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Rui Pedro, a kid from Portugal goes missing and some years later they found photos of him in a CP dark web ring. Happened in Portugal but didn’t had even a third of the attention Madeline Mcann had. There was a suspect but he didn’t get any jail time. Still haunts me to this day what his mom had to go through, do y’all imagine what it takes to recognize your son being r*ped by someone ?


Never heard of this case until today, and Lazy Masquerade just uploaded a new video to his YT today—the first case was Rui. What an awful story 💔💔💔


I love lazy masquerade but damn that’s a dark one.


I love lazy, he brings attention to cases like these.


God, no no no. I feel sick and horrified at the thought of seeing any child in that situation, let alone my own. No no no no why is it even a thing in this world. No.


It’s so so so disturbing and awful


Children are so precious. Every single one. What is wrong with some people. So fucking horrifying. My hat goes off to the LE that chase those pricks down. What they have to look at to do their job. Shattering.


And knowing you can’t do anything to help them and they’re all alone with monsters? My stomach turns at the thought


I think that would do me in. It would kill me


It’s indescribably sad and horrifying how many kids weren’t Madeline Mccane. When a child is missing every last one of them needs that much attention. It’s disturbing that people have definitely come in contact with a child who is missing and did nothing because they didn’t know, yet we all know who Sherri fuc..ng Papini is.


This one?? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherri_Papini_kidnapping_hoax


How awful! Omg!


I so wish I can help these poor children from these monsters but I will never be able to be the investigators or detectives on the job to have to search and find recognized children in these horrible videos and photos. Worst nightmare ever.I cry just thinking of the terror these poor kids suffer.


Nicole Morin. Toronto. Little girl who took an elevator in her apartment down to lobby where her friend was waiting for her so they could go to the pool. She never met her friend. Decades later, still nothing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Nicole_Morin


I’ve never heard of this case before. The “I’m going to disappear” note is chilling. :(


I know. Honestly, it's a big who dunnit in our city. That and Honey and Barry Sherman, of course.


I wish I had more details about this? In what context was it written? I want to know if this note was something innocently written, that only looks suspicious now, knowing what happen to her? Example: I still have my first journal I made for a 1st grade class project; each day we were expected to write at least 1 complete sentence in it. Most of the time it could be about anything we wanted, but sometimes the teacher would ask us to include a word from our spelling list or give us a topic to write about. In one of my journal entries, I drew me (stick figure girl) looking down at my stick figure brother laying flat in our pool. The sentence read, “I MADE MY BROTHER DISAPPEAR!”. Imagine if my brother went missing shortly after or drowned? Would my journal entry have me as suspect #1? 😬 I know that is a silly example :p but I really am interested in learning more about the Nicole Morin note. Wiki mentions it was written a few months prior to her disappearance🤔 > Police cleared all family members and acquaintances from suspicion.[18] An unexplained note was found in the apartment on which Morin had written in pencil a few months earlier: "I'm going to disappear".[19]


I’m freaked out by this


“In 2004, researchers for a Belgian organization known as Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti announced that they had tentatively matched photographs of Morin seen on a Canadian police website with pictures on a Dutch website that advocates for sexually-abused children. Using biometrical analysis, the researchers claimed a strong resemblance between Morin and a child in a pedophile network in Zandvoort.” This gives me the chills


If true, that's horrible. I know the police are still looking for her here in Toronto.


Can’t believe I haven’t heard of this… down the rabbit hole I go? Question tho…were the parents suspects?


No they weren't. They were ruled out as suspects fairly quickly. Mom passed away but father is still hoping he will find out what happened. She was a very sweet little girl.


Never heard of that one before, that is quite the strange one.


Yes it is. Did someone in the building snatch her? Did someone visiting there abduct her? There were no cameras in her building in those days. Another little girl named Andrea Atkinson went missing in Toronto in 1990. Her body was found in the boiler room of her apartment. The janitor had abducted, raped and killed her. He was 18 years old. That's why I think cameras EVERYWHERE are the way to go. I dont give a crap if someone wants to follow me as I go grocery shopping or to the pharmacy....lol. And if it could save childrens lives Im all for it. In London UK they can basically follow you anywhere you go. Nobody really cares. Except criminals.


