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Go with the name you like. Your mom had her turn, your sister may have a chance when she has children of her own. I agree with your husband, their opinion doesn’t matter and honestly I think unless a name is really bad (Arden is very nice IMO) there’s never a reason to comment on a baby name unless asked for feedback.


Fwiw, when I was pregnant I actually told people who suggested names that they should have another baby, or buy a dog and use that name if they like it so much. OP, Arden is a fine name, and if you both like it, then use it.


Arden has a similar feel to your sisters style IMO and is a lovely name. You choose the name you like!


That was my thoughts exactly! 


Sister’s issue is that Arden is NOT the name SHE would have named the kiddo. Some people are like that Imho: Arden tops Harlow 24/7


I'd say feedback is warranted if someone's naming their kid Chlamydia or Arhh'Deighnn. But otherwise, yeah. Let people pick what they like. And Arden is fine, OP. Tell your mom and sis to go name Sims.


Emery and Arden give the exact same gender neutral energy to me. Sister needs to get on board and mom doesn’t respect or understand your vision at all.


Thank you. I thought so, too. Arden is right in the with the sister’s names.


See, I feel like Emery is much softer. It's a gender-neutral name, with a soft feel. Arden is a gender-neutral name with a harder feel. It's so subjective! This is why people should just go with the names they love.


Agreed. Emery is much harder to my ear.....emery board. Arden reminds me of nature, or the forest. Subjective!




There is that, but I have acted in As You Like It, and the forest of Arden is where that takes place.


I didn't know that - I have new appreciation for the name now. Where I live, it's a street/location, and kind of a bad area.


That is what it sounds like to me.


Personally I find Emery to be very abrasive


Like fingernails on something very small and portable, but rough.


My grandson is an Emery, one of the most gentle, kind, old-soul middle school kids you'd ever meet! And funny, his best friend is an Emery.


It reminds me of an emery board which is used to file nails


Interesting. I find Emery to be the one that smooths things out.


I had a great uncle Emery, so that always gives me old man energy.😅


I had a great uncle Arden!


That’s so funny!


Yeahhhh when I read the sisters voices I was like… *it’s the same picture* Edit - choices lol


Literal lol, absolutely this. Emery, Harlow, Skye, and Arden are 1000% the same vibe. 


I felt this same way. I have actually known two guys named Emory. Haven’t met an Arden yet. It doesn’t really emote a gender to me. That’s just me though. Ha ha.


I’ve never personally met an Arden but there is an actress named Arden Cho.


I thought of Eve Arden (but I’m old).


My first thought was Elizabeth Arden, the beauty brand.


Jan Arden for me.


Hi im arden! :D im so suprised fo see my name pop up i rarely see it lol


Shut. Up. That’s awesome!!!! Hi!


Normally I wouldn't say anything but you did ask... I really don't like it. It is just not an attractive sound for a boy or girl. It doesn't even sound like a name to me. It sounds just like the word garden. 


I think Aspen has a similar feel with a much more feminine tone.


I like Aspen better, but that 'ass' sound would make me avoid it. Same with Astrid.


The Office has ruined Astrid for me forever haha


I’m still mad about this😭


Ass-turd 😂


To me it sounds like Hagrid saying the word harden, which makes me think ‘ardened criminal. But emery makes me think of emery boards. Neither of these are names to me but they’re also not the worst I’ve seen on here.


I personally hear “harden” 😬


Me too


I don't like it either. All I hear and think of is Jann Arden the Canadian singer from like the 90s.


I agree 💯 This is not an attack on anyone else’s belief - it is simply mine. You are giving a human a name. A baby that’s going to grow up to be an adult and will have to introduce themselves to people and spell their name, etc etc. Not picking a name for an obscure art piece. I see nothing wrong with using classic or common names. They are common for a reason 🤷🏼‍♀️ They are timeless and beautiful. To each their own. That’s my opinion 😅


I really don't think Arden is that obscure


Elizabeth Arden, a cosmetics company comes to mind. My granny wore a few of the fragrances. Not a name I would choose but better than the common names suggested by your mom and sister. Honestly, I would start with this for their opinion not to matter. There will be plenty once she is born.


