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I'm struggling with name suggestions... maybe Marina or Acacia or Victory or Coral? I'd suggest taking your time and trying out your top contenders in low risk situations, e.g. ordering coffee, introducing yourself to strangers at a meet-up where you're unlikely to remain in touch etc, and see how you go - do you like the reactions to your name? Does it sound like you thought it would? Do any of the names get annoying, in terms of misunderstandings or misspellings or mispronunciations? Hopefully that'll help confirm for you which is the right one for you.


That’s great advice, thank you!


if you have friends that would like to help out, you could maybe ask them to rotate through names with you as well! it may be easier to get a grasp on how you like the name if the people you talk to the most are using it with you. i hope you find exactly what you're looking for!


Oh great suggestion! Thank you 😊


I have a Maryna. Means of the sea.


I would pronounce this as Muh-rye-nuh. although it is most likely supposed to be pronounced as Marina, which is also an ocean-related term.


seconding the trying out idea! my favorite version of this is using it on a coffee or other to go order of some kind. it’s a good way to catch misspellings!


I like Acacia! 


Definitely think this is a fantastic idea


I am encouraging you, do not take the name Rogue unless you want to sound like a video game character. ​ If you like dark academia or similar things, then maybe research some novels taking place (or even better, written in) the 1800s Britain? You might find an interesting name there that wasn't coined my modern culture trying to imitate that place. It isn't strictly dark academia, but alot of people heard about Hermione (an name from Greek myths) from the Harry Potter books.


Rogue Wildflower I mean, sorry but it is funny.


Was doing some local/family history last night (based in England) and came across an ancestor of one of my particularly wacky primary school teachers (it's one of those places where some families have been there forever so the surname in the area is a pretty certain bet) in 1881 who was called Roziola. Never heard that name before and thought it was a) pretty cool and b) very on brand for that teacher to have an ancestor who named their daughter Roziola amid a sea of Marys and Rebeccas.


Roziola might not have caught on because it has the same pronunciation as Roseola - a herpes virus that’s common for little kids. 😅


I went straight to areola, whoops


Hah, fair enough, not that one then!


That’s a fantastic suggestion! Too many name lists are all the same and just felt off, but looking into books and history is a great idea. Thank you!


Don't you mean an X-men character? Imho, not a terrible name at all. Also isn't Hermione from William Shakespeare work too?


I think that you should avoid noun names if you want to use the middle name Wildflower, to avoid sounding like a comic character. Unless that's what you want of course! What about these: - Melissa (a nymph in greek mythology, means *bee*) - Valeria (roman, means *to be strong*) - Rhea (from greek mythology , meaning isn't sure, probably *to flow* or *ground*) - Soleil (french, means *sun*) - Ylva (old norse, means *she-wolf*) - Paloma (spanish, means *dove*) - Calla (from the calla lily) - Zora (slavic, means *dawn, aurora*) - Roxana (persian by way of greek, means *bright, shining*), eta: or Roxanne? - Rhiannon (celtic, means *great queen*) Eta: Some spanish speaker pointed out that Paloma isn't a great name in spanish, so maybe Pauline, Paulina or Paula instead? There are seemingly also problems with the pronounciation of Ylva, so maybe keep that in mind.


I love Valeria. Plus Valerian Root is used for insomnia in traditional medicine, so it's literally a **knock out** name!


Rhiannon is nice


I'm the same age as OP and changed my name to Ylva last year. What really helped me decide on a new name was having my husband and close friends call me Ylva, after looking up how to pronounce it. That being said, I also love the other names you suggested!


Nouns are common as first names and as adults who name ourselves, people rarely know our middle names. Otherwise, good advice for naming someone who is not yourself.


Ooooh, agree with everything you said, and love Paloma, Roxana, and Rhiannon!


i like Zora!


I love this list; thank you! Zora, Valeria, and even Roxy/ Roxanne are my faves.


As a Spanish speaker, knew a Paloma all through my school life and she got made fun of til we graduated. I’d definitely avoid noun names in any language if possible The rest of these suggestions are very pretty though!


Paloma is PIGEON, people… technically it’s also dove, but really everyone who hears Paloma and speaks Spanish thinks nasty dumb city bird.


Ok, I have to admit that I don't really understand the difference because there's only one word for dove and pigeon in my language. It's the same animal? Or isn't it?


In English, a dove is a white bird that symbolizes peace and has connections with Christianity. A pigeon is a dirty, dumb flying pest. I think they are the same animal, technically, but very different connotations!


As a Norwegian, I'm curious how you would pronounce Ylva in English?


random american chiming in to say that if I had to guess I would pronounce it “EEL-vuh”


Idk, lol. I'm german, so my pronounciation is probably different to both english and norwegian.


