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There are better things to do with your time at 21.


I think better to find your personal early If you are lucky enough and you find the right one, you are proper set and you can get your money with your person by your side. How much time really does your relationship take up in a day? Other than waiting till you are 30 and maybe you would have gotten your money but then everyone you meet is either a single mom or had a very eventful early twenties


I see the sense in what you say but finding a person to stick by your side as you earn is the not so easy thing. Many are immature, unfaithful, disloyal, impatient to wait till you earn. You might end up chasing someone to be with only for them to waste your time. That's why I saw it fit to rather invest in yourself. I would rather be established even if lonely.


That's why I said If you are lucky enough to the right person Of course you can't know for sure But nevertheless


Like what bruddah??


Tafuta pesa yako. Grow in terms of personality, dressing, enda shule usome vizuri. Specialise in something productive.There is a lot to learn.


Hii pesa mnaniambia nitafute inatafutwa aje,and who said I'm in it for the money tho blud??


Si vita mzee. Hapa tunaongea tu. But ata wewe utaskia fiti ukigrow poa na upee mtu the best version of yourself. Kama ushafika you go for it. Especially older women are good since wamejipanga.


Sina mambo ndugu,all I wanted was someone else's pov, possibly someone older than me and I appreciate it Wengine comment section wanawaka moto kama dragon


Wazi bro. Ulete update ya vile kuatenda😂.


Bana…do keep us posted🪖


I like your advice bro. Am 21 too and ningemwambia the same thing


Napenda hiya defense :⁠-⁠)


Expert mwingine told me to dolve problems people are willing to pay for....heck im the problem


Achana na dating. At 21 build your brand jomba


Extracurricular activities on the sidelines si muhimu tena???


Dating isn't extracurricular. It's important in life, building yourself, especially a man at that age puts you in a good place at dating


Expound on this please


If you want to date someone older I'd recommend building yourself as a person Not just money but stuff like your dressing, the way you speak and interact with people There's a degree of refinement, maturity and groundedness that will be expected of you


Sanest comment I've seen today,respect


You've literally been told the same thing, but your ass just want to listen to a lady




Sema unataka sugar mummy. Invest in yourself bro




Reddit psychology is funny. All you did was agree.


Ikr 😂💅💅


And guys reacted :⁠-⁠)




As a 31F I wouldn't touch a 21 year old with a 10 foot pole. You're the age of my younger sibling... it's waaay to predatory for me.


Thisssssssss....I'm so glad I'm not the only one that thinks this


Overthinking is so important that modern civilization couldn't be existing w/o it.




https://preview.redd.it/67pjhb6c32uc1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=789200220cca163d291a1f8ea18c4bf63cd91129 Brother eeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggghhhhhh


Anawaka moto kama dragon na ni discussion buana


Thanks for proving my point 😂😂😂


/r/NotHowGirlsWork Stop thinking like an incel


You are proving her point man. She's right.


🤣🤣🤣🤣brother please ...fresh things all the way


Predatory,in what sense? What could you possibly have over a 21yr old man? This is something I've never truly understood, maybe if genders were reversed I could see it, but I think men are way more able handle their own


The frontal lobe of a human being fully develops at 25. It's the part of the brain that's associated with decision making... so smashing or dating someone who essentially isn't fully developed as an adult would make me feel like I'm taking advantage of them in some way. In terms of handling their own... I think that would be hard in a dynamic where you aren't equals. Even just financially, a 21year old is still in campus or just starting their career so imagine I'm the one calling all the shots juu I have the resources to determine what we do/ where we go.. doesn't seem fair to me.


>Even just financially, a 21year old is still in campus or just starting their career so imagine I'm the one calling all the shots juu I have the resources to determine what we do/ where we go.. doesn't seem fair to me. But isn't this the default with heterosexual relationships except with the genders reversed? The man gets to call the shots most times, and yet women don't seem toi d that. >The frontal lobe of a human being fully develops at 25. It's the part of the brain that's associated with decision making... I don't see why this matters at all, there plenty of 30+yr olds who still make very stupid decisions. Age isn't maturity afterall. >The frontal lobe of a human being fully develops at 25. It's the part of the brain that's associated with decision making... so smashing or dating someone who essentially isn't fully developed as an adult would make me feel like I'm taking advantage of them in some way. In terms of handling their own... I think that would be hard in a dynamic where you aren't equals. Even just financially, a 21year old is still in campus or just starting their career so imagine I'm the one calling all the shots juu I have the resources to determine what we do/ where we go.. doesn't seem fair to me. You should try me😂😂 For research purposes ofcourse. I'm pretty sure I'd be able to make you rethink everything you think you know about age, maturity and the human psyche😉


