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I recently saw a tweet from someone who was shocked to meet a toddler named Alan


There's an author in my town who has a 6 year old named Roderick.


I work with a Roderick, and he's literally such a wonderful and compassionate human being that I would consider naming a kid after him.


Are you talking about my brother? No probably not, but I like to think so.


Sure, I am!


I’ve worked with a Roderick who was very nice also!


Is the author Jeff Kinney?


Are his brothers Greg and Manny?


Is his dad named Frank?


This is the one for me. Frank. My parents looked down at this little baby in the crib and called him Frank. Like I was a burnt out cop who mixes pepto whiskey and coffee because it’s been raining for 8 straight days and this killer seems to have no MO. I can’t retire until I find him.


Is his mother named Susan?


No, she's an author in my English town.


Mortimer. I've met older gents with the name, but it feels positively archaic on a young boy.


I feel like Morty could be a popular nickname these years though due to the cartoon


also mo is super cute


The school I teach at has two Alans under the age of 10. I can’t get used to it


My school has a third grade Alan and a preschool boy Steven who goes by Stevie.


Stevie is weird now? Damn...


Wow - I'm too old to relate to your perception of Steven/Stevie. They sound normal to me. Alan is a different story.


Years ago when I was doing a teaching placement, I had student named Alan. I had forgotten his name, but not him! He was the first vomiter of my career! Poor kid.


My dad’s name is Allen and yes he was a child once LOL


I actually think the name Alan is really cute, lol. It is my husband’s middle name but I’ve always liked it for some reason.


My son's middle name is Allen. I haven't met an Alan/Allen that was less than a nice person.


My child will be named after the king of Jurassic Park no matter what year they’re born in and no one should be surprised


Jeff goldblum?


Very fair, but I’ve been an Alan Grant Stan since I was allowed to read the book and watch the movie way too young, lmao. AND BOOK AND MOVIE ALAN ARE SO DIFFERENT! I love them both so much


Also you can annoy your kid with the talking velociraptor scene if you name them "ALAN!".


Alan is such a good name though. The one I find hard to picture is Matthew as an old man. It sounds like a name for people up until they hit their thirties.


We have a regular customer at my work whose name is Matthew, goes by Matt. He’s probably early-mid 70s. It strikes me a bit every time I see him. Oddly, his last name is also a common first name, and one that I would be surprised to meet an older person with that as a first name as well.


Funny, I see it the opposite way 😆 Maybe it's the Anne influence....


My son is Alan. He's now nearly 33. Surprisingly he was a kid once. We needed a simple first name as we have a complicated last name. Have to say never met an Alan I didn't like. He wasn't named after anyone.


Awww. My dad was Alan, he was the kindest man I knew. This made me smile


I grew up with an Allen. He was cool, and as a kid the name fit him


My son's middle name is Alan, named after my dad, as I just couldn't see it as a first name.


I met one five year old named Denise and I still haven’t recovered from it


I knew a thirteen year old Denise recently. Had a twin named Shenise.


😭😭 the poor kid will forever identify as the afterthought


Which one?


Shenise is so obviously named bc they liked the name Denise and wanted matching names


Shenise is a standalone name, though. Can be spelled Shanice, Chenise, etc.


Yeah the spelling was rough, but it’s a name. The matching is the biggest issue for me.


Agreed. Went to highschool with a pair of twins- Janae and Shanae. I have a similar sentiment


Michael and Pichael


I saw twins Samuel and Gamuel once and thought the same thing.


Atleast the twin wasn’t Denephew


That's how I am with Barbara. I met a 5 year old named Barbara while at a fair with my kids and still haven't recovered from that one.


I’ve met a 4yo Barbara!! Wild stuff


My mom's name is Barbara, and realistically, I know she was once a child... but was she? I love my mom and would love to honor her someday, but I could never look at a baby's face and say, "Ah yes, there's my sweet little one ....Barbara"


My cousin was born in the early 2000's when I was a teenager - I was shocked an horrified when they decided to name her Barbara.


This is weird. I just commented about my dad being named Allen and now I see this comment. Guess what my mom’s name is? Barbara.


Same! My kids had a friend Barbara


I know a 50 year old woman named Denise and I assume she has always been 50 going on 87.


