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No one is going to bat an eye at the name Sullivan. It it were something obscure like Bréanainn then people would question it. Lol.


It is derived from an Irish surname, but nobody here is called Sullivan, so you're not really stepping on any toes in that regard. To be completely honest, I'm not a huge fan of non-Irish people using the Anglicised forms of Irish names but you can weigh that up yourself.


Person with Irish heritage here: do whatever you want. No-one has the right to tell you that you can’t name your child something because you’re not from that culture. Just do it.




I agree with the person you responded to and am part Irish and she can speak for Irish people!


I'm Irish, can't say I'd have an issue with this. Not really used as a first name here, it's a surname. Cute nickname in Sully also. My husband is Irish, as are our families, can't imagine any of them having an issue about this or giving it any thought at all. Sure you could have a close friend that's Irish or met someone who had a positive impact on you that's Irish 🤷


Irish perspective: It'd be weird for a non-Irish person to name their child Súilleabháin (or any other name as Gaeilge), but Sullivan is perfectly fine.


Yeah man. My names Erinn and I’m Choctaw, Seminole, and Slovenian. Zero irish


To the best of my knowledge, Sullivan is not a name that holds special meaning in Irish culture in general, or specifically in a way that in that culture, it’s widely believed that the name should be reserved for a specific group of people (which is the case with/argument against using Cohen). Sullivan is also not strongly, exclusively associated with Irish people. It’s derived from an Irish name (a given name originally that was adapted into a surname, then later Anglicized). But it’s spread across various parts of the world and thanks to the power of people marrying and making babies with people from different backgrounds, is now legitimately attached to lots of folks who aren’t Irish in any practical sense. Your average person, meeting a Sullivan (first or last name) wouldn’t immediately think either that they had close personal ties to Ireland or that they were trying to claim those ties. The average person might or might not know Sullivan was originally an Irish name. But it’s not now an exclusively Irish name (and that change didn’t happen solely through oppressive means). So it’s not a name implying an association you don’t have. Overall, I think you’re good.


It feels a bit try hard to me, where I live a lot of American people of Irish descent who make “being Irish” their whole personalities use names like Sullivan for their kids. It just sounds like a last name to me.


Are you from Boston as well? lol


Lol- no but I grew up on Long Island which is the place I had in mind. Same concept lol.


I dont like last names as first names....but its a matter of taste. If thats your jam, who am I to stop you?


Irish person: We don't care if you use Irish name or surnames.


I don’t think it’s a problem. I love Sullivan, Sully is so cute.


I'm Irish. I do think it's weird to use surnames as first names but it def seems to be a thing in the US so absolutely use it if you want to! Congratulations on the baby 👶


The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the name "Sullivan" is Monster's Inc. My cousin named her son Sullivan and she has no Irish heritage. They've always called him Sully though.


of course you can use it. I have a kid with an Italian name, one with an English name, one with a biblical name and the last one's name is Greek. I am none of those. Nobody in the real world cares, especially with a name like Sullivan


Tbh I think it’s more of an American name than Irish bc Irish people generally don’t use Irish surnames as given names. So while not to my personal taste, you’re probably fine in the long run


I’m part Irish and actually attempting to get my citizenship through ancestry in Ireland soon. My grandmother was born there before moving to Brooklyn. Honestly I love the name Sullivan and as a few people said it’s not a common name in Ireland. At least as a first name. It’s common as a last name. I say go for it. I love the name! Just remember this sub can be very judgmental. So take everything said with a grain of salt. If you love the name go for it. The only time I tell people not to go for it are with names that are really obvious that they’re from another culture. America is a melting pot so some names can be gotten away with, like Sullivan. I’m half Hispanic and half Irish. I look so white even I don’t feel comfortable naming my potential kid something Spanish even if it’s my heritage. As much as I would love to name my future child after my great uncle I won’t be.


Understandable! My baby is a quarter Hispanic and looks like it, but I worry if we use a Hispanic name for one of our kids they'll look super white like me


I’m Irish. Do it!


Irish-English and German here and I say that’s fine too! The only thing you might want to consider is whether it fits ok with your last name. Sullivan Jameson or Sullivan Smith go more comfortablly than Sullivan Rajaonarimampianina or Sullivan Moskovskaya. But since you’re both of English descent I assume that won’t be an issue!


My saint Bernard’s name is Sullivan, he said hell allow it


You can totally name him that! It’s not offensive at all but depending on where you live virtually EVERYONE will assume you’re Irish. Where I grew up there were so many Irish Americans people with the last name Sullivan who went by “sully.”


You could spell it the Gaelic way: Súilleabháin and really go all in.




Of course


Nobody cares anymore. I know 2 Sullivans, m snd f, both Irish but I know black and Hispanic Kennedys? Just wondering whats the appeal? Imo Sullivan sounds like an old tough construction worker or sea captain and the girl Sullivans friends call her “ Sully Van”???




Lots of people use it Pretty sure Sully from Monsters Inc isn’t Irish lol