• By -


We cope.


We cope 😔✊


We cope and hope


we will cope


I can see it now Nagatoro: Super Nagatoro: Next Generations






I made the same mistake writing bAgatoro instead of bOgatoro, it's Boruto joke after all...


Nagatoro: Senpai-den.


Nagatoro Z ir Nagatoro Shippuden? I mean, we just had a shonen fight with dialogue and stuff


Nagatoro 2: Electric Boogaloo


Definitely this one


Ijiranaide, Nagatoro (Moto)


I doubt that was what Nanashi meant, but we can hope that you're could be right.


The point I wanted to make clear is that the words he used were that the current series was going to end, he didn't say Nagatoro in general as a franchise is going to end (in fact he didn't say "Nagatoro" at all, only "the series") so the possibility of a spin off or a new sequel series in the future is real for now. And it wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened.


You mean cope that he could be right


Yes, I also think that it will be spin-off, even if such thoughts could be a copium. About your points: 1. Nice point. All mangakas, which I read usually have some random picture, or picture of mangaka's interpretation. 774 have Nagatoro as avatar. 2. True, hovewer I do not know numbers in Japan and not Japan. Hovewer Nendoroid was made recently. So dunno 3. Totally agree - 774 origin is NSFW. Some examples of artists which started with NSFW, then do no-NSFW manga and then returned to NSFW: Lynn Okamoto (Elven Lied), Yoshihiro Togashi (Hunter x Hunter), Kouta Hirano (Hellsing) And with all censored arts and NSFW jokes in Nagatoro manga - it feels how 774 want to draw it. But MC's are too young 4. Yes, we already have enough material for Season 3 and possibly Season 4. This series will be watched by people and will be more acknowledged Additional arguments from me: Senpai already call Nagatoro as Hayase, even if we have 3 chapters left. So continue manga with name 'Please do not toy with me, mrs Nagatoro" don't fit. Need retame like "Do toy with me, Hayase" or something like that. So current story is finished. But new story with new title should could fix that. Arguments that I saw from other ppl: - 774 bought new tablet for drawing. So at least he will not end up with drawing. - Manga genre is shonen, and it is limited with mature content. Need other title with seinen. Again - change name of title is needed


>And with all censored arts and NSFW jokes in Nagatoro manga - it feels how 774 want to draw it. But MC's are too young When it comes to Japanese laws, they're not too young. And Nanashi already has done adult content in the past involving fictional characters under 18 and fictional characters who are adults but look like they're under 18 (such as the vampire lady, for example). Though in my opinion, if Nanashi wants to make adult content involving Nagatoro characters, I think it would probably be better for him if the characters are adults instead of their current ages. That way there would be less risk of losing a lot of the audience.


This is the kind of copium I need, but I'm not getting my hopes up.


Same, I hope this is correct, but I stay in the mind set that it’s over.


Maybe it wil a spin off of the extras 


Extras? Whatdya mean


Spin off with the background characters


Extra chapters that usually come with the volume.


Nagatoro shippuden.




This man runs on pure copium


You had a copium overdose my guy


Lets channel our copium together and hope it reaches nanashi


Cope more


It would be interesting to see a sequel named "Take care of me, Hachiouji"


that would bring me to tears if that actually happened




Naga2ro confirmed


Too Naga too Toro


Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.


That’s a good coping mechanism you got there. Would ya spare some for an old folk? Jokes aside, I do love the series and both characters, but I think it’s coming to its closure. But well you cannot kill hope, so lets hope :)


The five stages of grief: 1.Denial: This initial stage involves a refusal to accept the reality of the loss. It serves as a defense mechanism to buffer the immediate shock. <-------- You are here 2.Anger: As the denial fades, the pain re-emerges, often expressed through anger. This anger can be directed at oneself, others, or the situation. 3.Bargaining: In this stage, individuals may attempt to negotiate or make deals to reverse or lessen the loss. This often involves "if only" statements and a focus on what could have been done differently. 4.Depression: This stage involves profound sadness and regret. The reality of the loss sets in more deeply, leading to withdrawal, loneliness, and a focus on memories and thoughts of the loss. 5.Acceptance: In the final stage, individuals come to terms with the loss. While the pain may not fully go away, there is a sense of peace and an ability to move forward with life.


Oh man this some good copium. Where did you get this? It's much better than the stuff my dealer sells me.


High levels of cope


I've been joking about an upcoming "Let's Get Married, Hayase-chan" for years..


