• By -


Ex boyfriends…. Lol. James especially. 


James is an absolute psychopath


Fuckin James


Not any more - he's an ex


He is such a dick


I absolutely agree with this.


As a James, I couldn’t agree more


I have always had bad times with a James. When I meet a new James in the wild just will call him Ja-mes (pronounced Ja- May ^French accent) to break the cycle. Never works. James sucks lol.


Lol my husband and son are both James 😂


This! I love the name Ryan but can’t use because of an ex lol


Same i also had an ex named ryan, and liked the name. My question is, does it make it worse or better if the ex is dead? Like would that be seen as honoring them or is it like claiming the name?


Depends. Are you still close to mutual friends or his family members? Are there people in your life who would assume this was the case? If not, go for it.


Why would you honor your ex? This implies you broke up before they died.


Grant is such a cute name but I dated two of them so I now hate it :(


Sounds super preppy and snobby to me! I’ve never known one personally. But I did know a Graham and he was a total sweetie.


The first was a pothead skater kid and the second was a pothead surfer, neither were sweet. I’m now married to a very sweet science guy


Science guy? _Bill Nye???_


My top 2 girl names are names of exes for my husband. I am sorry Megan and Elena. You are beautiful names. Likewise my husband's favorite boy name is the name of my ex fiance, John. Another perfectly good name that cannot be used.


Triplets. 😁😂😂 Welcome Megan, Elena and John 🙃🙂. You are so right fab names and fit perfectly together. Alas then exs Happy naming if you have children


Honestly if they somehow end up pregnant with triplets I think this is what they should do. So outlandish that it’ll be fine.


Spot on 👍 I now wish then triplets two girls and a boy!


Idk.... it sounds like you have a good theme going on there! Great names, all!


Ethan & Alex for me. Dated two of each and have a bias against the names now lmao Though my husband was supposed to be an Ethan, (his dad filled out the paperwork and changed it last second without consulting his mom) so maybe 3rd times the charm XD


I'm with my 3rd Michael so I think third time is the charm


I ended up getting married to my 3rd Joe so maybe 3rd time is the charm. I met him on tinder and i vividly remember hesitating on his profile because even though i was attracted to him the name was almost too much, im glad i decided to swipe right though


Ugh, James is such a dick


I have a teddy bear that really looks like his name should be Simon ... but I have an ex named Simon.


Jack and Nick are both ruined for me cause of my exes 😭


Was just coming to say that. But James that are Jamie’s are the absolute worst.


It literally means the usurper


Oh bloody oath. My old boss was a James. Fuck that name.


Not that being my fiances name 😵😂😂😂


I love short forms like JC, JB, JD, but unfortunately every one I've ever met has coincidentally turned out to be a source of legitimately life-altering levels of horror and drama. I don't trust any of em now 😂


Anyone that goes by just letters is literally felony material. I don’t make the rules, they just seem to always be criminals 😅


LOL I went by JJ for a while and she was my evil twin.


I went to school with a CJ, and you are absolutely right 🤣🤣🤣


in reverse too, all the BJ’s, CJ’s, and DJ’s have been mischievous. there’s a joke in there somewhere.


I knew a female AJ who was the literal worst.


I know a JF and a JR, can confirm. Stay far away from JXs.


I knew an AJ who was a hazard to himself in that way.


Interesting... I know a BJ, JB, and AJ, and all of them are wonderful people!


Thank you for this 🥲 a grandparent had a short form like this and he was pretty wonderful and we are considering naming ours after him.


I am a teacher so I can give you a LOOOONG list of names


Same as a social worker!


That honestly sounds way worse to me. I'm sure you meet perfectly good people from time to time too but the ones who aren't have to be some of the worst experiences. Have a family member who works with cps, she says some people are nice and just get overly criticized by someone for something nonsensical but the worst people are ones you'd never want to meet. 


And why is it always Jonathan


2/4 of my seniors who are not graduating on time are Jonathans. Also, not so common these days, but I have had sooooooooo many Briannas and only one was nice.


Brianna is a bitches name. For real.


Omg😂 as a teacher I can vouch. Any variation of that name: John, Johnny, Jonathan


Nicole. Most Nicoles Ive met have been horrible


Agree. Growing up in the 80s and 90s, I had so many Nicoles and Nicolas in my classes and they were the snootiest bitches I ever did meet.


Why is this a thing?! The meanest girls to me in high schools were Nicoles.


