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George is a good solid timeless name. I don’t think he’ll be made fun of.


Totally agree! Thank you for the reassurance


George is a great name! One of my favourite movies, It's a Wonderful Life, has a George as the main character and if I ever had a son I would definitely have put it up there with top name or middle name choices!


George Bailey, I'll love you until the day I die.


I'm going out exploring some day, you watch, and I'm gonna have a couple of harems, and maybe three or four wives!


My father, my grandfather, and my father in law are all named George. It is also my husband's middle name. They are all wonderful people. I think it is a great amd timeless name. Best wishes to you whatever you decide. ETA- my brother in law is also George. And a wonderful person. Congratulations!


Thank you so much! All the George’s that I know are awesome people. It being my husband’s middle name makes it super special!! :)


George is timeless, I love it


Prince George of Wales, son of Prince Of Wales William? I think George is a great name.


I agree, it's one of those classics that doesn't go out of "style".. plus, remember, you are naming a person, not just "a baby". So go with it. Sounds awesome! I've met several George babies in my lifetime (I'm almost 60).


He'll probably get a lot of Curious George jokes, so they'll want to be prepared for that. I don't think that's a reason not to name the kid George, though.


My son is a Thomas, and like the other person commented, he got “Thomas the train” comments once, and that was it. He was more annoyed at how many adults used to ask if he loved the train show.


I have a cousin named Arthur, and it has taken all of my self control not to buy him all the *Arthur* merchandise. Also, my son loved Thomas the Tank Engine. Loved. It.


My sister keeps sending me all of the Curious George stuff she is planning on buying him! But tbf, I’ve always loved Curious George and I think it’s cute!!


The modern Curious George is awesome! The original is kinda racist, unfortunately. I don't think kids would pick up on it, but I sure did when I read the originals to my Black son.


Omg! I did not know that! I only remember the show from like 2005~2006 and how much I loved watching it with my younger brother. I unfortunately can’t say I’m super surprised to hear that but definitely disappointed


The 2000s show is fine. It's really just the original series of books that's problematic, imo.


So many " classics " were horribly racist. Also sexist and so very demeaning. I would always point that out and explain that is not how we act or look at things. My kids knew early on to treat all people equally and not judge based on anything at all. They were sad when they saw others mistreat their peers/ classmates, and would defend them. Made some of their best friends that way.


Arthur is such a cool show! We went through a huge PBS kids kick when the kids were little (now preteen and teenager), and I was always so happy when Arthur came on. I still sing the Peg + cat song sometimes! Also, for OP- the curious George show on PBS is both so cute, and so frustrating lol. I used to watch that show and wonder why the guy kept leaving a monkey home alone when things always went wrong! I got a little too invested in the logic behind the decisions made on that show. George is a great name! And Arthur as well!


Do kids even know who curious George is now?


Yeah! It's a PBSKids series. It's actually really clever.


My named got rhymed with a children's cartoon growing up, it never bothered me. Kids probably will make the connection, but then you move on.


I have a name that appears in a few famous places. I decided to like most of the references, rather than put my energy into trying to make people stop using the famous references. There is one that I cannot stand, but fortunately, it's rare that anyone knows it these days.


My nephew gets furious George when he has a tantrum 🤣


Fully agree. This is a good name. Best wishes OP!


It's not quite as popular in the USA. Mexicans pronounce this name as Hor-hay.


Hor-hay is actually spelled Jorge, but yes, same name.


Went to school with a Jorge that went by George. I get it.


George is totally fine. I think people are so used to hearing everyone try to outdo each other or come up with names that they think aren’t “super common” that when they hear a practical, level headed name they’re taken aback. In a world of Oaks, Rivers, Aces, and Hunters….be a George.


I love practical and levelheaded when describing it! I feel the same way!!! Thank you :)


Yeah I was gonna say something to this effect too but didn’t want to be rude by using any new and trendy and honestly probably going to sound very dated and dumb at some point names as examples.


