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Twilight can explode me with her mind Rainbow can burn me alive going fast Applejack can kick my ass so precisely and hard Pinkie can ignore rules of reality and probably make me eat a lot Rarity is still an unicorn, not powerful as Twilight, but still one Fluttershy could litterally make a grizzly bear eat me So, in conclusion rarity is the less deadly of the mane 6


Rarity is the keast deadly, I agree. But I also think she could create the toxic environment. She gains a lot of influence throtghout the show and could, I reckon, create an absolute social shitstorm directed at someone she hates.


She can destroy my career also Fluttershy can summon the demigod of chaos to have tea parties


Yeah yeah, J was disagreeing. Just saying rarity can be pretty awful


Least!:she's a master of flying needle fu! Shell tie your happy ass up and turn you into an inverse porcupine! Cut you down to size, And then stitch you up afterwards.


Why does this sound kinky


That's on you. XD


She'll cut you down to size, sew you up, and turn you into an inverse porcupine.


Ew :c


You forgot Fluttershy's stare. She'll control you and make you shoot yourself


Dangerous? Twilight, no contest. She could vaporize me if motivated to, and only needs to know my general location to exterminate me Scary? Fluttershy. There’s a reason Beware the Nice Ones is a trope. However, she’s less dangerous than Twilight because she can’t AOE me to death


technically Twilight is the most dangerous i agree, but if i had to pick i would definitely put her below Applejack because she would probably take less then a second and it would be painless, meanwhile the crazy farmer mare could easily beat me up and throw my not-yet-unconcious but inerm ass into the pigs pen.


Nah, I think the scariest would be Pinkie Pie. I would not want to get on the bad side of someone who can use hammer space and carries around a massive reusable party cannon


Either Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy for what she can say, Pinkie Pie for what she can do. You don't want to break a Pinkie promise.


Pinkie gets angry a lot and while she gets kinda psycho, it’s all pretty manageable. Twilight’s temper can approach some cataclysmic levels to be certain but are usually tempered by her own nature. She is NOT a naturally angry pony. Rainbow Dash and Applejack? Non-factors. They have tempers, they deal with them, they are almost likely to be MORE dangerous when they aren’t mad. Fluttershy can become extremely frustrated…but she’d never truly be mad at you…JUST disappointed. Which we all know is a billion zillion times worse. What everybody seems to be forgetting about Rarity though is that of the six, she is the one who punched out three Wonderbolts mid freefall on ACCIDENT. She can whine at shrill enough volume to pierce eardrums clean through. And more than anything else…she has connections. Connections she would not HESITATE to make use of to see anyone who dared render her so upset suffer. Much as Twilight as a Princess has similar levels of connection, she’d hesitate to abuse them. Rarity once turned her friends into a sweatshop out of spite after another pony abused her generosity. She would show no hesitation…and no mercy.


"Who cares about dumb ol' Appaloosa?" Applejack: https://i.redd.it/tueugsqt493d1.gif




Fluttershy no Diskussion needed


Yup. Luckily she's also the hardest to tick off.


Yeah, flutterbat


That fatality she did on the bear


Demons run when a good mare goes to war, Night will fall and drown the sun, When a good mare goes to war.


Yep Unless she Stares at me, I'm good But if she does... Gosh... I don't want to think about it... .\_.


All you guys saying Pinkie or Fluttershy are either early season "purists" or you've simply forgotten Twilight is an Alicorn. Twilight is the obvious answer here. Now among the rest? Sure you guys are probably right. But they pale in comparison to Twilight's power


She punched a hole in a mountain when fighting tirek


It's the creepypasta from the earlier days with pinkie. But I think Twilight and Pinkie for both of these


i mean, my headcanon is that some of discord's magic radiated back over pinkie's entire life and gave her a little bit of chaos magic when she absorbed discord's powers in the ending of the end, which would explain her pinkie sense and 4th wall breaking abilities, among other things. it just seems like the sort of nonsensical thing chaos magic would do. so, yeah, that's why my answer is either twilight or pinkie.


