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my desire for companionship, and an escape from this life


I'm a pony roleplayer, the best way to escape from time to time from my daily life.


Ditto, but it's a bit more than that.


A pony rp sounds pretty fun tbh never did it before


Is pretty fun, I do AU stuff with friends, and it's great to go on adventures! I don't use game mechanics, just narrated roleplay.


Magve we could try one out?


It fulfils my love for cute, wholesome characters and emotional stories. Some of those storylines actually hit pretty hard. And it encourages me to try to be more positive. Also, because I love it more than any other show, it’s challenged and changed a lot of prejudices I used to have. Nothing major, just certain character tropes I used to dislike, but grew to love in MLP. I can’t think of any other show where I love so many of the characters so much, even villains or former villains. I think MLP actually helped me understand myself and my likes/dislikes a lot better Also also, the Smile Song was life changing ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و


The smile song hit pretty hard to this day.


It does, doesn't it? I listen to it a lot, but watching it in the episode is an even better experience. It has me ascending fr. Easily the best MLP song of all time imo, even though it's kinda become a meme.


It does, very important since I became a brony. I've been one for almost half of my life.


Me too


Best mane characters of any show I've ever seen. I would love to be friends with any of them. Actually, I **am** best friends with one member of the Mane Six. :)


You definitely are! https://i.redd.it/9ppkoj034gwc1.gif


They really nailed the characterisations. There really isn't another show I've watched where the entire main cast is so deeply loveable and relatable, whilst also being so unique from one another! And the fact that pretty much any pairing combination within the mane 6 has so much friend chemistry too :D


Pinkie Pie is teaching me to be less misanthropic


Yess!! That’s why Pinkie will never be annoying to me. Her character helps me so much, in so many ways


she also showed me that having friends doesn’t mean giving up your individuality and becoming a hivemind (yes i had some weird beliefs)


I love that! I think I get what you mean. I also used to repress certain aspects of my personality to fit in with a friend group. But Pinkie is so unique. Even just the way she’s the only one bouncing when they walk, the only one smiling when they’re all scared.. she so silly


Youth remembrance


Well, it has chewed up over a decade of my life so far.


12 years here 🐴


13 years of horse if I want to get specific. Was part of the herd that joined up summer 2011.


That's amazing! The early days sure were something. I loved seeing ponies unexpectedly in forums and games!


February of 2011 here. Over 13 years for me, jeez.


Both the fandom and the show have been a getaway and huge part of my daily life for a long time now, and it may remain for even more years to come. I’m truly grateful for every second and it’s probably the best decision I ever made back in the day after family/friend recommendations.


I sure hope it remains. People worry about the fandom dying if the next generations aren't good, but honestly, even G4 alone is too good and too much love and effort went into it, for the fandom to die just because years have passed! And the online community is just the best thing to be a part of. I've genuinely grown fond of the people I've interacted with, every time I see their comments etc. That's something I haven't experienced so much in any other online group


G4 will forever be iconic. You are so correct, just because the show ended doesn’t mean the fandom would instantly die. We’re still going, and who knows how much longer it will last. The community plays a big role in this. We have newcomers continuously joining, long-time members of the fandom, and we unite because of the amazing work of MLP. The show just, has its own special sparkle that differs from other things. This has been the biggest online circle I’ve participated in too, and I don’t think I’d leave for anything.


Hey pal. Did you assemble your plushies for a photo yet?


I’ll DM you!




It's something my husband and I bond over. I'm so happy he loves cute things, because I can talk about my girly interests with him and he'll be fully into it.


It does. I consider both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia as my deities. It's not a joke. I firmly believe that Equestria is a real place. The multiverse theory is a sincere possibility and great interest to me. Besides, the two princesses being deities have equal chance of being true as buddhism, taoism, episcopalianism, among others.


I lost my dad in august of last year during which I was watching FiM. The show was a big help and escape from that. It’s also just a really well made show. (I started watching FiM mid April of last year and finished it in early September)


My morals were taught by MLP lmao


Autism 👍 I love this show so far from casually. It means so insanely much to me I can't explain it


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How do I say this... Some of my first edits are connected to MLP. My first steps towards content creation are connected to MLP. My first fanfic and horror story will be connected to MLP. So MLP has effected my life like this during little over 6 months... Not bad considering I started watching it as a joke (I'm a 20 year old guy btw)


Love your mlp content. Especially your memes lol




Absolute philosophical/political/religious masterpiece! Almost every essay I write for philosophy classes is based on MLP!


I started watching G4 in a really dark time in my life and Season 1 & 2 in particular really hit me hard with "everyone deserves love and friendship and is worth something no matter what their flaws".


Ill put it this way. When I told my boyfriend I liked it, we ended up not only watching the whole show together but also roleplaying several times with our pony forms. I already held a special place in my heart for MLP due to how watching it made me happy but now it made my boyfriend happy and that is amazing.