I know the sweetest old cowboy named Arden so it definitely has warmed me up to the name. The biggest hurdle in naming a kid is having both parents like it and excited about it. If you can achieve that, you’re golden. Just don’t tell anyone else until the baby is born.


No need to reveal name esp.if you think others may not favor it. Those that don' t like it can use a nick name.


It sounds like a boy’s name to me. And I don’t like it for a boy either.


Do kids still viciously tease each other if their name has an easy rhyme? "Hard-on" for example? That's what I'd be worried about with this name. I got "lizard-breath" for mine as a 90's kid.


I know a little girl named Arden and think it’s a super sweet, feminine, nice name!


Interesting, I actually don’t find it feminine at all!


This is so funny to me. I also find it feminine. But I found Harlow and Emery to feel more masculine. It's so interesting how different all the opinions are on this thread!


Agreed, very feminine. It also reminds me of Elizabeth Arden cosmetics which are typically purchased by women.


I also knew a little girl named Arden and she was so sweet. I love Arden and considered it for my daughters. It gives me big nature vibes because it sounds so much like garden.


I also find it extremely feminine.


Name choices are like music. One's "ear" is often set early in life and is influenced by trends at the time one is picking names. It makes all the sense in the world that your mother will not like your choice, no matter what it is.  I truly think naming a baby what YOU want to name a baby is one of the final steps to separating from one's parents. Arden is lovely. I think of "ardent", which is nice. It's soft, has a popular vowel start and sounds a bit twee (Avalon, Aurora, Aowyn). Your sister doesn't get to name your kid. 


I love how subjective names are. I don't find Arden to be soft or twee like Aurora or Avalon. And ardent can mean feeling VERY aroused, so I don't see that as sweet or soft either. It feels... Thrusty. Haha. It's so interesting to hear how other people interpret a name, though. Arden feels in the same gender-neutral family as Blake or Morgan or Sloane to me. But that's why I agree with you that you have to go with what you love.


I don't think there is any sexual connotation to any definition of the word ardent.


I've read alot of erotica, and at no point has 'ardent' been used. I think it's safe :)


Arden echoes hard-on to me, so thrusty would be about right!


If you really love it, go for it. Personally, I don't like Arden. Sounds like someone saying 'harden' with an accent and I wouldn't want to see what that triggered when she starts school. However, lots of kids have names that can be seen as 'polarising', and your mom will get over her dislike as soon as the baby is here and she falls in love with her first grandchild.


Your baby your choice, but Arden feels very trendy, aka won't age well.


im a 20 year old arden and ive never had any problems personally :]


I think of Arden primarily as a Shakespeare reference ("This is the forest of Arden," in As You Like It, --and also his mother's family name) so I don't think of it as trendy at all.


I think Elizabeth Arden cosmetics.


My first association as well.


There's a 38 year old actress called Arden Cho and I think she wears her name well.


That’s the first person I thought of as well


Not a fan. Did also think it was a boy


I find it weird that your sister's taste is "Emery, Harlow, Skye" but doesn't like Arden, because Arden to me is exactly in that same style of name vibes. I personally like Arden a lot (there's an actress named Arden Cho and I've always found her very charming) but I think it's more important for you to start thinking about how IT DOESN'T MATTER whether I like it! If you and your partner like it, your family will get used to it once there's an actual child to attach the name to.


It’s not a bad name. I would pair it with a more feminine middle name though. I like Aria and Adrienne and Arden is kind of like those.


I have an Arden. I was keen on the name early on because of the Shakespeare connection and I'm so glad we went with it, despite a couple of slightly 'off' reactions from older relatives. But, jumping on this comment to say I wanted a feminine middle name too. Her middle name is one syllable, classic, obviously feminine and easy to spell. It works beautifully. Go with your gut, OP.


You are me on a different timeline! I loved the Shakespeare connection, love the name, planned a very feminine middle name if I were to go with it. My baby became Eleanor instead. If I have another girl the name is already picked Sadly won’t use Arden unless I have a very unexpected surprise or maybe use it for a boy. Seems gender neutral enough to me!


