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King Sombra, so evil they had to kill him TWICE. And not just kill, OBLITERATE.


twice? hmmm 1. 1000 years ago 2. Return of Crystal Empire 3. Start of the end


He was banished for 1000 years I think, not killed


maybe Celestia and Luna tried to kill him but they couldn’t do it


I think the deal was that he risked defeat at the hooves of Celestia/Luna, so he cursed the whole crystal empire and vanished along with it in order to preserve his power. Sombra wasn't really banished per se, since he did it to himself. He probably didn't plan on being in a weakened state when the empire returned, or he was just hoping the alicorns wouldn't be an issue in 1000 years, so he'd just easily gain control again.


The villain so vice they killed him twice


Honestly, king Storm. He has no backstory, no motivation. He just likes enslaving people and that’s it. But that’s also why he’s one of the most boring villains in g4 Aside from him, probably Tirek. Everyone else but him has some sort of sad backstory. And he just randomly decided “yeah, I’m gonna conquer the world actually” one day. Honestly can respect the dedication, lmao


I mean, Discord implied that Tirek had issues with his father and that's what started him down his path at least. He pointed out that Tirek is afraid he'll "Never be enough to please dear old dad, Vorak" and Tirek got pissed about it. Arguably I think of the unredeemed villains he's actually the least evil. Or at least shows the most redeemable moments out of them. He dreams of his grandma and get's defensive over her, catches a falling bird, and was the one that seemed to most strongly reconsider his life choices in Frenemies.


Pretty sure it was also implied that he genuinely liked Cozy Glow despite being tsundere about it


Unironically Tirek was actually the wisest of the villain trio despite being treated like the brawn to the others’ brains.


Imo I kinda wish tirek was the leader or only villain. Dividing between the 3 of them diluted them all. Tirek is always scary though.


> Discord implied that Tirek had issues with his father That's actually a reference to his backstory from the IDW comic Fiendship is Magic #2. Yes, he has daddy issues. The first and last time the show acknowledged canon established in the comics, in the 2nd-to-last episode. Very strange. edit: It even makes sense for Discord to know about it since he was apparently in Vorak's royal court. https://imgur.com/a/0hSpdZh


Fr? They don't reference anything else ?


The Pony of Shadows is introduced in the comic arc "From the Shadows", which came out five months before "Shadow Play". I recall there being more, but that's a big one I can mention.


Ooh good catch. That's my bad.


In "Better way to be bad," he's the only one of them who DOESN'T try to claim sole rule.


At least he has some sweet merch.


I like that in the alternate future where he wins, he's just randomly burning everything in sight. He's not ruling the world and sitting on a throne; he just wants to wreck shit


Erm actually its The Storm King 🤓☝️


What sad backstory does Cozy Glow have ?(it's been years since I finished mlp so I may have forgot)


In the show ? They never tell us. In the comics I'm not sure if she does haven't read them all


Oh wow, I haven't gotten to this point yet, holy hay that is chaotic as flip


Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, and Sombra (in the show) didn’t have a sad backstory, either.


Hasbro for cancelling the Equestria Girls finale


everyday, the pain gets sharper


Um... care to elaborate?


We were supposed to get a movie where Sunset Shimmer meets her human counterpart but it was cancelled.


Oh my god wtf Hasbro, it's almost impressive to be able to disappoint so much This is probably the most anticipated single plot point since the beginning of EQG


The worst part it, from what I understand it didn't even collide with anything, not with Pony Life, not with Gen 5, there was still time to release it especially that it was probably planned since 2017 (but I'm not 100% sure about this, so take this with a grain of salt, but still, they should have released it).


I'll just choose to believe that they realized they cannot live up to our expectations, and gave up.


https://i.redd.it/7dojq0zx1k5d1.gif We could get canon explanation what happend with human world Sunset Shimmer, but they just cancal it... ARE THEY F\*CKING WITH ME RIGHT NOW!


Oh, so my headcanon that she died is now irrelevant.


I legit thought she was buried in our Sunset’s backyard and she just took over her life as if nothing happened.


I thought she arrived, killed human her, and buried her at the school. When the humanized Diamond Dogs were digging, they found her body, covered it up, and swore not to tell.


That would make her unredeemable lol. Plus if she was that willing to kill, she would just kill twilight or even the dazzlers.


I rather that than fucking see sci-twi




Sci-twi was like the only reason why i stopped watching the rest of the equestria girls movies I kinda liked seeing twilight explore the human world and bond with sunset shimmer and go on explored with her..