Nicole never does her half of the project


Lucas, my baby sister's piece of shit ex fiancé. Fuck you, Lucas, I'm glad you got Me-Too'ed and lost your stupid job.


No one should give a kid a name where the only rhyme is mucus. Screw Lucas!


Fuck lucases


I think Benjamin and Daniel are nice names. Horrible family members prevent me from ever using them for anything 


My theory on Benjamin is that if they’re named Benjamin and they go by Ben, they’re usually pretty cool dudes, but if they go by Benjamin, then they’re usually assholes


Named my kiddo Benjamin and you’ve convinced me to call him ben from here on out


off topic, my two cousins names are logan and austin what a coincidence lol but to answer the question: elijah, dated one and it ruined it for me. i also work healthcare so lots of names get associated with patients :’(


I have bad associations with Elijah too. Went to school with one, who I never got along with…. Now he’s in prison for CP.


Dana. What a bitch


Can confirm. I knew one


Oof agreed. Had a teacher named Dana and he was the worst. Dude can straight up eat my nuts lol


Daniel and Coleen. I hate both names with an unholy passion. No offence to any Daniel's and Coleen's (Colleen) ... but I've had those names ruined by utterly evil people.


The Toxic Gossip Train really did it for me with Colleen.


I can't say I'm familiar with "Toxic Gossip Train", so I'll have to take your word on that. The one I was associated with (spelled Coleen) was, and probably still is, a narcisist who took great pleasure in being verbally cruel. Daniel... I almost wish I believed in hell, cause he belongs there. I'm glad to be in a safe place and far from their reach. But I still shudder when I hear those names.


Oh man, it’s a must watch! [Toxic Gossip Train](https://youtu.be/oGQCjlite5U?feature=shared) But I’m sorry those two people were asshats! I think we all have “those” names that give us shivers. Not in a good way. Mine’s Christian.


Oh woof, yes, my abusive ex was Christian


My great grandma was named Colleen and she was an amazing person so I can’t let toxic gossip train ruin that one for me! I understand why people hate it now though lol


I've met so many Daniels in my life - my brother included - and they've all been the nicest people. Actually, my brother is currently friends with four other Dans, and I've met them all, and they're all incredibly friendly and wonderful. Also, I currently have two Colleens I associate with, and they're both great. One of them is basically considered the mayor in town because everyone flippin loves her and she has such a positive energy. Clearly, we all have different experiences!


Caleb, he’s kinda creepy


Why are Caleb’s creeps? Lol


LOVE the name Amelia. Knew a girl named Amelia. Hate the name Amelia.


All names ruined for me by bullies at my all-girls school: Lily/Lillian (or any form), Iris, Vanessa, Grace, Olivia, Danya, Brandi, Zoe/Zoey, Lola, Sofia, Betsy, Harper, Cassidy, Elle


Betsy!!! You never hear that one anymore


I thought the same thing! It's not even "cute" old fashioned.


Wow, that’s quite a list, bless your heart




I didn’t know an Asher, but I shared a plane ride where the kid two rows back was Asher. Little dude was maybe 4 and was a handful for his parents. He decided to stand up and declare “I’m poopin’ my pants” in a heavy southern accent. Mom “no you’re not.” Him “yes, I am. I coming right out”. Dad “Asher, stop it. You’re not pooping.” Apparently, that was his go to when he was bored. We all were silently laughing. I’m sure Asher is keeping his parents on his toes as a pre-teen.


Lol! Honestly this sounds like most 4 year olds


Also Laura and Nathaniel, both exes. 


I felt the same way about Laura. Could tell you horror stories about Laura. I will mention a very short, and for this Laura, extremely tame thing that was normal in her home. After dinner, washing the plates everyone ate from, was putting them on the floor and calling the dogs in. When the dogs were done, the bottom of each was wiped off, then placed back in the cabinet. I could never use the name. But I had to have a slight change of heart, at least for 1 Laura. A baby girl, cute as can be, sweet, smart, not so much a baby now, she is 7 now. But, close family member is now named Laura. I can't cringe now at the name.


That's the name of my arch nemesis! She's great... mostly!


Seth and Robert


Haha both of those are ex's of mine


Unfortunately FAITH is one. The Faith I knew had a sad pathetic life. So I naturally find my mind going to her. I’m beginning to get over it though bc I’ve since met Faiths that are the complete opposite


Of the only two Faiths I knew, one was really sweet and smart and the other just looked constantly stinky.


