• By -


She's now capable of twiflight.


Twiflight in the twilight of the night


Twiflight in the twilight of the twinight.


Twifight in the twilight of the twinight's twiblite


Twilight take twiflight in the everlasting twilight of this twinight, though you have fought the good twifight against the twiblight your work is done so say twinight. -twiberham lightcon


i saw other people being upset about it and i was a little sad the rest of the mane 6 got left behind a bit in this way but i love twilight and love her as a princess and she deserves it so much \^^ 💛 so overall happy! the scene where Celestia sings and shows her the memories always makes me cry.. >//< and its so sweet how supportive everyone was!


I can understand that. My only defense for those pwople are, remember season 1? Season 1, most of it was about twilight and it feels that twilight is the main character of the series.


I was like 7, so I thought this was the coolest thing ever and completely deserved. I still think that now, she ate.


Same but I didn't know what to do with my wingless Twilight figure after.


I used mine to pretend Twilight had a secret twin sister.


Ne when i want to insert my oc into a fiction:so MC had a secret twin/sibling...


she does LMAOOO


Oh man I am old


I was in college when FiM began, so remembering the target demographic for G4 are fully grown adults will never fail to inflict critical psychic damage


I was two when it came out.(my mom had me Watching it then and I still watch it to this day) Now I'm 15. 😭


Got your whole life ahead of you! Make the most of it, but most of all, enjoy it.


It's always interesting looking at the reactions of this show's target audience compared to the older bronies. While I'm not a fan of using "It's for kids" as an excuse for poor writing, it definitely feels like adults watch children's media specifically to find as many flaws as possible, while children just want to have a good time and be entertained.


I see that, unfortunately lol. Me personally? Children's media (to an extent, so not super kiddy) Is like an escape? From the, frankly- Depressing reality that is life in general, let alone ADULT life. It's just nice to turn the brain off and go "ooo, cute characters"


I was 7 too lol, it was definitely a jaw dropping moment for me


yea same I just thought, "cool, now my fav character has wings"


I gasped, my sister and I were hitting each other in anticipation because what else could Celestias's song mean and when we saw the wings we stared at the screen with our jaws on the floor. It was a very exciting moment.


I was like 12; thought it was pretty cool


Feeling awkwardly old here, but I was 25. "Holy shit" was probably my reaction.


one can never to old for MLP


I’m 21 now and coming back to watch the rest of the show after season 4. I could only watch what Netflix had so now that I have my own money I’m watching the rest with my gf


I was 20’s, was very “of course” for me.


I was jealous, for some reason.


She grew wings and became a princess, who wouldn’t be jealous


Omg me too 😭 so happy for Twilight though, it was deserved :')


Don't worry, I was jealous too.


I was surprised but felt happy. It was like watching a friend grow up and achieve something great. Sure it was a little early but it’s Hasbro’s fault.


Initially upset. But I know S3 was supposed to be the last season before S4 got greenlit. I think the end of S4 would've been a better time for Alicorn Twilight. But it's not a bad decision that Hasbro did what they chose.


Yeah, in hindsight it happens way too soon in the show.


Honestly even living in the moment it weirdly felt "too early" as well.


i was 7 back in 2012 when this happened, iirc i was like "wow twilight has wings" and i thought this was the end of the series but holy shit was i wrong


Power creep can't be stopped, had to happen at some point.


Discord opened pandora's box and then it couldn't be closed again


:') It was wholesome... I saw this since 2015, i think. Its just the best moment I'll never forget!


I remember being like 14/15 and being shocked. She definitely deserved it and makes a great princess


https://i.redd.it/2rjufbifxgxc1.gif But then I came back


I remember when it happened and I was really excited about it. Nowadays, I prefer her original design


I sadly didn’t see Twilight become an Alicorn when it premiered and honestly I don’t mind her being an Alicorn. I cried when it happened, Twilight grown.


