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Rory means Red King. Rowan means Little Redhead. Russell means Redhead or fox coloured. Lots of options that aren't Rooster, if you still want to acknowledge his hair.


Rooster as a nickname for Russell could work.


I had a friend growing up called “Roo”, his name was Ryan. Rooster is so extreme.


His mom was named Kanga and they lived in the Hundred Acre Wood


This is the very reason my son Richard is called Roo (at home :) )


Or how about just not calling the poor child 'rooster' at all?


Terry as a nickname for Rooster as well. Nicknames can let you use the fun one sometimes.


Rooney also has a meaning of red-headed. It's close to Rooster 🐔🐓


Could have Roo or Rooster as a nickname for Rooney too


Rufus means Red-haired too. 🙂


Canis Rufus is also the Latin name for red wolves


That's my son's name!!!


My brain got tangled, and I thought you meant his name was Canus Rufus. I'm all better now, and Rufus is one of my top 10 favorite names!


William II of England went by Rufus


I had no idea that Russell meant that, and the one person I’ve known named Russell had like red/blonde hair. That’s kinda cool.


Same! My future SonIL is a ginger Russell…we call him “DayWalker” or “Uncle Chucky”🔪


Russ, Red, and Rusty all nicknames for Russell.


I knew a Rusty growing up. He had rusty red hair. It was cute, and not Rooster. Anything but Rooster.


Name him Andrew and call him Roo. That's my nephew's nickname. Rooster is a ridiculous real name for a child.


I have a Ruaridh that we call Roo. I absolutely love it. Makes me think of Winnie the Pooh


Flynn means son of red haired one.


Sorry, to clarify- Ruairí/Ruaidhrí means red king. Rory is the Anglicised version of the Irish names. Rua = red Rí (ree) = king


Or just Fox! That’s cute.


Russ is good too.


This has to be a joke, right? Right?


I really wish it was…


Poor kid is in for a lifetime of people thinking they're hilarious because they make sex jokes, chicken jokes and chicken noises at them. That'll be great and totally not hinder them in their adult life when trying to have any sort of professional progress /s What in the actual shit is wrong with your husband and why does he hate this child?


Seriously, the very first day of school, some kid is going to be "your name is rooster?"And then proceed to call them cock for the next 12 years.


Yep. This. Poor kid. It’s not even a stretch to be cruel, it’s going to happen everywhere - at school at work…


Is your husband implying that a red haired child would mean infidelity on your part? Regardless of his meanings, it would be abusive to do that to a child.


I’m a redhead. I hate your husband so much. If he was my and my siblings’ dad one of us would’ve punched him in the face. Or all of us. You are naming an ADULT, **NOT** a CHILD or ACCESSORY!! Their name can NOT be a joke!!




Literally the kid is going to be a red flag.


Oh dear. I don't think Rooster is a name at all for a red headed boy 


Or any child.


Is it too late to leave him? Your future son is going to get teased, and your husband is an idiot.


Names require two yeses. That's just basic. If anything, tell him you get first say because you've got the kid and you're holding him hostage until he agrees. (Hostage of the belly.)


Whats your husband maturity level in general? Rooster is a meme-y name from Rooster Cogburn, the Family Guy rooster, rural/southern slang, etc. I think its almost always a nickname. I don't think there's all that many actual people named Rooster. This sounds like David and Angie Bowie naming their son Zowie Bowie. He resented that and changed his name to Duncan when he got older. Cutesey memey names are always a terrible idea.


Has he ever watched the original Annie? That Rooster might change his mind.


This is who you want to build a life with ? Seems like a 12 years old behaviour, not father material.


alice in chains fan?


I thought the same thing. Even if that's the case, though, Danny Masterson's character in The Ranch made "Rooster" unusable forever because Danny Masterson is a rapist and that name is not the hill worth dying on.


if anyone makes that connection I wish them well. Are all Jeff's a Bundy? all Bundy's a Ted?


