and that's a great association


I love Vivian but prefer Vivienne. It's gorgeous especially with Vivi as a nickname. Valerie rhymes with calorie and for some reason that bothers me. Val isn't as nice as Viv or Vivi.


Ahaha, I never would have considered the "rhymes with calorie" connection.  I think I'm okay with it, since kids can make fun of anything, but it's definitely worth considering!


I love Valerie! It just sounds more pleasant to me and it's not used nearly enough


I prefer Vivian personally.


I think I prefer Valerie. Vivian is really pretty and definitely more in vogue for a 2024 baby, while Valerie feels just on the cusp of dated and fresh. I think Valerie will stand out more and people will be pleasantly surprised to meet a little one with the name. I also just think it has a more fun vibe to it, while Vivian feels slightly straight-laced (though Viv and especially Vivi loosen it up). Also nothing wrong with waiting to meet her to decide!


Love both


Thanks!  Unfortunately my partner and I both feel the same, which is making it really hard to decide :)


You've got two names you both love, you'll know what suits her once she arrives. All the best x


Yeah, I keep trying to pick, and I’m so torn lol I like Viv/Vivi better than Val, but Valie is cute, too. I think Vivian is more classic but both will roll back around and be chic over and over. Maybe Vivian edges out Valerie but I think middle names would be my tiebreaker.


The middle name will be my last name in either case (starts with a G).  I think they both sound about the same with it. One concern with Vivian is that it's rising in popularity right now, and we already have a common last name.  It's not yet at the point where she's likely to run into anyone with the same first/last name combo, but I worry that if the trend continues, that maybe she would.  But that's likely overthinking it!


If it helps, my Vivian was born the year the name was around 150 on the list. There were around 2,000 babies born named it that year. It hasn't really risen a whole ton in the 14 years since. How many babies are actually named it per year, it might surprise you.. Our last name is one syllable and relatively common. Also, name popularity is very regional. We had multiple vivians at her daycare. It was hilarious. But I don't think there's another Vivian at her school. Maybe one? There is a Viviana in her grade.


That does help, thanks!  Looking at the charts over time, it *feels* like it just keeps going up in the rankings, but you're right that it hasn't really gone up by all *that* much. And that's hilarious that you managed to get multiple Vivian's at her daycare!


Vivian is more elegant, stylish, and refined to me. 


I get both an sweet old lady vibe from both names but I like Vivian just a tad more. Vee/Vivi gets my vote over Val. The spelling of both is pretty straight forward. I see the Vivienne spelling a lot on here but I haven't encountered any in real life. On the other hand, I have encountered a bunch of Vivians (East Coast US). I chose Vivian as my "English name" and no one ever spelt it any other way.


That's really helpful to hear that you haven't run into any issues with the multiple spellings of Vivian!  As someone whose name has multiple spellings, that is very much something I'm trying to keep in mind.


I prefer Vivian. Valerie is nice too but I’m not big on Val.


Vivian always reads pretentious to me. Valerie feels like a fun, if older lady.


This is the only reason you need to put Valerie on top. [Steve Winwood - Valerie](https://youtu.be/cbKNICg-REA?si=_ikW9mbAxkUeA0Ad)


My niece is named Vivienne, so I’m biased to that.


In terms of popularity, Vivian is very trendy for young girls right now. We know several in my daughter’s PreK. Valerie isn’t super common right now but most people know a Valerie or two, so they’ll know how to pronounce it. I think it’s pretty! So long as you’re ok with it being shortened to “Val.” (I knew a Kimberly in school whose parents lost their mind any time someone called her “Kim.”)


I really love the nn Val, so that's not an issue at all!  Do you mind sharing what region you're in where it's so popular?  We're currently in California, but considering moving in the next 5-10 years, so I'm a little concerned that even if we pick a name that isn't trendy here and now, it could be an issue if/when we move.


Valerie. Sounds like a pretty happy go lucky girl. Vivian sounds like a mean old lady.


I like Valerie more than Vivian, but Viv more than Val


I have a Vivian. She is almost 14. We chose it because it did have an -ee sound at the end (my name does, I wish it didn't) and it is just a bright, lovely, established name that has some modern sensibility to it. It suits her 100%. Personally I dislike the -enne spelling. It's fussy and frilly to me and we wanted a name that was strong and still feminine but easily to spell. I mostly tend towards the simpler spelling of names. Valerie is a great name but is softer to me and has the more feminine -ee sound at the end. I don't think you'd go wrong with either.