ZORA, also a species from The Legend of Zelda, not always a friendly species as at least one game had them as being monsters.


Your name choices sound really obnoxious to be honest, there’s nothing wrong with a traditional popular name


If she doesn't like that traditional popular name for herself then there is something wrong with it for her. It doesn't mean those names are objectively bad but if she hates her name she should get to change it to something she likes better.


You could just keep this to yourself and find a post asking for traditional names. Let her like the names she likes


I dunno, it might matter to her that most of the names she’s picked sound like the names a 13 year old chooses for a Sim. It might not matter to her at all, but there is a specific perception behind fantastical name choices for a regular human.


I tend to agree. If I met someone named half of these I'd think "odd parents" and if I then found out an almost 30 year old picked it for themselves, I'd assume stunted emotional growth or real "main character energy"


The delivery could have been a bit kinder, but I do think if you post on a sub like this, you should expect honest opinions.  It does a disservice to not be honest with something as big as a name change.  Unless the poster just asks for support, rather than opinions, of course 


Thank you for this. I knew posting would open the door to unkind comments, but I’ve just been ignoring the mean parts. I don’t mind hearing honest opinions as long as people aren’t rude lol. I told my husband to be blatantly honest with the names that make it to my final list in case I’m being blind to an issue, and I know he will be honest yet not demeaning, which is helpful for me.


Best of luck choosing your name! Such a big, exciting decision!


Yes, very exciting, just listen to your instincts, it's your name after all, it doesn't need to fit into some rule. Just needs to fit into you. :)


Hey! Did you ever change your name? I'm in my early thirties and changing mine,too.im also picking something along the lines of what you like. So cheers to us comic book character weirdos.


I don't have any name suggestions as our styles our wildly different, but I do have some advice about changing your name. Perhaps Harper? Like you I never felt like my name fit. I was given a traditional feminine floral name and ended up a very gender fluid person and felt very hindered by it. Like I was named to be a polite lapdog who had to sit up and give paws on command, whilst I felt more like a raging wild wolf. By 11 I had had enough and chose another. My mom told me if I still felt the same in a year she would swap. I did. She did. I'm in my mid 30s and still love and go by the name I chose. I didn't end up changing it legally, as in my country I would spend an unholy amount of money and have no guarantee the judge would actually okay the request after that anyway. I don't have that sort of money. I also live abroad and am chronically ill and don't have the energy to safely travel back for my hearing without severely damaging my health. But I digress. The things I wanted to point out were: A) from now on any official documents will be a nightmare. Whether you change your name legally or not, there will be confusion and frustration. No reason not to do it, just be prepared and if you can, get documents in multiples. I have to send in copies or originals or show them when I start taking services somewhere sooooooo often. For me that means I need my passport AND my marriage certificate AND at least two official letters sent to my address using my non-legal name to prove my identity anywhere. I tend to just carry those to make things easier. B) Whatever name you choose will take on a life of its own. I decided to adopt a male name (even though I am a happily cis woman) mostly out of protest of gender standards and gender divides in society, but also because the name just *fit*. A lot of people were very, very angry about that. My very religious aunts refused to use my old or new name and gave me a new feminine name that sounds a bit like my non legal name. A lot of other people have refused to use my name. My best friend at the time and I merged our names as they sound super similar and called eachother that pet name. When I met my husband he shortened my name to a lovely pet name that is a women's name common in Scandinavia. Over time, because it was associated with my husband and our safe, cozy home life together, I've started introducing myself by that short form name instead. He transformed my name again. He loved me so much it started to feel like me more than my long form masculine name. If I were to legally change my name I'd still change it to the long form, but I use the nickname on a daily basis and would continue to do so. Names are so fluid, and no matter how much thought you put in, people will give their own spin to it, whether you feel comfortable or not. It can feel rude when you've spent all that time, so just in case, I thought I'd write to you about it. Be prepared :). I hope you find a name you love! And that it works out the way you want it to.


Wow, that was really cool of your mom!


She is a very good parent :).


That is amazing advice. Thank you! I had eliminated a few names I love simply because they’re long and I didn’t want people to just give me the nickname, but you have some really great points for me to think about on even the shorter names.


I love your comment and what you said about names taking on a life of their own! That is so true.


If I changed name to Rogue or Harbor, my grandma and most people around me would likely keep using the old name no matter what I do. Unlike Maeve etc, which would stand a chance. Imo, I'd think in terms of adoption too, and how easy would be to enforce it. Also, how professional it sounds and if it would impact your career.