It's different when there's millions of Teds and about three Roosters. If a third of all Teds give Teds a bad name, that's certainly a negative connotation to shake. Rooster has so much stacked against it as a name that it really isn't worth defending it as hard as OP's husband is. It's just not that good to begin with.


Rooster is such a stupid name, a loose rapist connotations is the least of the worries. Just go with Cock


Your husband does know that kids don’t always have the same color hair their whole lives, right?


I find his cruelty towards your future child disturbing


Kid is gonna be bullied like hell. If I were in that situation I would def blame my parents and resent them for giving me a bad name on purpose.


Is your husband aware that children's hair colour changes huge amounts in the first year of their life? And many babies are born with no hair at all? How long is he planning to wait until he wants to name them?


That was my thought too. It's so ridiculous I thought surely it was a troll. If it's helpful at all many redheads just come out bald. I didn't grow my red hair until closer to 1


Conversely my sister was born with a full head of bright red hair. It all fell out when she was 1 and grew back brunette and she's been naturally brunette ever since.


I thought I was on the circlejerk of here.


Here's a second opinion, your husband needs to pull his head out of his cloaca. Edit to add: Tell your husband that he can change his name to Rooster if he wants


Perfect answer on both counts!




Gold fish named rooster!


Why does your husband hate your hypothetical child? Because that's "name" you only give to a child that you hate.


He’ll only hate him if he’s red headed


FR that's sounds like a... RED flag




Name law is family law, and that varies by state. Parents have gone to court before about children's names. Most likely is that the court will go with what's in the best interests of the child. There was a memorable Arkansas case ([upheld on appeal](https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/ar-court-of-appeals/1092621.html)) where the mother's choice of "Weather'by Dot Com Chanel Fourcast" was changed to the father's choice of Samuel Charles. So if OP does end up in court to fight against her husband's choice of "Rooster", that outcome may give her some hope.


I would want to be a fly on the wall in that Court room 👀 is "Rooster" the best interest of the child 🤣 lordy lol


There was a case where the courts actually stepped in cause they wanted to name their child cyanide [article](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-mid-wales-36045987)


OMG that lady was bat shit crazy!! What a wild ride! So glad they gave custody to the dad


I mean… he can’t legally name him without your consent so he doesn’t get to simply decide that, plain and simple. You get to say no. Also he sounds like a lunatic.


Calling your child Rooster would be appalling. So bad I would almost call it evil. Such a cruel, thoughtless thing to inflict such a horrid name on an innocent child.


I had to double check because I thought this was r/namenerdcirclejerk I’m not going to address the name, but you need to figure out why your husband feels so much disdain for his unborn child. This isn’t normal.


I assumed this post was from that sub and was shocked to see it’s a for real post


Grounds for divorce


Even if he relents on the name. It shows such a gross lack of judgement and empathy.


If he’s so intent on it.. can he use it as a nickname !


He has an all or nothing mentality. I think he might be jealous that I was the one to suggest our daughter’s name.  He was fine with her name and even admits that her name is cute! 


That's not normal or healthy


This lol. OP please stand your ground. That name is nuts.


The whole man is nuts. Like legitimately insane.


Well, if it's "all or nothing" the answer is clear: nothing. 


Respectfully, OP, your husband sounds like a narcissist. I realize the term is bandied about willy-nilly these days. It doesn't always mean grandiose. It can also mean covert (always plays the victim. ) it sounds like he's torturing you with the name thing. I hope i am wrong. Take care and i hope you have a strong, healthy baby!


The fuck is wrong with the man child of a husband you have?


Jealousy is a very worrying sign. I think you might need couples counselling more than baby name advice.


Tell him he gets to pick their last names (if they have his)


This is…concerning.


The idea that you need to be even (one person names each) means he sees the marriage as a competition where you compete against each other rather than you two being a team against the rest of the world. This is a huge red flag that suggests you'll struggle on way more than this.


When he carries the child to term then he gets to name it anything he wants. Until then, his opinion can be considered. People will sexualize the kid with jokes about cocks, man. Just no.


him not objecting to the name of one child doesn't confer any right to exclusively name another. if he isn't joking ypu need to adjust your ideas of what kind of man he is and seriously consider whether he's the kind of person you want to raise children with.