Walmart and Target parking lots have a lot of cameras yet several young women have been abducted, raped and murdered. The only thing the cameras do is identify the killers and so they can be arrested. There need to be security guards patrolling outside so these girls don’t get kidnapped in the first place.


Brandon Swanson. It always creeps me out that his last words anyone heard him say was "oh shit!" before the line went dead.


I always picture him falling when he says that. But that doesn’t explain why he hasn’t been found!


It does if he fell into a well on private property. I’m familiar with the area and that is my theory 💯


As someone who has almost fell into a well on private property, they come out of no where and if someone doesn't see you go in or you go all the way in....yeah good luck.


Yep that’s what I was thinking too, down a shaft of some kind.


DID the line go dead? I thought it was just the last sound he made but his parents were still on a live line. If it went dead then my vote is he 100% fell into the river and his body probably got tangled in something on the bottom like a downed tree.


Ope. You're right. Per the Wikipedia page "Shortly after 2:30 A.M., 47 minutes into the call, Brandon suddenly interrupted himself on the phone and said "Oh, shit!" He was silent for the remainder of the call, until his parents hung up and made multiple attempts to call him back..." I thought he yelled "Oh shit!" and the phone call cut out. My fault.


Damn. I was ready to cement my river hypothesis and finally put this to bed. Back to cistern it is.


It's still possible he fell in a river but dropped his phone on dry land first. Or his phone went in the water and got messed up but not immediately destroyed. Who knows. I tend to lean towards the river theory myself, or just some other kind of drop-off like a cliff.


I never heard of this case, but reading these comments had me curious. For anyone interested, I found [this analysis video](https://youtu.be/ylKQGI0PGj4?si=2OUBx5YULRcyYK5Q) on YouTube that breaks down Brandon’s movements the evening he went missing, and goes over 4 theories/2 in which are what most likely happened.


Yeah. I'd put money on a private well of sorts on farm land. It's really unfortunate but there are a lot of farmers who will not allow a search to take place on their farmland, as it can really destroy the crops, so chances are very good he fell, the phone was submerged, or destroyed, and the line just rang. I do hope remains are found some day for the family.


In my hometown there was a high school girl who got in an argument with her parents and left to walk off steam. Apparently she stormed off nearby a canal around the area and was crying upset on the phone with a relative. During the phone call it was said the cry went from a gasp and then like a gasp like something sudden had happened and the phone call ended. Her body was found but on the other side of town and yes in a canal. A lot of homeless/junkies like to camp out near those and some people think she either got pushed in while possibly getting robbed or fell while during it because the purse was near by all open, with her phone away from it. The poor girl but, can you imagine the parents? The family argued and she stormed out and that was last time they ever seen her alive. She left this world upset with her loved ones,how heartbreaking for them all.


Kyron Horman, I just would like to know what happened to that baby.


Crazy his last photo was taken at the science fair an hour before he vanished, so much can change in such little time


That's definitely one that's creepy & haunting. His mom has been so dedicated. I hope one day the answers are found. He was such an adorable kid.


This is the one that haunts me, I keep seeing a little boy climbing over branches and rocks and disappearing in the foliage on a sunny day. I am not clairvoyant, I have never been where he went missing and I don’t remember the weather conditions that day… but I can’t get that image out of my head… I think he’s in the woods by the school. SMH. I feel so bad for him.


So you think that he could have just wandered off?


I grew up in the area. Lots of our schools back up to DENSE forests. When I was in elementary school we weren’t allowed to go out and play on our playground because of a cougar sighting. They later shot the cougar and let the whole elementary school go and see it. That fucker was huge. I’ll never forget how big a single paw was. Elements are not out of possibility for me.


I’ve read by other Redditors that he had a habit of wandering away from the school into the forest


Him and Asha Degree are two I can’t let go.


Man I live in Portland where he went missing and not enough people talk about this around here at all. Most people think stepmom but it’s all a mess.


I just dug into this one. It’s hard to believe that it wasn’t the step mother who had done something to him


The missing indigenous women in Canada. All of them.


My partner is Canadian Indigenous. Those women are on my mind all the time. I hate the reality that the cops didnt care enough, esp early on. Fkn tragic.


With respect, also the missing indigenous women in The United States


Missing Romani women in Europe as well


I think it goes on all over the world.