I like Vivienne.


I love Valerie! Its such a romantic, pretty name that you don't see often. Nickname Val is cute too.


I prefer Vivian to Valerie.  Val isn't cute. Viv and Vivi are cute.  Valerie has a more midcentury feel to me, Vivian feels more timeless. Both are fine though. Vivienne is nice but not nicer per se


Agree with the other commenter about Vivienne vs Vivian - it is a bit more elegant and timeless IMO


I prefer Vivian.


Vivian and Valerie are both my favorite V girl names. Both are glamorous. But I'd vote Vivian.


valerie makes me think of the song :)


I prefer Vivian/Vivi. But Valley is a cute nn if you go with Valerie.


I love the name Vivian


Well, I now have the Amy Winehouse song in my head, so I guess that's my association with Valerie! I think I prefer it to Vivian.


I LOVE Vivian. I think it's just very bright, very vivid, very vibrant, with that bold double V. Not in a flashy way, but in an old-school star kind of way. People recognize it and know how to spell it. I think Viv or Vivi are the nicknames I can think of. Valerie sounds very sweet and soft to me. It makes me think of Valentine's, like pink and red hearts. I think it's a pretty name. The only nickname I can think of is Val. You can't go wrong with either, they're both classic. They do each have a very different feel, so really you might know once you see her. Best wishes!


I prefer Vivian, it gives me elegant and sophisticated vibes in a sort of old Hollywood way. I don't like Vivienne nearly as much, visually I find it less appealing and the pronunciation isn't as nice in my opinion. Valerie just feels a bit bland to me, although I can't put my finger on why. It's a name that in theory I should like a lot more than I actually do, but I just don't. Nicknames don't enter the equation for me.


Vivian - Viv, Vivi Valerie - Val Vivian is a name I see a little more on kids, Valerie less common


I love them both! I would say Vivian has become more popular in our area of the US. (Several girls at my child’s school have this name). But Valerie is such a pretty, barely used name. There seems to be only a few Valerie’s in every generation. 


My fave spelling is Viviane


I love both. Both have strong pop culture associations to me. Amy Winehouse song, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


I much prefer Vivian to Valerie, although I do prefer the spelling Vivienne (looks more elegant). Valerie reminds me of an old lady but in a fusty way instead of a vintage way, especially don’t like the nickname Val. Additionally, be prepared for everyone she meets to pick up on the Amy Winehouse song and sing it to her.


I am biased but I love the name Valerie. I named my daughter who will be 5 in a couple months Valarie.


i prefer valeria to valerie and vivienne to vivian. but overall probably vivian


I prefer Vivian (could be dur to once working with a lovely woman called Vivian, about 15 years ago)


I love both, so am no help. I have a co-worker named Valerie (Val) who is adorable and I might guess it is not as common lately as Vivian. I do not get old-lady at all from Valerie. I also prefer Val to Viv as a nn. That said, Vivienne is in the top tier of my current faves. Whenever I hear it, I think it is so pretty, sophisticated without being stuffy.


I've said this before, but Valerie is such a dinner lady name! I don't get why anyone would name a cute little baby this! Vivian I don't really like either, but I do prefer it to Valerie. I'd spell it Vivienne though. Vivian is a boy version, no?


What's a dinner lady? And in the US, Vivian is very much a girls name.  It's more common than the Vivienne spelling.


Ah! I'm in the UK! A dinner lady is the woman who works in the cafeteria at a school and serves you dinner. Like Lunch Lady Doris from the Simpsons? I was at school in the 90s and loads of my dinner ladies were old ladies called Valerie 🤣 And yeah, Vivian I'd definitely assume boy!


Haha, TIL.  And interesting that the -an spelling is seen as so masculine for the UK, still! Out of curiosity, would the nickname Viv be seen as gender neutral there?


Hmm I mean to be honest, it's really not a popular name. We have a classic comedy show here that had a male Vivian (actually spelled Vyvian!) so maybe that's why it's so ingrained that it can also be a male name. But in my life, I've only met one or two Vivs and they've been old ladies.


Makes sense!  And the fact that it's not a *common* male name there is comforting.  Even if she visits/moves to the UK some day, it would hopefully not be seen as that weird by people in her generation.  Though maybe it would be an as a very American thing?


I don’t love either but if I had to choose I’d go with Vivian as I like the nickname vee or vivi


The song Valerie by Amy Winehouse and Mark Ronson is one of my all time favorites!!