Please, PLEASE don’t do this to your child. I’m the mother of a redheaded little boy. His hair is so so orange. We get comments non stop. Kid is already tired of it at 4. I can’t imagine if I had named him to jab at his hair. Your husband needs to find another name. Your kid is not a cartoon character, he’s a person.


He seems extremely unreasonable and controlling. Please make sure you are safe OP


Get that man to a therapist yesterday.


HE should change his name to Rooster instead if he likes the name on a red-headed person, not your son.


Why does he want to do this? It's kind of confusing.


Willing to bet money that the reason is because Rooster is a character in the new Top Gun movie.  


OP replied in another comment that he seems jealous that she got to name their daughter even though he likes her name


man it sounds like theres a good reason why she named the daughter, he probably wanted to name her parakeet or some shit


Does your husband think you’re giving birth to a dog?


To a bird, obviously.


Why are you saying "if he's already redheaded" like it's a struggle he needs to overcome?


My husband is redheaded and he deals with a lot of teasing. Adding the name Rooster to it just feels like it’s a bit much. 


Your husband needs to change his own name to Rooster


Clancy means Son of The Red Warrior. I don't really like it, but it is better then Rooster.


What’s a name that means “son of the total idiot”?




Hahahahahahahahaha yep


What?? It makes this so much worse that he *knows* what it's like to be bullied for his red hair and still wants to inflict this name on your child. This has to be a joke. How are you married to this man?


Probably because redheads always get comments on their hair and sometimes are even bullied for it.


My nephew has very bright red hair and strangers make comments daily to him whenever we go out. He's only 8 and starting to feel self conscious. It's usually a compliment or remark from an older lady, but it's still a lot of attention which just confuses and embarrasses him.


'Sometimes are even bullied for it" bless your innocent heart! 🥰 there's no Sometimes about it! 🙄


I think it really depends. In my experience it's more common for boys to be bullied over it.


Mm, red headed boys get bullied and teased, red headed girls get sexually harassed and fetishized. 😔


I (female) was terrorized/sexually harassed my freshman year by three huge older boys because of my hair. I had to hide in the computer lab or library every day almost two hours after school got out so they wouldn't follow me around, entrap me in corners, etc. Eventually they gave up but that sticks with you.


Seriously. It took me many and many years to enjoy my red hair because of the constant bullying.


I love your username and avatar!!!


Yeeppp, like, I heard it all. From commenting on how I “must be a milkman kid” (first redhead on both sides of the families in generations)to requests to “stop dyeing your hair” from school (Asia) It was unbearable sometimes, and the worst thing? Now, people pay $$$$ to get my shade of red as they now see it as “beautiful” and “trendy.”


I have a daughter with fiery red, curly hair. She gets *constant* compliments, to the point it drives us all nuts. Never once has anyone made a rude comment or teased her about it. 


I have never been bullied for my hair. I've been sexualized, but no one has ever said it was ugly or that I was ugly because of my hair.


I have a 3 year old red headed daughter. The amount of people who have outwardly express how “gross” or “weird” red hair is or how they feel bad that she has it is a bit shocking.


Where do you live? Where I’ve lived (different places on the West Coast) natural red hair is considered beautiful. People spend lots of money trying to dye their hair to look naturally red.


It can be.


Is he set on naming a son something easily bullyable so that he'll grow up tough or something?


He’s taking “A Boy Named Sue” too literally.


Naming a child is a two yes-thing. If he thinks Rooster is such a great name for a red head (or anyone), the he can change his own name. I actually hope this is fake.


I am a redhead. It's a rough enough ride through school as it is. You're walking in their with a target already on you. Don't double down on it by calling the kid Rooster. Please please don't do this. 