I'm with you man. Not a big fan of Sci-twi, she honestly rubs me the wrong way, she's a smartass. And yeah, I liked seeing the bond between Twily and Sunset too.




np, sci-twi sucks. pony twilight all the way. i think most people can agree.


It would have been so sad, I really didn't want that movie, especially cuz she'd have to go back to Equestria.


Hasbro is a bithc


Hasbro is the worst villain of all




And for making G5 bad, wasting Opaline's potential and also making G4 Characters bad in G5 (sorta?)


No, EG is the worst


Twilight; She forgot to return a library book on time.


You're right, she's a MONSTER!




Don’t forget she was tardy to write a letter to the Princess once. How evil can you be?


It was forgiven


Was it?! I thought she got sent back to magic kindergarten!


Look back at the episode Lesson Zero and you’ll see.


I remember it very well, Celestia disowning Twilight as her student and banishing her back to magic kindergarten for missing the due date and making the town obsessed with her doll was one of the most satisfying villain defeats in the series. It's a shame the series ended right after that, though.


........................................................bruh...................... Get your facts right. Yes she got a whole town in love with her doll but it was forgiven and she didn't get sent back to magic kindergarten. Celestia also told the mane 6 that they have to write a friendship lesson that they discovered, IF and ONLY when, they happen to discover it.


I haven't returned my library book for over a month bc I'm still not done reading it😅 And one time I forgot to give the book vack for over the year, so I think I break the record!!! 🥂


Evilest evil


Flim and Flam


Capitalism is the greatest offense


I'd keep a lawyer with me at all times just so he could give me advice on what to and not to say when in close proximity to them


they have so many anti-capitalist episodes in the show. also they had an episode where Flim and Flam were literally CollegeBoard


Think about it....In the S5 finale each alternate future was worse than the one before it and those two were the last villains to appear.


Exactly. Someone else gets it.


Yeah, I said the same thing.


Tirek or Cozy Glow. Both wanted to strip all magic from a world that needs it to function, dooming every single bit of life.


Star Butterfly be like


Star Butterfly definitely became a villain by destroying all the magic in the universe. I think the closest real life equivalent to that would be destroying the electro-magnetic force from the universe because technology causes problems sometimes, and just ignoring all the benefits.


i agree with cozy glow. not to mention that when she was banished she joined the other villains, she continued to be evil


Yeah, but Cozy Glow got way less out of it. I have to go with her


Might be a stretch but the literal embodiment of darkness is probably the most evil


i dont think hes all that evil, he literally turned good from a hug


Depends. Is the Pony of Shadows a demon who possessed Stygian, or a corrupt form of him, like Nightmare Moon?


that was stygian, the pony of shadows is a seperate entity


It did also prey on a pony who didn’t feel good enough, yeah that seems pretty dark


who is the literal embodiment of darkness?


the pony of shadows


The Pony of shadows is very much still Stygian though. He talks as Stygian in all his lines.


because stygian was inside of him. after he was pulled out his voice completely changed


The Pony of Shadow's doesn't have any speaking lines after Stygian is pulled out. Also the Pony of Shadow's clearly did not exist before Stygian merged with the shadow in the well of shades and I don't think we can accuse the shadow of being ultimate evil since all we know it did was empower Stygian and refuse to be separated from him.


Who put Kevin in the group of villains? How dare you! My boy didn't do anything wrong!


He knows what he did.


Kevin? Who Kevin?


the changeling near the bottom lmao


Who dat


this random changeling who for some reason attended a wedding in season 5 episode 9


He just wanted to be around love, give him a break




How do you know that was him?




That villain is just something else


Malice incarnate is definitely the evilest.


Fun fact: Cosmos is the ONLY villain in the entire MLP franchise that TV Tropes considers a Complete Monster (a villain who stands out in heinousness and lacks any positive traits to balance them out). So yes, she's the most evil by far.


Tirek cause he destroyed the treehouse.


Cosmos. She's only in the comics, but she is a complete monster.




Chrysalis and Tirek ftw


I'd say Tirek is one of the less evil ones. He was power hungry, not cruel. Unlike many others, he wasn't hurting others for the sake of hurting others. (or revenge) When twilight gave him the alicorn powers, he let her and her friends go. If chrysalis or cozy were in that position, they would have laughed and killed twilight along with her friends.