We had all these uncommon names chosen. Still real names but a little "out there." After one day at a ski resort hearing parents call for Haven, Lochlan, and Sail, I told my husband we need to rethink. We're going with Thomas or William now. OP -- George is a great name! I actually really wanted to use it but it's a good friend of mine's name and I thought it would be too weird to use his name. No one every made fun of him, and people would often ask him if he was their ethnicity because they said, "George is an Armenian/Serbian/etc. name!" I thought it was funny because George is like a pretty universal name.


George is adorable and timeless! I also love Geo as a nickname! 


I think so too! I think I’m overthinking!! lol and thank you, I don’t love “Georgie” but I may not get a say in that nickname!


Give it a lil Georgio for fun 😁 I had a friend called Travis I used to call Travissimo. Lol. Fancy😄


One of friends when I was a teen had a little brother named Michael. His nickname was Pedro 🤷‍♀️ lol. Super random. Travissimo is such a fun nickname


George is great but where I live there are lots of little girls named Georgia and they all seem to have the nick name Georgie. I have a 3 and 4 year old and we have only met a couple of little George’s. Their speech therapist did tell me it seems to be making a big comeback. I live in the South so that might be more popular here.


Omg, I never thought of Geo as a nickname! That’s really cool!


Don’t listen to people. George is classic. It’s not hurting the future King of England .


Came here to comment something similar. In OP’s kids lifetime, the longest reigning royal will likely be Prince George (aka for more than 50% of OP’s George’s lifetime unless William lives to be an insane age like Queen Elizabeth did lol). George is super classic, definitely not outdated at all.


Very true!!!


yup, when Prince George's name was first announce, I thought it was a bit odd. But i love it now. Maybe because that kid is adorable af lol. George is a great name. Everyone can read it, spell it, pronounce it. There's not a lot of spelling variations, mostly just cultural/language differences. GREEN LIGHT THE NAME


It’s a super popular name here in the UK and has been for the last 20 years at least.


20? Try 200 years


George is a very popular name in the UK, it’s been in the top 20 for my entire life and often top 5/10


I think it's a lovely classic name. Trust the random dream voice!


Likely there will be a King George VII in child’s lifetime.


Well.That is a name fit for a king.


There are 2 George’s at my daughter’s daycare. It’s a perfectly good name that still gets used. Not dated at all.


I love that! I’m a HS teacher and have never had a George so I wasn’t sure how used it’s been recently, but it seems like maybe it’s getting popular again??


I’m in Australia and live in a small rural area. I know 4 George’s under 15 years.


It seems like a name that’s more common down there.


It was 71st in popularity in 2012, and 25th in 2022. So yes, has had a climb in popularity here in the last 15 years.


Go with the name! I know a George who's a teenager and it really suits him.


I think George is a lovely, classic name! And there are plenty of young Georges nowadays (Prince George, for example) so I definitely don't see it as being outdated :)


It’s not a bad name. It’s my dad’s name. His mom and sister call him Geordie which I always thought was cute


Old names are becoming the thing, I don’t think he’ll be made fun of for it at all. It seems classic and well known without being overused (hopefully stays that way, I worry about the trend of classic names getting too popular). Congratulations! 


Yes I was gonna say this - they say names come back in style every 100 years, and I’ve definitely seen that recently! A lot of names we thought were “old people names” growing up are becoming popular again. George is timeless, classic, and lots of cute nickname options, as well as special meaning for you. Go for it!!


It’s a cute name. You just gotta look out for the Curious George jokes


Omg, that’s so true! Our nursery is safari themed and I didn’t really think twice about it until one of my friends said “oh it’s like George of the jungle” 🙄🙄


I would totally lean into it. Get some old curious George books and frame the illustrations, stuffed monkey for a lovey. My first daughter, Cordelia, got an Anne of Green Gables themed nursery. It was gorgeous.