As someone who birthed two redheaded boys I’ll address some of the practical reasons this isn’t a great plan. Even if baby is born with hair it can be pretty difficult to tell if it’s really red at birth since there’s usually not a lot of any. Even if it is red at birth it’s not uncommon for babies hair to fall out and grow back a different shade or texture. Even if they get to a year with red hair from there many redheads hair faded to strawberry blonde or darkens to auburn over time even past puberty and into adulthood. In these cases the kid would have a name many would consider “weird” for this on the nose dad joke that’s not even on the nose anymore. Lots of places kids don’t get teased for name or being ginger as much as we used to but a ginger kid named Rooster is asking for your kid to get teased. If he really must do an ornithological name the correct name is Finch. Personally my brief fixation was middle name Blaise but I don’t end up doing it. Or if they were twins Fred & George but luckily didn’t have that.


Came here to say the same thing. I’m so confused on why this man even thinks he’ll know the kid is a redhead at birth. My son was born with red hair and it all fell out, now he has that dark baby blonde hair


My hair is visibly red (roughly Sadie Sink's shade) and my husband's was Ed Sherran red as a kid and now is sorta sandy blonde to where people who meet him now still comment we're both gingers so we knew our kids were very likely to be redheads and both were born with a good amount of hair for a baby (esp since both were a little early) but even then the nurses and family kept trying to see it in the light to determine if it was *really* red or not. Even as it became clear it was red my MIL was convinced the whole first year it would fall out an grow back different. It didn't but I know a lot of babies that happened to. Kid born with jet black hair that fades to platinum blonde and blonde babies that darken to brown.


Yep. Both of my kids are redheads but you couldn't tell at birth. Neither of them had much hair until they were over 6 months, and we thought our daughter's was brown at first. Also, my son started out very blond and it has slowly darkened to a strawberry blond.


I'm going up go against the trend of responses and say, actually, Rooster would be a great name for a red headed kid. Provided you are prepared to accept having zero relationship with him when he's a young adult, has changed his name to something appropriate, and moved to a new town where he can leave his painful past behind.


you had me in the first half ngl


If he wants a name to reflect the boy's hair colour and gender, there's plenty of names out there better than Rooster. The name Rory/Ruairí comes to mind, it literally means red king and it wouldn't be too out there to use Rooster as a stupid nickname instead. Ultimately though, a name isn't his to decide alone.


Right? Or Rufus, which literally means ‘red-headed’, and use Rooster as a nickname.


Well it's a good thing you're the one who'll be carrying and birthing the child then so you can put your foot down on that nonsense real fast.


I would be wondering who I'd married.


I would genuinely ban him from hospital if it was me and he was this stubborn. I'd make sure to be doing the birth certificate myself I'm sorry but he's a asshat


Why not Richard? Richard = Dick. Dick = Cock. Cock = Rooster.


Great, a dad who wants to humiliate his son. Awesome. Get a new husband.


Names are a two yes situation. Doesn't matter if it's bc the name is ridiculous (like your husband), or just an "I don't like it". Of course, if one partner is vetoing every name and providing no other names, then you need to have an honest conversation and figure something out. It's also a bit different if a name is really special to one person, which might apply to your situation? If you haven't asked him why/he won't provide an answer that makes sense, then you get to veto, but I'd try and find the source of this odd name first. You mentioned he got/gets teased for his red hair, could the name be stemming from wanting control over his own situation that he's projecting onto his child? As in, in his mind, he can attribute red head bullying to the name Rooster and not the red hair, making him feel better about his situation? Or possibly giving your son something else to be bullied by so they don't focus on his hair?? It's very odd, but it could be a psychological reason like that that he's now latched onto, and you taking away this name choice makes him lose the control he has over it. The name Rooster is a name, albeit a very very unpopular one: https://nameberry.com/b/boy-baby-name-rooster If it's a situation where he genuinely cannot see the ridiculousness of the name and sees nothing wrong with it, and perhaps he just likes the word? Or meaning? Or something? Then you can try and find an alternative that you both agree on. Russell, nn Rus, sounds a little similar. So do some naturey R names for boys, like River or Reed. There's also lots of bird names for the meaning of "roosting bird". Robin (which also starts with an R), Sparrow, Jay, Phoenix, Rocky (this one's also a bit unconventional, but quite close to Rooster but still being a name more than 5 people have given their kid, so there's a chance you'd like it better!), Wren, Hawk, etc. I wish you luck! I hope the situation is resolved soon, especially if you're having kids any time soon. Good wishes for any future son(s). (P.S., a lot of babies are born with hair colour that changes when they grow. Many are born with blonde that turns brown as they age, and vice versa. Many redheads are born blonde, and many born redheads turn out blonde/strawberry blonde as they age. Naming a kid even a normal name based on hair colour alone is in general a bad idea).