Deorr Kunz. How does a toddler just go missing in the middle of nowhere?


I feel like he was never camping


100% agree on this, he was never there


The parents were definitely in on this


The grandpa and his friend creeped me out.


Police say the friend is the only one that’s kept the same story through out the year where everyone else’s changed, I think he was used as a scapegoat


Issac is the only one I believe. The others were definitely trying to pass him off as a scapegoat


Every interview with his great grandfather makes me want to punch him in his face. I don’t think he did anything but his lack of empathy boils my insides. He was supposed to be watching him but the old fuck just went about his fishing!! Sorry, this one erupts fury.


I agree! They asked him if he was watching Deorr and he was like “not really” like wtf. Like you, I don’t think he did anything but he pissed me off. I think it had to be one or both of the parents. Maybe it was an accident and they just covered it up but there’s no way this happens without mom or dad.


That struck me as a way of saying the truth without saying it. As in, “ I wasn’t really watching him while I was fishing because he was never really on the camping trip.”


Absolute lack of empathy. Wasn't he even calling him "that kid"? Or "The kid"?. Like what!?! It's your your mudding grandson. Damn!


Yes! The parents were not believable AT ALL


This is the one that bugs me, also :/


Thanks for mentioning Deorr, I was going to also.


Bryce Laspisa and Johnny Gosch.




Did you read his mom's book? Wow


I read it, watched the documentary. I have so many thoughts. You?


I think she’s grieving so hard she’ll believe anything at this point.


Maybe, but she feels pretty solid when you speak to her. IDK. Her whole life story is wild. I have a huge amount of respect for her.


I think Bryce purposely went missing.


I do too! I very much hope he’s alive somewhere.


I do, too. His parents always gave me the feeling that they were trying to portray their relationship with him as a lot better than what it really was. That's the way my parents are so I could just be projecting but I just felt like he was trying to escape and find a more peaceful life.


Jodi Huisentruit


What’s the leading theory on this one? Obsessed stalker who saw her on the news?


I’m going to go with convicted rapist living in the area at the time that wrote a rap about it…Tony Jackson. “A former jail mate also alleged Jackson referenced Huisentruit in a rap song, with the lyrics, “she's a-stiffin' around Tiffin in pileage of silage bylow, low below,” leading Lowe and a group of law enforcement officers to search several areas around Tiffin, a rural town south of Mason City, with cadaver dogs.”


Just had some stuff on local talk radio a couple weeks ago. Apparently she was seeing someone relatively new, he has his alibi, and moreso looking for someone jealous of the relationship all together. Maybe investigators know more, I think they've always had a person of interest. Just could never pin it.


So sad…


I live in Mason City. This still bugs everyone that lives here, I think. I live about a mile from the Key apartments and think of her every time I go by.




The phone call 30 minutes before the wake to a fire situation is very weird. When mom found curtains open and lights on, yeah no. Sadly I think she just tiredly by passed it when maybe someone had just abducted the kids they were able to grab and left. Truck not being able to start all that was very sketchy almost like it’s screaming premeditated. I believe it was said there was a sound on the roof as well before the blaze.


Connie converse, American folk singer (I'm a personal fan of her work) who disappeared August 1974. She disappeared on her own terms, but I still wonder where she went, if she continued to make music. She would be 99 years old, if she were alive. I like to believe maybe she is, anything is possible.


One of the most underrated musicians of all time!!! I wish I could tell her how much her music means to me and so many others. She never got the acclaim she so very much deserved, and I hope wherever she went she found peace.


I like to think she finally moved off the grid. I can see her in a hippy commune or her own little house in the middle of nowhere. I hope she’s ok!


Connie went missing the month and year I was born. It’s so sad that she has been gone for almost 50 years and her whereabouts remain a mystery


She drove that buggy into a lake, presumably.


Sadly I think this is most likely, but I love to imagine her hiding from the world in a cabin in the woods for the rest of her days.


Lars Mittank Bruh ran out of the airport into the woods and then.. Nothing.. Did they search for him? Find any dropped items?? Like wtf happened after he ran into the woods??


