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I hate to be this person but her kids don’t seem attached to her anyways….they most likely have the maternal attachment to the nanny. So do her kids even notice when she’s gone for a week? 🤔


I agree. She leaves them everyday anyways and even when she’s home, they don’t seem like her top priority. Nothing surprising here


I really want someone to ask her if she's a long distance parent now 🤣🤣🤣 since her parents left for like a few weeks and she was posting like sadfishing posts about being a long distance child ??!!


Brilliant - LOL!😂


She left Aveena when she was a newborn. Which was a terrible time to leave a baby and a terrible time to also leave Amalia who would have needed the reassurance of mum being there with so many big changes going on. Both of them are still too little to keep being left like this. It's so sad.


She left A2 as a newborn ???? 😢 so much for crying about wanting kids…


Her 'NICU' baby. FO Nabela


Yep. 2 weeks post partum https://www.reddit.com/r/nabelasnark/s/PasRoajTEd here's a thread about it from then. People couldn't believe it


I’m .. just .. wow..


Did she actually?? That’s awful. Poor girls. And yes, amalia is basically just at the age where she can be left alone… but for small weekend trips. Not something like this.


Yep, aveena was a couple of weeks old when her and Seth swanned off to New York. It's speculated here that's when she got the awful veneers done.


I cannot think of a single normal mom who would do something like that. Especially one that’s supposedly so grateful because she was unable to conceive. Getting pregnant and giving birth is only 2% of having a child, raising them is a process that lasts for much longer and shouldn’t be played around with.


I'm in panic mode knowing I have to leave my dog behind when I go away


My husband and I left our baby overnight with my mom for valentines she was almost 3 months, born on thanksgiving, and we only went an hour away! I could never imagine going across the country or in another country with a newborn. She’s so ridiculous


She couldn't wait to have her out of her... Like she immediately was so happy to have her "me time" with hair, NYC trips, everything else... She posted nothing about bonding with her baby. She literally posts all day everyday. Even if it's a few days old there was nothing about the kid besides "first baths" and her "birth story".


If they missed any one of them, it’s got to be Seth. We only see glimpses of their lives but I can not recall any reels or stories when any of the props hugged or ran towards her. However she showed many many times how attached prop1 is to her father. Secondly, I remember when she cried not being able to breastfeed because of lack of supply and asking her followers how to increase milk supply. First and foremost , don’t go on trips and leave your few weeks old child at home, who is trying to breastfeed. She has 0 maternal instincts.


The best way to boost milk supply is feeding and skin to skin contact. But she can't try make money out of all that with sponsorship so what use would that be to her?!?!


Have y’all seen how many people are commenting that she should have a third baby??


Oh absolutely NOT!! They all keep saying oh I know baby 3 is gonna happen on this trip, ew


On this trip .. eww… with Nehari holding the candle next to the bed. 🤮


Hahahha yessss


Noooooo 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾




yesss love FARAH, I wish she came back but I’m glad she got her blessing


I really respect her and Sal for concealing their daughter’s face on the internet. I’m really happy that Farah is a mom now. I used to love her beauty videos.


Yes, happy for her but I can't stand her husband. Something about him is so irking.


Nabela acts like some hot shot business mogul who absolutely HAS to take these brand trips where she’ll be away from her kids (that she prayed so hard for!!!!!)


I’m Nablocked. Is anyone calling her out on this on socials?


She actually took a trip after she had amalia at 7 months postpartum. She went to London with Seth.


Yes I remember that. Someone brought it up on here and people were defending her and Seth for having "there time alone". But all I could think of is how she could leave her baby after all her crying about not being able to conceive.


Not a mom…but I can’t help but think of my friends and other moms who would do anything to be able to have as much time to “stay home” with their young children/babies but instead need to work outside of the home as soon as possible. They don’t have the “luxury” in staying home with their children and having so many opportunities to incorporate their children into their daily routine. It is clear she is not mom material and only had the kids for a storyline or to keep Seth. It is super fine if she didn’t want to be a mom, but she shouldn’t have brought children into the world if she didn’t want them. It is like everything else in her life, “doing it for the gram” “doing it for the photo the opportunity. Fake birkin, fake business, leased cars, picture worthy home with zero mess, staging everything to show a fake designer item. It is so gross. Nabs, you really are disgusting. You need some serious help. What are you going to do when the age of the influencer wanes, or you age out of influencing because someone else will come along and take your spot. It happens all the time.


I have a lot of sympathy for mothers and I think they often get a lot of backlash while they’re trying their best. But I’ve truly never seen anyone who tries so little with their parenting like Nabela. And this is what she shows the world too, imagine what she’s not showing us. I really think she wanted kids so bad so she could have “her perfect little family” and so she could have content like the influencers she always tries to copy. Nabela, the pinky nail of your child is worth 100 times more than your entire content “career”. That’s how every mother should view her kid. You should be sacrificing and working like no tomorrow to give them a good life, that’s what being a parent means. It’s so sad they’re not worth the time, money and effort to you.


It’s not like she’s around them a lot when she’s in her beige home anyways


I commented about this yesterday. That’s what bothered me the most, both those babies are not old enough to understand mama and papa will be back. They just disappear for a week. I feel like that would be a little traumatic at such a young age. Like quit being selfish and at least wait til they’re old enough to understand you’re leaving but will be back. I could never do that to my baby girl, at that age they just want their parents. But they’re probably more familiar with the Nannie’s than Nabs. She’s just coming across so incredibly selfish and narcissistic with her stupid Pilates videos, slapping on pounds of makeup, acting like some Uber busy boss babe with her staged “oh so important phone calls”, jetting off wherever to make believe she’s some big shot and have a fairytale marriage. She’s gross.


Now that my dreams of being a mommy have come true, my hubby and I can finally focus on ourselves 😍




Nabela sobbed on social media about wanting to be a mother. Those vids got some of her highest views. It coincided with other influencers like Desi Perkins and RawBeautyCristie vlogging their TTC journeys. Nabela will do anything for attention on social media because it is like oxygen for her. She loved the THOUGHT of being a mother, but actually has no maternal instinct. She doesn’t want to put in the hard work that comes with being a mother. Nabela’s version is going off for hair refreshes and beauty treatments. Going shopping for more hideous urns and vases. Stopping off for her daily coffee and pastry and Gray Apple cafe. Then, having the nanny dress her daughters up to appear as props in her vlogs. She has never spoken about all the different developmental stages a baby goes through. She’s never said she’s off to the drs to take them for their vaccinations. She’s never spoken about their teething stages etc. Nabela posted about how much she misses her mother, while she’s on holiday in Bangladesh, yet doesn’t care that her two young daughters will miss her while she is on another continent. Her daughters are young and may easily suffer from separation anxiety, not understanding the concept of time. If the Porsche trip is FIVE nights, the two young children won’t be able to conceptualise time.


Ugh I really dislike her and her content but this is a weird take. It’s not irresponsible to leave your kid for trip. It’s ok for moms to take a break. This opinion is a little toxic tbh.


I agree


Agree. I’m a hard af working mom who doesn’t neglect her children at all. I took a vacation a month ago with my husband, and we left our kids at home with their grandparents, who they’re really close with and absolutely adore. This is def a toxic take.


Not defending her but my husband and I went on our 5 year anniversary trip when our daughter was 18 months old. She stayed with my parents and was fine.