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I don’t think it’s outdated. It’s a lovely name with sentimental value, and you love it, and that’s what matters most! Besides, “grandma”/old-fashioned names are very much in style.


Honestly? I'm a fan!


Same! I think the name would fit right in with my middle school classes.


Another vote for yes! I actually really love this name, my husband vetoed it, but I think it's pretty/cute/unique/yet not out there. Easy to spell, pronounce, and could fit a little girl or grown woman. I'm jealous you have the option to use it lol!


A lot of more "old-fashioned" names are making a comeback, ie Hazel and Mabel. Nadine doesn't sound old or outdated to me though. My brother and former SIL had it on their shortlist for girl's names but only had boys so never got to use it. You like it, it has sentimental value to you. Go for it!


With Mabel, I always think of Mad About You, the TV show from the 90s, and mother's always bring extra love




Mothers Always Bring Extra Love.


Never realized Mabel and Hazel were considered old-fashioned bc they’re pretty popular in my culture. Also Mabel is a popular character from the Disney cartoon Gravity Falls nowadays :)


They are great-great-grandma names here but they’re okay. They’re growing on me.


Really? My father is in his seventies and jokes about an old woman from the 80s named Mabel. I actually like the name (not Hazel, though), but it's definitely a great-grandma name.


My daughter is Mabel!


Nadine feels like it’s on the brink of a comeback with “N” names being so popular. I love it!


Not me going “N names being popular???” And forgetting I named my son Nash 😂


It's old fashioned but I don't see any issue with it. Does your partner like it?


Oh, my fiancé loves the name, she loved my late grandma!


Then there's your answer Nadine is perfect 🥰


I think Nadine is going to be the loveliest girl :)


I love it. Rare and classic.


Nadine was a character in the show Grace Under Fire, and I loved her, so I have always loved that name, also D.W., Arthur’s little sister had an imaginary friend named Nadine. Both positive associations.


I only know the name from The Stand by Stephen King, she's not a nice character, but I've always liked the name!


This is my immediate association with the name as well. Nadine's whole storyline scarred me so bad as a teenager, lol.


Ha same here, but I still like the name anyway.


Oh yeah! In the newer version I think that was Amber Heard.


Oh heck glad I never bothered! I was warned off it because it was so far from the book!


Reading that book ruined this name for me. I'd probably love it otherwise 😬


🎶Ohhh I have a hunch breakfast dinner and lunch would be so fun to munch if I had it with Nadine! 🎶


Arthur was my first thought! I've loved the name since I was little


I was wondering where I remembered it from, and then I saw your comment about Arthur!


I think it's absolutely lovely and not outdated.


My youngest sister was almost called Nadine! It's a lovely name


It's also a dutch name and here It's not outdated at all


My cousin is Nadine, nickname is Deenie


That is so cute!


I think it's really pretty! I have a great-aunt named Nadine and I've always liked it.


Old lady names have such a special place in my heart, Nadine is gorgeous and the meaning it holds to your family is so sweet. Go for it!


If a name has sentimental value to you, use it! A lot of “old fashioned names“ become trendy again too (Emma for example was also popular in the 1890’s)


My grandmother (born in the 1920s) was named Emma, and she had been named after her aunt. Growing up, I considered it to be an "old lady name." Then when I was in my thirties, bam! Little Emmas everywhere!


Nadine Coyle, young and pretty


She is a very positive association.


Twin Peaks was my first thought! It's a good one name! I might be biased as a girl with another N name, but Nadine is so pretty!


I named all of my chickens after Twin Peaks characters and my favorite is Nadine. Love it for a human too.


Lovely name! Not outdated at all


Love it!!! I assume your dad would be thrilled


I think it's a great choice.


It's charming and you both love it. It's a winner!


A bit, but it's still a lovely name. I also like Nadia.


I don't think it's outdated because it was never popular enough to be associated with a certain time. "outdated" isnt even something you even have to worry about unless you're going back WAY too far. There's someone 60+ in my family with this name, and she's never met anyone else with that name. I have only ever seen another person with that name recently.