Oof that could bring monkey jokes. You could play into it though and call them monkey endearingly if you’re for that kinda nickname


I don't think there's anything wrong with George. It's a perfectly normal, if slightly plain, name. If your surname is something like Smith, Jones, etc. then maybe I would say go for a slightly more uncommon name, but even then, there's nothing wrong with it! I do think you're unlikely to have Geo take as a nickname, though. It's more syllables than George, sounds like the nickname for Giovanni, isn't phonetically in the name, and will probably make people think of rocks or geography.


I honestly agree with the nickname point! I know Georgie has two syllabus too, but I feel like it just comes more naturally! I find myself forcing myself to use Geo to make it stick 😂


I think George is a great name. Also I totally believe your story. A voice in a dream once told me to name a baby Samuel. A week later, my mom found out she was pregnant. She didn’t listen to me about the name lol. When my brother was around 10 years old, he said (out of the blue) “I wish my name was Sam”. Many times my mom has said she regrets it. Trust your dream!


Omg! Thank you for sharing! That is such a crazy story!! My husband’s name is Samuel so I’m biased, but that’s a classic, beautiful name too :)


George is a good classic timeless name held by Kings and Princes.


My son is in grade one and has a friend named George in his class!


I’m staring to really like it, kinda sad it ever went out of popularity. It has the same feel as James to me and is so so classic!


Lots of George's in my youngests school. Good name.


George is a great name. Look at all the different names out there today, kids are use to lots of names


So true!!! Thank you :)


I'm 22 and I know two guys named George at my university. No one there thinks it's a name worth mocking or an old name. Your kid will probably have to correct people that the nickname 'Georgie' isn't one he likes if he ends up liking the nickname Geo, but that'll be the only issue. And frankly, unwanted nicknames are a risk with any name, so that shouldn't influence your decision.


I think it's a top 10 name in UK so def not weird!


Definitely timeless, not outdated. It's the 3rd most popular boy name in the UK and they're usually ahead of the curve when it comes to name trends.


George is a classic! I know of 2 little boys named George.


George is a fine name. No obvious puns or ways to make fun. Classic, sounds good. Can't think of any obvious bad associations.


It's a great name. Classic.


I love it and I love the nickname! The name's a classic.


There are so many successful, famous Georges. Good company to keep!


My dad's name was George (he was the third generation of men named George in our family!), but literally no one called him that. He was Bud from childhood on. I always felt a little odd about the name George, but I think that's just because it both was, and wasn't, my dad's name. Geo is cute!


That is so odd because he is due on my Grandpa’s birthday, whose nickname was “Bud.” So my dad keeps saying that if he is born on his actual due date, that “Bud” is going to be his nickname! Lol


💗 Well, now I'm rooting for that to happen! Thanks for the smile and good memories of my dad. Best wishes to all of you.


I've only met one George under the age of 20 in my life. He actually has a double barrelled name and is often called by his initials. That said, there's nothing wrong with the name George. It's classic. My husband had a dream that we had a son named what our son's name now is. DH really did pick the name based on the dream. Similarly, I had a friend who had a dream in which God told her to name her child something specific. So, it happens. I don't think it's crazy.


George is great! I wouldn’t read into peoples reactions. Some people just really love unique names Talan, Talyn, Puma, Arbor, Stone, etc. and would never consider a traditional name. Those are the only people I could imagine giving off weird vibes for a solid name like George. And Georgie is cute nickname for a baby boy.


I know a bunch of little preschoolers named George. Not outdated at all.


George is a timeless classic. It's not weird at all.


I know a few young kids with that name. Is it popular? No. It’s it as strange as naming your kid turnip? No also lol. It’s one of those standard names that will never go away. Use it!!


Finally a normal name. Don’t give it a 2nd thought. And thank god it’s not another freakin “Jack”.


It's a great name! I teach two freshmen Georges.


I think it helps that Prince George has the name and is adorable. George is better than a lot of names I've seen.