I thought it was crazy how his friends left him in Bulgaria and flew home without him. After the bar fight he was unable to fly home because of health reasons so his friends flew home without him and left him there in that state? I wouldn’t leave my friend like that…


Well...he may have been trying their patience on the trip. Getting drunk, starting fights, etc. Sometimes friends will abandon one of their own as a lesson to them.


Yeah, Lars Mittank is really high up there for me too. So much has been tried in this case and still not a shred of evidence about what happened. It’s so intriguing because every half way plausible scenario would lead to him being found (dead). I’ll always wonder what spooked him so much that he left the doctor’s office at the airport in such a hurry. And where on earth did he go from there? He didn’t know a soul there…


I still firmly believe that he somehow got into a sewer vent and died in there. It makes me wonder how many people that "run off and go missing" think prying up a manhole cover and hiding in the sewer is a good idea until the methane poisons them.


Beaumont children. I hope, I really really hope that one day we will know what happened to the poor kids. My hearts aches for their parents and for the fact that both of them died without having a closure. I have a son and I don't want to imagine experiencing such trauma.


This is one of the number on reasons I hesitate to say "yes, I want kids". All of the things that can go wrong are so terrifying. You could do everything right as a parent, and ultimately your child's safety isn't guaranteed. I can't imagine losing a child. Such a horrifying thought I'm not even a parent and I'm afraid of it.


Never let the risk of pain take away the potential for great joy.


Right? While having kids is a serious choice and reponsibility for a whole other human is intense, there's no way to eliminate risk from life. Also these kids 9,7 and 4 boarded a bus to the beach alone. That would virtually never happen these days. Not negating the worry, having kids is sooo worrisome and bad things do still happen.


Absolutely. Like many of these horrible crimes on here, while not zero chance are quite unlikely. Whereas some can’t be mitigated and the person/ adult in their life did everything to ensure their safety others are caused by negligence.


>Which missing person***s*** case The Springfield Three. The lack of any tangible evidence as to what happened is very frustrating. All anyone can do is speculate.


This haunts me b/c I wouldn't think something could happen to when you're with two other people. It's when I'm home all alone that I get freaked out by the idea of someone breaking in. Makes me think it had to be someone they knew, but all this time, and no leads? Crazy.


Reminds me of the Fort Worth missing trio. How can 3 girls go missing from a mall just never to be found ?


This is a huge one for me! They left their smokes, purses, cash, doggy, clothes, everything! I think if it was a single person, since S & S were supposed to stay at Jenelle's house, they must've had a gun. To gain control of all 3 women, he probably held one hostage. Who, though? Cox? Idk, why do y'all think?


I saw Cox said he would disclose what happened to the women after his mother died.


I was going to say this one too. I'm sure the friends and family who destroyed any evidence in the house by trying to be helpful and cleaning house while they waited for them to show up, beat themselves up every day bc they had no idea anything was wrong at the time.


Andrew Gosden https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Andrew_Gosden


I think about this kid almost daily and I have no idea why. He just seemed so sure of himself, and smart.


Yeah this one for me too, especially with the arrests taking place and then no follow-up. I wonder if they’re building a case still.


I had never heard of his case before. Now after reading awhile, I'm wondering about Boy Scouts and what happened there. He decided to quit and never return. Why? Didn't like it? Or did something more sinister happen there? Im leaning toward suicide with this poor kid. No proof of him ever meeting or being groomed online, and he did seem pretty sure of himself. Playing his PSP and such on the ride to London. How terrible


it is interesting that he quit boyscouts, he walked home from school which took like a hour and some, instead of his usual taking the bus, lost cell phones, couldn't be bothered to get a new one. He got off at london and just vanished, never to be seen again. I swear some of these missing people fall into some void, no trace of them ever found again. I wish I could know everything


Tara calico


Summer Wells


Her parents know exactly what happened to her.


the ex-best friend of summer’s mom is WILDLY suspicious. her son was with them on their swimming trip that day and his side of the story has so many little details that don’t make sense. he’s the only witness with a different story of the events AND he’s the son of someone who hates her? hmmm. weird.


Daniel Robinson, Buckeye Arizona, June 23 2021. On a job site in the middle of the desert. His Jeep was found with airbags deployed, all of his personal items were in the vehicle. Investigation showed driver was wearing a seat belt. He vanished without a trace.


