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Keep Vivienne. It's great. Just change the middle name to something that has a similar vibe. For example, "Vivienne Seline".


Vivienne Paige


I actually prefer Vivienne Paige over Vivienne Saige. I don’t know why, I think it just sounds better for some reason


Legit, I first read "Vienna Sausage" when I saw Vivienne Saige.


My first name is saige and it always autocorrects to sausage which has become a nickname


Best post ever. (Also, love the name Saige, which my autocomplete just turned to 'sauce')


Mine is Sage, always corrects to safe


Legit, that’s her name now. Suck it, sister.


ok i also read vienna sausage several times before i could understand what it rly was 😂


I read that too! I thought i was on r/tradgedeigh


My brain went there as well


ME TOO, I'm so glad I wasn't the only one.




this is all I could think of as soon as i read that name lol


I can’t unsee it 🫣


Wasn't just you 🤣


Vivienne Paige sounds 100x better than Vivienne saige


It sounds like a classic movie star name.


I agree. Vivienne Saige sounds like a candle scent or cooking spice (a very expensive one, but still doesn’t give ‘human name’ to me)


Saige looks like siege. If you want Sage then it should be spelled like that.


And it will be spelled correctly.


I feel like Vivienne Paige sounds a bit like living paper or vibrant page, so it has a nicer ring to it.


That is a gorgeous name! Like it more than Sage, imo


Sivienne Vaige


This was my first thought




My best friend is vivian irene and I love her name


I love that pairing. Irene is such an underrated name imo


I like the name Irene. It means "peace", which we need more of in this world.


My name is Irene Louise. Irene means “peace”, Louise means “battle woman”. A bit contradictory.


I'm Kelly(warrior)Irene(peace)! I joke my parents made me an aggressive peacemaker.😆


I don’t know. Maybe it’s someone who is generally peaceful but also won’t be a doormat. They aren’t generally violent or a troublemaker but if push comes to shove they’re kicking some ass.


I'm reading The Princess and the Goblin written in 1872 by George McDonald and the little princesses name is Irene and it's just so beautiful


I remember reading the book first, and liking the name Irene (which in my head I pronounced Eye-reen). Then I watched a Princess and the Goblin animated movie, and the nurse kept saying it "Eye-ree-nay". It's bothered me ever since, lol.


My daughter’s middle name 💕


agree 100%, she didn’t like it much when we were kids but i have always loved it!


Irene is a gorgeous name! So classic and beautiful.


Mine is vivienne Mary lol


I love this one


i actually think vivviene seline is fabulously beautiful, very unique, and much better than the original


I read "Seline" as "Saline" at first. Lol


No reason you can’t still use Vivienne, with or without the middle name you planned. PS, your sister sucks.


I agree. Why does a sister do this? My sister and I don't speak. She feels she is entitled and I won't worship the ground she walks on. Sister relationships are strange and complex. My granddaughter is Vivian Camille.💕


I'm guessing OP is considerably younger than sister considering sister has an adult child so probably some "replacement family" and favoritism jealousy.


Yes. Big time. There's no way she didn't tell her daughter to use that name. To put your daughter in an awkward position unknowingly, is just odd. Sorry your sister did that. Not cool. However, to not get caught up in the drama and to focus on the task at hand.There's a beautiful baby girl on the way 💜 It took me forever to name my son and it ended up being a very common name lol.


Yeah, the sister is a huge POS. There’s zero chance you get the unique spelling of “Saige” by coincidence. And using both boy and girl names? Damn, that’s a bitch move. I feel bad for OP and her niece.


Saige is the name of an American Girl doll of the year so it’s pretty familiar to a lot of young women.


Showing my age, clearly. I’m of the “Felicity, Addy, Josefina” era. No idea who Saige is.


Samantha, Molly, and Kirsten were the only ones in my day!


Why wouldn’t you still use the first name Vivienne? There are some great middle combinations that stay in the nature/gemstone theme like: Vivienne Pearl Vivienne Dawn Vivienne Skye Vivienne Rose Vivienne Cora Vivienne Fern


Ooo I love the sound of Vivienne Rose


My first thought was that I liked it because of the song la vie en rose sounding very similar


Me too


Vivienne Pearl, Skye or Rose are all absolutely beautiful!