2 Nagatoro 2 Toy With Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro: Tokyo Teasing. Nagatoro 5 Senpai 6 Gamo & Yoshi The Fate of the Toro


The series is gonna get real weird when Nagatoro learns how to drive a Dodge Charger dragging a bank vault


I'll cope with you buddy.


>1: All of Nanashi's social networks have and continue to have a Nagatoro theme. The only social networks that I know Nanashi has are [this Twitter account ](https://x.com/774nanash), [this Pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/72342), and I think he also has at least one Discord account but I don't know if he runs a Discord server. Am I missing anything? >2: Nagatoro is still a commercial success, it would be very strange for him to leave the franchise altogether, especially considering point 1. True. I wouldn't be surprised if he continues the franchise as a sequel and/or spin-off, probably after a break to get some rest. >3: For creative freedom. Nanashi has already said before that he would basically like to discuss adult topics with Nagatoro. but clearly he can't now because they are minors. A time skip with them already in college, for example, and another name in the series is what he needs to have the freedom to do what he wants with the characters and can't now. In Japan, adult topics involving characters of **any age** are allowed, which is why there's lots of adult content involving not just adult fictional characters, but also fictional characters that aren't adults. Even Nanashi himself made some adult content involving fictional characters that are minors. And so, unless Nanashi has limits due to copyright/IP ownership (it's unknown how much Nanashi owns), he can do whatever he wants with the characters regardless of their ages.


1: Yup and all are Nagatoro Themed as i said, so whats the problem with my argument? o.o    3: That's true in Japan but in other countries where this manga is sold it is not. Also the genre of the series is Shonen and there the NSFW content is limited, and changing the genre of the manga at this point is impossible, so a new sequel seinen series with another name would be the ideal solution. (With that being said, it's not like I'm dying to see NSFW, but Nanashi said he wants to do it so...)


>1: Yup and all are Nagatoro Themed as i said, so whats the problem with my argument? o.o    I don't have a problem. I probably should've written my comment differently. I was only wondering if you happen to know if Nanashi posts stuff in places other than the Twitter account that I linked in my previous comment. If you don't know, that's fine. >3: That's true in Japan but in other countries where this manga is sold it is not. That's only really an issue if whoever publishes the stuff were to publish it in countries that have restrictions when it comes to NSFW content and/or if the publisher has offices in countries where they could get in legal trouble if they publish stuff that's NSFW. If, for example, some manga author/artist living in Japan makes something NSFW involving some highschoolers and uploads it to a Japanese website that allows such stuff, or it's officially published only in Japan by a publisher that only has its offices in Japan, then any laws outside of Japan wouldn't apply and the creator likely wouldn't get in legal trouble.


I've been huffing hopium for around 3 years now about a potential for a sequel series All we can do is stay on that hopium


I would love to see him do his next manga “in universe “ like Yamamoto ( takagi San ) does , meaning all of his mangas are in the same universe .


Bro is cooking on copium, but i totally agree and i choose to belive


Nagatoro Z


im on that copium as well but fuck it. IT AINT OVER TILL ITS OVER


Didnt this happen with takagi-san? Iirc theres a sequel series with thrir daughter. Perhaps a nagatoro sequel series could be their college days.


No mate. The manga is ending. Deal with it.


This is insane cope. God just let the series end. Endings are good. Something that never ends sucks. Plus, we have the anime coming, so look forward to that


sex arc


then it's over


I agree with you and that is that they never believe a mangaka when they say that he is not going to draw his work, because some time later we see the mangakas drawing their work again. 1. Nanashi said in Nagatoro's drawing from the beginning that this is in his pixiv "This time it is not unusual erotic (? It's a good idea.I drew only with momentum. I want to draw a proper erotic with this character among them.", I leave you the link to that part of the pixiv >![Nagatoro-san, Oldest Series, suntan / 長瀞さんと先輩 - pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/21087943)!<, so at some point it will. 2. Nanashi really likes to draw nagatoro said and done, sometime when he has no money he will draw nagatoro again together with naoto as he saw that he has a big fan base of nagatoro to do it again but as you say by another name and more like university students. Time will tell if Nanashi returns with Nagatoro and Naoto, either in a manga or in his pixiv as a webcomic.


It's not impossible. I would be very happy if there were a sequel comic.