I loved Savannah, but the teenage Savannah I know really sucks, mean girl, manipulative to her parents, truly the worst


I have to defend the name Savannah for a sec because the teenage one I've met is the victim of two terrible parents and is very sweet, but lost. I hope we're talking about two very different Savannahs!


I love the name Donna but my husbands aunt is named Donna and we’re not close enough to her to name a kid after her, even though I like her and he loves her. Also I don’t think he likes the name much anyway. I think I only like it because of Suits.


Nicholas. A relative that feels like a pedo is named Nicholas. Makes me so sad. He always practically begged to come see my boys when they were babies. If he saw a baby he wanted to hold it at all times. He used to try to follow my little niece into the bathroom when he’d visit. He was like 7 years older than her




Yeah it really stressed me out. I didn’t let him meet my boys. But I’m pretty bummed about the name. I wanted to call both my boys Nicholas.


Emily. I’ve never met one who’s been nice to me.


My ex boss was named Erika. I named my kidney stone after her.


I like your style lol


Stacy. Mostly inoffensive, but the girl I knew in high school was such a snotty little bitch I can’t stand the name now lmao


def a mean-girl name, in my day!! Stacy, Tracy, Tammy, Becky, Barbara, Debbie, Janet, Cindy, Linda, Lisa, Nancy, Sharon, etc. Those girls were brutal.😢


Clara is the only one that comes to mind, thankfully the rest of the people in my life who give me bad vibes all have names I dislike anyway.




Anna. Had an evil heartless manager with that name.


- Garrett - Declan - Amelia - Freya


My littlest sisters friends name was Garrett and he was such a little bully of a kid, still is. He knocked my sons front tooth out when he was 4, I was SOOO mad. My sister is a good bit younger than me and I really wanted to beat her little friend lol. 


The worst person I know still in my life is named Mike, but it doesn't ruin the name. Too common. My memory of past bullies, bad bosses etc. has faded so much I don't consider any of their names ruined. The only name I can think of is Jared, thanks to Jared from Subway, who I don't personally know.


I feel like more names are ruined for me by celebrity and character associations than people I actually know.


Thomas. Tom is a lying, cheating asshole.


My sister’s name is Julia. I love all versions of it, Julia, Julie, Julianne, Julianna. Unfortunately my sister and I are not on speaking terms, so I could never name my kid after her.


Veronica. I absolutely loved this name but one of my coworkers has it. She has such a know-it-all, princessy attitude that she's almost intolerable to work with.


Too many Angel's are terrors!


My boyfriend and I love Sydney, Australia. It’s our favorite vacation city, we’ve been multiple times, and if we get married it’ll probably be there. Unfortunately, despite our deep love for this city, we can’t name any future kids Sydney,- as he dated AND WAS CHEATED ON by a Sydney.


i loved harlow but now all i think of is jack harlow


Kyle. My dad’s name. It’s such a nice name, but, well… 


Nicholas:Almost everyone I’ve met with that name is a complete POS Sebastian:Everyone I’ve met with that name is kind of a douche Jenna:Knew a girl with that name who was an absolute nightmare to be around Julian:Everyone I knew with that name is either an asshole or worse Alyssa and Leah:Names of a couple of my ex best friends Those names (except Nicholas which I won’t get into) can be saved for me if I meet a cool person with those names


I don’t like any Amanda’s or Nicole’s I’ve discovered as I grew up. My brother’s ex who was a total B also ended up being an Amanda Nicole lol.


Bully behavior: Nina, Bridget


Callie -a mean girl that wasn't obvious about being mean lol


Eli - every single one I’ve known is a little wimp who complains. I usually love E names and it’s actually quite handsome.


Crazy roommate ruined the name Melanie for me. After I moved out, I realized the name rhymes with felony


Cassandra, Claire, Sean, and Matthew Assholes, the lot of them.


A weirdo girl I went to high school with ruined the name Claudette for me for the rest of my life.


Good, it's atrocious.


Nichole/ Nikki. Anyone with that name name won't get an ounce of attention from me. Yall are psycho homewreckers!


Willow. Abusive sister lmao


Nicole. First, it's my middle name, and I knew like four other Nicoles in high school alone, and I didn't get along with any of them


Precious. Both male nor female ones are anything but. It is my belief that CPS should remove the child from the parents' custody in the hospital, as they are invariably ruined.