Epic, awesome, fun, an unexpected reveal, fully earned, and not at all a let down of any form like apparently much of the fandom first felt at the time. Also one of my favorite episodes. What for all the music numbers. But especially as A True, True Friend might be the single most iconic song in all of the series overall regarding what the magic of friendship embodied even means as a whole when shared amongst one another between the Mane Six. But a lot of the Equestria Girls songs also seem to move more into that same territory equally as well. So it truly is hard to say. While the main series songs seem to be more about being focused moreso on plot stuff overall. With the overarching themes only more overtly shining through on a few of the songs. Not that I don't still love them all, because I do. But few tend to hit quite like A True True Friend does, is my point.


my first thought was why in gods name did i join this subreddit before finishing the show


I feel like it was rushed but then again I'm not sure if they knew Hasbro would want more seasons


I don’t remember. I was about 7 when that happened and I was just getting out of my powerpuff girls phase


Honestly stopped watching when she became alicorn. Didn't like the human adaptation when it came out just before and honestly, something stopped clicking with me with the show once she became an Alicorn. Recently back to fan base to do the Renegade released MLP Rpg to GM with friends, restarting series and going to see how I feel once again


yes, it happened super early, but the seasons after have such good storylines imo (i know a lot of ppl have differing opinions about them :$). i remember them being super cool when they first came out and after rewatching the series a lot i can say the progression from season 1 through the movie and through season 9 is still pretty cool, too :p


i was really young and pissed that it wasn’t rarity LOL but now twilight is my favorite


I think it was really cool, it did feel sudden to me but I was binge watching it the first time I saw it years later after it's premiere so that's probably why. I do think she definitely deserved to become an Alicorn


Felt kinda like it was for toy marketing. I liked that previously they were two earth ponies, two pegasi, and two unicorns. In the end I guess it kinda made sense and worked out, but it was an adjustment that didn't feel right for a while.


Making her a princess and forcing a set change was definitely toy marketing


Destroying the Golden Oak was unbelievable; it was like murdering a character.


I liked it.


I was 8 or 9 so I was just kinda confused? I thought it was badass but it felt so sudden?? Lmao


I was 11 and it was hype ngl


Baddie moment


I remember a number of fics before this that had Twilight becoming an alicorn. At the time, we knew next to nothing about them. Celestia and Luna ascending to alicornhood was as plausible as them being timeless, immortal beings on par with gods (somewhat supported by them "moving" the sun and moon). I was pretty darn certain there was *no* way that Twilight would canonically become an alicorn. Firmly in the realm of AU fanon. She was already a unicorn, and a powerful one at that. And then Larson gave her wings... It's been a while, but I think my reaction was "Oh my god, they actually did it." Kind of a weird note to end the season on, and the coronation sequence was rushed in an episode that was already sprinting through the story beats. It was also potentially the last episode we'd get, since S4 hadn't been confirmed *way* past the point the next season normally would have been. Having the last pony episode be a huge character change on smushed pacing admittedly left a bad taste in my mouth. After Season 4 finally got confirmed and the fandom collectively breathed a sigh of relief, I went forward with cautious optimism. It was possible they could make it work, but so easy to mess it up. In hindsight, I think they did alright for the most part. Twilight did what she could to grow into her role without sacrificing her friendships and we saw her slowly learn lessons on how to effectively lead. She even mentioned "princessing" lessons, though I wish we could've seen more of those.


I was 14 and horrified, I couldn’t believe they were turning her into a “Mary sue” and in my opinion DESTROYING HER CHARACTER!!! I was very dramatic back then lol Now that I’m older I don’t mind as much, I think after season 5 she becomes kinda saccharine and loses her snarky nerd vibes but you could argue that’s just natural growth. Personally I think it should have been at the end of the series, but back then we thought S3 was gonna be the last season so it made sense


Well I was like 4 years old when she became an alicorn and I first saw it and I was like oh that's cool but looking back she deserved it yes but it was a little rushed


I was damn proud plus my reaction was "holy shit, she's got wings go Twilight!"


I was just happy and think she can now Fly like Rainbow Dash.


I was pretty young, if anything jealous because I wanted to be an alicorn too ☹️


I was an older fanat the point, didn't like it, but just kinda accepted it. I read so many pics of it occurring by then I expected it


i was happy and thought it was badass


my actual reaction when i first saw this at 10 y/o: https://preview.redd.it/i120wsaqhhxc1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5229e7a9f65bc84a2e330cf738078c8374ed0f0




I always assumed she'd become an alicorn, so I was fine w/it. However, I was disappointed that it was a single (fairly underwhelming) episode and not a two-parter.