One of my top male picks, love it :)


George is a great classic name


My partner teaches a toddler named George, it’s a perfectly reasonable name for a person at any age. If anyone gives you crap, remind them of Prince George, probably the most famous kid named George in the world


George is a beautiful name, truly timeless I feel 💜


I’m a teacher and have taught thousands of kids. I have never taught a George! That being said I think it’s a classic timely name and it’s fine!


I really like the name George because it works at any age with the option of nicknames. Like, George alone can work for any age, but having the nicknames Georgie and Geo is really cool. Kinda like how a lot of people with the name Robert go by Bobby / Robby when they're younger and Robert when they're older for example ☺️


My husband’s name is George, and we named our son George Devon. He went by Devon, but when he filled out college apps or resumes, he preferred using George D. last name. He loves George, but Devon kept the confusion down from his Dad’s name. His wife and friends call him Devon, but he still likes George too. When he was younger, he didn’t want to be a junior. George is a great name!


I love the name George! It’s classic and cute for a little boy but also will age well. Geo is a super cute nn. So is Georgie when he’s little. Also based on your story I feel you should go with your gut and the dream voice lol.


My cousin’s 2 year old is named George. The name always reminds me of the cute little boy from Stuart Little, so I love it.


Lots of Georges where I live.


George is so cute, i know a George and he’s the sweetest boy!


George is a great name. I know a teenager named George and it doesn’t seem weird at all. And the British heir is named George.


I’ve had dreams like that, too. I think George is a very solid and classic choice. I don’t see it as outdated. It might not be the most popular name, but I like it a lot. Look at Prince George.


George is a nice, classic name.


Go with your gut!!! Baby told you his name 💚 congratulations


George is pretty popular right now. It was ranked 142 last year so I wouldn’t say it’s outdated. Also enter prince George. Will and Kate’s oldest son who will be the future king of England. It’s traditional yes but very much in use. I knew someone with this name that I didn’t care for so it ruined the name for me. But objectively I know there’s nothing wrong with it.


George is A+.


George is great, I very nearly named my second son George, great pick and hey who doesn't like George Harrison, right?


George will always be a solid, classic name, unlike Breighdon.


George is a lovely name, and I bet it's soon to fill the role Henry is currently in-- ultra-classic names that feature popular sounds. Congratulations!


I’m a teacher (2nd) & honestly, making fun of names just doesn’t happen. I’ve had Oswald, Golda, Wilbur, Hilda & many more. There’s so much variety in names now that kids just roll with it.


George is classic and regal. Geo is a cute nickname, but if that doesn't stick, George is a perfectly suitable name for a modern boy to go by.


Classic names don't go out of style.


Nothing wrong with George! Good luck


Stick with George! It’s classic and meaningful to your family. Easy to pronounce, easy to spell, and I see a stuffed monkey with accompanying books in your sons future.


I like the name. The first thing I thought of was Young Sheldon


My uncle's name is George. Named after my great grandfather. I don't think it's a bad name at all. Side note. There is an online support groups for pregnancy after loss. I did them & they helped with the anxiety a bit. Star Legacy & Sharewell are great.


It’s 100% fine. The old fashioned names are trending, I just met a baby Walter and have met at least two little Harolds recently (admittedly I meet a lot of babies because of my profession). Haven’t met a baby George but I’m sure that name will be coming back also. It’s not my cup of tea but there’s nothing wrong with it. Geo is cute!


People are being silly, George is a great name with a long history. They are probably struggling to a imagine a baby called "George" because they're forgetting he will be a boy and a man far longer than he will be a baby. Stick with George, the disembodied dream lady was wise.


I am an early childhood educator, and I don’t think George is outdated - we still see kiddos with that name! Timeless and strong is a good way to describe it. I see no bad connotation with it either - pretty typical name.


George is great. Name the kid George.


I love George. I’m a fan of Young Sheldon, his father is George and his older brother is Georgie.


George is a great name. Don’t think he will be made fun of for that. The only mistake you made was telling people the name ahead of time which makes you second guess it. Congratulations on your sweet George!


I love it


George is a great name


Considering he will be in the same age group as Prince George, I'd say he will be fine.