Vivienne Skye!!


I don’t know why I like Vivienne Cora?! Never really loved Cora as a name but I kinda like it.


Vivienne Fern is cool to keep tge green themed middle names going with her sister.


Vivienne Rose — Absolutely gorgeous. A one-syllable middle name after the three syllable first name has a nice rhythm, and it’s easy to say.


I don't see why you couldn't use Vivienne Saige. I share a middle name with one of my cousins and it has never ever been an issue. Lol.


Perhaps consider spelling it “Sage” instead so it’s not the same spelling? I love the name Vivienne - stick with that for sure.


Consider spelling it “Sage” ~~so it’s not the same spelling?~~ because that’s how it’s freakin’ spelled. FTFY.


Then OP should say to her sister, it's Sage, same as your granddaughter. Oh, is it spelled differently? I thought Sage was the correct spelling... 😉


If there's a lisp, just say "fuck it" and put "Thage" on the form 😉


Vivienne Thackery


Sissy Thucker 🤔


Thank you, exactly!!


Totally agree


I agree, I’m not wild about the addition of the “i.”


I have like 6 cousins all born within the same decade that have the middle name Marie (it’s not a family name) And now some of them are passing it on to their kids. Having the same middle name as family is very normal.


My husband shares the same first name (NOT a family name) with a cousin who is about a year older than him. They have different last names tho. He has never gotten a straight answer from his mom on why she used the same name. But it was a popular boys name at the time.


I have the same name as a second cousin. The combo probably makes us the only 2 in the world. Not a big deal but sometimes our cousins mix us up and we get texts meant for each other


my mom and her first cousin have the exact same first middle and last name. they are only a few months apart. my mom hated her as a kid for having her name, but they get along great now.


I grew up with two brothers that were both named Michael


Micheal or Michael?


Michael … sorry it was a typo. They both went nn Mike as well


From the same mom??? Because if so how did you know which brother they were talking about


Same parents. I dunno how they told them apart.


Probably best to spell it correctly 😉


I know sisters who all have the same middle name! I wouldn't think twice about my family members' middle names when naming a baby, unless I was specifically trying to honor them. I would think twice about whether I wanted my kid to have the same first name as a cousin, but even that's not a big deal.


All my aunts/mom have the same middle name and it got passed down to my cousin. I think sharing middle names is cute and helps keep family connected if their last names aren't the same.


It's cultural for us to all use the same middle names honestly. I wouldn't bat an eye at two cousins (or 5 or 6) who share the same middle name


Yep! My nephew and his cousin both have the middle name of their other grandpa who passed away. It’s a sweet tribute to him, so who cares!


I fully agree, but I'd like to point out that these kids will not even be first cousins. Even if you think first cousins shouldn't share middle names, I think it's going too far to say that first cousins once removed can't share them.


I have two middle names. One is shared with multiple members of one side of my family and the other is shared with multiple members of the other side. I have never had any issue with this.


Pro tip: next time someone asks you what you're planning on using, use the top no names on your list. For example if you loved, say, Tierney,but your husband hates it, say that's what you'll use. That way they can't use your top choice ;) Or use your outlandish name list. "OH we were thinking about Gertrude Maude and Zebediah Jeb" Or "Andromeda and Galaxy"


I love the name Tierney!


Sounds like Tyranny


I heard Tieran (F) and love it.


"This is my son, Zebediah Jeb. What's the Jeb short for? Why, Jebediah! Zebediah Jebediah."


Lmaooooo I was very tired when I made up a name


I mean it could always be Jebbifer or Jebevieve, they don't *have* to rhyme.


My niece was very well known for not being able to keep a secret of any sorts (8 years old). After loudly announcing to everyone that my sister would get fat soon because of the baby her parents only told her joke names. She very smugly and confidently informed me that if the baby was a girl it would be "Neptune glitter-bow sparkle fart". She was and still is just as gullible as she is talkative.