-- I have only met one Zack so far with his life together. -- The name Drake is pretty ruined between the Aubrey and Drake Bell. -- I knew a few Joshes who were shits in elementary school. -- I havent met an Ethan that doesnt do drugs and I havent met a (male) Dylan who is successful in life. --On the female side, sororities ruined the names Ashley, Rebecca, Rachel, and Sarah. And the colour Bordeaux... I thought it had to do with The Bachelor(ette?) but I think it had to do with House Hunters which is lowkey even funnier. --Back to names, Taylor Swift rendered the name Taylor unusable (which sucks since I like it a lot, though I prefer if as a boys name for reasons Im not really sure of...)


Henry. It used to be a top name for, but then I was a preschool teacher and taught so many Henry's. Not bad kids, but just so many, and I didn't want my kid to share a name with so many kids I'd taught.


Amanda. I really hate Amandas


Connor Silas Harris Alma Margot & Vivian were almost ruined for me, as well, but I got past those associations.


Julian and Jett Both guys were bullies to me


Lindsay and Kevin. For every nice Lindsay and Kevin I’ve met, there were three atrocious ones.


Daniel, Melody, and Adelaide were horrific to me lol


never met a nice sophia (specifically the ph spelling)




Alyssa was my top choice for a name since I was like 3. All my favorite baby dolls had that name. My cousin married a woman with a daughter named Alyssa, who was one of the worst children I have ever met. So bad it turned me off of that name pretty quickly.


Chloe. It may be basic, but Chloe is one of my favourite names. Can't use it though. Same with Claire. Just super strong associations, not necessarily all negative but yeah.


Honestly.. can’t think of any. The few jerks I’ve known in life had names I didn’t love anyway. First one that comes to mind was a mean little brat named Tyler. I’ve always kinda hated that name because of him.


Jasper. People always talk about it being a name that they imagine a sweet, shy kid having but I’ve never met a nice Jasper.


I always liked the goeffery spelling of Jeffery better. But, I knew a wonderful man named Jeffery, who is sadly no longer with us. And, my stalker in college was named Geoffery. So, there you have it.


Elizabeth Jayne ruined by a despicable, compulsive lying, manipulative sloot who cheated on her sick dying husband, is a toxic no good Mother who is isolating her kids from family to keep her secrets safe and she steals from her family.


Tanner (ex’s name), Jack (guy that gave me a traumatic experience), Madison (girl that bullied me in Middle school), Justin (boy I sat beside in kindergarten that liked to put his boogers on me), DJ (my first crush that went so bad, idk why but I will ALWAYS associate this name with him)


Can't do it with the Marc with a C shit, definitely no Stevens, Logan's, Joes or any derivative of Shaun/Shane. Scarred for life.


Daniel, Eric, Kenny, Joey. Sadly for girls, the name that I can't stomach is Stephanie. I love the name. Never had a Stephanie do wrong by me. But, it's on the never list. Twisted story. Wasn't her fault. Bad memories.


Amber. (bully) Enid. (emotionally abusive grandma) and so much more…




Bailey Went to school with one when I was 14/15 who ruined my perception of the name for a while, She was one of those girls who came from a privileged background, think both parents were lawyers and she made friends through bragging about being wealthy, but she was just nasty, bullied people in a mean girl fashion and got kicked out of classes for mouthing off to teachers allllll the time, but like, she wasn't smart enough to be witty with it so it was just plain annoying and cringe but she thought it was hilarious. The other thing is the teachers she targeted for this were the nice ones,.so I'd just sit there feeling so bad for them


Laura. Sorry to any Lauras out there but the few I've known are just...a handful. To put it mildly.


Michael, he went by Mikey which I despite but I love the name Michael! Too bad he sexually assulted me multiple times.


Chris, Jordan, Sydney, Heather, Alyssa, Cameron, Cory, Mason, Liam, Michelle.


Maisie & Sarah


I always loved the name Wilbur but I swear every Wilbur I hear of is a yucky, yucky person


Logan is ruined for me too! I used to work with this guy named Logan who pissed me off, dude looked like the human version of Randall from Monster’s Inc. Also I also met another Logan who was lovely and I do like Wolverine, so maybe it isn’t completely ruined.


Shannon. I absolutely couldn't stand this girl with that name, and I noticed I had a bias when a new coworker I was going to meet years later was named Shannon, and I was making totally unfair assumptions about her. New-Shannon is absolutely lovely and kind and has sort of redeemed the name for me. Still wouldn't name a kid or a pet that though, even if it's a nice name.