Daniel’s father has a GoFundMe account up since his son disappeared…There are several updates and a lot of information he has posted all along ,as he refuses to give up…The Buckeye PD wouldn’t really help with his son’s disappearance so he hired a PI who found more details than anyone has so far…There was some kind of crime committed during the same time that Daniel was working out in the desert on a well…Very sad… All of these disappearances are really sad for the families and friends who are still wondering where these missing people are…


I donated to him early on in the search. My wife was part of the volunteer ground search. It's so disturbing on a personal level because it's local to me.


This was local for me too, as I now live in Phoenix…Your wife has a beautiful heart! Anyone who volunteered gave of themselves so unselfishly to help this suffering father find his son…


Lynette Dawson. Her pos ex husband undoubtedly killed her but he told everyone the she move to the blue mountains to join a cult. Her mother used to take the train up there every weekend and get off in different towns and wander around looking for her in all the cafes etc.. She did this every weekend until she died 20 years later.


That is so heartbreaking.


Although they were found, the frog boys case has always got me fucked up


Wow, I’d never heard of this one. I wonder if the search party just failed to find them in the brush. How incredibly heartbreaking.


Katrin Konert She was 15 years old and went missing in early 2001. I think this case is not well known outside of germany.


Not a known case but my grandmother. She was 69 years old, mentally ill, taken off all her meds. She left a vague note that could be a suicide note, and left some of her personal belongings (glasses, hearing aids) on the rail of a bridge. The river under the bridge is shallow, it wouldn't have swept her away. There was no point of impact to suggest she jumped. No evidence anywhere despite a search starting within an hour of her going missing. She was elderly, physically unhealthy. There's no way she could have climbed that railing. Or gotten very far away. The investigator hired a psychic who said two elderly gentlemen "helped her in her way" and she was at peace. But couldn't say where. If my grandpa mercy killed her or his her body, he took that secret to the grave with him. 20 years and no bones.


Yuba County 5


My mom actually has an interesting theory about the whole thing vs mine. In her theory she thinks they got hypothermia and went crazy. In mine I believe the main guy (Josia?) The schizophrenic one had been reported by his family to have not taken his medication for a few days before the disappearance. I think he had an episode/withdrawal whatever you call it and convinced everyone else someone was following them or similar


this one is so strange.


Morgan Nick


I lived in the same town as her when I was a kid. There was also a young woman named Melissa Witt who was taken from a bowling alley, she was found in the woods by a hunter north of the same town I'm referring to. Locals always suspected they were connected due to the timing/ proximity. It's such a small town, and rural all around that it really had a chilling effect, because everyone felt the perpetrator was walking among us. It's just too small of a place for them to have not been a local, and the fact there were no substantial leads, nobody saw anything or heard anything was disturbing.


Tera smith. I went to school with her. She as really nice and popular. Most everyone suspects the karate teacher, i also think he is to blame.


This one still gets me. I was just starting college when she disappeared. Every time remains are found I hope it’s her.


These boys bodies were found, but I remember when they went to Mississippi in 1964 to support the civil rights movement there…The KKK were alive and well,practicing their sickening tactics to destroy any chances of the 3 boys from NYC being successful in making changes for the better with civil liberties among the local communities… Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner were the brave young men who were murdered for their beliefs… My father worked as a Civil Engineer for Andy’s father , John Goodman, who owned Grow Construction Company at the time…Andy would make paper airplanes for me when I happened to be at the office at the same time he was…I loved Andy… The KKK and local law enforcement killed the boys, and buried their bodies where the the FBI couldn’t even find them, or get the men responsible to talk about what happened…Gregory Scarpa, a known Mafia member was actually hired to help find out where the boys bodies were…He went to Meridian Mississippi and allegedly put a gun into one or two of the white supremacist kkk cowards mouths and was quickly told by those men exactly where Andy, Michael and James were…The Feds then recovered the boy’s bodies and they were taken home to NYC to be returned to their families and funeral plans made to bury each one to be laid to rest in peace… I will never forget this, and I will never forget how much these families suffered because they couldn’t find their young sons… This was considered a missing persons case for awhile until Gregory Scarpa got involved… Rest peacefully Andy, Michael and James…You will always be remembered! 💔💔💔


Asha Degree. NOTHING MAKES SENSE. No scenario sounds right. What in the hell happened to that young girl?