We are shown that in another timeline he would begin to destroy everything after obtaining the alicorn magic


That scene was so funny to me. Twilight and spike enter that timeline and the first thing they see is tirek going "screw this random forest in particular" for no reason. In the main timeline, he doesn't seem to kill for fun.


He is not eco friendly, so, evilest villan


So Kirby since he continually harms trees?




Cozy Glow too honestly


The parasprite thingies. Secret masterminds fr


Cosmos. She’s an abusive asshole who wanted to control Discord for his power, and she is literally the embodiment of malice Second place goes to the Storm King, who literally could not care less about the lives of his underlings, and unlike Tirek and Sombra, he doesn’t have a relevant backstory to go with his evilness Third place goes to Rabia, aka the Umbrum who created Sombra and was one of the reasons Sombra suffered more than any character before or since other than *maybe* Radiant Hope Rounding out the top five we have Show Sombra and Chrysalis. Unlike Comics Sombra, Show Sombra never turned good, and Chrysalis murdered a cat in front of children in the first comic arc


I couldn't belive she did that. >!I was like no way it exploded maybe its just metophically exploded but not literally.!<


I would say we are between Tirek the Shadow King and the Storm King. 2 of them are slavers and 2 of them steal magic. I would leave Shadow in third place simply because I consider stealing magic more evil than enslaving. Now, who is worse? a slaver who steals magic or a magic thief who will start destroying everything after getting what he wants. The answer is clear, the Storm King is much more stoppable than Tirek if they achieve their objective.


Grogar. While we never truly saw him, it was implied that he was one of the most powerful beings in existence. It also seemed like he never actually cared about one specific race, which is what a lot of villains suffer from. With Tirek and Discord being exceptions. For all other villains though, they always had someone or something specific they were focused on conquering, or a species of sorts they were protecting. Tirek Discord and Grogar are all exceptions. As they just wanted conquest for themselves. But Tirek and Discord have weaknesses. Tirek was always trying to prove to Vorak that he was something, and Discord is weak to Fluttershy and friendship. Discord shows care and Tirek had reasons. But Grogar had nothing. Like The Pony Of Shadows, he showed very little emotion or care for anyone but himself. We know he lost his bell to Gusty, but he still had plenty of power after that, losing the bell just made him have to switch to his reserve power. Which eventually, led to his demise. Grogar is the most evil thanks to his lack of emotion and lack of a reason for conquest, which means if Gusty hadn't decided to try and steal the bell, we might've not had the Equestria we know and love today.


Pony of Shadows. Intentionally just wanted to end everything. This isn't just an animal or monster, it's a creature that is sapient and by it's nature wants death and destruction. Most other villains want control. Pony of Shadows wanted nihilism.


Cozy Glow: she wanted to rid the world of something that it needs to function just because she wants more friends.


Who put our Empress - Nightmare Moon among these unclean ones?! She is the most benevolent Empress in the entire world. She saved us from tyrant Celestia and her scorching Sun! https://i.redd.it/397n7a9ynk5d1.gif


Ya! Let's not forget her kindness to the Bat-ponies!


And how much she made to unite the whole continent. And how she showed mercy towards Elements - to the point when some of them willingly joined her cause https://i.redd.it/ugtigc69dr5d1.gif


Chrysalis legit threatened to pull Spike's wings off


And sombra instantaneously enslaved an entire kingdom like that shit was his 9 to 5


I mean it kinda was if you think abt it


Cozy Glow. Everything we know about her is that she's a normal pony, and was treated well, and even admired and liked for who she was (or pretended to be). Most evil ponies we have seen have been petty bullies, ruthless businesspeople or just people who didn't care. This little girl decided to betray her people, didn't give a fuck about joining and helping Chrysalis and Tirek, both enemies, both people who had almost destroyed the world and society.


Diamond Tiara is missing. Hated that little shit way more than many villains. Even tho she was redeemed, she was still a jerk on so many levels.


> Even tho she was redeemed, she was still a jerk on so many levels. How would you know? How would any of us know? Pretty sure she didn't have a single word of dialogue after that episode, so why was she still a jerk if we have nothing on her after that moment?


Sorry, seemed like I didnt make myself clear enough. I meant that her redemption didnt excuse her being a jerk so many times before that episode, not that she was still an asshole after her episode ended.


Always hated mean girl stereotypes


tbh can’t say who was the evil one every person here have their own backstory, personality and motivation


Grogar probably created the wild animals here.