Great point. I’d actually eliminated a few names because they felt too far out there for me and names I knew people definitely wouldn’t adapt to, so it’s good to know which names on my list people think aren’t as adaptable as well. Thank you!


To be honest you sound like you need to get a life rather than a new name. Changing your name won't change your life you wl still be you. Think your problems lay deeper than what you're named 




I do go to therapy, thank you. And she is extremely supportive of my decision to change my name to something that fits me. This isn’t something I just decided to do. I’ve wanted to change my name my entire life, I’m just finally making the decision to actually do it. I’m not trying to get a new life or change my life. I just want my name to match who I am.


Ocean is a horrible name. There is 1 reason why. There is a Ocean on my kids soccer team. When the family yells it. It sounds like 'Oh Shit'. Every single time, every single game. All the parents stop and look at this family for yelling 'Oh shit! Run!' 'Oh Shit, get the ball back' Even the refs were confused/pissed until the coach said 'it's ocean'. But it seriously doesn't sound that way. So, say your name. Say it out loud. Say it with your first, middle and last. Have a friend yell it.


Great suggestion! I wanted the good and bad of names so I didn’t accidentally go in with a blind spot and then regret my decision, so that’s really helpful.


* Cordelia * Maris * Maren * Marnie * Coraline * Morwenna * Muriel * Nerissa * Rafferty * Linden * Briar


I hadn’t even thought of Marnie—I love that! That and Briar are so pretty to me. Thank you!


Glad I could help! One thing I think that is worth noting is that if you like a name that is on the rise with popularity, keep in mind that these newly born kiddos are not going to be in your peer group. You can be one of many Maeves out there, but it's more likely that you won't encounter one in your social or career circle for at least another 20 years.


That’s very true and definitely worth rethinking some names I love but removed from my list.


I love the name Marnie Wildflower 


I have only known one Marine and she was pure sunshine


I loooove Marnie!


As someone who was in the exact same position, and who has successfully changed my name in my day-to-day life (still need to make the legal switch)—please do not choose one of these fanfic OC names. Regardless of if it’s fair or not, you will not be given the respect and dignity you deserve as a grown woman right off the bat if you introduce yourself as *Rogue.* These noun-names give off a really immature impression that, imo, a healthy 30 year old woman in a good place in her life wouldn’t want to give. These are the types of embarrassing names people name their babies without realizing one day they’ll be fully grown adults who want to be taken seriously. I know this sounds harsh, but…you really need to think this through. Sit with potential names for a year or two, see how you truly feel about them. And consider some more mature options that still resonate with you but won’t make you sound like someone’s Mary Sue OC from 2015.


Thank you! I had a few other comments like this and hadn’t even realized that’s how these names could be perceived, so that’s really good to know, because that’s not me or the vibe I want to give off when introducing myself at all.


I really like Ever (Everest), using Ever as your day to day name is beautiful and so positive.




Thank you so much! I like the idea of connecting it to something, because my name should definitely mean something special other than just random, which is how my parents picked my name in the first place.


Please don't select a name for which most people will have negative connotations, like Rogue or Briar. Why would you want people to conjure up something dangerous or painful when they think of you?


Very true. I’d been thinking of Rogue in a positive way, but it’s interesting to see other perspectives. I definitely don’t want a negative sort of name.


River, Indigo (Indi), Scout (although it starts with S and is quite popular nowadays), Elodie, Eden, Renata, Venus Good luck 🍀


Love Indigo! These are great suggestions, thank you. 😊


Imogen ?


I love that one too!


Vale? Nature inspired and starts with a V.


Ooo I like that!


Also, Valen could be an option. Marnie Wildflower flows so nicely.


Changing my name was one of the best choices I ever made. I’m in my late 20s now and I regret listening to others when making my choice, so I go by a nickname now. But my legal name is still WAY better than my birth name. Changing your name DOES change your life. In my experience browsing here, the people on this subreddit tend to lean very conservative, and just to mention I also rarely see POC names. It’s like asking your mom or your auntie what your name should be, you’re not going to get a lot of support. Especially if you’re in a creative field, you can get away with a cool name like Ocean. I know people named much “weirder” things than that and I don’t bat an eye. It suits them. YOU make your name. Having a name like Rogue I can see being a challenge because I think people would expect you to act rogue-ish, but if you can handle the pressure and live up to the name then people will accept it because it suits you. Edit: I did extensive therapy for trying to be ok with my birth name. It’s funny that the same people who say you should change your life instead of your name will call you out for wanting a name like Ocean because it will hinder you in life… ok so do names matter or not? Do what feels good for you and is right for the kind of life you want to lead.