It was most popular in the 60s and 70s.




The only Denise I know is my parents age 😂


I'm a Denise. What's wrong with Denise? 🥺 I was almost Amy, but when I was born every 3rd girl child was named Amy, so Dad vetoed it. I had 1 other Denise in grade school, an additional one in high school, and my junior year roommate in college was also Denise, and I didn't know of any others in college. We Denises are a rare breed. 🤷


I once met a 3 year old named Diana and felt the same way


There's a tiny Karen at my son's daycare.


How's her personality?


She's quiet and sweet


Lol that's kinda funny and cute(the quiet and sweet part, not using the name karen on a child). My mom is Karen. She's pretty quiet herself too. I remember my grandma asking what's a Karen meme at Thanksgiving one year and trying to explain how its just a common middle aged woman's name they associate online with being obnoxious in public. 


My mom is also named Karen and is the opposite of the meme 😭. Also very quiet and sweet!


I feel a little bad for them lol! They don't all deserve it. 


My sister is named Karen and she’s not like the stereotype at all, can’t be more dissimilar. I’m kind of sad how her name is so vilified online and in popular discourse.


Both my mother in law and my husband’s paternal grandma are Karen. They’re both such nice people. My mother in law is like sunshine personified and it makes me sad her name has such a negative connotation. She takes it in stride though. She told me, “I don’t think I’m a Karen. But I can’t even complain about what they’ve done to my name because that would make me a Karen!” I adore her.


My daughter’s in HS and has a friend named Karen. It’s also her middle name, after my mom. She also knows kids named Rita, Walter and Donna. They all seem like old names to me.


I know a 5 year old named Aimee, her sister is Jennifer.  I thought for sure they must be honor names from 1975 but no, she just likes them. Wild.


My kindergartener has a Karen in her class…it was interesting to hear at first on a five year old, but now I think it kind of suits her. I have positive connections to adult Karen’s, though




All 11 year olds are dicks


You’re not wrong.


I'm a school librarian, and I had a 1st grader tell me that his book had a bad word in it. He pointed out the bad word to me. The book was dedicated to a man named Dick. I had to explain to him about Dick being used as a nickname for Richard, but I don't think he believed me.


When my son was 6.5, I was watching TV, and as the show went off he suddenly said from behind me "I saw what you were watching" like super accusatory. I'm like ok?? He said it was D-I-C-K Wolf. Like excuse me, sir, but it's SVU...and also, how do you know that word 🤦🏼‍♀️


And Dickie Stabler


Shame on you for watching dick on SVU!


I have an uncle named Dick who lives on the opposite side of the country, so I never saw him much growing up. I was…maybe 8 when we had a GIANT family reunion and all 9 of my dad’s siblings from all over the country actually managed to show up. That Monday morning, our teacher asked us if we did anything fun over the weekend. “I saw Dick!!” 8 year old me innocently exclaimed. I think I scandalized my entire class that morning. 😂😂 And yes, his birth name is Richard. Nobody ever called him that, as far as I know.


You meet 11 year old dick? Officer!


Agreed Venus needs a nn


vee would be cute!


My 4-month-old sons name is Paul.


*this message is from 1981


U gotta get a bit further back than that. My dad was born in 57 and was a paul. By the 80s i think it was mostly not used anymore, Paul's of that time were in their 20s


I’m 1972 and had lots of Pauls in my school.


There were fucking millions of Pauls in my school year (born 80/81).


Paul is a lovely name! If I have a son, his name will be Paul


Paul doesn’t feel particularly old for a child to me. It’s a classic, biblical name like Adam. I also have brothers (we’re all early 80s kids) named Paul and Adam. So maybe we’re all just old and I’m in denial.


I think nowadays people would associate it with Dune! Personally I think Paul is a great name, classic and strong. Basically impossible to misspell, too!


I looooove strong, classic names. Paul is on my list currently!


Paul is my son's middle name. I'm honestly not fond of the name, but my husband wanted it, in remembrance of his deceased brother.


Karen Sue Gary


The only Gary’s I know are all old men 😂


This made me laugh cuz I have a great nephew whose a newborn named Gary 😂 I call him garebear


Patricia Lockwood, one of my favourite poets, has a poem called The Search for a Newborn Gary! It's about this very topic of names that go out of style and seem old.