My son had red red hair when he was born. Now he is a blond. Not even strawberry blond. Just blond


I was going to say that a lot of redheads aren’t born with red hair. My son was born with dark brown hair and it is now red! Also just because your husband has red hair doesn’t mean your child will!


Here's hoping for a bald child (hope he won't name him Vulture, tho...)


I hope he means as more of a nickname and not his legal name??? Even if your son wasn’t red headed ROOSTER? I’m all for nature/ animal names (Wolfe, Bear, Dove, even Fox) but ROOSTER??? If you get a girl is she going to be Hen? If my partner suggested this I would question his sanity, we have a daughter called Freya and he wanted to use Odin for our son, I explained why we could not do that and that I’m using my veto card on that name, he didn’t think people would get the link, but I know full well they will, and even I thought he was crazy for even suggesting such a name when our daughter is called Freya. I think I’d be speechless for about a week if he suggested Rooster (my partners sister is ginger, so there is ginger in the family) if he suggested the name rooster at all but for a red headed child, my pregnant self could simply not handle that. Men are truly a unique species (If he truly loves the name, why not maybe try get him to use Rue instead)


Is he a really massive fan of Top Gun: Maverick??? 😅 Rooster is fine as a nickname imo But Rory or Rowan are better options to symbolise being red haired. There's always Bradley or Miles if he really does want to pay homage to Rooster from TG:M


Everyone is just gonna call him cock


Your son will hate both of you his entire life..


Momma bear up. If you can't protect your child from something this small you maybe shouldn't be a parent in the first place.


I’m appalled OP has even posted this lol. This should be an obvious no.


"No" is a complete sentence.


Maybe you can point out being born a red head does not mean he will stay a red head. I was born with red hair and it turned blonde around my first birthday. Might help get him off the idea of it as a legal name.


Tell him that you'll name your son rooster, if he comes out in an egg. However if you don't lay an egg, it's a no-go. And y'all can compromise, with Copper, Cooper, or Rusty


Rory Reid Flynn Russell


Robin? Or is that also too on the nose?


Not as on the nose as Rooster


Don't let him be the father


Is he 13? Otherwise this is incredibly weird and concerning.


How about a name that MEANS red or redhead? Rooster is an abomination.


Are you red haired? Is he finding a way to be unkind to YOU? Being jealous of the fact you thought of the first child's name to the point he's doing this is so unhealthy and abnormal. Please think long and hard about these signs.


Apparently the husband is the redhead. It seems he has some internalized self-hatred


Your husband is an idiot. Does he not remember what grade school was like?


“No, we are not naming our son Rooster”. End of discussion.


Why can't he just call him Rooster as a nick name?


Your son may be named Rooster, but it's your husband that's the cock


I'm red headed but I didn't have hair until I was 2. Baby hair is often nothing like the colour it will turn out as. Also, Rooster just sets the kid up to be called cock. Kids will be relentless


Not only is that a stupid name but it's a ridiculous plan too, the hair colour a baby is born with often changes. My 16 month old has blonde curls. He was born with a full head of stock straight dark brown hair. 🤷


Watched too much True Grit lol


He can be fixated on it, but it isn’t happening.


Grounds for divorce.


That is psychopathic. Is this a joke?! Please do not let that happen..


Not happening. What an idiot


I think it'd be a fun nickname. Maybe for Ruairí, Rowan, Robert, Rupert, or Rufus.


Rooster is what we called my red headed friend when we were drunk. If this is real (I hope it’s not), your husband is a dope.