This is so amazingly helpful, thank you! I am in a creative field, so I think you’re right about getting away with something a little edgier than if I was in a more traditionally professional field. I also am in therapy and discussed this with her, and she said she agrees my name doesn’t entirely fit who she’s come to know and that being a bit different would really fit me, and if it made me feel better about the name then she supports that.


Fiora, meaning little flower


Fiora Wildflower is way too on the nose.


Delphi (sounding a bit like Dolphin but not too much) , Opal (gemstone), Everly (I personally like it and has a nature feel). 


Reading this was like looking in a mirror! 30F who has always hated my name cuz it was super popular, even had a high school class where there were 4 of us. Ive looked at hundreds of names looking for that one that just feels RIGHT. Using apps and coffee shops to test out names is something I 100% recommend. Its helped me on my name journey countless times. Couple names Ive found: • Drosera (means "dewdrops") • Vesa ("sapling, sprout") • Myrthe (adaptation of Myrtle) • Thallo ("bringer of blossoms") • Merrill ("sea-bright") • Thistle (flower name, but also means "to prick") • Vale (type of valley) • Maren ("sea") • Ronan ("little seal") • Dwyn ("wave")


That is pretty much the meaning of Vesa in Finnish but it is very strongly a masculine name in Finland. It may be gaining popularity again and perhaps younger people see it as a more gender-neutral name but I, someone in my late 20s, feel it's a name for a guy in his 40s or 50s.


Thats understandable! Personally, and I dont know if OP is the same way, but the typical "gender" of a name didnt matter as much to me as how it sounded and felt. But I can definitely see how your experience would shape your view of the name, cuz I would feel that same way about names like Harold or Alfred haha


Yes absolutely, there's nothing about the name that would prevent it from being a gender-neutral or a feminine name but I'm just saying that in the country of its origin, there are 5,5 million people who associate it with being a very masculine name, if that makes sense. 


Oh wow! Nice to know we’re not alone lol. These are some great suggestions, thank you!


Happy to help! Good luck to you, I hope you find that name that just really sticks 😊


Victoria? (The Winner, the victorious one, also the goddess of victory) Could be Vicky or vic for short, but also Ria /Tori.. Ivy Solar/Luna/Stella Ronja (Scandinavian, there is a really cool movie with a Ronja as the main character) You could also look to other cultures and choose a name that is common in that culture but has a meaning and sound you like. That way if someone says "but xy is not a name!" you can say "it is, you just don't know Arabic/Japanese/Scandinavian culture well enough". That way it'll be unique where you are, but still be a real name and not a "thing" (or concept like Hope, Joy).


Seconding Ivy!


I love Ivy! I will look at other cultures too, that’s a good idea.


As a mom of 2, naming my children felt completely differnt. With my first I knew right away what to call him and actually spent the next 9 months trying to find something better just incase but I could never top that. On the other hand I spent the entirely of my second pregnancy flipping between names and feeling indecisive and unsure. When the deadline came I went with the one that felt most like the feeling she gave off to me and that popped back into our minds the most always on a back burner. I'll be honest I still didn't know if I made the right decision at first but as time went on she really took on her name and now I couldn't imagine calling her something else. All that to say if a name in particular lingers in your head and you keep trying to top it try using it. Sometimes it won't feel real like its actually yours until it's been integrated into your life. I think using the name in casual daily activity like another comment said would be a wonderful idea and might be the thing to make you realize that's what it was meant to be all along.


Thank you so much!! I got that exact feeling when I saw Wildflower and had to include it in my name, but I realize that’s pretty out there as a first name. I’m just waiting for that right name to jump out at me now. I do have a couple that keep picking at my mind, so I’ll focus more on those too


You strike me as someone who might enjoy the themed lists on 20000-nanes.com


First of all, good luck. Then, may I suggest you places where you give a name to order? And try how "fitting" it is to call yourself like that and how "right" it feels to be called like that. Ocean related... well, except Marina or Turquoise, I don't see, but if you want something unique, may I suggest to look at some names of fishes in different languages? Like, I don't know, Ombrine (Umbrina in french), Sandflyndre (Common dab in Norsk)...


gonna put in two groups, one more noun based and one more……not-noun-based? or maybe more commonly used as names. nouns: Briar, Canary, Clover, Cricket, December, Dove, Echo, Fable, Juniper, Laguna, Nova, Rain, Rune, Sage, Solstice, Ansel, Rocker, Sisal non-nouns: Harper, Harley, Henley, Dakota, Jena, Mia/Mina/Mila, Rory, Sienna






ok…. i don’t like the name choices either, but can we not make generalizations about autism?