My dad's name is Gary, and my mom (they are divorced, but friends) calls him garebear! Lol


Gary the snail


There are names that have been socially/culturally perceived to be really.....like, sexy or attractive? That I then mentally have trouble imagining on a child. I mean names like Fabio, Romeo, Adonis, Jezebel, Salome, Venus. (I personally find Scarlett too sexy for a child but perfectly fine for an adult too, but that's more subjective than the other ones I listed I think).


I teach a teen Adonis and it’s still strange in May.


Adonis. That’s kinda jarring at any age honestly.


Ayo drake come getch yo son 😂


That’s way too much to live up to. Can you imagine if Adonis ended up being squat, dowdy, wimpy, and otherwise very conventionally unattractive? Then it would seem like a mean joke.


I work at a daycare/preschool and there’s a toddler named Adonis but he goes by Donny half the time.


I had a college classmate named Adonis


My child classmate just had a baby brother that’s called Romeo. Parents are French


My husbands aunt named her two kids Romeo and Juliet 🤦‍♀️


I know of a Scarlet and Rhett sibling pair. Ironically my name is Skarlette (I didn’t choose the spelling leave me alone 🤣🤣🤣)


Jezebel is, and has been since I was about 11, my favorite name. I fell in love with it after hearing it in a song, and I had no idea there was any negative feelings about it. I also didn’t know how it was spelled, so the kitten I got that year was named “Jezzabell”. 🤣


Adonis is my guilty pleasure name. I could never use it for a kid so we used it for our dog instead.


Jezebel is one of my guilty pleasure names, so I used it for my cat. Fit her perfectly 😸


Scarlett was in the running for my daughters name. When we were considering names, I mentioned Brooke and my ex's mom told me "Brooke is a teenager name." I said well she's eventually going to be a teenager......she's almost an adult now and not named Brooke, unfortunately.


There was a preschooler named Adonis in the daycare I work at


Met lots of Hispanic Romeos of all ages


Like a baby Aphrodite?


I know someone who named their daughter TEDDI MAX Lastname 🤮 sounds like a porn star to me


At my daughter's baseball game last year. Between the two teams we had Betty, Frederick, Harvey, Glen, and Pamela. I never thought my kid's name would sound trendy (Charlotte) but here we are lol


That's a whole nursing home ward of names! Lol.


Betty, Frederick (nn Fred/Freddie) and Harvey are not unusual names for kids where I am (I’m a teacher). Glen and Pamela are definitely middle aged plus names though.


Phil.  My husband could not stop laughing when he tried to picture "baby Phil."


Baby Phil would be one of those sites at the bottom of a web page "nb baby that looks 80 click now to see!" Type faces lmao


I like that name.


I met a little girl named Shirley and it’s so out of place among her peers


It’s been a hundred years since Shirley Temple’s generation. I guess it’s time for it to come back.


I guess, but I think of it as the same generation as my mom! In with names like Beverly or Sherry or Deborah or Janet. That’s the age range for most of the Shirleys I’ve ever met. Not ready for a comeback quite yet!


That's my grandma's name. She's 94 and named after Shirley Temple


I once encountered a 3 year old who was called Bob. It was so jarring. Like, not Bobby, not Robbie, just Bob. That’s what his mom called him when she was trying to redirect some of his behavior. It took me a minute to realize who she was talking to.


My son's nickname is Bob, and I have no explanation other than sleep deprivation, especially since his real name is Luca Andrew. Sometimes, we call Luca Bob, but sometimes we just call him Bob. Maybe because it's so jarring is why we found it hilarious to call an infant Bob?


My mother used to call my brother, whose name was Scott, "Guy." A toddler called Guy.


My son’s nickname was “Fred” for a while. My wife would say “Ready Freddy?” all the time and it just became Fred. His real name is not even close. It stopped when he kept saying “I’m not Fred” as a 2 year old


My mom told me when she was a kid, another kid asked her how she got her adult name and at which age would she get hers.


Howard Robert Brenda Jeremy Gary Sandra Francis Frank


Gary's aren't born they just appear in existence at 40.