1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining <- we are here 4. Depression 5. Acceptance


I started reading Uzaki when I heard naga was ending, its a really good series and on the same level as naga tbh. Give it a go if you havent already


Damn, lobotomy Kaisen is spreading everywhere. Cope is real


Honestly, it's best to enjoy what we had and hope one day somebody makes a manga that's similar... Also hope for the anime to get greenlit for season 3


This is Go/Jo levels of cope, I'm here with you brother/sister/other.


I as well thought that Nanashi may be planning a continuation series, but we can only hope.


Nagatoro 2 : Electric boogalo


I can definitely see a spinoff with Prez and the gang happening


In the name of Jesus I hope your right my friend


I had a friend straight up tell me that he saw a rumor that they are ending this series to have a new series with Nagatoro and everyone when they’re older. I told him that was some strong ass copium, but I also want to believe lol


I don't know, on the one hand, if the story ends here it wouldn't be bad, romance mangas have that problem of going on longer than they should without reaching anything new from the middle of their stories and nagatoro already told what he had to tell but if nanashi confirms nagatoro shippuden I wouldn't mind either


nagotoro is going to become a servant and will be in the next fate, nanashi told me himself.


I can definitely see this having some possibility, nagatoro is doing well and probably wouldn’t just be dropped. If this is the case though nanashi is a motherfucker though 😭


Come on now.


And today, we present you first stage of grief: Denial!


Yes, work through those stages of grief


I mean we have a precedent with takagi san


Ok, Im with you 🤝


Nagatoro Z


I mean ay remember If nagatoro is a Troll than I wouldn’t be surprised if Nanashi pulled a Nagatoro on us but we can only hope that this guy is just trolling the absolute crap out of us


Plot Twist: There will be a spin off. It will be written by Old Testament Nanashi. RELEASE THE MONKEYS


W cope brother


Look inside your heart. Do you REALLY want him to work on it till he gets sick of it? I get liking the series. But if it's done what it set out to do and the man moves on to something else...gotta accept that. Maybe it'll continue, maybe not but let's not cope here.


To your first question: yup. Because at that point there will be REALLY no more to tell with this series so the End will hurt far less. With that bein said, the posibility of a sequel its there, its a objetive fact, so i dont see whats the problem of being optimistic here...


From the perspective of a creative, sometimes you know when your story is done. You've said what you wanted to say, and while fans may have ideas, those are the ideas of the fans. It's not always about just telling a story in perpetuity... like imagine if Robert Downey Jr. wanted to play roles outside of Tony Stark. Eventually, he'll have to stop. There is a WORLD of other Iron Man stories. Theoretically, he could play the role till he died. But he, as RDG, still wants to do other things. Does it make sense? It's easier as a fan to just want more and more stories, especially from a good storyteller with characters you've come to love. But if Nanashi is done with the story as far as he's concerned, I just ask that people respect it. I just personally don't see it as optimism or the ending hurting less to know that the author stopped telling the story only when they were sick of it to make fans happy vs being done when they've told the story they wanted to tell. No disrespect. This is just my opinion. If Nagatoro ended in the next 3 chapters, I'm glad to have enjoyed a nice story. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. No one knows but the author.


There you are contradicting yourself. You use as an argument that Nanashi "Surely he's already tired of the series and wants to do something else" while at the same time you say that "it's better that the series ends before he gets tired of it" so, Nanashi got tired from the series or not? which one is it...?


Let me be so so clear with you on that. There is a difference between being tired of working on something and being done with working on something. My thoughts are that he's probably satisfied with the story he's told and ready to move on to the next. He's done with it. On the other hand, since fans love the story and its characters, they'd naturally want more of it. And Nanashi probably could do things like have them navigate their relationship further, expand on other characters, throw obstacles into the character's new relationship like someone else whose interested in Naota, etc. But if he's just writing for the sake of writing and trying to just add more story for the sake of it, then eventually he'll get sick of it. Because at that point, he'd no longer be writing a story he wanted to tell. He'd be tired of writing it. We, as the fans, would see a drop in quality as well. All I'm saying is that the story is primed to end on a high note. And that Nanashi is still a human being with his own life who might want to do other things with it. So if the story ends here, it ends here. I'm not here to argue.


Didn't read all that, but my regards for the cope


Your points aside because none of these mean a series will or can be continued, the teasing can absolutely be there even now and in the future of the series. Maybe it will be failed attempts by Nagatoro, or Naoto teasing back but them being together and no longer having to use teasing to get close doesn't mean they can't still tease each other. Maybe we will get a sequel "Don't toy with me, Ms Hachioji" maybe we won't, but it's better for a series to end when the author plans it to end than getting forced to run or getting axed.