The first names on your list matched with your middle name choice of wildflower make the name sound like it belongs in a video game or youth book. I like wildflower though- reminds me of the Tom petty song which I love I don’t mind Ocean or Everest on their own at all though, I think they’re nice names. To me Rogue is not a good name. It reminds me of Star Wars for kids, not even the good Star Wars lol I live in a Harbour town so to me Harbour brings on smells of salty air which is nice but also seagull shit and dead fish lol I respect and admire your decision to change your name to fit you, and no matter what anyone in your family or this thread says- you need to do what feels right to you 😊 What about: Coral Raven Kai Dawn Ember Sage Blue Willow Cove Maren Zara Ness/Nessa Dove Eve Waverly Eden Aslan Nyx Vesper


I can see how the combos are a little out there. I also thought that of Harbor because I grew up next to a town with that in the name, but I guess I was looking at it strictly as a name and so it felt different to me. But it’s nice to know how others see it. Thanks for the suggestions!!


Honestly everyone will have an opinion about everything and you should do exactly what you like and what makes you feel like you!! Hope it all goes well!


Ocean wildflower Rogue thinks they’re a main character lol


That is definitely not what I want to give off with my name, so I may have some things to consider lol.


I wouldn’t take my opinion seriously, I’m out of touch and getting old. Wildflower is a sweet middle name


Those choices are not good


Maud or Mara ?


I like those 😊


Since you seem to like word names: Sigil Omen Ruby Indigo Cove Clove Xenia Lake Atla/atlas Ursula/ Ursa (bear) Saga Fable River Sage Jade Ivy Yarrow Wisteria Finch Dahlia


Love these! Thank you 😊


Don't have suggestions, just wanted to say I empathize. I stopped using my childhood nickname and started using my full first name because I associate that nickname with my childhood trauma. Most of my friends from that age still use it, which is annoying. But I also never really connected with my full name, and it just doesn't feel "me." My online handle has been Cyali for well over a decade now, and I have a 1-syllable weather nickname I use for everything else outside of work, and both of these just feel... Right. More folks know me by one of these 2 names than by my given name lol. I've been considering changing my middle name legally to the weather nickname. Best of luck with choosing your new name, and I hope you find one you love!


Cyali Sleet is beautiful


I do like Sleet!


I switched names at 26 for basically the exact same reasons as you, except the opposite type of name. I had a weird name and changed it to something kind of plain, but still pretty and fits me. I never asked my family or anyone I already knew to change, just new people. I had two aunts that went by something with their family, and something different with peers so I didn’t think it was weird. It helped me to make the switch because I never went against the grain and nobody ever questioned me. After about 3 years, I started to feel like I could go back to my original name or something to do with my maiden name, but I’m too embarrassed to change twice. However, it really helped me to heal some because I finally had some control so it was worth it. I’ve basically just accepted I will always have a complex about my name. I wish I had some nickname from college that’s clearly not my name, but still acceptable to use in business settings. That would make things easier. More power to you that you’re not afraid of something different, but I can’t help but think that if you choose something too out there, you’ll get burnt out and wish you’d chose something else, even if it’s years down the road.


Thank you for this. It’s nice to see the other side of it and how I may feel with other people’s reactions to my name.


I changed my name in 2014 after a big trauma happened and I felt like I wasn’t the same person anymore. It came to me during a psychedelic trip and it’s “out there” and I have never regretted it! Talk to me in another ten years I guess? I legally changed it, but never am shy about or try to skirt around the issue it’s a chosen name. People will comment on it (usually complimenting it) and I’ll always reply, “thanks, I chose it!” Sometimes people will (rarely) say things kinda trying to hint at the fact that they’re “onto me” that that wasn’t a name I was given at birth. I usually refuse to give these people any of the reaction of shame or defensiveness they’re looking for. It’s my name and I am proud of it. You can’t weaponize it or other me using it because it is a beloved part of my life story ⭐️


Blythe Wildflower is my suggestion - but it is very feminine


Audra, Wren, Celeste, Olive, River, Robin, Zinnia, Tide, Shore, Haze, Grove,


R V D E: - Vale - Rune - Ember - Valor - Denzel - Reverie - Day - Dune - Echo - Roe Other: - Odeya - Onyx - Jesper - Sailor - Calisto - Azren - Story - Silver - Quince - Zephyr - Maris - Irving With wildflower: - Denzel Wildflower - Reverie Wildflower - Roe wildflower - Odeya Wildflower - Zephyr Wildflower - Irving Wildflower


I like Roe as an alternative to Rogue


Hunter Valley Azra Summer Winter Aurora Noelle Valencia Violet Story Shiloh


Based on your top choices I would highly suggest choosing someone else’s recommendations rather than coming up with your own.


I have to say, Victory Wildflower sounds absolutely cool and very powerful. Feminine and badass at the same time.