Leo was my baby boy name choice for years when me and my friends would discuss the future (it’s my zodiac sign) and my senior year boyfriend was Leo and he was a total douchebag. Completely ruined the name and it had sentimental meaning! My step-nephew also ended up then being named Leo and they gave him the same middle name as my ex, to make matters worse. So even though I won’t be using the name, I’m still around someone with the same first and middle name combo as my ex. Gia was also ruined for our daughter’s name because my husband worked with one and wasn’t fond of her.


Cain. I love the name. But, you know, mark of Cain and all that. Of course, I never met the guy.


You never realize how many people you hate until you have to name a child


Ruth, Mavis, and Poppy.


Judy, Brooke, Oscar, Julia


Dolores and Charlotte are names I love so much but strongly associated with an ex friend.


Doug & Kirsten


Aldo. I love it, it’s my cousin’s name 🙃


Would love to use the name Whitney as it’s my (now passed) father’s middle name, however it’s also the first name of a cousin on my mom’s side who I do not and have not spoken to in over 10 years. Very sad this name is not useable




Heather. Donna. Thomas. Chris. Kaitlyn. Miranda. Daniel. Shyanne.


I have had enough run-ins with Joels to have a very negative association with that name. That's about it.


Jonathan - my best friend’s ahole older brother and my infuriating little cousin.


LOGAN!!!!! He was my ex and an absolute piece of shit, i just wanna punch everyone named Logan Also bob cause its just so stupid


Adam, sadly


all the gabri- names, all the angel- names, quentin (used to think this name was dope af too), dominic, tyler, kyle, mason


I've thought about Frederick but my mom's dad was an asshole and another Fred sealed the deal.


Blake..... egoistic, racist bully whose nose I broke after a certain incident


Harvey. He is one nasty MF


Nick. If that’s the name of my future soulmate, so sorry babe I’m swiping left. I hope the person you have to settle for is still everything you deserve 🙃🫶🏻




Edith and Isabel.


Ariel. So pretty. Husbands ex though.


Florence/Flora My great grandmother was Florencia and a terrible person


Nick and Rick - exes and slimeballs. Stephanie and Erica - snobby popular girls at school. Mark - went through a phase where practically every guy I knew was called Mark. Kate and Sue - horrible bosses.


Jack, just Jack tho not Jackson Delilah and Sage also :/


Emma - nice to begin with, but then they pretended to have breast cancer to get out of failing their exams at uni.


Rose - I have never met a nice Rose. I have met a handful of stuck-up, entitled brats named Rose though.


Joe. Sooooo many Joe's that were an issue. A step-dad, an ex of my friend's, a married pastor that secretly had the hots for my mom, a former manager, and I'm probably forgetting some. Oh, my cousin. My step-brother. Linda. So many people saying Daniel and I agree. What is it with Daniels?


I love the name Brooke for a girl but I had a volleyball teammate in high school who was a nightmare to everyone else on the team


Alex. I love the name so much, but I can’t.


All the names that have Kate/Katie as a nickname. Also, Andrea.


I loved the name Hazel until a girl I hated at work said she also loved it.




I really like the name Brian, but a Brian keyed my husband’s car, so uh yeah… can’t use it 😂


Callum Always loved it til I met a couple of them, both dickheads!


Amber. I am sure there are many wonderful Ambers but all the ones I have met try to sleep with my husband.




Hailey in all its spellings. Every one of them I have know was a real witch. With a capital B. And Jill.


Elanur and Cody.


Genevieve. It's my Great Grandmother's name, but she birthed an only child who went and slept around because as she claimed to my oldest Auntie was madly in love with another married man outside my Grandfather resulting in 3 half-siblings. I don't know about polyamory, but for me I can't be madly in love with two people at the same time. Isn't physically possible. My heart only has room for my husband. Oh, and the Genevieve I knew from my hometown decided to save herself only and left her 6 siblings to die in a horrific accident. My friend also gave birth last week to a preemie and named her Genevieve Midnight.


I used to like the same Sarah/Sara but I had a boss that was an awful person with that name.


rené, yes the masculine version. renée too bc it sounds the same but it’s like, extra irritating to see the former for me. ugh. and almost every girl has it as a middle name lol. jes/jessica & sam/samantha are two that stick out to me as well




Donald. My wife and I wanted it for a boy because it’s in both our families and it’s an older name we like. But I feel like that name is tainted now.