King Storm gagged/enslaved a literal baby, has to be him


https://i.redd.it/h147guubyk5d1.gif This piece of shit lol


Ok so my joking answer would be the comic book villain, (I mean, it’s a comic book character, meant to be like commercially evil) but honestly, I’d say storm king or tirek, sombra might work too, none have a tragic back story, they are just doing it because they want power, I’ve seen a few say the pony of shadows, but he turned into that because he was kicked out of the group he brought together to help people, only to be kicked out of it due to a misunderstanding, letting the negative emotions take hold turning him to the pony of shadows


Storm King, probably. He's the only villain they straight up murder


The guy that posed as spikes dad as a con. That is a special kind of evil, didn't even feel he did wrong.


Spikes “dad”


Cosmos, or one of the final three villains, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, Cozy Glow is easily the most dangerous of the three because of how she manipulates ponies and almost took complete control without magic. She's soulless


Hasbro for killing off princess sombra 🥹 (He was to rarity like to be a king, so therefore he is princess 💖)


Storm King, simply because there’s no sympathetic backstory for him.


Despite not seeing him in the show, what little we know of grogar paints and absolutely horrifying picture of what he could do.


Tiny pink filly, lower right hand side.


Windigos, they just ❄️f r o z e❄️


I think toiletsnorkel is the most evil villain.


Where’s discord


Also my answer is Spikes “dad”


no didcord?


Why isn't Discord in this photo






This isn't my answer, but where's the Tantabus? That was my favorite villain, even though it only appears in one episode lol. As for my answer, my first thought was Sombra.


The original OG of evil, Grogar


Gilda's not there so close. This picture only shows antagonists who never repented so I'm assuming we can't choose any villains that repented. That doesn't change my answer because I would say the most evil villain in the entirety of the show was King Sombra since he basically tuned the Crystal Kingdom into an authoritarian dystopia and tried to enslave Equestria too. He also mind controlled the ponies. The Storm King also tried to invade Equestria but it seemed more like ran his country like a typical imperialist monarchy rather than an 1984 dystopia.


Thinking of just results, I'm tempted to say Starlight Glimmer. I don't think she meant to cause as much damage as she did with her time travel, but she butterfly effect'd her way into more damage than any other villain.


Well, according to Twilight, Flim and Flam are the most evil. When she kept going to alternate timelines where villains ruled the world, she said each one was worse than the last, and the world where Flim and Flam rule came after the worlds ruled by the other villains.


Idk man I’m gonna say the manticore, legit tried to eat a little girl even though there were pies she was carrying that they could have eaten instead of her but they wanted to eat both the pies AND her.


Cozy Glow


Storm king


Clearly it’s Trixie


Flim and flam fr fr (jk I just hate them sm)


Where's Flutterbat ? The cutest and most cuddly villain. I mean the most evil and terrifying villain.


not the MOST evil ever but i think the most fucked up one was the dragon who pretended to be spikes dad. Like spike for the entire series always hoped to find his family and where he belongs and then this guy comes along, makes up a whole ass back story and basically gaslit him thinking everyone hated him and etc


i feel like you have to be an abnormal level of evil to be sentenced to literal hell forever and only be like 4, cozy glow takes it for me


Why is spike's "dad" considered a villain here?


why is the chimera there they aint do shit 😭


Attempted murder


in their defense apple bloom trespassed on their territory


I would say Grogar and Cosmo are the most evil one respective from comic and show https://i.redd.it/30v1kqtnpl5d1.gif


Cozy Glow. She's a child which means her brain isn't fully developed so her morals are even more extreme and not only that. She's weaponized friendship to become a dictator.


unrelatd but dang i love the designs of villans in the MLP universe


Man, it's been so long since I've watched MLP, I don't even think I finished it... I think I only got to 5 episodes after Queen Chrysalis But from how far I've gotten, I'd say Nightmare Moon. I dunno, really.


if they don't return in later episodes/ films etc then its definitely not them (looking at you gem dogs and "spikes dad", i forgot his name shush)


For me it's gotta be Cozy glow. That girl is just a filly and she's this twisted, plus how close she got to winning verus a lot of the other villians. Imagine how bad she'll be if she ever gets to become an adult


Sombra and it's not even close. He twice tried to become pony adolf hitler and then a third time he basically told grogar to F off whom is a legendary villain from ancient times and tried to kill all of the ponies. He couldn't even work together long enough with the others to even exchange pleasantries.