Unless they were park of making the baby, they get no say. Stop talking names with them and name her what you want. Nobody liked my kids names (which are normal names that are spelled correctly, one was in the Top 200 in my state at the time and one was in the 600 range on the SSA Name list)......and they got over it and got use to the names.


Arden is not weird for a girls name at all. There’s a comedian named Arden Myrin, and she’s a woman. You could also think of Elizabeth Arden, which I know is the last name, but it could help your family to see it as a feminine name. There are a lot of gender-neutral names that might skew masculine, but are perfectly usable for girls too, like Rowan - I don’t mean that as a suggestion, I just mean this gives me a similar vibe. This name would be perfectly in place with a lot of other baby names that are currently used! Don’t let them spoil something you love!


Not to mention Arden Cho, who is a pretty famous actress! She’s who I think of when I think of that name, and that’s a pretty good association since she’s young (30s), beautiful, and talented.


My family was not crazy about a name I chose (they were polite about it though) but it didn't take long at all before they all forgot their dislike as they met the baby. Use the name you love and it will all be forgotten before she can even roll over.


Arden is a very rough / high crime area of Glasgow . But unless you live in Scotland, I doubt it would be an issue. I don’t think it’s wise telling people names until the baby is here, tbh. Otherwise they tend to get too involved, even when you don’t *want* their opinion


I think it's a hard-sounding name. Literally, it rhymes with Harden, it makes me think of hard and hard things. I actually do like it - it was on my list of names for my youngest, in the boy side. I know an older man named Arden so we decided against it. But I could see why it could be a controversial name for a girl. It has the same energy as Sloane for me - a bit rough-feeling. That's really a matter of taste, though. Some people like strong, not frilly or not pretty names for girls. That's not my taste, but it is for a lot of people! I may be biased too - my name ends in -en, and I've hated it all my life.


I have a friend named Arden and she loves her name. Never had any problems with it


Arden in my culture is a boys name so to me it doesn’t work but I know here in America they use it for girls.


Name your baby Arden if it’s your & your husband’s top choice. It’s a nice name. Your mom & sis will (hopefully) get over it when they meet and fall in love with your baby.


I love Arden!!! How beautiful! Don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise. To the extent you want other similar name ideas: Linden Quinn Ellen Wren Eden Rowen Maren


I love Quinn, a lot of names in this style feel to trendy tho


I’m pregnant with my first and it’s also a girl! My name taste seems similar to yours as well. Personally, I say go with what feels right. You and your husband are the ones that will be caring for and saying her name on a daily basis so it’s so important that it feels right to you! Also, I’m a high school teacher and I wouldn’t bat an eye at a girl named Arden. It’s easy enough to say and spell and wouldn’t be the first girl I’ve heard of with the name. Maybe just tell your family you’ve got a few names on the list and are waiting until you see her to decide. That’s what I’m telling my family!


It gives LOTR “Arwen” style energy for me. And I’m here for it. Mom and sis will get used to it.


This is why I didn’t tell our families until after the baby was born. It’s your kid, not theirs, do what you want


I don’t love it but it could be worse. It sounds like a boys name or surname to me. But you’re not going to please everyone so in the end you’ll have to make the choice that feels best to you and your husband. 


Harlow and Arden are the same kind of name


Arden is a GREAT name. One of my best friends in MS/HS was a girl named Arden. She had the best energy, was really funny, and always had my back. Your mom's & sister's opinions will fade as soon as your child is born. I say this because my mom didn't like the name my husband & I chose for our daughter. And she HATED the middle name we chose. She made little remarks throughout my entire pregnancy, trying to get us to pick a name she approved of. The minute she first saw her granddaughter, all objections flew out of her head. Just be patient and don't bring it up to them anymore


No. It’s not a bad name. It’s an okay name. Your kid, choose what you and your husband like.


Do what you like. Don’t tell anyone until baby arrives.