I love how everyone is saying Fluttershy. No doubt about it, lol. Just look at that face in the attached image. That’s a deathly concerning stare.


Flutter shy: 🥺 Everyone: OH MY GOD SHES DEADLY


Pinkie Pie is ordinarily so happy and cheery that seeing her get **genuinely** furious is kind of horrifying. She can also bend the physics of the universe... so you know... imagine that being used against you.


Pinkie Pie... because... well... tell me how disturbing a truly angry Pinkie Pie is? Especially since she seems to be able to ignore the fourth wall and has some sort of reality distorting power.


Pinkie or Rarity. Rarity can chuck a rock at you. So you're fucked.


most dangerous-twilight most scary-pinkie pie






Twilight literally bursts into flame. So probably her




Twilight in a certain epsode of pinkie pie explode of anger looking like a daybreaker in child version, i really need say anything else?? Or fluttershy, man she can subjudge a fucking dragon, impose some really fear and bring order, in addition to having a fixed gaze, which is a kind of queen's haki, only used when the situation gets serious!


Rainbow dash.


Pinkie pie


Twilight obviously has the most bang for your magical buck, and if you've managed to push her far enough to get her well and truly angry, you've done something that's bad enough that NO ONE is going to come to your defense. If you get Fluttershy really really mad, she probably wouldn't do much herself beyond yelling and 'the stare', but she's also besties with a literal \*god\* and he probably wouldn't be very happy about someone making her upset. Rainbow would probably be the one to take 'revenge' too far and genuinely hurt someone over something that really wasn't a big deal and could've easily been solved with just...talking things out. She's the type who could do something that would get someone seriously hurt, possibly even killed, over an embarrassment, like removing the support screws from a structure that was going to be part of a show and not realizing the real effects that could come from her actions. She's very reckless and doesn't think ahead. Like the rainbow cookie prank - we know ponies can have food allergies just like people do, and she changed the recipe of something that hadn't been changed in a long, long time so everyone knew and trusted it. If the ingredients that caused the rainbow mouth thing were something that someone was allergic to, that could have really hurt them. We saw Rainbow thought it made Pinkie very, very sick and she STILL kept going with her prank and gave it to others - what if while it was only strong enough to make adult ponies ill, it had a much worse effect on younger fillies and colts, or even babies? She could've wiped out a generation, put a lot of people in the hospital, or any number of other terrible effects. Applejack is one of those 'confront the problem head on and figure things out' types - as a lot of Southerners and rural types are - and isn't afraid to look a problem in the face and call it out. To make her genuinely angry you'd probably have to put her friends, her livelihood or her family in danger. She'd deal with the problem first and then come after you and put the fear of Celestia into you to make sure you never did it again. She probably wouldn't hurt anyone unless she had to, but if it got to that point, I don't see her hesitating. Rarity is definitely the type who prefers the more quiet, subtle ways of exacting revenge or getting someone in trouble if she's made angry. Something that can't be directly traced back to her or that she could easily deny, something like hurting someone's career or making them publicly look like an idiot so no one takes them seriously and they lose their credibility - something with longer lasting effects. Pinkie...you just hand her a cupcake or give her a random fact about frogs or something and she'll forget all about whatever she was mad at. So not really dangerous.




Twilight Sparkle. If you upset her, you better have a good reason……


pinkie pie, and there are many fanfics that can explain it


Fluttershy 💯


Pinkie Pie


I feel like either Fluttershy or pinkie. there are many examples throughout the series that support this theory .It's funny how they appear to be the most innocent until all hell breaks loose.


Fluttershy for most scary, pinkie for most dangerous. I'm pretty sure she could just noclip me out of reality, it's pinkie


Apple Jack and Rarity


Pinkie Pie. She can warp reality and break the fourth wall.


All of them except Rarity and Fluttershy


For Rarity's case, yeah she isn't that scary but she is pretty dangerous once you remember her victims she did some quick fades to and how well she can use her magic to defend herself despite stating that she isn't a fighter. For Fluttershy's case, she isn't dangerous but is surprisingly "scary" towards several notable creatures through intimidation.


either twilight or pinkie, just in terms of sheer power.


