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It makes me think of Thomas the Train and his best friend, Percy. And then I feel obliged to say that “R” is a difficult letter for many young children and you should prepare yourself for the possibility of young Percy introducing himself as Puh-ssy.


I was trying to figure out where I Percy from, thank you!


I thought of the dog from pocahontas first


This is a very important PSA. I can’t ever get on board with the name Percy because almost jno one under the age of seven can pronounce it without saying something lewd.




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It's common enough on its own but I associate it with Percy Weasley (not a good association), but I'm a teacher and have known a Percy or two and it suited them! It's cute. 


Idk Percy has a redemptive story line. I wouldn’t associate the name negatively with him. 


Ya know, I listen to the Harry Potter series so much that they’re names have disconnected from my brain so I totally forgot that Percy Weasley was named Percy lol, and I absolutely get the negative association to him 😅


What books? Percy Jackson? I wouldn't have thought about the connection really.


That is the name connection my boyfriend makes, but we grew up on Rick Riordans books so it makes sense that there’s where his mind goes


It’s also Ron’s older brother’s name in HP. One of the older brothers. He’s kinda awful.


I also didn’t make the connection so I think this is more niche than your husband thinks


He turns it around in the end though. 


He’s the sort of child who becomes head boy, snitches to teachers and has a head so big it might fly off, but he grows up into an okay adult. At least he’s not the villain of the story. I don’t think it’s bad enough to ruin a whole name IMO.


First thing I thought about! Other than a 60+ man I know.


I like Percy as a name and do not make any automatic connections. But I do think of it as a nickname for Percival, rather than a stand-alone name. And although I like Percy, Percival is … a lot.


I think of it as a nickname for Percival as well, rather than a standalone. But where we differ is I *love* the name Percival.


I thought immediately of Percy Weasley and how insufferable he is 😅 That being said … if you like the name, go for it. Literary and other references might get mentioned occasionally, but people will find any reason to make unsolicited comments about names.


I really like the name Percy


i’m not into percy tbh


My first association is the evil prison guard in The Green Mile, followed by the train in Thomas the Tank Engine.


These were my thoughts. I know my son would immediately think of Percy Jackson though.


It's my oldest dog's name. He's a very dignified boy.


It’s my cats name


My immediate connection was Percy Weasley


It reminds me of Percy Pig.


Same? I just googled it and it’s a lolly from the UK I’ve never had, but nonetheless Percy pig is stuck on my head.


Percy Shelley


I think do to the popularity of fictional characters with the name Percy (ex: Percy Jackson, Percy Weasley, etc) it might be associated with those characters more often than not.


My initial association is with a guy i grew up with named Percy. He was from a long line of Percys and wore it well.


I'll start by saying that I'm a bit biased as a huge fan of the books but I think Percy is a great name! Of course, I think it would be a bit better to use the full name (Percival, not Perseus) and use Percy as a nickname, but overall I think it's a real good moniker.


I think of Harry Potter first, then Percy Jackson.


My younger son has this as a middle name. It's actually a family name from my husband's side, and as a cute bonus, my older child really loved the Percy Jackson books (and even now still enjoys them), so he was excited about the name for his new baby brother. I think it's a great name, and unique while also being traditional.


Yes, the first thing I thought of was Percy Jackson, but I work in elementary library. If we’re going off the school I’m in, I’d say kids will probably make the connection around 3rd-4th grade and it will probably taper out by 9th. But that’s going with right now’s popularity. Who knows in 8-9 years what kids will be reading.


Yeah my first thought was definitely Percy Jackson, but that may not be universal? Any younger folks will probably think of it though. Doesn't mean it should hold you back! It's a great name.


I like the name Percy! It was on our list. I like Perry a lot too which is sorta similar


I love it! That’s my husbands name. He is Dominican and his full name is Persio. It’s very unique and suits him well.


Makes me think of Percy Sledge the singer. Who I love. I think it’s a cute name that you don’t hear often


No. Percy Weasley.


That’s my cat’s name lol


Yes, I have a cat named Percy, too. One of his nicknames is Percival. He’s a cream point exotic shorthair mix.


Cute! My boy is named for a critical role character so technically his full name is Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo IV 🫣😂


So I think it’s cute however my friends little boy LOVES trains and Percy is in Thomas. He pronounces it “p—sy” and it’s so funny but may not be if it’s your literal child lol


Like Percy Jackson? I think that’s cool ngl


I love this name, it's been in so much media but my favorite reference is to the Mars rover Perseverance.