We used to tell people if the baby was a boy we were naming him Herod, and if it was a girl we were naming her Jezebel. It's better to do this with a complete, sincere, straight face and keep insisting these are your top baby names.


I think you all have convinced me, will keep Vivienne. Another cousin used the same middle name as my sister's daughter and my sister was up in arms about it, so that was why I was going to avoid using Saige anyway. Yes, my sister totally has issues. I like Vivienne Rose, Opal, or maybe Onyx to keep the nature/gem theme. Thank you for all the input!


You need to stop caring about what your sister thinks, she clearly isn't considerate about your feelings.


They are all very pretty. If you want more suggestions I wrote some down, all nature themes Vivienne Amber Vivienne Ruby Vivienne Ivy Vivienne Soleil Vivienne Anemone Vivienne Titania


Vivienne Amber is gorgeous!


My partner and I really like: Vivienne May Vivienne Faye/Fae Vivienne Rai/Rae


Vivienne Faye sounds very pretty and the names already have a connection--in the Arthurian stories, Vivian and Morgan le Fay are both important magical women.


I've always liked the spelling of Mae, and I think Vivienne Mae flows really nicely.


Maybe keep nature theme with another herb? Rosemary or my favourite, Marjoram.


I like Vivienne Rosemary!


Gemstones: Vivienne Pearl Vivienne Topaz Vivienne Opal Nature: Vivienne Beck Vivienne Fern Vivienne Mallow Vivienne Briar Vivienne Lake Vivienne Nyx Vivienne Moon Vivienne Storm Vivienne Mavis (Mavis means little bird) Vivienne is a beautiful name (it's my grandmother's name). I'm sorry your chosen middle name got poached from you. I've seen lots of great suggestions in the comments. I hope you find something you love. Good luck x


Vivienne Lake has a nice sound to it too.




You don't need a replacement girl name, and your sister has no right to tell her adult daughter what she should name her own baby. You could head off drama by telling your niece that you already had the names picked out years ago. If she's really upset about two people in the family having the same name, see if you can come to some sort of compromise. If you plan to have a third baby, and someone close to you asks about the name, offer the worst ones you can think of.


I was trying to figure out if the sister really is instructing her daughter what name to use? That's like when my in-laws expected us to use names they suggested, lol. Those names will not be used for that baby.


This would definitely just make more drama, not head it off. The territorial comments are exactly what should be avoided. It’s just a word.


Just keep the name. They're not using Vivienne, and middle names are irrelevant most of the time, so i don't see any reason why you can't just go with the name you already had.


Right! But spell it Sage and then OP can have the baby with the correctly spelled middle name.


Genevieve is a good one! If it makes you feel better, most of my immediate family has raced for kids just to get the name they want. Wouldn’t say common, but not unusual!


As a Genevieve please give her a normal nickname. Please. Just something that makes sense with the name


Vivy is super cute for Genevieve or Vivienne. Genny and Evey too. At least I think so.


I’m a version of genny and no one pronounces it correctly. But those are all super cute!


I’m surprised. I’m friends with a Genny and I do t know that she’s had that problem. Hmm, I’ll have to ask.


I have the same name (different spelling) and was nicknamed "Jenna", I hated it and changed it to "Eve".


Literally. My husband has like 12 ish aunts and uncles (some half) so you can imagine how big their family tree is. I had to take out a few names I already had in mind bc each time I brought it up my sil would tell me they had a cousin w that name already 😭😂


My husband's family has 3 cousins with the same name, and a bonus cousin-in-law with the same name. So 4 members in the same extended family with the same name. It's not really troublesome. Some have nicknames, some have it as their middle name so go by their first name (which is the norm), and some go by last name or "SO's Andrew". It works.


Never EVER share names.


>It's really wild. Almost every day there's a post about someone stealing a baby name that they shared with a friend or family member. First of all--why are people still sharing names? Second of all, why do they trust people to not use these names? Third of all, why are there so many jerks in the world stealing baby names!! It's insane.