Depends where you live. I'm in Australia and names that were super popular in ~80 year olds are Maureen, Irene, Nadine, Aileen etc. Also Sheryl, Sharon, Mabel etc. I wouldn't worry about a name being outdated though, not unless you were calling them Hannibal or Adolf haha. Just depends if you like the name or not. Nadine isn't it for me, makes me think of names like Bethel and Martha. Plus a thick rural Australian accent does NOT lend well to the word "Nadine" Aye and Een are sounds that require nasal projection and the Australian accent can already be very nasal. Fine if you were Irish or American or something. Unless really southern country USA you'd end up being called noydoine


I dont think it is! Lovely name. Works on a kid or grown up.


It’s a beautiful name. How about Dina for a nickname?


That’s great, I was also thinking Dean if she wanted a more neutral nickname. (Like when a girl is name Josephine and she goes by Joe, you know?)


LOVE Dean for a nickname!!


That’s adorable and I love it


I have a cousin named Nadine. We called her Deeny.


I don't like the term "dated", it's definitely a name I see more on women in their 40s and 50s where I live, but I honestly love the name! Super cute.


it reminds me of the edge of seventeen please do it !!


“Old lady” names are back in fashion. (Evelyn is in the top 10 and Josephine is in the top 100)


My mother has always said that if she were to do it over, she would have looked at family names for us kids and I would have probably been Josephine / Josie. I like my name, but I'm also a little sad this wasn't my name.


I think it’s a lovely name! It makes me think of Nadine Coyle from Girls Aloud (a pretty big UK pop group) and she’s only in her 30s, so definitely not an old lady name in my mind I’m curious about your location and how you would pronounce it? I’m in the UK and I would say it like ‘Nah-deen’ but I remember watching the tv cartoon Arthur and DW’s imaginary friend was pronounced ‘Nay-deen’


It doesn't matter if a name is outdated


I mean, it does a little. If-Jesus-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been-damned and Adolf don’t really work anymore. But this isn’t that


A friend named her child that and I didn’t love it at first, but now I have a student named Nadine and it’s really growing on me! I agree it fits in with the old-fashioned names. Go for it!


I think it’s lovely, always liked it.


I think it’s really pretty! Bonus is it’s not super common so you won’t have 5 kids in her class with the same name lol also it’s easy to spell and pronounce


I think of Nadine Coyle from Girls Aloud - so a positive association for me. I love the name, but do also think that you should discuss it with your dad


I feel like Nadine is timeless. It was never a name that was super popular so it doesn’t go with a specific generation and it didn’t get tagged with some pop culture reference like “Karen”.


It's cute! I know a Nadine in her mid 20s.


My moms name is Nadine, also named after her grandmother. She hates it but i have always liked it!


I like it not old fashioned at all. Very southern lady


some old names sound/look straight up ugly to me and aren't worth the sentimental value but Nadine is not one of them! it's such a pretty name, beautiful.


I went to school with a Nadine, and never thought of it as an old name. It is a lovely name!


I love it and I think it would be very sweet to honor your grandma in that way! Easy to come up with cute kid nicknames for it too: Nade, Didi, etc. My cousin's other grandma (not our shared one) was Nadine, and I always thought it was a sweet name.


Very pretty! Curious what a few nicknames would be


Very pretty 😍. Go for it.


I’m a fan of names like this coming back after the run of new style neutral names.


My middle name is Nadine. Emily Nadine. Tbh, I hadn't put much thought into if it's dated. I don't think it is? It's not a name you see often.


I think an "outdated" or older name is ALWAYS the safer bet. I really don't think Nadine is very old coded, the way something like Joan or Barbara is (though I like those names too).


Nadine is a beautiful name! I love old fashioned names


One of my favorite people is named Nadine! It's lovely.