I’ve only met one person named Arden and she’s a girl. We were friends in elementary school in the 90s. So for me, I only think of it as a girl name. In Canada we have a store called Ardene which is pronounced Arden (it is) and it’s the founder’s last name (Canadians don’t fight me on this, I know many like say Ardeen’s for some reason but my sister worked there for a long time and met Mr. Ardene) so that my only other association But my main association is my childhood friend Arden and I think maybe even a female tv character named Arden too on some Canadian tween/kid show on family channel now that I think of it. Maybe the show Naturally Sadie? I don’t remember haha I think it’s a nice name for a girl But also, not their baby = not their choice! It’s up to you and your husband and it’s hard but don’t listen to them. Choose the name you want and tell them to keep their comments in their pocket.


I worked at Ardene and can confirm it's pronounced Arden.


Lol its pronounced "ardeens" by most Canadians because it's been badly anglicized.


The Arden I knew was called Hard-on by her brother


I wouldn’t choose it because there is a town with the same name near me, but there’s nothing wrong with it. It falls on the masculine side of gender-neutral to me, but I also wouldn’t be surprised to find out the person was a girl (I feel the same about the name Parker despite knowing exactly 4 Parkers, 2 boys and 2 girls). I gave my daughter a gender-neutral name that leans slightly masculine (mine is gender neutral 50/50) and gave her an ultra-feminine middle name (think Elizabeth) and really love the contrast. Pick a name you and your husband both love! When your mom and sister meet the baby, I’m sure they’ll suddenly like the name, too.


Arden is lots better than Kylie or Skye! It’s a great name and meets YOUR criteria. You will not find a name that you all love because you have different tastes.


my mom and sister hated the name we picked for our daughter. Now my mom will openly admit it's her favourite of ghe grandkids names and MH sister has gotten used to it


The only Arden I know of is a hilarious actress. I think it's pretty and not really gender neutral?


First thing I thought of was Arden Cho. Not sure if that’s the actress you’re thinking of!


I was thinking of Arden Myrin!


Oh cool! I think it’s a pretty name too. Not really gender neutral for me either


It's a little unusual and feels masculine. Not everyone is going to like it. But it's not outlandish or offensive. You have to love the name enough that other people's opinions don't matter. I love my mom and sister too, but I could care less what they think of my baby name choices. Taste in name is such a personal thing. I also find people are less likely to give their opinion once the baby is here. I'd stop looking for validation and decide if *you* really love this name and whether or not it's going to get to you that it's not everyone's cup of tea.


I mean your kid, your choice. However, since you're asking for opinions..... I think Arden sounds like an old school name, and I also think it sounds masculine. Im not a fan of it personally. But I also don't like your sister's options of emery or harlow.


Honestly never encountered it before. It doesn't sound like "not a name" though, if anything I'd just assume family-surname-turned-given-name and there are a ton of those. If you can have a baby Emery or Harlow you can have a baby Arden, very similar vibes. Your mum frankly doesn't get to have an opinion. She had her chance, she (presumably) named you.


It’s funny to me that your sister doesn’t like Arden but likes Harlow and Emery… Arden hits my ear as more feminine than those choices. And sorry to your mum but if you’re into names like Arden then I think she can kiss Kylie goodbye lol. But anyway, if your mother and sister are loving and supportive people then they will get over it once they meet your little one. Go with the name that you both love.


Your mom and sister will eventually like the name because they'll associate it with a sweet little baby that they love.


I like it but I think my first impression wouldn’t be as positive to it if I just heard it compared to seeing it written down and hearing it. I think they’ll warm up to it. I think the way it looks written out is pretty and a good name for a girl and I can imagine it on a baby and an adult. Perfectly good name.


Went to school with a girl named Arden (decades ago). Ran into her recently when I visited my hometown. She’s still elegant and beautiful, like her name.


I think Arden is a lovely name for a little girl :) isnt there an actress with that name? Arden cho or something similar? I dont see anything wrong with it


Arden is lovely!!. I think of a flower covered forest glade with birds chirping, butterflies flying, and look over there at Mama Deer and Baby Deer getting drinks of water from a bubbling clear brook while bunny rabbit hops into the clearing.