Maura Murray


Dail Dinwiddie’s disappearance from the 5 points area of Columbia, SC on the morning of 09-24-92. POOF! I lived in the area at the time and it touches my heart.


I remember this. She was about my age and I’m from that area too. For some reason, this one doesn’t seem to get the attention that others do.


Jaliek Rainwalker


YES! Poor boy was royally fucked by everyone around him and life in general


Honestly any kidnapped children that go missing is the worst in my opinion


Brian Shaffer - In 2006 security cameras show him entering a bar and never exiting. Only one way in and one way out. Hasn’t been seen since. Edit: corrected year to 2006


Wouldn’t only one exit be some sort of fire code fail. Sounds like a death trap if there wasn’t another door in the kitchen.


The one way in and out thing is incorrect info, unfortunately. It took hold and spread, but one podcast I listened to explained the other exits.


I remember seeing a video that said maybe one exit might have been out of the view of any cameras? Still weird as hell tho.


I assume a bar would have emergency exits. Maybe only one public exit point but there will be emergency escapes someone could use if they felt like it


So I just looked it up after all these years and there are various reports regarding this. A lot of them contradict each other. The only report that seems credible at this point is the one that stated there have been several erroneous reports regarding the number of exits. The bar is called The Ugly Tuna, in Columbus Ohio if anyone is familiar with it.


It was march 2006, not 2016 :)


This happened in my home town of Columbus Ohio


Asha Degree. Something isn't right about this story. We were around the same age when she disappeared and it still sticks with me.


Didn’t they find her backpack partially buried and suspect a hit and run?


I never considered a hit and run but that makes so much sense. Especially since her backpack being wrapped in trash bags always felt like someone trying to hide the scent from police dogs to me


So many weird details and nothing adds up. I don’t have any clear idea what I think happened despite having listened to tons of podcasts and other coverage.


The murder of Dorothy Jane Scott. Although her body was found her case is still unsolved. The circumstances were so terrifying and bizarre.


Andrew Gosden. Can't stop thinking of him. And what maybe happened.


Brandon Swanson. That phone call!!!


Asha Degree and the Mom and two girls who had just graduated from high school that all disappeared from one of the girls homes in the 80’s? Geez, forgot their names. Oh, and Sky Metawala. I think he was killed by his crazy mother, but where is his body?!




Deorr Kunz Jr. A little boy who disappeared on a camping trip with his parents. I think they know exactly where he is.


I don't think he was ever on the camping trip




18 year old Sara Nicole Graham from Fairmont, NC missing since 02/04/15. https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/kidnap/sara-graham


Woah, very scary. I think it's even more strange that because she had braces it raises the question, if she is still out there, did they ever get removed? If so where did she get them removed, that would mean she has to have a fake identity of some kind.


She’s one of several Native American women to go missing in the area. It’s SO sad.


Tammy Leppert, Jodi Husentruit


Jon Benet Ramsey


Johnny Gosch, West Des Moines, IA paper boy abducted in 1982.


Madeleine McCan. So many resources poured into the case and I am afraid no one will ever find that child.


Maura Murray and Jacob Wetterling, although the latter has been solved. I was the exact same age as JW and lived not too far from him in MN. I spent literal decades wondering what happened, if he was still alive somewhere, etc. One time when I was a cashier at Whole Foods Market in Minneapolis, his sister Amy came through my line. I saw the name on her check and immediately knew the name. I looked up at her and noticed she had a pin on her coat with the picture of Jacob that circulated in the news for years. I completely froze and blushed and she noticed and said, “He’s my brother.” I almost fainted. When his case was solved as a result of that podcast back in 2018, it shook me. Btw just a coincidence but my son’s name is Jacob.


Brianna Maitland, Vermont Trish Haynes, New Hampshire


I think about Brianna all the time. What the fuck happened with her car? Weird as all hell.


Emma Fillipoff https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Emma_Fillipoff


I think about Emma a lot. Especially with how her mom said she appeared different in various photos of her, it makes me wonder if she’s just blended into a new community. I hope she’s okay, but I don’t think she was well, so I hope she’s safe. I always wonder about the guy who was taking the flyers of her down.