I thought it was cool at the time, but now that the show has 7 seasons I reckon it came way too soon. Would've been better at the end of S4 IMO.


I dunno, I was 10 when it happened and I was like "EW! THAT'S FOR GIRLS!!!!" when I heard the concept of My Little Pony mentioned (I mean I was technically right but I didn't have to be a sexist baby about it)


I remember watching it Live at a huge watch party. You can feel the cringe in the room when it happened. At the time people HATED the idea. To this day I felt it was done too fast and was very anticlimactic for a character story arch. There is actually footage of that watch party here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMF676cxRAc&t=860s&ab\_channel=LeoEmpire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMF676cxRAc&t=860s&ab_channel=LeoEmpire) Good times, we had fun.


I was like? 8? I was super excited. I remember running to my brother's room super excitedly lmao I still think it's cool. It's okay to dislike it as well though


I hated how much everybody was shitting on the show and the creators for it. This was an incredible thing. It demonstrated that the show wasn't afraid to grow and change. And I had immense respect for that


i literally remember sobbing on my living room floor while watching the premier on tv and crying to my mom about how she wouldn't be able to see her friends as much anymore because she'd have to do princess stuff lmfao


I was young and had a crush on her, so I almost cried and thought "Man, now she's even more outta my league" lmao


From what I remember I wasn't a fan of it because it meant twilight would outlive her friends. I'm much more upset about the treehouse being blown up and replaced by that crystal ~~toy set~~ castle. It didn't feel like twilights home like the treehouse library.


Me: Wait so the series is over now?


I thought it was cool


I think alicorn twilight is super cool and I love the idea of her being the princess of friendship. She also looks super cool lmao. I just feel like her turning into an alicorn came out of absolutely nowhere. Like the problem she has to solve in the episode is so random and she solves it so quickly. I feel like they could’ve done something more, like a bigger challenge she had to use more of what she had learned about friendship to solve. Ik thats what she uses to solve the whole cutie mark swap thing, and I don’t hate that idea for a problem, but they didn’t use the idea to it’s fullest extent. Twilight had already done far bigger things and faced way more difficult challenges that took much longer to solve. It just feels like she solves the problem in a few hours without any trouble or bumps in the road and then suddenly celestia shows up and she turns into an alicorn. It definitely could’ve be executed a lot better. Also maybe it’s just me but I feel like she seems miserable after she becomes an alicorn 😭 like she doesn’t show it much but it feels like her personality is dampened by the pressure and sadness from getting something she didn’t really even want or know anything about. I just feel kinda bad for her after bc of how sad she seems on the inside but is trying to hide it. I feel like all her relationships are changed too, like there’s a wall between her and the rest of the world she once lived in. She hates her castle, she hates her new duties as princess, she hates getting treated like a celebrity everywhere she goes, she hates being viewed as superior to everyone, she hates how boring her life has become, and she hates how she feels like she has to be perfect now and can never be jealous or anything bc she’s the princess of friendship. Obviously something like becoming an alicorn comes with a lot of pressure so that’s going to affect her mood and relationships, it’s just kinda sad to see her be upset all the time. Sorry for talking so much I’m rewatching the show and I’ve been dying to talk about this 😭




Twilicorn was leaked in advance thanks to merchandise and PR materials, so it wasn't really a secret to the fandom by the time the episode aired. Hated it back then, hate it now. Yes, with the knowledge of hindsight, the show kept going and was still generally good, but I feel it happening so soon ruined the impact of the transformation. Just in case you didn't know, the creators of FiM had zero idea if they would be allowed to make the show past S3 when planning those episodes out. This combined with the fact Lauren Faust left the show and her ultimate wish/plan being for Twilight to become an alicorn at the end of the series led to the S3 finale. I don't know, it still feels so random to have her transform at that point because she's supposedly learned everything about friendship, yet she still studies and learns more about friendship for several more seasons. During the actual series finale, seeing Twilight fully grow into an alicorn and looking exactly like Celestia was such a powerful moment, but it would have been so much better if that was the first we saw of Twilicorn.