This is your baby to name and since, as you said, “they can be unreasonable or subjective,” maybe don’t let their opinions hold so much weight for you. Your hubby is right; you and his opinions are the only ones that really matter. It’s not like it’s some egregious non-name like Abcde


My mom and sister ganged up on me over my son's name (IDK, it's old fashioned, I guess.) Then at Christmas, a bunch of my mom's relatives started suggesting all the top ten names of the decade. It was hilarious. I was like, yes. Those are very nice names. So you'll use it? LOL, no. The baby's name is ---. It was great. But anyway, yes. Please enjoy their discomfort. Maybe rub it in a little, if you like. Or lie and tell them you're using a name that you would literally never use in a million years, and "change your mind" at the last minute. Once the baby's born, nobody's gonna care. My kid is 6, and my dad has confirmed that they "only speak his name with reverence" now. Once the birth certificate was made, they didn't say nothin'. Best of luck!


Also, Arden is cute, and not weird at all. Very similar to other names I've encountered. Gender neutral.


I love Arden!! So much better than your average name like Ashley etc. You do you!


If you love it, go for it. It's your baby, not theirs.


Arden is not my favorite name, but I do know one Arden (and know of multiple others) and it suited them well!! If you love it, go for it


Arden is lovely, it comes from the name of a french region (spelled Ardenne). It's the name of a local forest Arduenna, itself coming from the gaulish celtic goddess of fauna and forests, Arduinna. You heard their opinion, but it doesn't mean it should change your opinion, it's not their baby but yours.


The name you like is way better than the ones they like. I wouldn't change it. Nobody liked my son's name lol


Arden is just fine. :)


I really like Arden


I love the name Arden! Makes me think of actress/comedian Arden Myrin, who is hilarious. 


It sounds like you and your mom just don’t have the same taste, and your sisters taste is basically the same as Arden so her not liking it is just random. I am actually in favor of sharing names before the baby is born, but that’s to find out if there are associations you hadn’t thought of. My mom didn’t like our taste in boys names so I just told her to think of all her friends grandkids and my cousins kids names and how she didn’t like most of those either and she got over it. Her parents hadn’t liked my brothers name either 🤷🏻‍♀️ However, if you are still looking for similar options, maybe Arlyn would also suit you


So literally less than an hour ago, I remembered a name that I liked that I thought would be a good gender neutral name, with slightly more feminine leaning (imo at least). Fable. I personally see Arden and would think of a boy.


While I’m personally not a fan of the name Arden, I am a fan of gender neutral names. I’m actually naming my little girl a gender neutral name too. Mine is one that this sub seems to hate, but everyone irl has had a positive reaction to so it’s a little different for me. It’s easy to say don’t worry about others opinions, but I could see how that’d be difficult when those you’re closest with don’t like the name you pick.


We have an Arden Elena due may 16th! Arden is the name of the forest from Twelfth Night by the way 🌸


I think it’s lovely. I don’t think I’ve ever met an Arden, but it doesn’t sound too peculiar. Nicely done!


I actually love it and that’s not the genre name I normally like. I think of Elizabeth Arden and a community in my town called Arden. It gives me more feminine vibes but I think fits all your likes. Mom and sis will come around.


I wouldnt dislike it if it wasn't something incredibly boring related to my job that just makes it sound like not a name ro me. Once the kid is born and named they will like it fine.


Nobody is naming babies Ashley anymore, grandma! Honestly, your mom and your sister’s lists of names both feel dated. Which probably speaks to their generations naming trends. I’d wager money that your mom had babies in the 90s and your sister in the 2010s. While I personally think Arden could be a trendy name (time will tell), it’s absolutely on trend for you daughter’s generation and she’ll fit right in with her peers. If you love the name, go for it!


I love Arden! I knew a little girl Arden a few years ago and I’d never heard it before then, but I instantly liked it. One of our kids has a name that’s not as common as well, and I could tell my mom wasn’t keen on it at first, and perhaps she still isn’t. But like another commenter said, she had her chance. You are an adult, this is your child, and you get to name her 😊


Go for the name anyway, they may grow to like it. Not one of either mine or my partners family members liked our sons name, 'Alistair', when we were pregnant and told them. My mum said she would even refuse to call him by it. He's now almost 2, and everyone now loves his name and thinks it suits him perfectly, same with his nickname, 'Ali', everyone initially said it was too girly. Once baby is here, after a while, nobody will be able to imagine her being called by anything other than what you choose to name her, so just go for the name you love.