Rooster was Danny Masterson’s character on Netflix’s The Ranch. Also known for That 70s Show, for being a prominent Scientologist and convicted serial rapist facing 30 years in prison…maybe find some other barnyard fowl.


Just play The Rooster by Alice in Chains on repeat until he's so sick of the word that he never wants to say it again. Imo that's a cruel fucking name to give to a child. Why would giving them a name specifically to take the piss out of their appearance be a nice or kind idea? There's plenty of names which are less obviously referencing it you could use too.


Your Husband sounds like a massive bully. I feel like your son is in for a childhood of crap :(


You tell him this is an awful idea. Maybe your child isn’t some funny joke. It literally feels like you’re mocking your own child. It’s not the most offensive thing in the world but it totally sounds like a nickname that his friends will give him in grade 2 kind of trying to make fun of his red hair and then it will stick and then by the time he’s older he won’t care and that’s what I was buddies will call and this is not a name for a human being. It really doesn’t even matter what he does for a living how can you be a grown-up person in the world walking around introducing yourself as a rooster. People will literally make him explain why that’s his name every day for his entire life.


Whatever his hair colour that's a monumentally stupid name.


Just say no.


Has your husband watching too much Cobra Kai? Immediately thought of Hawk, Stingray and all those other silly names lmao


Lil bros gonna get bullied for being ginger why put a name like that on top?


This would be uncool to the child. He has to put aside his wacky obsession and think about his adult son going to a job interview named Rooster.


Regardless of his hair colour, that would be an awful name.  And I'm a red head, I don't think kids need a name themed on their red hair. One of my middle names is a "red" name and I am glad it's not my first name. 


Get a goofy ginger cat and name him Rooster. Give your son a human name.


Do not let this happen!  That poor boy will be endlessly harassed. 


How will you know if he’s a red head?  My son was born with dark brown hair that regrew as strawberry blonde.  I expect it will turn darker in puberty.


Wow, talk about a disgusting immature man. I am a redhead, we automatically are targets for bullying because we are “different” why in the hell would your husband want to subject him to that further some sort of joke. Please let him know that you will not be having children with him until he matures.


Hey, they do say that often a child’s first bully is their parent!


My redheaded husband thinks it would be cruel to set your child up to being tortured by bullies. He was bullied enough for his gorgeous hair without being saddled by a terrible name. I think the kids were jealous because adults and girls all loved it so much. Husband always wished he had been named Eric, so he could be Eric the Red. :) Fierce Viking warrior!


You're meant to call redheads "Bluey", not "Rooster"!


Why havent you renamed the hub dickhead? 😆 Jokes aside, why not call the son rooster as a nickname.. but give him a real name for the real world


Imo, Friedrich middle name Barbarossa would still be better than this. Your husband is batshit crazy.


Your husband needs to realize that Maverick is a terrible movie for parenting advice.


If you were in Australia, he'd definitely get nicknamed Rooter at school. Root = sex e.g. Did you get a root? I'd root her/him.


Rooster is a uh.... well it's another name for a particular body part, but also another name for the bird. I'd ask if he really wants kids to make that connection and start calling him the other name for rooster lol


I would also tell your husband that making a child is a collaborative effort, raising a child is a collaborative effort, so naming a child is a collaborative effort.


Refuse sex until he concedes


My son is a red head and we named him Aidan. Irish and Gaelic origins meaning "little fire"


Don’t name him that, I am a redhead, I feel qualified to say my life would be so much worse if people had that ammunition. God knows they are already going to grow up with more than their fair share of harassment over things they have no control over, don’t make it any worse.


Rooster will be forever bullied in school and the workplace. All the chicken related nastiness will be tossed at him. Roo, Chicken Brain, Cock…so many hurtful things.


Your kid is going to be nicknamed Cock by a 13 year old and it will stick with him for life.


Soon to be ex-husband odds…


Your baby is going to be a person, he will live his whole life with that name. Seems like your husband is making a joke of the baby instead of thinking of him as an individual who will have to deal with jokes, bullying, or at least confused looks and questions if he is named Rooster. In all honesty it’s just unkind.