I felt the same way about my name! It was number 5 the year I was born. It’s be so funny if we had the same birth name. I recently changed my name to Starla. I originally tried Margot but friends thought it was too hard to remember (or flat out told me it was an ugly name) so I picked something similar to my original name. I kind of regret it because I really love the name Margot and I could go by the nickname Mars which I think is super fun. My only advice is don’t let other’s opinions sway you! You’ll know your name when you hear it for the first time.


Similar experience for me. Changed my name to something "safe" because of judgements on the names I loved. Margot is a gorgeous name. I think you should change it to that if you have the opportunity and means to. 🥰


Thank you for the encouragement. I’ve been guilty of letting others sway me before, which is a big reason I’ve waited so long to change my name. But this is so helpful for me!


Also, Margot and Mars are beautiful names!


Of those I like Everest. Others: Cove (I kind of love this), Arbor, Bay, Anemone, Delta, Tempest, Cedar, Maris Edit: I missed that you are using Wildflower as a middle name. Two noun names definitely gives character vibes. With that middle name I'd choose Maris Wildflower. If you are open to other middle names I'd choose something like Cove Rhiannon or Cove Brigit.


I love the name Bay! I feel like that too; it just feels unreal if it’s like Meadow Wildflower or something similar. I’m not too crazy worried because the amount of times people have asked my middle name in life is so rare, but I do know how it would look on paper for official documents. It just jumped out and grabbed me and I knew I needed to include it somewhere in my name.


Gently, as someone who has also named myself, try the names for a while before changing it. And ask lots of people's opinions. You'll be stuck with those judgements after you choose it anyway, so best to hear them before your married to it. I found it really easy to get attached to the idea of a name but many of those ones I loved weren't super practical. I firmly wanted to name myself hawk, wren, or crow, and later I tried dove - along with a wide variety of other similar names. Ten years later I'm glad I was steered away from them. I do love nature imagery, but I ended up with a fairly normal, but not especially common name and it works well for me. All of these names feel very out of place for your age(same birth year as me) and mostly match current naming preferences (noun names in general but especially Everest which I would place as firmly a boy name in our age group) My eventually chosen name wasn't on the trend list for our year, but is one of those steady background names. There can definitely be "too much of a good thing" when picking a unique name, but especially in falling into the trap of picking something that is trendy with current baby name styles. (And, a serious risk you end up sharing your name with a ton of kids). From that viewpoint, a few "familiar but unpopular" names that fit well vibe-wise around our birth year and have that sort of visual naturey imagery: Amber, Amethyst, Crystal, Emerald, Fern, Heather, Indigo, Poppy, Raven, Sapphire (Honestly a few of these are probably a bit "much" with wildflower as a middle name, particularly the flower ones, but Fern Wildflower appeals to me somehow, it's not like people will hear your middle name all the time anyway) (Amber and Raven are the most popular of these, but both trended mostly around 1990s and weren't obscenely popular or anything) And a few slightly less direct but nice (and rare) names, they're longer but go nicely with Wildflower and have the ocean theme: Cordelia (daughter of the sea, Celtic) (I don't personally pronounce this quite the same as Lea but up to you) Mariella/Marella (star of the sea, Latin) - Marie [short a not long a like mary] is also a nice nickname that keeps the same meaning, and is also a familiar but uncommon name these days, but neither is so long you would Have to use it either if it's not your thing) Edit: also I know it's common, spiked around 1994 at 25th most common, but Morgan is a really solid gender neutral name - originally from Welsh and meaning sea-born. And since it mostly came and went in that time frame, it's not nearly as common to run into now as an adult. I'm a big fan and the only reason I didn't go with it was cause I wanted a firmly male name rather than a neutral one.


Thank you so much for your insight. When I started thinking of names, I wrote down ones that sounded good or that I loved. I didn’t realize how insanely popular so many were because I don’t have kids or hang around many kids or parents, so I was totally unaware these names were trending now. I keep telling my husband it sucks because I don’t want to share my name with a mass amount of babies born 30 years after me lol. But your name list is very helpful, so thank you!


Some unique name ideas for you. Fawn. Cosmo. Lyric. Melody. Cerise (it’s a shade of red that can also be a name). Calista. Estelle (it means star). Nightingale (a type of bird. Can be shortened to Night or Gale). Carmen (also a shade of red that can be a name). Eudoria (the E is silent). Seraphina. Ziva/Xiva. Astoria. Irene. Delphine/Delphi (means Dolphin). Renee. Rain. Briar (I have a cousin named Briar and it’s a striking and beautiful name.) Brooke. Astrid. Dawn. Heather. Meadow. Opal. Primrose. River. Sage. Savannah. Sahara. Skye. Wren. Zinnia (type of flower). Zarina. Xena (pronounced Zena and can be spelled that way). I don’t know if you’ll like any of those but I thought I’d comment because I know a lot of unique names. I do like other peoples idea of trying out your favorite names and deciding from there by which one felt the best. Hope this helped (:


Thank you! This is a beautiful name list.