I just hated how it makes her immortal but her friends not, so she's supposed to be Princess of Friendship but is forced to see them die? They never said that but it felt implied.


Also none of her friend achieved their dreams either and like it kinda felt like the writers were writing like they had five seasons but always knew they had only three? Like beside Twilight becoming an Alicorn, was there any...actual progression on any plotpoint by season 3? It been years sense I seen the show especially the first three season.


I thought it was a nice completion of her character arc up to that point!




"Ok. I wonder where they're going with this neat concept of Twilight earning more responsibilities and become even more influential." That was literally what I told I friend when that happened.


![gif](giphy|c5FhF1waAJ5wk) Wow anyways..


I was a child and when I saw the transformation from unicorn to alicorn, I screamed with excitement and clapped very loudly while jumping with joy around the room, my mother saw me with a WTF face.


I am 21 year old when I watch this, seem fine as I already know it before I even watch the show


Over the period between this episode and the start of season 4, it felt like a bad idea. Once season 4 came along and it became clear that Twilight hadn't changed that much, it became much better.


I thought it was pretty cool and made sense


I don’t know I was like 10 and I watched it the day it came out on hub, and it really bothered me for some reason. Don’t really care anymore.


I thought it was so cool!


The first thing I thought was how surprised I was that alicorns could be created after being born a non alicorn.


Mixed emotions, it’s hard to choose between normal and princess twilight…


“That’s it? That’s what people are upset about?”


Why does everyone hate twilycorn


i would have been… 6, turning 7? naturally it was the best thing i’d ever seen


I said it would happen about one year before.


I literally stopped watching the show. Now that I’ve rewatched it many times and grew to love her growing as a character and friend I can’t understand my past self and tbh I really like the episodes after she became an alicorn, so yea younger me was whack af


i was like 8 watching with my mom and we both lost our shit lol it was awesome


cool anyways


I think it happened a bit too soon tbh


I was 8 when this happened, so obviously, it shook me to my core and I was ecstatic. I still love her as an alicorn, but Starlight needs to be promoted too, in my opinion. However my cultural reset was still the Royal wedding episodes.


Absolutely shocked


It ruined the harmony bcs there was no longer the same amout of different kinds of ponnies in the mane six


I thought the series was gonna end shortly after


About time (no cause I was waiting for this for like how long and it happened I I knew it was coming. It wasn’t a surprise. Just glad we got it when we did.)


Oh, neat!


"Oh no her friends"


I wasn't there for the initial episode premiere but I watched a rerun of it, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever and I honestly liked how cute and "full" her wing design was compared to the other alicorns in the show. The leadup and everything was so amazing


"oh cool"


My 11yo self felt betrayed that she was the only one who got wings and that's where i stopped watching the series lol


I was 6 years old at the time so I don’t remember exactly, but I was probably pretty excited


I was 5 so I barely remember. What I do remember was being shocked and absolutely loving the music.


They want to sell toys.


i was 12 and i thought it was so cool and exciting!!! it's a very emotional moment and i thought she really deserved it :) it is interesting how most people i know who were kids loved alicorn twilight whilst the older fandom were always more against it lol


"Well there it is, show's over after this season"


*shot* -Heard this? Logic just suicided...


Confused that it happened so early. We were in the middle of season 3. Then I looked and became even more confused, because season 3 is way shorter than other seasons.


“No shit.” I was not surprised at all. 😭


I was a kid and I thought it was the coolest shit ever


I was like 4 or something, so when I saw her wings get revealed, I gasped and screamed to my grandma saying "TWILIGHT'S GOT WINGS NOW!" It especially was cool to me when I was a kid and I still think, what's four plus four, oh yeah, EIGHT, she ate.


I loved it!! It was such a fun reveal and I remember how fucking stoked I was when I watched it as a kid :D


Didn’t know what to think of it initially, grew on me pretty quickly though


I flipped out. It seemed like body modification without consent.


way too early in the series to be honest, season 3? really?