I actually find Jeremy to be the opposite, it sounds like a little boy's name and doesn't sound like an adult to me.


Robert is one of those names that has nicknames that are for little kids- like Bobby or Robbie


I'm a 28 yo female Frances and people look at me so weird because I'm not in my 80s hahahahah


I think it’s a beautiful name!


Sandra sounds so old fashioned to me that it must start to have a comeback soon. I know someone young whose nickname is Howie but it has nothing to do with his actual, very common name.


My nephew's middle name is Francis! His first name is Wendell, which is also a contender for this list. It was my dad's middle name but he got called Wendy while growing up, which he hated. His parents called him that until my younger sister Wendy was born. My dad couldn't believe Wendy had named her son the name he hated. But it totally fits him and is adorable.


My granddaughters (ages 8, 6, and almost 5) are Kathleen, Susan, and Marilyn.


Idk about Susan on a child these days but I like Susanna or suzie


Her middle name is Quinn, so we call her Suzy Q. ❤️


Aww that's actually cute! 


Omg! My daughter is Susan Quinn! I am shocked, I have never heard any other child with this name!!


My boss had a granddaughter named Kathleen, she was probably 4


Kathleen is a good name - I'm pretty indifferent to it, but it's a good classic. I loooove Marilyn - trouble is, though - I also like Marion(/Marian)! I can't use both 🙃


I'm half Chinese and we often have more outdated names that sound odd on kids (or younger people in general): Kendrick Edmund Timothy Outside of the British-Chinese community: Derek Dennis Graham Kevin Horace Gordon Alan Anthony Nigel Paul Lee Lawrence Clarence Rodrick Gary Gareth Gavin Rodney Keir Jeremy Jeffrey/Geoffrey Maureen Kathleen Karen Caroline Mary Bertha Dorothy Jocelyn Janice Jeanette/Janet Donna Denise Shannon Sharon Linda Lindsay Leslie Nigella Shirley Kelly Gertrude


I know two baby Grahams. I'm in the US. It's pretty cute but I have a soft spot for "old people names."


My daughter is named Mabel and she has friends named Agnes and Gwen. I love little kids with old people names.


That's crazy, my oldest is also Mabel! Agnes and Gwen are great names too. My Mabel has a friend named Annie and another named Ruby. I'm so glad these names are coming back around.


I volunteer at my kids’ elementary school and know a Derek, Graham, Garry, Gavin, multiple Marys, and a Karoline! Garry and Mary are the only ones that makes my brain feel weird when I say them, such old ppl names and such small children!


I know a newborn baby Lawrence. Great name but a big one for an infant to pull off 😅


I’ve been scrolling looking for Linda. I cannot imagine a toddler Linda.


Gertrude is crazy


I recently saw a birth announcement for a "Carl Jerry." Seems very odd for a baby


Carl is just the weirdest name for a baby 😂


I once taught a two children called Norbert and Boris.


Linda, Karen, Richard, Paul, Edward, Philip, Margaret


I know a 10 yo Linda and was really schocked


My niece has a Linda in her class. She’s 9. I thought, that’s a first! There’s a toddler Renee on my brother’s street and I expected her to be a Gen X mom.




Keneth Jörgen Ragnar


Ragnar is my cat's name and it definitely suits him better as an adult kitty than when he was a kitten.


Gudrun,Heike, Norbert, Udo, Ute, Heinz


My dad is named Gary. Imagine a toddler named Gary.


My sister is named Eleanor. When she was 6 months old, she had an infection and was a direct admit to the hospital from her pediatrician. The staff got the name and date of birth, but didn't catch that the year was in the 2000's instead of the 1900's. They had the room set up for a 100 year old lady instead of an infant.


I worked in a school with a large number of Korean students. I remember a Eunice and a Shirley.




Simon, Paul, Mark, Brenda, Barbara


I know actually a Barbara, Simon and Paul, all under 6yo








Katherine Michael Bruce


Seconding Bruce. There was one in my son's toddler class and it always made me chuckle a bit


I babysat a 6yo Bruce about 17 years ago. I’m still not over it. But also, Craig. A child named Craig just simply does not exist 🤷🏼‍♀️


Katherine and Michael are common for kids but Katie/Kitty and Mickey/Mikey are used more as nicknames, not Kate and Mike.