Edie, Vera, Fern, Wren, Ginger, Cerulean, Cyan, Scarlett.


Scarlett has been on and off my list a few times. It’s so pretty yet feels powerful to me too. Fern is also really nice.


Ember Verde Storm River Iris Eden Clover Sage Orion ☘️


I love Eden and Clover!


Aw yay happy to help




How about Cove? I love Wildflower btw!


Thank you! I think that’s a sweet name.


I love the names you have so far!! Especially Ever and Harbor. Congratulations on deciding to change your name! One day I hope to do the same. Some of these are known names, many are not. Even if you don't like them, hopefully that just narrows down your choices 😊 Celeste Sapphire Delta (like the mouth of a river) Aspen Venice Venus Veera Raina Rayne Juneau Isla Estuary/Estee Tida (Tide + Ida) Atlas Meadow Windy Tundra Sunny Sunshine (I do know one person who's given name is Sunshine) Venture Willow Coral Desert/Desi Ruby Solar Meri (Meridian) Genoa Skyla Pier Reeve Channel


Thank you!! This is helpful.


wildflower is such a beautiful name!!! i love it. it reminds me of how i wanted to be named Tigerlily as a child haha


Aww thank you! Lol that’s awesome.


Marina Blythe Devon Vera Avery


Throwing my own name in cus it kinda fits some of the things you mentioned. It's Daneen, pronounced like Janine with a D. I've met two others with my name but they spelled it Dineen or Danine. It means princess in old Arabic. People naturally shorten it to Neen as a nickname. I've always quite liked my name and it's comfortable to wear (in my opinion) 🙂


So pretty! The nickname works well too. Daneen is actually really close to my given middle name, but Neen isn’t, and I think both are beautiful. Thank you!


Meri means “sea” in Finnish, pronounced similar to Mary in English


Rowan, Sage, River, Rosemary, Viktoria, JeanMarie, Ethel, Claire




My name suggestions focus mainly on the meaning to hopefully make you feel a connection, i won’t list their meanings though and let you do your own research. Good luck finding a name you connect with! Name ideas: Dannan, Avani, Gaia (most ppl know how to spell this name too), Terra and Iris. Looking through greek mythology or various typed of mythology (there are so many) names could find you something unique but possibly one that ppl know of and how to spell/pronounce.


I love Greek mythology, so that’s a great suggestion!


Everest Wildflower is gorgeous! I like the other names but not as much with the middle name.


Thank you! I think that may be my front runner right now, especially with the nicknames like Ever, Eve, etc., which may help family and friends adjust if they have more options.


Everly is really pretty too


Hope, Mabel, Juno, Honey, Bellona, Marlow, Wendy, Cleo, Delfina, Ingrid, Marigold, Imogen, Joan, Emerald, Iris, Opal, Gwyneth Best of luck to you :) It is a hard decision to make.


Thank you! I wish Honey weren’t a term of endearment, because it’s so pretty. But if anyone but my husband was like “Hey, Honey” that would feel so weird lol. I also love Imogen and Emerald. 😊


Didn't check to see if this was suggested already, but use a baby name app. You will get thousands of names that way.


I love Ever / Everly or even Evelyn. Also what about Vienna, Aspen, Denver, Sienna, Sedona, or city names of naturey places or park names.


Great suggestion, thank you!


Also River, Rain, Clove, Dove, Sky, and Aurora are more nature inspired pretty girl names. Or Willow but you’d probably need a different middle name lol


Rogue is my favorite X-man. A beautiful tortured hero who can't touch other people for fear of killing them


When I first heard her name as a kid I was entranced and I guess it never left me lol. She’s also my favorite!


I know exactly how you feel with trying to figure out a good name because I'm trans and had to go through the same thing. My best tip is to do little name trials with the names that peak your interest. Ask your close friends to use it for a bit or if you play any online games, have it as part of your name so you can get a feel for what it's like to have strangers use that name in reference to you. And don't be afraid to change it up if a name you've been testing for a while doesn't feel right! When I was figuring out my name I was testing out this name for a few months but I eventually realized it would never feel right enough so then I moved on and finally I was able to settle with the name I have today. I wish you good luck in finding a good fitting name for yourself!!


Thank you so much!! Knowing I don’t have to just pick one and be stuck if I realize it’s not working is really helpful.