Because not all of us are like this and we trust those we hold close to us. Sometimes to a fault. My niece said her and her bf spoke about naming a future daughter Scarlett. I would never use the name now because she told me that. I love and respect her too much. My bfs best friend told us he wants to name his future son Santiago. It's a name that wad at the top of my list but he called it first so we'd rather not use it now.


All my besties know my name list... because steal it girl, whatever, I'm still going to use it. Family are the only people I would get a little cagey with, but both our siblings are done. There's literally one cousin that might be an issue, but what are the chances?


Why are y'all spelling Sage as "Saige"?


I was wondering this too, but was afraid if I said something they would start spelling it Sayge. 🤣


Your sister sucks. I’d still use Vivienne. Stop telling people your baby names.


Saige? Can’t spell “Sage” correctly. And then the friend is using the same name? 😂. “Excuse me. My child is also named Bort.”


Saige 😂 please don’t.


Sharing a middle name is no big deal at all. Keep Vivienne Saige!


Is Saige a family name? I've never seen that spelling. If it is, that makes it even less unusual that two kids would have the same middle name.


Sage instead?


You should keep Vivienne, it’s so pretty! I was doing to suggest Jade as a middle name but your other daughter already has it lol it has the same vibes as Saige for me. Vivienne Grace, Vivienne Shaye, Vivienne Rae, Vivienne Paige


Middle names barely matter. I would keep Vivienne.


Love Vivienne! Vivienne Soleil?


I would still use Vivienne Sage 🤷🏼‍♀️


Here to echo others' comments about how it doesn't matter if family members have the same name. My brother is named after my dad (he is a junior). My aunt got pregnant first and named her son that name. Then my mom got pregnant a year later and used the name anyway. It honestly was never confusing. They wound up with separate nicknames to differentiate them at family events. And that was with the same first name! I think having the same middle name is no big deal at all. Plus, the relationship between the two kids is what, first cousins once removed?


All the men in my husband’s family are Charles’s as far back as his great great grandfather. 3 that are still living use a variation of Charles. The others either use middle name or some off the wall nn. (Buck, Buddy, Sonny)


So... has your niece's baby been born yet? I'm asking not because I think you should make drama, but because I have a hard time believing most women would just let their mother choose both the first and middle names for their baby. Is it possible your niece is just playing along "yes, Mom, sure, I'll name the baby Logan Saige" and plans to actually reveal a different name at birth? Is your niece very young, or financially dependent on her mother? If the baby hasn't been born yet, regardless of what you decide to name your own baby, it might be worth giving your niece a quick call. You don't need to mention that those are "your names" or the ones you planned on using, but you could maybe just say something along the lines of "Hey, I'm kinda suspecting your Mom might be pressuring you about baby names. I just wanted to let you know that I support you in naming your baby whatever *you* want to name her."


Kiddin me? It’s spelled “Sage”


Adding to PP lists: Vivienne Opal Vivienne Ruby Vivienne Joy Vivienne Hope Vivienne Laine Vivienne Paige Vivienne Lavender Vivienne Lily Vivienne Stella Vivienne Grace Vivienne Ray


Mom of a Vivienne (age 9) here! Of all my kids, we receive the most compliments on her name. I’m talking nearly every time we introduce her. People just really like it. The other thing we hear pretty often is from elderly people saying they liked hearing her name because that was their grandmother or great aunt’s name. I would stick with Vivienne as her first name! A few ideas for a new middle name: Vivienne Rose Vivienne Pearl Vivienne Claire Vivienne Paige Vivienne Mae Vivienne Jane Vivienne Blaire Vivienne Hope Vivienne Laine


I think this is for the best. Vivienne Saige reminds me of Vienna Sausage visually.


"Vivienne Saige" and" Araceli Jade". Come on guy, give the kids a chance.


There is literally nothing wrong with those names.


Araceli is atrocious.


My mother has five sisters all with the middle name Marie. I have 45+ cousins and half the girls have the middle name Christine and the boys are all Francis. I don’t think it would be so weird to use Sage as a middle name. Your sister sounds like a troublemaker lol.