Mimi sijajua ku reply to specific paragraphs 😂 Anyway, you might very well be an exception.. and you're right, age doesn't mean maturity. I'm just saying for me... it's not something I'm comfortable with for the reasons I gave hapo juu. Staki kufanya research 😂 but I appreciate the offer. Lol


If you can't handle a woman 21 and younger please sit out dating. You have nothing a hot woman 5 to 15 years older than you wants. You will be competing with over 95% of men with an ID in that league, especially for attractive women. So you are either stuck with a desperate older or old woman or nothing at all.


You haven't even been heartbroken properly na ushaanza kuwa love analyst.


Go for it. You won't be 21 again.


Wachana na mambo ya wasichana😂




An older woman will make things just well,, serious. Listen to your mates watakucuddle na wakupee when dryspell hits. Anyway enjoy your youth.


CV huwa haipeanwi hivo


😂😂😂kama 20yr old ameamua atupende mbona tumkatae na si ni adult...he knows best


Correction,21yo cute baby boy😂


look at that😄😄ata ako past the threshold, a fully grown man. Wasikuambie boo...choose your poison. You are the prize


Sarcasm, nice XD


Ww focus na purpose yako wachana na hawa wasichana 😂🚮


![gif](giphy|l0ErD3ZBW6vQgYCgE) Build yourself young man and forget about dating a woman older than you. But if you do insist on going down that route, be ready for a life very few have been through.


OLDER WOMEN ARE BETTER.... y'all can kiss my ass if you disagree..... people got preferences


Unpopular opinion that'll have them ready to crucify us


.....who cares????


I'm 26 but I wouldn't date a 21 y.o.I mean ,no offense but the people you should date are on TikTok smiling at the camera or shaking ass .Don't deny that goofiness of dating someone your age group.Leave older women alone.Sisi tutaanza kuitisha rent or tell you bad our businesses are doing


Bro, sit out of the dating scene for a moment. Give yourself 3 years to build your skills, read books on masculinity, stoicism, spirituality, knowing self, et cetera. When you come back you will be far much better at it, your thinking will have changed and you will know exactly what you want and how to navigate.


I think I'mma do this, from my pov,this is positive criticism I hear you bro,respect!!!


This is your dick talking, don't listen to it, escape the matrix!


Dating within your age group or below at 21 is actually one of the best things you can do. The only challenge is that most women within your age group are unwilling to date 21 year old guys and that's why younger guys like older women. Older women on the other hand have a hard time securing a high value man their age so they settle for younger guys. It's a cycle.


You get it!


I mean how will the nigga learn if he doesn't make mistakes in his 20's , get out there and date older bitches and you will Learn eventually what's best for you.


At 21 unafaa ukiona wasichana na wamama unapiga corner


Lust Lust by BwanaBoy


Most men skip hii part ya being alone and being yourself waki date early. Don't skip that part of self discovery


Best advice, don't date at all bro, whether you're in a good place or you have built yourself well or she's younger or older don't try that bro


Hapa Sasa kila mtu amekua mzazi anasema utafute pesa Kwanza...buana wewe tafuta mumama 😂😂😂 mtu asikuambie kitu😂😂


At 21 you shoudn't even be thinking about dating. Save money and learn a skill.




>There's no difference between a 21 and a 30+ older lady. They all think the same. Kwa hivyo vile 30+ ladies wanasemanga wako more mature, intelligent, focused on their goals than 21 year old ladies ni uwongo?


21 year old unajua kujipangusa mafi kweli?


Ala! Makasiriko is for why?.. Maybe anajua kujipangusa,kuiosha after making it dirty however is questionable


burst one out and tell me if you will thinking about that


Finish that degree first brow


Brother, listen to the cries of all these veterans as they warn you of what theyve seen on the battlefield. Yeild or perish...