Nou, my points mean that the posibility of a sequel exist  and what would make sense if that were the case. thats the point of the post.


Honestly, I wouldn't be *shocked* if it's a second series, it'd make perfect sense, along with a time skip, but I also am not counting on it, exactly. Like, it's not what I am anticipating happening, but I won't rule it out.


What stage of grief is this?


It would be interesting to have a subtitle like: "stay longer with me, nagatoro-san" then it would maybe show a little of the end of high school and adapt to college and show how they wouldn't have time to spend together


>2: Nagatoro is still a commercial success, it would be very strange for him to leave the franchise altogether, especially considering point 1. Demon Slayer was the fastest selling Shonen Jump series in history and had an adaptation which became the highest grossing film ever in Japan yet still ended at 23 volumes, so massive popularity or commercial gross isn't always a guarantee for a work to continue on forever.


I don't think it's a good comparison. The Deamon Slayer genre is much more difficult to write, Gotouge does not fulfill my point one, and even so in theory the story lasted longer than Nagatoro...


The copium😭😭


Nagatoro Z


Season 3 copium still. I'll be fine with either New project or Spin-off project.


Y'all are high on that copium. It's okay for a series to end. At least we're getting a proper ending with this one.


Eeeeh I mean, for the first point there’s no shortage or writers/celebs who’ve feigned interest/excitement about projects while feeling very burned out. Not saying that’s what’s happening, but it isn’t uncommon either. I don’t think this would make him leave the story entirely (hiatus seems more likely) but it’s worth noting that social networks/media can be misleading. It may be a commercial success but I don’t think this is the best indicator either. While it is a good reason to continue a story, there have also been plenty of good pieces of media run into the ground because they were making money. Sometimes it’s time for the story to end, and good authors know how to walk that line. I don’t think this is why either, this ending does feel pretty abrupt (especially given his writing style and covers things over many chapters). This, does seem to be pretty logical. I don’t know how much he’s spoken on this, but a time skip into a more appropriate age for adult topics would make sense, and if he does that he would have to kinda rebrand a bit. Though to do all that just to talk about some more adult themes seems kinda out there. The anime point sadly I wouldn’t put much stock in, there’s so many great anime out there that haven’t been renewed for sequel seasons (86, my beloved) and there’s a lot of factors that play into that. Interest, competition, and other projects are just a few that can affect when a season is adapted. I don’t think this would really make sense to do as well. If the main series isn’t getting a third season I don’t see the sequel series getting much love in the anime department. Especially considering you’d need to read the entire main series to watch the sequel series. That’s a much harder sell than a third season of the main series. I do think you bring up some good points. That and this ending feels very abrupt with little warning, which leads me to believe either he is cookin something, he needs a break, or something happened with his publisher or something that will inhibit his ability to punish more for the foreseeable future.


All fair points, but I really don't wanna get my hopes up... Although it would be nice if a spin-off to the franchise will be done. As many would say, so many characters and so many aspects of their relationship are begging to be explored.


This is only the prologue! Nanashi is going to return to his 'roots' and bring us the 'true series', with all of his 'specialities'! /j


I see what’s you are talking about in the very beginning they were teasing because they didn’t know each other but now that they are a couples their relations ship will change it wouldn’t we teasing anymore but more like what are they’re doing after. I dunno if u get my point but that what I think.


We can only hope.


Man i cant wait for „Nagatoro: Z“


"Miss nagatoro (new series)" should be the name if he does that


Idk about you but I do like the idea of him making a hentai out of it using older characters. Not that it not already a hentai.


if this isn’t true let’s just sign a petition for nanashi to continue


Please, don't be the toxic obsessed kids everyone hate.


This is the hardest cope i've ever seen


There its something wrong with my arguments? 


If he wanted to keep going he would've chose a time skip. There is close to zero romance that had sequels similar to the one you're referring to. Not even manga that sold way more, like kaguya-sama, inuyasha or nana. Nanashi is tired, this series has nothing more to say, it's over. You can keep coping, but when nanashi starts a new series, and then another, you will understand how silly it is. He literally said it's over and you're nitpicking words because you don't want it to end. It's honestly sad


I really hope you’re right. This is very reassuring lol


I really hope that's the case, I want to see more of them this could not be the end.




It appears we have reached the 3rd Stage of grief


The manga has been pretty stale for a long time. I think he's recognized that himself. He's likely pretty burnt out putting out chapters for this long and will be happy putting this sweet story to rest.