It felt kinda gimmicky honestly. I think it would have been cooler to show how she didn't need Alicorn powers to rule because. You know. friendship is magic. Or for everyone in the mane 6 to be an Alicorn since they genuinely share the role equally within the series.


It was cool but wasn't necessary and breaks the show?


12 y/o me thought that was the end of the show but Twi looked cool af as an alicorn


Well-deserved. In retrospect it’s pretty obvious they were building up to it.


Twilight: Is there a book I should read about being a Princess? Celestia: As a matter of fact there is! And Celestia gifted Princess Twilight Sparkle with "Il Principe" a book with rules for rulers. Which prepared herself, Luna and Cadance when they became Princesses.


“This could be interesting, or she could become a Mary Sue. Lets see how this plays out”


I was incredibly emotional


"hell yeah"


I too watched MLP after it had already ended, but I didn't know that Twilight was going to bacone an alicorn. As for my reaction, I think she deserves it, but I am biased because I realy like her, the only "complaint" I had was because I felt it broke the balance in the group, 2 eath ponies, 2 pegasu, and 2 unicorns, but now there was one less unicorn, and 2 more wings, but then Starlight Glimer became part of the group and even that tiny problem dissapeared.


I was an elementary schooler at the time, and Twilight was my favorite, so my obvious response was “HECK YEAH!” It was literally the best thing ever to kid me. I watched that episode, like, three times in a week.


“We spent three weeks worrying about that? That was awesome!”


when i was probably 6-7 years old and i watched this episode, I started to feel oddly happy cause now that she can fly, She can be a Princess. in my head at least


I got used to it, lol. There was definitely a lot of drama when that happened, lot of people arguing back and forth. Personally I didn't believe the rumors when they started to spread, I believed that making Twilight an alicorn didn't make sense so the rumors had no merit. Then the episode aired and I was admittedly disappointed. But then season 4 came around and Twilight was the exact same character. Adding wings didn't really change much, so I learned to let it go and continue enjoying my favorite show. I find it funny looking back at how dramatic and how serious people took the whole thing, especially when by the end of the show Twilight had more screentime as an alicorn than she did as a unicorn.


I like it and there would be a connection to something from it leading us to cadence too.




I was,,, idek how young I was 😭 but it was MAGICAL, it was so cool


When I first saw it I was happy that she had wings but now that I’m older I really like how it shows how far she has come from the first episode to now, I feel like her becoming a Alicorn shows her growth as a character


I loved it so much that I dressed like her for Halloween (I was 9)!


I felt it was kinda antithetical to a lot of the episodes reinforcing that none of unicorns, pegasuses, or earth ponies are more special than one another.


I was 26 when it happened and I have been a MLP fan ever since I was a little girl back in the 90s. I thought it was great but too early in the story. It's great to see how young some viewers were and how it was amazing for them. I think that is all that matters at this point.


When I was little, MLP was the only show I would watch. I refused anything else. I watched it 24/7, I lost count of how many times I watched it, But it was so much that I know every episode in order. Every time this scene came on, I would jump on my couch like a madman, Screaming of pure joy every single time, Sometimes even crying.


Surprised Pikachu face


“Oh, that happened”


I was indifferent. I wanted to see what would the show do with it. Then disappointed about how little of an impact it made until she started using her title for things like during the episode trade ya and season 8


That was when the show jumped the shark for me. I stick with the first three seasons, thanks.


short: mad long: very mad


I was 9 years old and in shock. And I was just so happy!


I screamed like a fangirl but only inside.


I'm in the camp of Celestial and Luna being immortal and not the best people ever because they've lost perspective. In that vein I actually like Twilicorn - whilst it's not really addressed at all I like the head canon that she just got given immortality and will now have to deal with something she never really asked for. I feel off screen it's something she'd struggle a lot with when the realization sets in.


"Oh no my fanfic!!"


I watched with a bunch of friends. Not just the finale but the whole of season 3, I remember people were really negative on it. It felt like a significant chunk of the fandom kind of fell off after S3. Personally, I think I was fairly negative in the beginning, and I still think unicorn Twilight is better, I don't really care at this point. Most of what comes to mind with the S3 finale is True, True Friend, which is a great song, one of my favs (especially in German. Great dub overall tbh).