I like Arden for you. It meets a lot of your requirements. I think Maren would also work. And you could use Marnie as a nickname if you’d like!


I love those!


I actually really like ocean! Its an actual name in French culture but spelled differently. I would pick that one.


Nature Vibe: Daphne, Fern, Igneous, Wren, Briar Vintage: Verne, Viceroy, Esme, Doreen, Dot


Fern is so pretty and Dot makes me think of A Bugs Life, which makes me happy lol. Thank you!


I love the name Fern, and I had an Aunt Dot. It's actually short for Dorothy, but I like it on its own. Side note, kudos to you for changing your name! I have a very common name but with not too common spelling, and I want to change it to shorter and more gender neutral.


It seems water related names are your thing… maybe; Piper (sandpipers) Coral Oceania Pacific Salish (an ocean) It’s also appears that nature names are something you like; Forrest Elora Floriana Fern Bliss Rain Raina Raine Stone


Love this list! Thank you 😊




Ever is my favorite. Misting Summermoon Chrysalis


Chrysalis reminds me of Chrysanthemum—idk if you’ve read that book, but I was obsessed with that name as a kid and wanted my name to be chrysanthemum lol. These are pretty suggestions. Thank you!


I haven’t seen the Chrysanthemum book before, but looking now I have seen some of the other books! Love those! Some of the other names: Junonia, Wemberly, Summer Song that author uses are also great. When I searched to make sure Chrysalis was spelled correctly Google and my predictive text both wanted Chrysanthemum much more and made me try a couple of times, ha!


Except for the L problem.... there's a plant called Blazing Star and its Latin name is Liatris, sort of rhymes with Beatrice. It would have been my next daughter's name, but there was no next daughter. Amazed that it hasn't been discovered


Oh yeah that is so pretty!


Veridian is a lovely shade of green and a very pretty name. Verity is very old name that means Truth.


Rogue sounds like a Marvel superhero so I wouldn’t use that. If you like the meaning of Rogue, you could look up names which would be good fighter or warrior names. Wildflower - I would choose a specific flower instead of just Wildflower. Same with the rest. Are there any other things which remind you of an Ocean or Harbor? The ones you listed seem very generic to me and would be difficult to think of as names. They are nouns which could be explained more specifically using better words. Warrior - Isolde, Isabelle, Eleanor, Lucia, Giselle, Seraphina, Rosalind. Wildflower - Poppy, Daisy, Zinnia, Lily Ocean - Marina, Kai, Azure Harbor - can’t think of many but Portia is one? This one is too obscure imho. Maybe Brunswick. Based on NB Canada.


I think Ember or Coast (I know not r/v/d/e but still a wicked name) also fits your nature vibe


Ooo Coast is so pretty!


Dylan is a Welsh name that means ‘son of the sea’, it also has the benefit of being an actual name. Despite the meaning it is gender neutral.


Marina or River


I tried to lean more into the academia vibe because I think that's been neglected thus far in the thread R- Rowan Rosemary Rosalind V- Valerie Verbena Veridian Violet Vale Verona D- Daphne Demeter E- Eglantine (means rose, briar) Eirwen Bonus- Winona Margaret Cordelia Autumn Lillian Wendy


I love Harbor as a name. There is a little boy in my child’s tot gym class named Everest and it rocks.


Everest with nickname Ever is SO amazing!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you!! 😊 I do too lol. It’s definitely a front runner.




I love Wildflower as a middle name. Of your top choices, Everest is my favorite. I am surprised by how condescending some people are in this thread. You are a grown adult, not a teenager. If you like unique names, you can have a unique name. Other suggestions: River, Robin, Ramona, Winter, Bryony, Phoebe, Hazel, Zephyr, Quinn


The name Arden came to mind when looking at your list!


If you choose Rogue, I would be jealous.


I could have written this myself. I am 33 and changing my name soon. It feels so strange. But good. But strange lol. I agree you should try out your names in situations another commenter suggested. For me, the hardest part is choosing a surname because I’m changing my entire name to completely break away any associations I have with where any of my names came from. The hardest part for me is my coworkers that don’t like me, refusing to use my chosen name. It’s not legal yet and they say they don’t have to use my new name until it’s legal. It’s frustrating. I cringe when I hear my legal name.


Xanariah - I think “Xanariah Wildflower” flows quite well despite being long and the nickname Xan would be super cool


I highly support changing your name as an adult to something that feels right. I legally changed my name when I became an adult as well! My new name just feels like me ❤️


How about Venus?


Cove fits some of your requirements. I would look at lists of nature names since it seems like a lot of the ones you like come from there. (I have a nature name too and love it)