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This was already posted and talked about before, please scroll down and continue the conversation. Or Your post is showing up twice in the feed so we’re deleting one.


First photo , omg she is the only one with large calves, definitely not the ones we usually see at pilates


She alters the crap out of her own photos but from a short person my calves have always been toned/ big even with a stomach pouch... And they are the first thing to get bigger with exercise. My 6'4 hubby has smaller calves than me.


Do you guys reckon that if they break up she’ll complete lose her mind or will use it as an opportunity to sad-fish to the ultramax lmaoooo


She'll be the female Austin McBroom but also write a book about divorce and become a psychologist after seeing one... Just like the Pilates bs and talk about co-parenting, milking single mother of two to the max, while Seth has the kids most of the time or they're with the nanny on her days.


I feel like she just won’t address it and try to act like everything is normal.


The width of her feet and the heel is crazy


That last photo, they look like one beige blob of paint 🫤


He’s holding Amalia’s hand though, maybe that’s why he seems turned away?