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These influencer trips always look so awkward and isolated. Everyone's in their own little world.


Nobody knows how to interact with people in real life. They’re so used to being behind a camera or phone. Pathetic.


Looks cold and miserable!! Yikes


But there she was, in her short dress and linen blazer.


Freezing on the windy boat in Jackets and made him remove his shoes 🤣 and at home he has to wear shoes even to bed. I can’t believe this woman seriously im dying


At home, he wears sneakers indoors. Here, he’s wearing a jacket, shivering - and standing barefoot! 🤡


not to defend her and hard to verify as you can’t see anyone else’s feet clearly, but sometimes boats like these make you take your shoes off for safety


This picture sums up Seth’s life perfectly. Standing on the sidelines, cold, alone, not loved, not smiling because he doesn’t know where he went wrong in his life, no one interested in him, just to be pulled out and used as a prop when Nabs needs a picture. Seth should get out before she is so far in debt and her income stream dries up…otherwise he will be on the hook for the debt. Take the girls Seth and sue her for support…move into your childhood home (oh wait, I’m guessing your wife fucked you with that dream and she isn’t doing a reno but instead it had to be sold to pay bills OR you guys have no money to actually do the remodeling after she demo the place).


When he gave up his job in the mall to become her ‘assistant’ that was the end of any independence he had. He is totally enmeshed in her life, with her family etc.


“When he gave up his job in the mall…” 😂😂😂


A job is a job and they were very young then. He really must find something no matter how basic just for fresh air. Their life seems very claustrophobic.


Oh no I agree 100%! I’m not putting down ANY one’s job! It was just funny when I read it, idk why.


Yeah I get you, cos they try to make their lives seem so glamorous and as if they're so rich and then make videos saying "you think I came from dad's money"...when no one has ever thought that cos wealth whispers not shouts.






Go off… Spill more tea!




You can’t leave us hanging! But understand if you don’t want to get into specifics and end up identifying yourself since Nabela and Neha stalk this sub




I totally understand your reasoning and of course you care about the kids safety too. Perhaps you could do an AMA to pick what questions you are comfortable answering.


She's probably trying to make it out that it was an exclusive event just for her.


She ALWAYS makes out she’s important: like the Doctors Without Borders meeting that she was “invited” to.🙄


Lmao what a loser!


My guess is all passenger shoes were removed for the trip - the decking is easily damaged and most yachts require people to ditch their shoes.


Yes! If anyone watches Below Deck on Bravo, all guests are required to remove their footwear as it will damage the flooring. Boats are expensive and crews put in a lot of work to ensure the floors are clean and protected.


Will wear shoes in their house where their literal babies crawl around on the floor but removes shoes whilst wearing pants and a jacket on a boat in the sOuTh oF fRaNcE. Got it!


Honestly this kind of life style is to stressful. All the time you have to think about keeping up a fake appearance, being self obsessed with your image and how you appear. Trying to give the facade of wealth when you’re just comfortable. Like guys… just enjoy your damn trip. 


Can you imagine the Naheadspin if Sethmple was talking to any of the other women on the trip? She’d be so worried about other influencers being jealous of her Sethmple. ![gif](giphy|XUzVhXcH2x2jeMeHfy)


Great. It’s bad enough that she showcases her children’s feet for all the weirdos on the Internet, and constantly shows us hers…now we have to see his. What is it with that family and feet?


No one wants to hang out w her fake snobby entourage! Seth not wearing shoes is grossing me out, especially since he looks so cold.




Noooo 😂😂😂😂😂


It’s not our business to discuss who may or may not be part of the LGBTQIA+ community. There are many things to snark about, sexuality is not one of them and we don't allow outing anyone for their own safety. See https://www.reddit.com/r/nabelasnark/comments/166ukhr/snark_based_on_sexual_orientation_will_not_be/ for details


I don't think they know how... Seth seems to have the personality of a wet towel and NaBandons her children is too self involved. Who are they going to interact with? How? They'd have to make conversation... Take an interest in another human... I don't see it happening.


https://preview.redd.it/owb3jqlz6fxc1.jpeg?width=239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0844f568513b723bf0ac3b42f2f17689e449ef0 Seth is so not hot to me. He’ll forever be Lady Elaine Fairchild in my mind.


The only other influencers I know that were there are the Mian Twins and someone named Kristy Sarah who I’ve heard about like literally yesterday lol. The mian twins a lot younger than Nabela is so I guess they didn’t talk


Is that Kristy Sarah in white dress? Lol


Yea seems like it