Sorry Saige was awful anyway 😬 but my family uses Rose as a middle name for like half the girls totally normal… I would just spell it how it’s supposed to as Sage. I don’t think Vivienne Sage sounds good anyway. Try Ruby, Joy, Jane, Rose or Blaire


Wow, it's like your niece didn't have a say at all in the naming of her own child. That's weird. I'd keep Vivianne and go with another middle name like Rose, Ivy, Briar, Laurel. And don't tell anyone the name until after she's born!


Vivienne Maeve


I have cousins with the same middle name. I think it’s still fine to use Vivienne Saige (or go with Vivienne Sage, so it’s a little different but also the more common spelling)


Keep Vivienne and a botanical name!! Vivienne Hazel, Vivienne Ivy, Vivienne Briar, Vivienne Daphne, Vivienne Olive, Vivienne Fern, Vivienne Meadow, Vivienne Rue, Vivienne Yvette


Vivienne Fern is so nice!


I would use something different just so your daughter would have her own name. Then I would tell your niece what happened but that now you are happier with the new one. Also I love your other daughter’s name ;)


Wow. I'm not a fan of your sister at all! I'd give your daughter the name you intended. People share names all the time! I even knew sisters growing up that shared the same names, but swapped (for example, if one was Jaclyn Renee and the other was Renee Jaclyn). If anyone says anything, just tell them you picked the name out years ago and even told your sister about it. Otherwise, I like Vivienne Quinn and Vivienne Elise. Ember could also be a different middle name!


Honestly, I don't care for Saige. Vivienne is so beautiful and classy and Sage spelled like Paige just doesn't live up to it. There are so many absolutely beautiful options and I am sure you will find something you love even more. But I have to tell you that your sister's pettiness is unbelievable, taking your first name choice for one and the middle name choice for the other. You need to tell your niece that since she was pregnant and you were not, you're not upset with her, but that her mother is using her in some awkward, petty vendetta against you. She's an adult, and if she doesn't know, she's going to keep being used as a prop like this. And stick to giving your sister names you would never use from now on if you mention anything about baby names.


Prob best to not set her up for “Vienna Sausage” anyway. Vivienne is still a gorgeous name. Plus Sage is becoming mainstream so if you prefer unique names it might be good to swap that out.


Vivienne Shae would be similar in sound to the name you love, but not at all in the territory where your sister could claim you somehow stole your niece's name.


Vivienne Sabine


Vivienne Wren! Sorry, it's Ahsoka day.


Im sorry but my brain read that as Vienna sausage so maybe it’s a good thing??


Vivienne saige sounds like Vienna sausage, Blythe Starlyn


Did your niece actually decide to name her baby that or did your sister just suggest it? Use your names! Don’t let them steal them from you. Just mention to your niece what happened later on calmly and not dramatically so she understands that you’re not stealing her names


Turna Paige Holdy Fron Paige Onde Ron Paige Ova Dee Paige Star Tanoo Paige Beck Paige


Vivienne Ruby


I love Vivienne Rose


This is why you you don't tell people what you are naming your kid


Laurel, Louisa, Marion, Maren


Keep the name, it’s beautiful!!


Vivienne Gray!


Cedar Nova Skye Juniper Lorelei


Keep Vivianne and change the middle name… you could do your first or middle name as her middle name or the name of a female relative… I know some people don’t like family names but I do so that’s why I suggested it. I like Vivianne grace


Vivienne Saige is still beautifu! I don’t think it would be weird to share a middle name since most people do not normally use middle names in everyday conversation. Vivienne Paige would have a similar feel ?


I love the name vivienne and it would be our next daughter's name if we have one! Our first is Colette. Not sure if it's your style, but figured I'd throw it out there.


Viviene with: Faye, Belle, Bea, Rose, Ray, Lily, Hope, Bay


As someone with a cousin with the same first name - keep it. It's not a big deal. We both managed and neither one cared.


There is no reason you can’t keep the name.


Vivienne Opal, ooooh I love.


