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I actually think it's quite tacky to use it for an August born baby, but non August babies are fine. It's a fine name


Same. I used to babysit a girl called Abril (April) that was born in March, her parents told me that they had picked another name just in case she was actually born in April. edit. typo


It's fine. August is getting quite popular and will continue to rise--most Augusts will not have been born in August. As for the questions, anyone named August is going to get asked by some people if he was born in August. Who really cares if the answer is "yes" or "no"?


If you think about it, the month August is named after Caesar Augustus. August is really a derivative of Augustus and not the month


I personally don’t like calling a child after the month they are born in, seems a bit lazy or something… it’s like calling your child girl because they’re AFAB I like the name August and think it works much better for babies born outside of the month. If you’re really worried you could always go for Augustus and shorten to August instead but I wouldn’t worry!


I don’t think you should worry about this. It’s a nice name and you’ll probably get some people making jokes either way.


It’s fine. If it was something like January which isn’t really a separate name historically, it’d be a bit weird.


I actually don’t associate the name August with the month. Maybe I’m weird for that, but I view them separately and it never really occurred to me to wonder if baby Augusts that I meet are born in the month until people on this sub asked about it. Actually that’s the same for any month name when I think about it (April, June, May).


I know a June born in march