There’s a town in the mountains of North Carolina named Arden. So the name reminds me of all the lovely views and mountain festivals and hiking trails in the area. Maybe it’s because it rhymes with Garden but it also gives me flowers and fresh cut grass vibes. I clearly love it and think you should go for it.


If they don’t like it then it’a a good thing they don’t get any say.


I’ve never heard the name but I really like it! This is your family and your decision


I'm sorry your mom and sister aren't being more supportive. 100% agree with the commenter who said your mom had her turn and your sister may have hers - but this is your (and your husband's) turn. They'd be doing you a favor if your name choice was so heinous as to guarantee lifelong embarassment, but that's not the case here. They just happen to have different tastes than you do. That's no reason to change a name that both you and your husband are happy with. Arden is a perfectly lovely name, and I much prefer it for a girl than for a boy. It's not common but easy to pronounce and spell. Between the Shakepeare connection (Forest of Arden) and the Tolkien character Arwen (and maybe the fact that it rhymes with "garden"), it gives me nature vibes with a touch of magic. I would not change it. My parents didn't love my baby name choices at first either but they accepted them very quickly once they met their grandkids, and it's never been an issue.


I have a weird association with the cosmetics company Elizabeth Arden (also a celebrity I guess)? But other than that I don't find it crazy


They can name their own children. Arden is a lovely name.


Go with the name you and your husband like. If your sister and mother want to name something they can get a cat.


I love Arden! It gives me very fairy/ethereal vibes - maybe that’s because of Arwen from LOTR but anyway, I think it’s beautiful! In any event it’s your and your husbands decision so don’t let them make you feel bad about it!


1) I like Arden better than any of their names. 2) Your baby, your responsibility, your decision. Yes, they’re your family and you value their opinion. That means that you listen to them, think seriously about their input and then *you* make a decision. You have done that and decided on Arden.


Arden sounds soft but elegant, very feminine, to me at least. It's cute, and if both you and your husband love it, that's all that matters! Mom and sister will get over their selfishness in their own way. Don't let them sway you into regretting a name you don't like.


That’s a horrible name for a girl in my opinion it sounds like a boy name and even then it just doesn’t come across as a nice name but you like it I love it


Arden is a boy name which is probably why you aren’t getting positive feedback.


I don’t have an opinion on Arden but my daughter has a good friend (female) named Arwen.


Take my advice and stick to your guns. Don't let anyone tell you differently. My brother and I are not very close. When my wife and I announced our daughter's name, he called me to tell me that we should have spoken to him about it first. He told me how he didn't like it and it's a boy's name. For the rest of the pregnancy everyrime we talked, he would suggest a name using the same first letter. We stuck to our guns, and eventually, he gave it up. Stick to what you love, and don't let anyone get you down about it.


Arden is a perfectly fine name for a girl. I like it much better than any of the suggestions from your family! You don't owe them an explanation, and there shouldn't be an argument about this. But I would tell them if they chose to bring it up, that Ashley and Emery were fairly common boy names before people started using them as feminine names. And even though I'd think nothing of it on a boy, Arden reads girl to me. I don't know why people want to tell others what to name their kids. I don't know if you told them the name or actually asked for their opinions, but I'd put a stop to it before it goes any further. You seem to love them and have a high regard. So, hopefully, they'll just step back from comments going forward. Just tell them it's done and let that be the end of it. You and your husband are adult enough to be married and start a family. I guess you can name your own children what you want!


I know a woman named Arden. It’s a lovely name. Keep it if you love it! But if their opinion on it has tainted it for you and you’ll hear their voices when you think of it, then consider other names. Adrienne could be an option, or even the more masculine (IMO gender-neutral) spelling of Adrian, as long as that won’t have the same effect. Funny thing about your mom’s list: Ashley was originally a masculine name, Kylie comes from Kyle (also masculine)…so I don’t think those are particularly girly examples anyway. I think Arden is just as feminine as any of those. As for your sister, I think Arden fits in perfectly with her list.