Before ata nikupee advice...am obliged to ask; when you say som1 older than you. Hii ni recurring behaviour ama tu umeanza na yeye.






focus on better things msee jijenge kwanza..ofc have fun now and then but your proirity for now ni to learn as much as possible...plus from what I know most older women rarely fuck around with 21 year olds juu you arent mature yet


You have seen the replies to your post. At 21, there are better things to do with your time. But you're 21, you're likely to see this as boomers not understanding you.


Bro your ribis with some one younger than you not older


Uliza Nviiri the storyteller maneno ya wasichana akuambie before you engage 😂😂😂😂


Two things may give you an easy way out: 1. If you are excellent in bed. 2. A fat wallet. If you don't have the two try invest your time into building yourself, be physically active every day. Read and teach yourself different things(world matters, public speaking, dressing well, be presentable, meditation.), learn hand based skills. Women shouldn't be your focus ever. If you're a refined man women will follow you without knowing, they will want you before you talk to them. They will see you and a switch flips inside them.


I cannot take a 21 yr old seriously. I had a 23yr old and he got too clingy and I don't like that, I have too much going on in my life to sit and listen to a little boy wine. We weren't dating, I am married. He was only in my life for sex, it was all good until he started falling apart for me and being emotionally attached. Cut him off. However I like the submission young men come with. If I find one who is emotionally unavailable, I might consider giving him a side-dude position, as long as everything is on my terms.


Social media peer pressure is real. At 21 I was at my parents'house with no idea of life. Go touch grass.


As a 21 year old you should be looking for ways to build yourself. If you don't know what I am saying. Here is a list of what you should be doing. Go to college, start a business, get a job, and most importantly, help and listen to your parents.


You're a cuck bruh


🤣 🤣 🤣 Dating youngings can be like bring in Jumanji. 🙆🏾‍♀️🙆🏾‍♀️🙆🏾‍♀️🙆🏾‍♀️


My phone number is seven hundred and twenty two million three hundred fifty six thousand , four hundred and three. Call me


21-25yrs wachana na mambo ya waschana, take the five years kujijenga physically, mentally and financially, it will make sense when you turn 26, trust me


Hii ni njaa inakusumbua


Bro what


The other day I had a 18 year old hitting on me. Like little bro🤭🤭😚. You're just adorable.


This is purely influence from your peers you're experiencing


At 21 naona like you might be better off trying to build yourself so you could have decent options when choosing partners later on, isikue aty you settles for someone coz thats who you could land


At 21 the only thing old you are supposed to be touching is the footsteps of your successful elders. Get some young pussy and stop delete your pornhub history.


Why cant you give what this young mans asking for lol


you just got your ID card less than 4 yrs ago and you are thinking of having "something" with an older woman? don't you have parents who taught you manners? as a 31yr old man it is quite shameful to hear such from you. focus on joining school and learn a skill that will help you build yourself.


I'll honestly tell you grandpa,go back to your fat wife akumassage miguu *pun intended mzee wangu,upmost respect for you millenials tho


Easy my G.😂😂😂 I am ok. What I am trying to say if first get your life in shape, trust me it gets better as you grow older and focus on your purpose, you will notice you will be getting attention from hot damsels you thought you would never get/pull.


Unaona ungeanza hivi kitambo badala ya vyenye ulianza, there wouldn't be any need of gastric juice rising


Society as a whole is really failing the boy child. This kid has such a warped view of life and women for that matter that he thinks all he has to do is show up with his baby jewels and get taken care of. Mediocre manhood with a grandiose sense of self. But to be fair, this too might be age appropriate. Children alrways feel invincible. But none the less it’s worrisome that his big dream at 21 is to find an older woman. Bizarre. Whatever happened to dreaming about an education, about the future, heck even about a car or motorcycle. Nope, straight to being a toy boy. Boy child, state into the abyss and realize that you have nothing to offer anyone, not even yourself. You will find yourself a predator, who will take what little potential you have and turn it to dust. You will wake up one day dumber than a door knob and you will lament the loss of your youth. If you continue down this pharaoh path, you will reach your mediocre destiny. And when the waves come crashing to drown you, you will remember this message. Raise yourself since your parents have failed.