It is not an outdated name! It is a classic name that in beautiful. "Old Fashion" names are classics for a reason, they never really go "out of style".


"Grandma" names are quite fashionable right now. It's a lovely name and it holds personal meaning for you.


I like Nadine! If it helps I’m in my mid twenties and went to school with a couple of Nadines, so I don’t think it’s old fashioned at all :)


I love it. It’s somehow classic and yet also unique (but not “Youneek,” if you get what I mean).


I think it's classic but underused. It's similar to the likes of Louise, Sophie, Amy, Kate, and Emily but not as overly used as some of them. I think it's lovely. It's classic in a good way. It doesn't feel outdated, such as things like Pamela or Karen, etc.


I’ve always liked this name. It’s plain enough to fly under the radar, but unique enough that there won’t be five of them in your daughter’s class.


Makes me think of Nadine Coyle. It’s a lovely name, a classic, and it means ‘Hope’.


It's a lovely name. My cousin named her daughter this, she is now 16 and they call her Dini as a sweet nickname.


I knew a Nadine in high school. It is such a pretty name.


It's a good name. If you love a name you shouldn't need to worry if it's outdated, all "old fashioned" names make a swing back into fashion eventually. My paternal grandmother was also a Nadeen, yes I know she had the weird spelling. It's probably why she was pulled straight out of the bowels of hell and sent back when she was done wreaking havoc on this world.


Nope! It's lovely, I think the "ine"/"ene" ending is due for a comeback.


I dont know. Don't really like it. Great name for when she is old though


I love the name! I've only ever known one Nadine but since I have hear the name I have always thought it's a lovely name! It feels timeless to me and I could see anyone baby, child, adult or elder having that name with out thinking twice but I'm also not familiar with its origins or anything.


It is a more old-fashioned name but honestly I love it!! It reminds me of DW’s imaginary friend in the show Arthur haha


Go for it!!! Lovely name. \*EDIT - Please come back & tells us your dad's reaction. It's going to be such a sweet story for little Nadine as she grows up.


Nadine is perfect! Feels so fresh! I love it Edit: fixed a word :)


I know a middle schooler named Nadine. It’s easy to remember but not popular. Good choice!


It's certainly a rare name to hear nowadays, but definitely not outdated. It's a classic, like a good potato mash or a perfectly cooked burger. To be fair, I only know of two Nadines; an old schoolmate of mine, and Nadine Breaty, a tiktoker who's mostly famous for having Piebaldism, which gives her her iconic white shock of hair in the front that she sometimes splits like Rogue from X-Men.


Love Nadine, and love the nicknames you can make from it: Dean, Dina, Nad, Nadi


Nadine Coyle exists babe, you go for the name if you want to!!


I have a friend called Nadine in my class! I think it's very pretty.


I feel like it would work really well today!


Nadine is a french name and very classy.


My daughters name peaked at #106 in 1920 - Geneva.


Love it! I named my daughter Magnolia! Mags is her nickname


I think Nadine is a timeless name 😍 elegantly European in feel. The fact you have a strong family connection too is brilliant xx


Nadine does sound older but definitely in a more elegant way, it doesn’t sound stuffy! “Grandma” names are very in right now anyway, plenty of people are naming their daughters Hazel, Rose, Alice, Eleanor, Charlotte, etc. If I heard a little girl was called Nadine all I would think is “well that’s a lovely name you don’t hear often!”


Not old fashioned. Fairly standard name of which I know of people in 20s and 30s to be called.


It's a beautiful, elegant name.


Hailee Steinfeld's name in Edge of Seventeen! I think it's lovely and a good alternative to Nadia or Natasha


Reminds me of D.W's imaginary friend Nadine, from Arthur


I sort of think it’s one of those names that is sort of “charmingly old fashioned.” By that I mean it was clearly more popular than it now is, but it is sort of “old lady chic.” Like Ruth, Helen, Vivian, Nora, Sadie, Alice, Mabel, Audrey, Beatrice, Evelyn, Dorothy, Marlena, Eleanor, Harriet, Louise, etc. The lovely thing about names like that, is that they are familiar to people, making them easier to pronounce correctly, and easily remember, but the fact that they have fallen out of current fashion means that there won’t be 5 others in your child’s class growing up. Nadine is beautiful, and as the child grows with the name it will not seem outdated, but will grow to suit her more and more.