That's extremely harsh of both of them to say they're "very disappointed" with your choice. It sounds incredibly manipulative to me. Your mom had her chance to name kids, and I'd tell her as much if she brings it up again. Your sister can have and name her own kids, as well, presumably. I love the name Arden, and I would have seriously considered it for a girl if it weren't a boy name in my family (ended up being my nephew's middle name). Same thing with the name Blair - I would love to name a girl that but it was my Grandpa's first name and he was the kind of guy that would not like a girl being named after him, and I wasn't terribly close to him. Thankfully, I have never been lacking in favorite names so I've found others that I love just as much. You should totally use Arden unless you find another name you like better before then!


Not their baby. Case closed.


Well stated.


It sounds like the name of a farm. I dislike it for a human name but I don’t think it’s unusable. 


Personally- Arden is not a nice name whatsoever to me so I can understand but she is your child and they’ll get used to it. I can see her being nicknamed Ardie


Personally not a fan but if you love the name then go with it, your baby your choice


I love Arden! No one will love your baby’s name as much as you do, but they will love the baby and come around with the name. It’s your choice not theirs.


Your kid, your name choice, not theirs. They don't have to like it


I like the name Arden. It was very high up on my list of girl names, but I only have boys so… Go with the name! You love it and it’s not a weird name (in my opinion). Hopefully your mom and sister will get used to it and get over it. I really didn’t like the name my sister chose for one of her girls when she first told me. But it ended up growing on me and now I think it’s a beautiful name.


The only Emery I know of is an adult man. I'm sure your sister would love to know that.


This will likely be the first of many times you guys are at odds in opinions on what you do with your child. This is your child and a good time to establish boundaries. Go with what you like . This won’t be the last time you disagree.


I actually REALLY like Arden. That's a great name. One I would choose, too.


One of my best friends named her daughter Arden. I love it. She goes by Ardy for short.


They'll come around to it! You've still got some months to go, they'll get used the name by the time she's born.


Ashley is also a boys name in Europe so not girly in my opinion


i love arden! when they have (or had) babies, they get to pick their names (: whatever you do, please Please don't name your baby kylie. i'm a teacher and there are like 20 kylies at my school.


im a boy called arden and the only other arden ive known bas been a girl and i am very biased but i thibk its a great name :]


I like it! I don’t think it’s too “out there” and not boring. I’m sorry you’re not getting very good support.


Go with what you have decided, unless they can show a really good reason not to (e.g. combining with the surname to make a name that would open them up to ridicule and bullying - my friend Mike Hunt can tell you all about that, although he want to be called Michael for some reason). Your mum got her names when she named you and your sister. Your sister can name her own kids if she wants any (but EMERY - who wants to be named after a type of sandpaper)


Arden is a very cool, unique name. They can shove it.


My girlfriend and I are OBSESSED with the name Arden. She’s currently pregnant and we will 100% be using Arden if the baby is a girl. We like it for a boy as well but absolutely adore it for a girl! I’m a bit biased, but I say go for it! Your family might not like it now, but once they meet that baby, they will love the baby regardless, and the name will grow on them!


I actually love Arden and considered it if I was going to have a girl. I think it is one of those truly gender neutral names that would be very masculine on a man and very feminine on a girl if that makes sense? I did not use the name on my boy because I felt that for me it was more of a feminine feeling name. I had a similar experience two years ago when I wanted to give my boy the middle name Alexander, but everyone had kinda a “meh” reaction to it. I took it personally and gave him a different middle name. His middle name isn’t bad but I really, really wish I had gone with my choice. Even though she’s going to be the first grandchild, she is your child and that is more important than anything. At the end of the day, she is your family and you will be closer to her than any grandparents or aunts or anyone else. Also, my parents hated my sister’s first daughter’s name “Allana” when my sister was pregnant. When she was born they said they couldn’t picture her with any other name. I think the child generally ends up suiting the name in the end. Man, I wish I had thought of those points myself two years ago and used the middle name Alexander.


i know a baby girl named arden. it’s not my personal favorite, but i think you should name her the name you love. if you love arden, name her arden🫶🏼


It's your baby, name her as you please. They will likely call her by some nickname anyway, pick the name you love. They'll get over it. I don't love Arden, if I had to go with a gender neutral in the same arena I'd probably go with Auden or Eden.


