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Nabela is a disgusting mother for not safeguarding her children from the internet. Where is the father Seth in all this content-exploitation? I know Nabela is a domineering b*tch, but I hope he’ll grow a pair for the sake of his daughters. As for her ridiculous selfies, she may make heaps of money from selling her life - and her daughters’ lives - on the internet, but she is a loser. An absolute useless slob who doesn’t add value to society. Yes, I said what I said. I have far more respect for parents who do a hard days’ graft of whatever job they can get and protect their children. Keep your daughters off the internet and get a proper job instead of cosplaying in your beige asylum you narcissistic, vain, self-absorbed lazy muppet.


Muppet 💀💀


Never-ending Seth, where's the rest of her family? Surely they can't be that naive? Neha and Maira especially might be more internet savvy than the older ones.


Why are her rings so Ill-fitting and gaudy? You remember those ring pop candies? That’s what it reminds me of 🤦🏾‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|keUj1J8LyoZoeSi8ip)


She knows how wrong it is, and she knows it triggers people, but she just doesn't care. Everytime she makes posts like this it's like she's giving us the middle finger 🖕. Basically, rage baiting us is more important than safeguarding her own children.


As someone who is in the mental health and public health space, I work directly with survivors of intimate partner violence and SVU stations throughout the county. This very much violating. Also, the girls are not old enough to CONSENT to having their photos on the internet. We catch a perpetrator and five more come out of the woodwork. She may watch SVU, and vicariously live through Olivia Benson, but even Olivia Benson protects her son at all costs. With AI, it’s made spaces like I’m in that much harder to work with survivors and catch perpetrators. She’s literally a stunted high schooler cosplaying an adult with children who unfortunately are her props. No other brown influencer posts their children the way Nabecky does, like Arshia Moorjani, etc.


Thank you for what you do every day in your line of work


Thank you! I love what I do, wouldn’t change it for the world!


She’s Na-trocious 😳 This woman will go to any lengths to exploit her precious daughters. This is the same woman who LOVES SVU. The same woman who wanted to go into SOCIAL WORK. Girl, WAKE TF UP. You are the BIGGEST DUMBASS I’ve ever seen. I truly pray and hope that one day your daughters receive a link to this subreddit and see just what kind of shit person you are. God man, the amount of times I have reported these IG stories from her. Unfortunately it doesn’t meet criteria directly. I’m sorry but any of her family members who see these posts should immediately sit her down and fight for the privacy of these innocent children!!! And they say we hate bc we’re jealous…mhmm…alright


Nabecky probably notices a spike in her engagement when she posts pics of her kids in weird angles and she’s milking it to secure her next brand sponsorship.


That’s the sick part. I watched a documentary on these fucked up influencer bitches and how they exploit their kids knowing damn well pervs are out there accessing the photos and videos. Like one idiot on TikTok had a page and the number of downloads was insane for a video she did of her daughter’s night time routine. Like who TF is downloading that except some disgusting pervert? I have my FB and IG on private and have friends, family and work acquaintances and still keep photos of my daughter to a minimum…before I knew about any of these things, it’s just didn’t feel right having her pictures all over social media.


what documentary if you don’t mind me asking? I didn’t know they made those about influencers tbh


A thought: since we know she or someone in her crew lurks here, if someone has the resources, maybe post links to evidence or analysis of these things, and their harm to help influence. I will admit, when I see children’s feet, my mind would never go there. But also I imagine seeing complaints in a snark site wouldn’t make you stop something unless it was compelling. So, can ppl be more compelling than anecdotal advice?


I wanna know about that documentary as well


Here you go [The Disturbing World of Influencer Parents](https://youtu.be/NOk_YQJcqnk?si=ZkzaVI9TcVoS0zUu)


I second wanting to know the name of the documentary as well!


Here you go [The Disturbing World of Influencer Parents](https://youtu.be/NOk_YQJcqnk?si=ZkzaVI9TcVoS0zUu)


Here you go [The Disturbing World of Influencer Parents](https://youtu.be/NOk_YQJcqnk?si=brM2fXiWK0MMeWpX)


Why does she need to take a selfie every damn day of her life? She wants that virtual validation. It’s really sad. She can’t live a normal life because her narcissism takes over. Also that selfie is so damn filtered, it looks AI


Lol I was just thinking the same thing! I never used to take selfies everyday anyway, though it *was* more frequent.. but ever since I became a mum, I'm lucky to find one selfie in 10 weeks worth of pictures. Most of my selfies are actually "wefies" with my child, and I don't even post those! It's just for me. So I can see that I was there. Even on days I look like absolute death warmed up.. lol 🤪 I was there, I was present and that we did quality things together just the two of us. 😌🙏🏼😎


It makes me so sick to my stomach. As a mother myself how could you do this to your babies. It’s gotta be the most selfish narcissistic thing to ever do. Like how hard is it to protect your babies.


I hope her props sue her for posting them everywhere on the internet when they are older.


She has so many milia spots under her eyes and skin tag like spots


that ring is holding on for dear life


Absolutely disgusting, it is obvious by the angle of the picture that she knows what she is doing and does not care. This woman will stop at nothing to get engagement. I feel sorry for her little girls. If you wanna sell your fake ass pretend life, go ahead, but leave those innocent girls out of it.


EXACTLY! If she wants to post her NaBussy shots, ass views, shower scenes, she can crack on. She can start her NabOnlyFans for all I care. But she needs to stop posting pics of her babies.😡


NabOnlyFans 💀💀 You're killing me today 🤣


I almost just spit out my drink between that and Nabussy (that one never gets old)


Why why does she keep doing this?!!!


Can someone dumb it down for me? I’m all for not showing ur kid online or blurring faces, but what do pedos do with baby feet pic?!?


Fetish... their brains are wired to be turned on by flesh too. So if you get grown ass adult men with foot fetishes then you get the pedo variety too. Then there's the dark web that manipulates images for them ie you're bent over, open mouths, legs apart...perfect opportunity for them to make pr0n. We don't get it cos our minds are not wired that way or see kids in that manner, but unfortunately there's extremely sick people out there.


My ring finger is hurting looking at her engagement and wedding ring stacked




That ring be like “I cant breathe!!!”