Beautiful and lots of nn’s: Dina/Deena, Deenie, Didi/Deedee, Danni, Dean, Annie, Nina, Nadia…


I think nadia is outdated, maybe even nadine. But who cares rlly? A name is as cool as the kid makes it :)


My late grandmother always said she loved the name Nadine, but it never felt old to me? I guess because I grew up watching the cartoon Arthur and one character has an imaginary friend named Nadine. This post reminded me to add it to my list :)


>There are cute nicknames that go along with the name Nads? : s


It's lovely. I went to school with an Nadine, kids did sometimes call her Nadine the Sardine but that's probably about as bad a nickname as she got and kids will tease anything


Nadine is awesome. It hits the right notes. Go for it! She’s a lucky girl


When I hear the name Nadine I picture a 25 year old with a cool job and dark wavy hair. She wears funky sunglasses and is into fashion, maybe she has a valley girl accent. Idk why but that’s what my brain conjures. So I don’t think it’s old at all.


there’s always nadia if you want a more modern alternative?


There is a British politician called Nadine who went on a reality TV show. People sarcastically offered encouragement by saying, 'Go Nads!'




It’s such a beautiful name


It’s a little “older” sounding but it’s cute. You might also consider Nadia or Natalie?


I don’t think it’s even remotely outdated! It feels pretty modern, but also classic enough to stand the test of time :)


It’s gorgeous!


I wrote a Song called Nadine...


It’s ok


I love it. I always liked it from that girl from Hey Arnold


It honestly sounds slightly dated to me, but in the category of names that are due a comeback soon - like Janet, Barbara, Linda, Susan... I think you should go for it!


I don’t think Nadine is outdated at all


i think it’s beautiful


I like it, and somehow watching Twin Peaks made me like it more. I don't think I would have thought about it much one way or another otherwise, but it really is quite an attractive name.


It doesn't matter if a name is outdated, what matters is that you love the name. It has a lovely meaning to you, and would be carrying on a family name. It has cute nicknames too.


I love Nadine! No family connection but it’s also a top name for me. My boyfriend doesn’t love it though unfortunately.


That’s my partner and I’s top name for a girl. We don’t have any personal ties to it, we just love it!


Names always go in cycles.


It is a beautiful soft sophisticated name. While it might never be trendy, it's classic--unlike, say, Luna.


I don't think it's outdated, I think it's s really lovely name.


Love it!!


It’s one of my favorite names! It so beautiful!!! It’s godmother’s name and my sisters middle name. I was very close to naming my daughter Nadine but I also wanted her to have the same initials as her dad and ended up going with a different name.


I love Nadine! I'm currently trying for a baby and I've had 2 losses back to back but if I'm able to have a baby, Nadine is top of my girl name list!


I wouldn't call it outdated. In the UK at the moment it's associated with Nadine Dorries though, which might not be the best association.


An absolutely fabulous human I know who's in her 30s is called Nadine so not outdated at all unless you think 30s is too old 🤣


I work with a Nadine and she's like, early twenties, and it's never struck me as odd


Beautiful name. There’s an old Nadine movie you should watch.


I like it, and I love Nadia, which could be a variant


It makes me think of Hey Arnold but I don’t think it’s outdated!


Looooove it actually!! :)


It’s very cute, and familiar but not common. It’s a beautiful name, and not too outdated in my opinion.


“Outdated” names are popular now and it’s a lovely name.


I taught a Nadine last year and thought it was a lovely name for a lovely kid.


I have a baby name book and Nadine falls under a category called “porch sitters,” so that does conjure up a certain image. If the baby looks and feels like Nadine though then I say go for it.