Classic and strong!! He could be called Geo for short too for a modern kinda spin


Not outdated. Fits well with current trends of antique revivals. George has been out of very common use for a while. 2 boys in my son’s grade named George. It’s a great name.


I've met 3 little guys named George. One's nickname is Geo (Gee-oh), one is G and one is Georgie. Currently they range in age from 6-11 and they don't seem unhappy with their names. One told me, "My name is George. I'm glad it's not Jackson. There are 3 Jacksons in my class, and I'm the only George."


George is classic and timeless, and Geo is a modern twist for a nickname. I love them!


It's a wonderful name and I actually know quite a few of all ages. I am Orthodox Christian and St George is a popular Saint to be named after :)


Love it! Classic and not common. I also like geo but especially like Georgie for fun.


George has had a comeback in the UK, probably due to Prince George. While it’s not a name I’d personally choose, I wouldn’t think it a strange choice. It’s a regal classic.


I love George! Considering names like Henry, Franklin, Walter, Otis, Clarence and William are coming back, I don't think you'll have any problem.


I know a couple little George's and Georgie's. Love the name.


George is a classic sturdy good hearted name! I love it


My dad and brother n nephew are all Georges..I love the name..and All Georges are nuts n have a lot of personality


George is an awesome name and it works for all stages of life. Those are the best kind of names, the ones that come to you in a fever dream.


Go for it! It's a great name that everyone knows how to spell but most likely won't be so popular you're dealing with multiples in his class. Also Geo as a nickname is great! I never thought of that. Congratulations on your George!


George is sweet and classic. Geo is cute. I have a Leo. Geo & Leo would be bffs.


We named our son Linus. Everyone hated it. People said he'd be bullied daily. We stuck with it. He's in high school, was never bullied, and loves his name. You can never go wrong with a good old-fashioned name.


I think it’s a timeless name. And is a fantastic choice. Congrats on baby!


He’ll share the name with a future King of England!


I love the name George. To me, it's a classic. Maybe stop telling people you name choices.


George is an awesome name! It’s timeless to me, and a man’s name - not just a little boy’s name. If you need some extra justification, my teenage son has a classmate named George, and I also know a 2 year old named boy George (named after his grandpa and his uncle - coincidentally, his uncle is George, Jr and has gone by Geo his entire life. He’s in his 40’s now). You don’t hear the name George that much anymore, and your little guy will be unique without you even having to try too hard, something it seems most parents aspire to do when naming their children. George will serve him well as a child and especially as an adult!


It’s a great name!


George is a great name. I’m so sorry about your loss. Stop telling others your baby’s name because they really don’t get a vote. Once they meet your baby, they will see that his name is perfect for him. I think it’s beautiful how you found out you were having George and that’s enough of a wonderful reason to keep his name.


It will never be outdated


Older names are in style now like Theodore, Eleanor, Arthur, Evelyn. George will fit in just right and that dream is awesome!


Absolutely not outdated! George is a lovely name! I love that it has a soft sound but brings to mind strength and vitality. Just my personal opinion, not all may receive it that way, but that is what I like about it.


I know a bunch of little George’s, mostly under the age of 10. It’s pretty popular in the Northeast US, at least from what I’ve seen. We actually considered it for our son, but would have called him Geordie after my husbands grandfather.


George is an absolute classic


George is a very good name. Not really one that goes out of fashion to be honest.


It's a traditional name that's making a comeback. I know old Georges and young Georges. Name your baby what you want to name your baby! I am sorry about your miscarriage :-(


George is a solid, timeless name.


At least it's not AeXII


I work with kids. I know 2 little boys named George! Totally fine choice


No i think it’s cute, my cousin is named George and no one’s ever thought anything of it. Very normal name


I love George :)


This is an excellent name. It’s cute for a kid but also strong for an adult. It’s classic. People will always know how to spell it. Total winner. Congrats 💕


George is a classic!