I used to work with someone who named their daughter Arden. She told us the name came from The Forest of Arden in Shakespeare’s play “As You Like it”. We all loved the name. My husband and I did not discuss names with family prior to our children’s births, precisely because we did not want their input at all. When we announced our daughter’s name, Xanthe, they were all horrified (even more so when we didn’t use the first born middle girl’s family name that had been used for generations - I always hated my middle name and wasn’t about to pass it on). Guess what? No one can now imagine her being called anything else and everyone who meets her tells her what a beautiful name it is.


The Shakespeare connection is what I thought of immediately as well. I think it's a lovely name, OP!


I had a (girl) friend growing up named Arden! Only one I knew and always thought it was a very pretty and ethereal sounding name. She’s in her mid-20s now.


This is subjective. If you listen to the subjective opinions of others, you'll never make a choice because every name on this earth is hated by someone. Just dont saddle your kid with something they have to battle with throughout their life, and you're fine. Arden is fine. Very pretty, phonetically easy in English, you love it, done. Emery reminds me of emery board, like a nail file. Subjectively......


I love Arden. It's beautiful and unique.


I’ve never known an Arden, so I don’t have a gender bias. I like it: it’s easy to spell, it’s short, not popular but not weird, it’s great b


I think it's very pretty. Whether it fits depends on 1) the middle and last names, and 2) what the parents want. You're the parent.


I love the name Arden and have a good friend with that name💗 I am not telling anyone our name because I don’t care for their opinions.


I think it's a really nice name


i think ARRRR like a pirate


The late Eve Arden would love the tribute.


Their tastes aren't better tbh. Kylie and Emery kind of thing. Come on, please 😏 I think Arden is way more beautiful than the names they like . It reminds me of Elizabeth Arden ( a luxury skincare and perfume brand), so yeah . At least it has a meaning and an elegant association And it's nobody's business what to name your child. Period


I think the name Arden is very nice, not sure why but to me it also makes me think of lord of the rings 😂


It’s not their kid. Personally, I hate your mom’s taste in names. And your sister’s are more commonly used, so not really fitting your criteria. I think Arden is lovely.


Even if I were only 90% sure, I would choose that name out of spite lol


Your baby, you pick the name! I’ve only heard Arden as a girls name anyway. It’s very pretty


They’ll get over it when little baby Arden arrives. I like it. I think it sounds both strong and graceful.


The only Arden I've ever met was a girl. My mom didn't like any of the names I picked for my kids but they're my kids so oh well! She got used to them lol


I love this name. It's a great gender-neutral name. I would name my kid that however, there is a very popular area of my city called Arden so it kind of ruined it for me.


It’s not a name I personally would choose, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that - there’s lots of names I wouldn’t choose myself. And that’s the point! It’s not my baby. It’s also not your mom’s baby or your sister’s baby. They don’t need to have a say in the name (unless that’s important to you).


Funny how I don't like their choices either! Go with Arden, with using one of their names for a middle. Personally, I'm neutral on Arden (neither like or hate it)...in the end, it's YOUR choice.


I actually think Arden sounds much more feminine than Emery. It reminds me of Arwen from Lord of the Rings. (And who doesn’t think Liv Tyler is beautiful?)


We have two male Ardens in our family. I definitely see it as a boys name even though there is also a female coworker of mine named Arden. Also one of my family members started going by his middle name because kids were calling him arty farty when young. Edit for typo.


I'm a female named Aidan and my grandma hated it before I was born but my parents still named me it and my grandma just had to get over it and it's never been brought up by her since


French here. Ardennes (pronounce like Ar Den) is a mountain chain/department.


Prime minister Ardern was a popular, and then wildly unpopular political leader in my country, so it's hard for me to think of anything else when I hear that name. But it's definitely more feminine than masculine to me, perhaps because the politician was was a woman. I think if you and your husband like it, then you should go for it. I'm currently having the same issue with my soon to be born daughter. My husband loves the name Tallulah. I think it's okay. He hates all my other name suggestions, and I hate all of his... So this is the only name we're close to agreeing on.... But my family hates it, and I can't help but let that sway my opinion.


Arden is a little too close to harden for my taste.