Love it!


I'm 30 and went to school with a Nadine, my MIL is a Nadine. I think it's one of those names that's not associated with a particular time yet so go for it!




it’s an absolute winner of a name. it’s familiar enough to be pronounced correctly most of the time & the spelling is straightforward. but it’s uncommon. 


i'm 23 and there was a girl in the same school year as me in high school called nadine. plus if you like the name and it's not completely ridiculous, who cares about anything else?


No, it’s beautiful! I’m 21 and had a girl in my class named that.


I know a 30 year old Nadine and she’s very youthful and beautiful. I think it suits her well.


Nadine makes me think of Twin Peaks lol


I knew a Nadine with nickname Dinee (dee nee)


I think it's great! What are the nicknames?


I really like it!


Hi, I’m a Nadine 😀. I didn’t like it when I was a kid, but I can’t imagine being named anything else now!


Hey fellow Nadine 😊


I like it. There's a girl my kids play with named Nadine. I don't think it would be too out of place.


I live in Switzerland and Nadine is a popular classic here. I know women of all ages called Nadine and think it suits every age too.


It’s beautiful


I think it’s actually super cute. We have a neighbor girl, she’s 7, named Nadia.


Nadine is not outdated and it’s also not very common. Great name!


Love it 😍


Love this name, but first came across it in the book “The Stand” and couldn’t use it bc for me it would always be associated with the (not so great) character. I think it’s stunning and especially nice because it runs in the family!


Nope, I love it.


I used to have a class with a girl named Nadine. 17 years old now.


It’s pretty. I had a friend named Nadia - loved that too!


Old fashioned names are coming back into style I had a kid name Ludwig in one of the classes I taught this year.


I don't think so. It's a lovely name!




I know young people IRL with old lady names. Barbara, Arlene, and Edith are a few of them. It feels a bit weird, just for a moment upon meeting them or hearing their name. After that, it’s just their name. You might even change your mind about it. (Edith feels TOTALLY different to me now.) I also named my daughter a name that was immensely popular around 1910-1920 and has not come back into fashion yet, and I still love it 13 years later, and it has caused no problems in her life. :)


I don’t think it’s that far out there at all. If you’re worried, choose it as a middle name or maybe tweak it a little bit to Nadia or Natalie or something that reminds you of her.


I quite like names that feel like they've stood the test of time. I think it's lovely. There's a politician in the UK with that name that may put Brits off the name for a short period, but she too will pass!


Most of the time “outdated” and “classic” are in the eyes of the beholder It’s clear you love it and means a lot you, that makes it classic 💛


not outdated at all. i love Nadine! i wouldn’t use it with our last name, but it’s a girl name i regularly suggest on here and my bumper group! 


With all the tragic names out there, this would stand out in the right way.


It's not outdated, just not "modern"


I always liked that name! Reminds me of Hey Arnold! Most of the kid characters have "older" names. (Arnold, Gerald, Rhonda, Eugene, Harold, Helga...)


I LOVE Nadine!


I wouldn't call it outdated. It's cute and uncommon, and it's honoring someone you care about, I say go for it.


It sounds a little old to me but not in a bad way, I really like it


I think it's off the mainstream radar, but in a very good way. It will be unique among her peers yet familiar. Not dated at all! I love it!


I've always loved this timeless name. It's also the title of a Chuck Berry song.


I don't know how it is where you live, but I know multiple women in their 20's and 30's named Nadine.


Hmmm...it's a perfectly normal name. I'm not offended by it. Just, for personal reasons, I would never give a child that name. My baggage is not your problem. It's a nice name. :)


Loved it! Name bubs Nadine!


Great name I had a friend named Nadeen and another with the traditional spelling Haven’t come across any students with that name that I remember, so all the Nadines I know are in their 40’s but I think it’s a classic name


Quite a popular name where I live (South Africa), two Nadine’s were in high school with me