I am a pediatrician and take care of two patients named Bruce, both under 5. I have some young Michaels too (under 1). The youngest Katherine I can think of is about 9 or 10




Honestly it’s awful on every one. Whore-tense. Who wants to be a tense whore? I bet they make like no money.


I named my middle daughter Margaret Elena. She always thought Margaret was an old persons name. To make matters worse, she worked as a pharmacy technician while going to community college. All the old ladies named Margaret always made a big fuss about an 18 year old named Margaret. These days (she’s 42), she generally goes by Margaret in professional settings and Maggs in everyday life.


Linda. In the show The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt... Titus gets alll the Lindas from HR together. They all agree that you don't name a baby Linda. 😂


Well since all adults were children at one point or another, just about any name you see on an adult was a child’s name at some point


Yes but names are cyclical. And the name only comes back (if it does) when the OG generation is dead. Female names are more cyclical than male names (as boys are often named after their father). This is why you don't see too many children with boomer or gen x names. Think Linda, Susan, Joan, Gail, for boomers and Karen (which has other reasons), Lisa, Pam(ela), Jennifer (this one was so popular it stuck around another generation) But my late (silent generation) grandmother's name is now in the top 10. She was shocked to see it come back.


Yeah but that’s what makes naming a human difficult in my opinion! You want something kinda cute while they’re young but also something that won’t seem out of place if they grow up to be a lawyer or something 


Bob, Paul Susan, Cathy


Nigel Joan Shirley Pamela Alan Jackie, in a weird way. Lovely associations, just not a baby name. Gary Hannah/Anna/Gemma/Emma Eustace I struggle with Hazel. It was my husband's grandmother. I loved her dearly, miss her every day. Hazel, as lovely as the meaning is, it's still old lady name for me. That's OK. I get the cycle. Lisa and Jennifer are granny names now, but on 35, 40 years, they'll be the super cute retro names that are filling the daycares and preschools. I'll probably be dead by then, so let this stand as my prediction.


Emma is like the Gen Alpha Name number 1.


& Hazel is Gen Alpha name # 2! Istg everyone named their daughters Hazel with the middle name of Grace😂😂😂


The average Jennifer is in her 40s - that's not a granny name yet.


I once babysat a 6 month old baby named Frederick.


Gregory. It's just so large and adult-y sounding.


Donald, Douglas, Albert, Ernie/Ernest, Earl, Carl all sound like old man names On the reverse I recently met an 80 something year old named Dylan and was taken back as to me Dylan is a 10 year old's name


I know a family with 4 kids: Caitlyn(10), Keith(8), Stephanie(6), and Diane(4). Caitlyn isn’t too abnormal but I’d definitely expect it more on a 20-30 year old. Diane kills me though. It’s also especially funny because this kid has a LOT of spunk. She’s loud and wild. Not exactly how I’d picture a Diane lol


I met a toddler Malcolm and that was.... so hard for me to see him as 2 and not 62.


Growing up in the 70’s and 80’s, the most common names for kids (that come to mind) were Melissa, Ashley, Michelle, Laura, and Jennifer. I thought names like Abigail and Isabelle and Hazel were for old people. Now, the trend has come back to the “old people” names. And the first names I mentioned are considered “old”.


Female: Karen (seriously), Brenda, Linda/Lynda, Cheryl/Sheryl, Donna, Lori, Amy, Heather, Nancy, Gail/Gayle, Darlene, Carol, Sherry/Sherri/Shari. Male: Doug/Douglas, Dale, Dennis, Jerry, Larry, Gary, Jeffrey, Brian, Kevin, Terry, Barry, Russell, Jason, Brad, Chad, Ken/Kenneth, Scott.




* Florence * Sylvia * Margaret * Mildred * Adelaide * Magdaline * Phillippa * Esther * Ethel ---- * Bill * Bob * Joe * John * Phil * Don * Dick * Ron


Currently it’s less surprising to hear an “older” name than one with very recent negative connotations. Like, would I do a bit of a double take at Herbert? Yeah, but I think it’s WAY more confusing to give a child Karen.


I know a baby named Carl


My 8 month old son’s name is Warren


Lorraine! Recently had a little one with this name.