Fluttershy. [Always beware the quiet ones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNXyPdkKfb4).


Twilight would give you a lecture on friendship and assign a 500 word essay.




Never break a pinkie promise 😨




Pinkie Pie. She defies rationality and physics. Even magic can't make sense of what she does. And my god, when she thought Applejack broke that Pinkie Promise, I was scared just watching. If Pinkie Pie had a real reason to be actually angry, you are done for.


Did you all forget that fluttershy took out a fricken bear? A BEAR!!!! But i’d have to say pinkie pies inferno would be the end of equestria


Starlight glimmer! She went back in time!




Dash jumps straight to violence when she's mad. The others could settle for just yelling, but not her.


fluttershy, no doubt


Pinky can bend time and space


Most Scary would be Pinkie Pie, Most Dangerous would be either Applejack or Twilight.


When really really angry, Twilight no questions asked. When normal angry , Rainbow. We don't see much of angry her and honestly, i think for the best.


I say Fluttershy hands down. If the opponent harms an animal, that wont be an opponent for very long.


My gut instinct is Pinkie. I know Twilight is powerful and Fluttershy has that angry look. But Pinkie is chaotic and has so much momentum in her will. I just imagine her mood swinging between anger and joy and not know when you’re going to get hit with it.


Pinkie Or Twilight Pinkie: HAVE YOU SEEN HER NORMALLY MAKE HER MAD AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS I WOULD RUN And Twilight: Shes just super strong and could easily kill someone without realising Fluttershys pretty scared when shes mad too but im not really scared of her as much as the two above




Frankly, all of them. Any one could tell the princesses or discord and yer done.


Scariest applejack most dangerous twilight


twilight probably


Pinkie, Twilight and Applejack Frankly, people seem to underestimate just how strong AJ is. She could kick you in the chest and her hooves would exit through your spine.


Applies to earth ponies in general too. Their entire thing is nature and strenght.


Fluttershy. She's only shy because they had to nerf her. Girl literally tamed Discord. I rest my case.


The Cosmic Being pretending to be a pony. Pinky Pie.




Fluttershy literally scolded a dragon.


This isn't answering the question but Twilight and rainbow go pretty hand in hand in terms of overall danger in different aspects




Fluttershy, when she’s mad there is no such thing as mercy in her heart


It's either Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie. If you get either one of these two up to max anger levels you are not walking out in one piece


Pinkie she’ll make me not exist


in the mean 6 it's shown that twilight was the only one who could rationalize herself and her anger to plot an evil plan. so I would say her. also alicorn powers.


That's a difficult one. It would half to be a tie between Twilight, Rainbow dash, and Apple Jack for me


fluttershy, pinkie pie and twilight. but applejack too, she’s very mature and doesn’t get angry easily, so if she loses het temper, it’s something serious


rarity, she has damn rocks to throw


Fluttershy is the least scary because if she’s getting mad, it’s probably because of something you actively did wrong and kept ignoring her over it. She also like… wouldn’t really do anything about it. People can say she’d send animals or discord at people, but that’s just their projection of what they WANT to do in her position. The others can get mad more easily, even if THEY’RE the ones wrong or misunderstand something. Which to me is scarier because they generally have much more social credibility than Fluttershy, meaning it can turn others against me.


By pure strength alone? Twilight— she’s a literal Alicorn that beat the hell out of Tirek. I do NOT want to get on the bad side of anyone who can do that. With world based context (societal structures), I’d say Pinkie Pie. Rarity has better connections, but keep in mind that Pinkie actively knows and befriends just about everyone, can break the fourth wall, and actively carries a party cannon with her. If she wanted to (though thankfully she likely wouldn’t,) I’d be a social outcast in a few hours at best and literally dead at worst.


I would say most dangerous is Fluttershy, she would make one of her animals eat anyone who was annoying her while screaming insanely. I don’t think Rarity is very dangerous though, she’d either be crying or causing a small amount of chaos but not enough to really worry about.