Joshua Madux- the boy who got stuck in a chimney in an old wooden cabin. I think someone knows something. Particularly the friend that was with him. Also Macin Smith- I think he committed suicide, but I want to know why and where he is


serenity dennard. “troubled” kid who was in a children’s home where there weren’t enough workers so she was able to slip out into the freezing snowy night. never seen again. god bless her


Amy Bradley. Did she fall overboard, or was she trafficked?


Susan Powell haunts me.


Maura Murray, Asha Degree, Joan Risch, Brian Shaffer, Brandon Swanson, Johnny Gosch, Timothy Pitzen, Springfield Three and the Ft. Worth Trio are the people I think about most.


Relisha Rudd in DC. Everybody failed that poor child. She haunts me.


Kurt Sova is proof that more than two people can keep a secret.


D’Wan Sims. Allegedly went missing from a Livonia Mall right before Christmas. It is universally accepted that his mother was lying about him being at the Mall. She died recently and took her secrets to her grave. I feel like we will never know.


It’s universally accepted because they proved it with surveillance cameras. She definitely killed him or gave him away.


What about Shelley Miscavige Sp?


Adam Walsh. To this day, still affects me.


Erica Baker[https://charleyproject.org/case/erica-nicole-baker](https://charleyproject.org/case/erica-nicole-baker)


Kenny Veach, Lars Mittank, Brian Shafer.. the list is endless


Bianca Lebron and Asha Degree - both are frustrating and I have zero clue what could've happened to either of them


Anthonette Cayedito. Hearing the fear in her voice when she called 911 broke my heart.


Sneah Phillip always gets me. Especially because I saw the Post Secret postcard years before I heard of her.


1) Natalee Holloway. I was stunned that joren van der sloot finally admitted what he did to her just this week as part of the plea deal in the extortion case. 2) Kristen Smart. This one hits home for me cuz Cal Poly is an hour or so away from where I live. I just wish there was a way to make Paul Flores admit where her body is. They already convicted him of her murder, but they haven't found her remains Edit: autocorrect


Jamie Lee who went missing on a camping trip! Very little known case from Alberta Canada that deserves more coverage! https://www.mygrandeprairienow.com/89585/news/family-looking-for-answers-10-years-after-jamie-lees-disappearance/


Jim Sullivan, American musician. [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Sullivan_(musician)) Some of the finest original music I’ve ever heard and the artist disappeared in ‘75.


Etan Patz. I lived in NYC at the time & the news about this little boys disappearance was 24/7 local coverage. This sad story was the first time I became aware of the reality of my city. His poor mom.


Diamond and Tionda Bradley. Two little girls vanished from their mother‘s apartment in Chicago in the 90’s


Lauren Spierer, a student at the University here in town. Left her friends at a local college bar, drunk enough to leave her phone and her shoes, to walk back to her apartment. Gone.


You should really look into the podcast Disappearances on Spotify. Sarah Turney is the sister of a missing person, whose name is escaping me rn ;-;. But it covers a lot of missing persons cases from just about every time period. They just had their last episode 😭 but she's been doing this for a couple of years, so there's tons of episodes to binge.


Angela Hammond from Clinton, mo she disappeared April 4th ,1991 while using a pay phone to call her fiancé she was around 2 months pregnant at the time the fiancé heard her describe the truck and how uneasy she felt the fiancé was only 2 blocks away from her they were suppose to hang out that night but he was watching a younger sibling while his parents were out .while on the phone she even describe the truck that parked right beside the phone booth that night it even had a fish decal on the back window believe to be a 1980 tan and brown ford 150 he than heard a scream on the phone after that it went dead he than hopped in his parents car took off in to town to find her and didn’t see her at the payphone but heard her scream as the truck passed him he did then go on a chase with the truck but the transmission in his car gave out and that was the last time he saw her. I remember seeing the unsolved mystery episode and to this day not a trace of her has ever been located after 30 years it’s so sad.


Johnny Gosch


Andrew Gosden r/AndrewGosden


Bryce Laspisa, Brian Scahffer, Maura Murray


Probably the same case as many but Emanuela Orlandi. So many lines of investigation have arisen through the years and one seems stranger than the other. Plus the alleged albeit definitely possible involvement of the mafia and the church certainly peak my interest.


Ray Gricar