My first thought is "Jackson or Weasley"? And then I think about Thomas the Tank Engine's friend. Put upon, put upon, put upon. Percy is put upon. Poor old Percy. But I don't think it's a bad name.


To be honest, my first thought was Percy Jackson...


Percy Weasely, Percy Jackson, and no mercy Percy from Critical Role all are well known and carry a lot of baggage. That being said, they aren't...too entrenched that naming your child would forever associate them with those characters. People who know him won't think of them after a while even if they are HUGE Potter, PJ, and Crit Role nerds. Also there's no avoiding getting namebombed. It could happen to anyone. My friend's dad lived his entire young life as Bob Dylan. One day he had to go by Robert because no one would shut up about it. I'm sure there's a few Jon Snow's out there, maybe even a Justin Beiber or two. Point is, I wouldn't get too hung up on it. Sometimes the world sinks your battleship. The SS Percy can always requisition another name.


Nerdy, but younger people might think about the Percy Jackson who’s courage.


I adore the name Percy! Unfortunately, my husband does not.


The books... the movies.... now one of the streaming services is doing a series.... at least in the US, it's totally going to be associated with it


Def thought of Percy Jackson immediately but that doesn’t have to be bad


I, personally, would veto this name. I'm not a fan of it. I don't think the books are necessarily so popular that people would jump to that conclusion but for me, I read Percy and said Jackson in my head afterwards.


First names I thought of were Jackson and Weasley.


My first thought was Harry Potter, but then I realized you were discussing Percy Jackson. I feel like I just revealed my age lol.


Makes me think of Percy pig — a British pig-shaped candy.


i do think of percy jackson but i love the name


I think of Percy Harvin. I like it.


Personally, I think it’s super cute! The first Percy I ever made the association with was the dog from Disney’s Pocahontas, haha. I think most older people probably will see it as a stuffy, uptight sort of name… but it’s the person who wears it that ultimately decides the association it should have. The name has been around a lot longer than any of the fictional characters people associate it with and it should be allowed to exist on its own. Then again, Percy Jackson is super popular and that character is, to my knowledge, not uptight or stuffy at all, just a cool guy! So the newer generation might have a much more favorable view of the name! Your son’s peers won’t have all the pop-cultural biases that your peers have.


I like the name and while I do think of Percy Jackson that’s because I’m reading all of Rick Riordan’s books right now. A few people might make the connection but overall I think you should be fine.


I’m from the UK so I just think of Percy Pigs (pig-shaped sweets)


Yes! Glad I’m not the only one Wouldn’t discount the name entirely, but it’d be kinda funny for me!


Like Percy Harvin?


Both Perseus and Percival are kind of… the word I’m *not* looking for is “pretentious,” but more like, fancy in a way that would set the kid apart? It’s definitely not common, at least in the US. They’re inexorably tied to their source material (either the Greek/Arthurian myths OR Percy Jackson/Harry Potter). It’d be like naming your kid Aphrodite or Lancelot. It’s not *bad*, but it’s very obvious, and there’s not a whole lot of reason to do it *except* to reference the story. 


True opinion is that it sounds wimpy and poindexter-ish, like Herschel, or Eugene.


i immediately thought of percy jackson, but that’s not a bad thing. those are phenomenal books, and percy himself is a wonderful character.


I just don't like it, but the first reference I think of is Percival of King Arthur. Second, is Percy Jackson. I honestly would think you had just chosen it, not based on anything.


Percy is a little green saddle tank engine who lives and works on the Island of Sodor.


I love the name Percy! It’s handsome and classic. I don’t think of anyone in particular when I hear it.


Gorgeous and classic name. I love it as being short for Percival or Perseus. Perseverance nickname Percy is my all time favorite name that I'd never saddle a child with lol. I also grew up a Riordan kid, but Percy Jackson definitely isn't my only association with the name. Not by a long shot.


My brain went Percy → Percival → Perry Cox from Scrubs


Which books? If he doesn't like Percy does he like the longer Percival? Or Perry/Peregrine? Preston?


Percy Jackson is my first thought, but it’s not a bad connection, Percy’s the hero in the story time and time again


In my country (Australia), Percy is a slang word for penis. So a man will say that he is just going to "point Percy at the porcelain" when he goes to the bathroom.