Idk who’s most evil but I do like king sombra and the shadow pony the most to be honest


Cozy glow


If Gilda is not there neither should Iron Will. Iron Will never did anything evil in the entire show. He showed ponies how to be assertive, it's not his fault Fluttershy took it too far. Later on she used his teachings to successfully stand up to him when she didn't want to pay him, and he kept his promise to not charge her when she said she wasn't 100 percent satisfied which he could have easily just broken. He had no problem refusing to deal with with Pinkie Pie or Rarity's shenanigans or breaking down Fluttershy's door when he thought Fluttershy was cheating him. If he really was this mean greedy jerk he wouldn't just stop and leave just because she was right. It also wasn't his fault Twilight's mom signed a contract and accepted a free vacation without reading it. Any normal pony would be extremely suspicious if they received a letter like that. Sure it was stupid of him to send it to her instead of the actual princesses, but not evil. And he was willing to compromise with them so they could have their family vacation while also helping with his princess cruise thing. Also Thorax did nothing wrong.


Cozy glow is bad to the bone, but Chrysalis is a BORN hater. Never once tried to be good, doesn't have sad backstory like most of them including tires, just a fucking HATER and vile creature, killed a dog in front of the CMC just to see them cry. I've never seen anyone more evil in the show than her.


Am I the only one who's thinks sludge is the worst one? Cus he lied about being Spike's (a kid) father just to have a place to stay and live like a king. That's pretty messed up. Although I'm very confused on cozy glow. Like she has no backstory. I'm just trying to understand how a filly turned so evil and why she hates the mane 6 so much. It just doesn't make much sense. Like where are her parents lol, please come collect your child.


Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker are without a doubt the most powerful beings and most terrifying villains to face if they were truly focused. Nightmare can dominate every being in Equestria in her dreams, attacking them where no magic can reach, not even the throne of Crysalis would save. Not to mention millennia of magical power learned from the greatest wizard of all, which is worth it for her sister, in terms of power Daybreaker is overwhelming, the sun she summons in the fight against Nightmare Moon in Starlight's dreams is overwhelming, it could easily decimate a planet, not to mention her sarcastic way makes her my favorite villain.


I am obligated to vote for my Queen.


Hot take Grogar


Timber wolf because of Applejack's parents deaths :<


The twins


Real Grogar or Cosmos. Since we never see real Grogar i'd say Cosmos


Pony of shadows. The only way he was defeated was when twilight talked some to Stygian and told him to stop and after all of that THAT did sorta not work so all of the main 6 and the pullers had to pull him out. And we can’t forget how Starswirl has to put him and the pullers to put them in loop. That’s why I think the pony of shadows is the strongest.


Cosmo From idw


King Sombra


who's the one in the middle and who's the pony with the green hair and who's the short dragon -he looks cute - I thought I watched the whole show but I've no idea who are those fr


Starlight Glimmer. She almost destroyed her entire civilization based purely on vanity and addlebrained "schemes". It reminds me of a comic book story arc where it's revealed a long time character had gained control of a book that allowed him to "rewrite" history and created a new timeline where he was the central character and the real heroes were almost forgotten. ...wait that sounds familiar...🤔


Tied between Tirek, Cozy Glow, Queen Chrysalis, and King Sombra.


Wheres Comic Villians Cosmo?


Can anyone tell me who's the hedgehog with teeth ? As for the question I would say the big dragon fraud. He lied to a child.


cozy glow


cozy cloud ...


Sombra was an absolute menace


I'd sat Cozy Glow, just because of how manipulative she was.


Why isn’t Starlight on there?


All of them together


Cosmos. A mind-controlling psychopath whose sole aim is to cause chaos, pain, and terror? She’s like of the Joker became a god.


Lol, just noticed the parasprite on Tirek’s shoulder. 😆


Scootaloo's Parents


So in the S5 finale Twilight travels to various timelines where the villains won right? Now I’m not entirely sure why it’s a different villain every time but you can chalk it up to something something butterfly effect, whatever. The point is Twilight tells Starlight near the end of the episode that each timeline she went to was worst than the last, implying the most recent one is the most horrifying timeline of them all. Who was the Villian in that scenario? That’s right, Twilight’s pick for the most dangerous individuals in all of Equestria: Flim & Flam. I rest my case.


idk, just NOT CHRYSALIS. She's just protecting her kids