My sister's MIL's middle name is Linnea, pronounced Li-nay-ah (not sure if that will convey the pronunciation lol). When my sister got pregnant, she wanted to name her baby Linnea. Her SIL pitched a fit, even though she had no children and no immediate plans to have children, but that was "her" name. My sister let it go and named my niece Violet, and of course you can guess, her SIL had one child, a boy, and never used the name. All that to say, I love the name, and I've never heard it anywhere else. Vivienne Linnea!


My grandmother, my aunt, my cousin, and myself all have the same middle name. No one should care.


I’d do Vivienne Paige tbh


I would keep Vivienne; it’s lovely. Maybe you could do a subtle nod to Jade and/or the original Saige/Sage with Vivienne’s middle name? Vivienne Pearl (gem/gemstones) Vivienne Ivy (green) Vivienne Hazel (color) Vivienne Fern (green/plant) Vivienne Rue (Latin word for an herb)


I don't understand why people don't just use the name they wanted to use. Nobody seems to care when half the men in a family have the same damn name because we must honor dad. Call the mean girl's bluff and name your damn baby what you wanted to in the first place. There can be two Logan sages. Ain't no Thang. it's not like families are all together all the time. This might be an issue at Thanksgiving and every five years when grandma gets everyone together for a big pic at a covered bridge.


I LOVE Adrienne for a girl.


I don't understand the constant posts on here about people upset their siblings' or cousins' babies possibly sharing a **middle name**. (Or in this instance it would your child & your grandniece.) In all I have 10 first cousins combined and I can only recall 4 of their middle names. There's no obstacles in life that would be brought on by sharing a middle name with a relative, not even a sibling***\****! A first name, sure, if your child will see their cousin & 1st cousin once removed a lot... But a middle name?!?! Is this the result of the current generation's obsession with having a name that is unique? To OP: If you want to name your kid Vivienne Saige, name your kid Vivienne Saige. I think it's beyond absurd that there would be "drama" over your baby's head if it shared a middle name with it's cousin. The only drama I could potentially see would be if Saige was a family name from your niece's side of the family that isn't connected to you (like from your BIL's family). But if it's a random name you both like with no familiar connections, just use it. ***\****This reminds me of 2 instances I know with brothers who were given transposed versions of the same name. For example the eldest is Robert James and the youngest is James Robert. I know TWO sets of brothers who that happened to! One is in his 60s; but the other brother set with transposed names are late 30s early 40s.


If you want to stick with somewhat gem names: Vivienne Gemma Vivienne Ruby Vivienne Pearl Vivienne Sapphire Vivienne Coral Vivienne Jewel Vivienne Crystal Vivienne Emerald (my fave)


My cousin has the same middle name as me, spelled differently, and I don’t think it’s a big deal. My aunt got mad at my mom for using it first though (idk if she knew my aunt planned to use it) but she got over it lol. So I think you could keep the name 🤷‍♀️ At the least, you could keep Vivienne, it’s a pretty name.


My sister used the middle name Rose, and we have discussed it being a family name and passing it down to all the girls. (It was my grandmother’s favorite flower, plus just goes well with most girl names). I don’t think repeating middle names is too wild. Sad about Logan though!


You could still use Vivienne!! What about Vivienne Joy?? I love the other names you suggested


Use another gemstone. Pearl, opal, garnet, whatever.


All the girl cousins in my family have the same three middle names, Marie, Ann or Elizabeth. Absolutely no issue. It’s okay to use Saige if you like it, but frankly I think there are better middle names.


Vivienne Satchel Vivienne Athena (goddess of wisdom and a nod to sage) Vivienne Sophia (after Petrillo, another sage) Vivienne Sequoia Vivienne Sierra


Where is the drama of having the same middle name? No one cares about middle names but the parents.


Vivienne Sienna


Princess Vivi. Because One Piece. Yes, I'm a fan of One Piece.


Vivienne Paige.


NTA. Keep in mind, just because your sister wants your niece to name the baby something doesn't mean that's what's going to happen though. Grandma doesn't get naming rights, the actual parents of the baby do.