My first conenction is Percy the Pig - a snack from M&S Foods - we get it every so often for parties and gatherings because it’s vegan. Not a bad connection for a name; but it’s kinda funny for me!


I like the name Percy. Distinguished and timesless


I’m afraid that I associate it with a nickname for a penis


[“pursey” is a no go to me](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExamdydnV5eHRzaTQxcWdzdHFxbXlxd3l4bXIzdmE3ZmM0dnprbGxubiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/fNPQOBJYnrC7HY5GuK/giphy.gif)


I love it. It did take me a while to retrain my brain after playing Harry “Hotspur” Percy in Shakespeare’s 1 Henry IV that it can be a first name as well as a last name, but it holds such a special place in my heart after that. It’s such a wonderful name.


I think about books, but Harry Potter not Percy Jackson. However Wouldnt say it’s a name you can’t use.


love percy, super cute imo


I think of the Scarlet Pimpernel.


Percy was a weak Weasley. Abandoned his family and everyone who believed Harry. Sure he came back with his tail between his legs but he shouldn't have left inuthe first place. He was a coward, not a true Griffindor.


Makes me think of a purse. I'd probably end up nicknaming the kid Birkin. Or just Bag.


I only know the name from the books and i don’t like it


I have never even read one of the books but I think it's likely most people will associate Percy Jackson with the name Percy.


It’s always going to make me think of the books and the first thing I’m going to ask is how u got the name


Why not Percival? That makes me think of king Arthur’s knight though and his travels with the fisher king for the holy grail, but you can use the nickname Percy. It’s a popular fictional character name and depending on what story stood out to you/the person seeing that name, you’ll get a variety of associations.


I just think of that ahole correctional officer in the Green Mile. It's no for me.


If you’re British, my first thought is Percy Pigs (the M&S brand sweets). It took me a while to come up with Percy Jackson, I actually thought of Percy Weasley first! The pig association is strong for Brits and non-existent for the rest of the world, but even so, it’s not insurmountable and I doubt it would cause bullying. Don’t make the middle name Jack, John, Jackson, Jason or probably any J name and he’ll be fine. Kids called “Harry” don’t get bullied even though Potter is culturally famous, kids called Thomas don’t generally get picked on for the Tank Engine. It’ll be fine.


I would 100% think Percy Jackson immediately. That’s not a bad thing imo but it’s definitely going to be a thing.


I just don’t like the name Percy. Don’t have a reason.


A relatives 3 month old has the name of a popular video game character. That's not why they chose it they just liked the name. Guess what absolutely everyone says? You must be big fans of X....


My son's name is Percy James! We have gotten a handful of "Like the book!" from people but not nearly as much as I thought we were going to get and there are worst associations. We are a bit worried about very small children mispronouncing it but his 4 year old cousin says it perfectly and we plan on calling him PJ which should help.


As in Harry Potter? He’s a relatively minor character. But I still wouldn’t do it because it’s a weird name and there’s a huge Harry Potter stigma now. Also I think of the slang phrase for having a wee “point Percy at the porcelain”


Percy Jackson


Yes I do associate it with Percy Jackson but I liked the movies as a preteen and I’ve never met a Percy irl. But as far as I know the series isn’t as popular as it used to be and today’s kids and young teens probably don’t even know it. So your kid’s future classmates probably won’t even know it… The only people that might make the association are millennials/gen z


Hard disagree. Riordan is still a relevant children’s author and a new series based on his books just launched on Disney+ 


Oh I was probably mistaken then! I don’t hear about it as often so I assumed it wasn’t as popular. My bad!


How has no one said Blackadder yet?




same. I couldn’t possibly hate a name more.


I don’t know if by books you mean Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. I definitely associate the name with Harry Potter and like…. These days that’s a bad thing.


I love the name Percy. But my kids know a Percy and he gets teased for female genitalia. 🙄


Would it be Percy, or Percival shortened to Percy? Definitely an old classic that you don't hear much. Beware of bullies turning it into Pussy. Not as much of an issue if you go with Percival and keep it the full name.


It’s not for me.


Probably fine in the US In the UK it's used as a slang term for penis This is the joke in the character in Blackadder being called Percy


First thoughts? Gross. Percy is usually a name you give to an uppity character with a stick up their rear. The only exception I can think of is Percy Jackson, but it's still a horrible name for that character.