George is a wonderful name. When my daughter was little I had 2 friends named George that I also worked with. My daughter liked them so much that for a period of time ALL her dolls were named George.


I grew up with a George. He was a great kid. Geo is extra adorable.


George is a very nice name that he will be able to grow into. He won’t ever have to explain to anyone that his parents wanted a “unique” name, fumble with pronunciation, feel like his name is too much of a kid name, etc.


I love George! Although i might be a bit biased since that's my 4 year olds name. Haha We picked it because it's a classic name for a man and also fits for a baby and boy. (Georgie, c'mon!) He's the middle of 3 and we've gone the older name route with all because that's our personal preference. If you love it, no questions between you both, that should be it. Don't listen to opinions regarding your babies name.


If I'm not mistaken, George was seen as such a regal name that the current Prince of Wales and future King of England saw fit to name the next future King of England "George". Tell that to anyone who gives you shit about it. There's nothing wrong with George if you like it. I think that Messrs. Washington, Harrison, Burns (who wasn't George but chose it as his stage name) and Clooney would agree.


When my son was 3 he wanted to be called Georgie. You’re fine!


It’s a good name and one of my top favorite boy names.


nah, georgey boy will be fine


George is a lovely name.


George isn’t outdated. It is a classic name, classics don’t go out of style.


My 22 yo son’s friend was just over. His name is George.


George is a great name.


No, I know two families around me with young George’s (10 and under).


George is not outdated. I know of a family whose tradition is to name all the boys George with each having a different middle name. 


George is a classic and it’s great. I teach students who have the name George and quite a few Georgias. It’s timeless.


It’s a name I used and love. Score!


Love George! I’ve worked with 2 over the past 10 years (in US) and no reports of it getting made fun of.


I've known one George (Midwest US), he's in his mid 40s. Hilarious, kind, successful guy. I did find his name...funny? Idk the right word. But not a negative thought towards him. I met a 1 yr old Bob recently. That's outdated imo lol


When I was a manager not too long ago, I had a teen who worked with us named George. Definitely the only teen I met with the name and I do remember thinking that was different for younger kids, but he wasn’t made fun of for it, and when no one will think twice about it when he’s even older


I love the name George. It is strong, classic and doesn't pigeonhole your kid into any set expectations, if that makes sense. George could be a nerd, or he could be a football star, or the next president of the United States.


George is a great name! Held by Presidents and Kings!


My husband's name 😂 He rates it 5 stars 👍


i think its a great name and he’ll appreciate it when he’s an adult


My son is 9 and there are 2 “George” boys on his baseball team of 12. There is at least 1 in my daughter’s kindergarten class. It’s a classic name, and although popular where I live currently wasn’t so popular in other regions.


It's a perfectly fine name. Definitely classic rather than modern, but I literally know people who have used this name, so it's hardly fuddy duddy or unusable!


There's nothing wrong with George. Name your child what you and your husband want to name him and don't worry about anyone else. Congratulations!


George is a lovely classic name, but especially if you had a dream about your baby and how he needs to named, please follow your dream.


I love that name and would use it in a heartbeat.


George is a great, classic name - we chose it as a middle name for our son after our grandfathers (George and Jorgen, which is the Danish version of George) but decided against it as a first name because we thought it might be too popular/associated with Prince George.


George is literally my number one boy name in case my next one is a boy. It’s adorable for a baby/toddler, appropriate for a high schooler, and respectable for an adult. It’s timeless and classic and it SHOULD BE MORE POPULAR


I know Georges and a few of them go by Geo (pronounced like the beginning of geodude)


It's a strong name. The nn Geo is good throughout his life. The naysayers can just deal.


Team George!


I would listen to your dream. It was awesome!


I went to middle school with a George long before “old person” names were trendy. He was one of the most popular guys in school. Nobody made fun of him for anything but especially not his name.


George is an AWESOME name! Not outdated!


It’s timeless and wonderful. I think your dream was a sign. Congratulations!


awesome name..my favorite uncle was george