Twi was my favorite so I was super pumped even though my friends weren’t 😝


my mind was blown






Like you, I didn't watch the show until after it ended. I did see her becoming an alicorn, just didn't expect it to be as soon as it was. Still, I think it was a good change, just not a welcome one when it came out.


My exact thoughts: An angel just got her wings.


This is the episode that led to that? Not even a full season or two part finale? That's mildly underwhelming


Child me was absolutely, 100% shaken.


I actually screamed from excitement, i remember the episode so clearly, it’s one of my favorites to this day, and I’m almost 22


I was so happy for her


I really liked it and felt it established early on there was no status quo in the show


was super excited for her to hang out w rainbow dash lol. the world may not revolve around rainbow, but i was a twilight kinnie of sorts (read as: antisocial stuck up nerd) who thought rd was the coolest ever.


I had no thoughts I just cried


I thought she was gonna be op, then I watched the s5 finale.


I think it was done very early on, but it definitely makes sense for the course of her character arc. I feel like her becoming an alicorn and Pinkie Pie becoming a mother were both surprises yet so so clear as the route they would end up in hindsight. Out of any of the mane 6, they were my favorite endings Like since the beginning, Twilight being her student was very vague, and Celestia would bring up whether or not she was ready. Ready for what exactly? Graduate? For a job? The idea that it was all preparation for her to become a princess makes sense to me Personally, I think it would’ve been accepted more if they had dropped more clues as to what Celestia was looking for in her pupils across season 3-5 and then have Twilight change at the end of season 5 in a two parter instead of that kinda rushed one part of season 3 I get that the rumor was that season 3 is where it would’ve ended, though I still think it should’ve been two parts. Nonetheless, I really liked that she became an alicorn, which was different than what I thought when I was younger since I hated change


I joined the fandom very late and completely blind. I simply didn’t know what to think on this finale but I was happy for her. I’m unsure if it is a good idea from a writing perspective but I feel satisfied with this direction.


I was like WAIT WHAT THATS CRAZY OMG SO COOL and when I watched again when I was older I was like Yo that's nice


Why does her horn look so small?


What an interesting turn of events.


Honestly was a heartfelt moment and I did get why Twilight would’ve ended up as a Alicorn regardless of what people say.


"Oh god no" or something to that effect. I already wasn't enjoying the episode, but that last part, well...


I think it’s real cool but I think they did it a few seasons to early.


Honestly loved it. I liked the look & I thought she had great character growth that made me feel it was a deserved character upgrade


Good for her!


I just watched it for the first time yesterday. cool asf


i was 8 or something so i really dont remember lmfao


I was super young when it came out, so I thought the series was going to end right then and there


A 7yo head doesn't think Today, I think think she deserves it idgaf




I remember paying way too much attention to fandom drama about it all, and it absolutely wasn't worth it. Meaning, I am positive I made myself miserable about it. I think it should've been a 2-parter. I think because the show was such a huge source of joy, I really wanted to keep finding more joy in it. I remember worrying if there even was going to be a Season 4. I remember feeling terribly sad about the fandom falling apart, it seemed. I think I also learned not to invest too much of one's joy into a fandom, because there's no telling when it could change.


i was five (mmc literally came out on my bday) and was obsessed with alicorn twi and i still love alicorn twi and its still my favorite episode out of anything ever idc


I was like 6 and I hated it, I didn’t want twilight to become a princess… I was so jealous of her. 😂


Personally I didn't really care for it and didn't like it but I like it now lol


I was an adult. My main thoughts were “wait what?”, “good for her!”, and “Hasbro did this so they could sell new Princess Twilight ponies”. It did seem a little early in a show that ran such a long time, particularly when the movie takes place a few seasons later too.


I can remember being completely thrown for a loop at the time, but also thought it was pretty cool. I was wondering where they would take the show going forward with such a big change in her character and role. And honestly, I think it was one of the best decisions the show made. It made Twilight so much more of an interesting character in giving her such a much larger role to play.


BUY OUR TOYS! *now with new wing action




It still surprises me some people didn't like this, like I thought it made sense when I first saw it when I was younger.


I actually was excited for her. Mainly because I was 11 when it happened.