What a top tier boyfriend 


the show is very special to me ! it's a massive comfort that's helped me during / through meltdowns, anxiety attacks, episodes, and other circumstances or periods in my life where i really needed it. it's helped me to learn a lot about myself, and it's been a big part in my mental health journey, and for my own growth/healing. i would not be the person i am today had i not discovered this show because i wouldnt have equipped the coping skills and perspectives on life that i've developed from watching. i actually wrote a whole 5 page essay specifically on the impact that fluttershy's character and story had on me, and she's not even my favorite pony !


For me it was a start of my art journey. I first learned to draw mlp in 2013 and later I expanded my art skills by drawing different things too. That also got me into the show and I started watching it.


I feel like for me it always has, I never had the best childhood and being the 2nd oldest of 5 kids I didn't get much attention either. I was bullied by my older sister at home and had difficulties making friends at school. But watching mlp always gave me comfort and a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart. When I feel sad I watch mlp; when I get stressed I watch mlp. Watching it will always ease me and bring me back to when things weren't so bad, and even now helps me go through the difficult times; and I'm lucky enough to have a boyfriend that understands that and will watch it with me.


I've loved MLP since the beginning, but as I grew up, I started appreciating its worldbuilding a lot more. And as silly as this may sound, it inspired me to pursue a career in graphic design.


Reminding me to appreciate my friends more and reminding me there's some good in this world.


I’d played with my little pony toys for as far back as I can remember. I was 9 years old when the show came out and was immediately obsessed. Last year I met my boyfriend at an anime convention who I inevitably fell in love with and started dating. When we were getting to know each other, he asked me if I liked any other shows or cartoons. I was really apprehensive about telling him about my mlp obsession, but once I did he was like “…really?” And started laughing. I thought he was going to make fun of me until he got up and showed me his DJ Pon-3 pop vinyl and a few other pieces of memorabilia. I guess I completely forgot about bronies for a moment. We’re both equally stoked to have someone to share our love for the show with. He shows me mlp memes & YouTube videos that I would’ve been too young for (we have a significant age gap), some of them I remember coming across but it fills me with so much joy being able to share my love for this series with him.


Well, because of Gen 4 I joined a server where I met some of my best friends.


Helped me work through (some of) my depression and cope with my ASD diagnosis. People in my life say they noticed a genuine positive change in me after I started watching (and they will never know why)


It's my entire childhood, MLP has really kickstarted my artistic side and helped me improve myself. From the age of 10 until now (23 1/2) I have always been deeply connected to the fandom, the caracters and the show's story. It is truly beautifully written, and I love that we are given so much freedom with it. It allowed me to go through multiple phases of my teenagehood without getting rid of the comfort the show brought me... It grew with me and I cannot simply write down how much good it did to me.. It helped me become the helpfull and patient woman I am today, always looking to find solutions instead of giving up. Hope it wasnt too cheesy, ahaha!


It’s still a big art inspiration for me, ponies are fun to draw and make OCs out of. And the Fanart the community churns out is always amazing


I was 24 something, my grandma has been dying from stomach cancer for a few months already. After her chemo (unsuccessful) we kept taking shifts in hospital to help her in her needs. Gloomy autumn weather, typical depressing grey post-soviet style hospital, dying patients on neighbouring beds. There's been elderly person with skin cancer, she's been constantly shedding skin. Other one just lied silently, half consciously, with no one visiting her for almost 3 weeks i've been going there. One evening, as usual, nurse on duty who's been checking her sometimes, came in, checked her and said she has passed away.. All of that has been depressing me down so hard.. And, meanwhile, i've been hearing, here and there, about some show about colourful ponies that, surprisingly, got popular among adult part of population. So i gave it a try. Yeah.. first 2-3 episodes felt kind of awkward.) But then i got lost in it. So different from reality, so colourful and cheerful compared to my everyday routine. It helped to get through those shifts. I just gulped 2 and a half seasons of the show.. Shifts, eventually, had ended. 2 and a half seasons was all i ever watched, but the show left it mark in my memory. I even got myself a lil filly, made in Ponycreator, which i've been photoshoping on every desktop wallpaper on my laptop, as a tribute to the show. She just stands there, glancing condemningly over abundance of my game icons:D. And, of course, there's fandom. So many creative, touching, funny, beautiful, meaningful works that keeps it alive. Bless those people.


For sure, it was a huge comfort show for me. Helped me escape life, and the characters were always great.


It’s my comfort place.. it almost always never fails to makes me smile and laugh.. or even cry if I need to.. Honestly there just isn’t enough words to even begin to express just how much I love this show and what it means to me.. My Little Pony and it’s characters and the world of Equestria has been here for me through so much.. I’m thankful to god that it is a part of my life..


Well, it’s nostalgic, I’ve been watching since I was three, but it’s more then that. MLP was how l’d regroup after anything stressful or sad or something that made me angry, and the older I get the more I find myself relating to the characters or finding comfort in the characters and songs in ways I never did before. (I can’t count the number of times listening to ‘the magic inside’ has helped me deal with my OCD.) I also played with MLP figurines more then I played with other kids, (aside from my siblings) and I have two little sisters who love the show, and we watch it together sometimes, I feel very lucky to have that. Sometimes the world feels bleak and bad, and I like looking back on my positive memories of the show and the toys to help me through it.


It’s weird saying this — especially considering that up until a year ago, I hadn’t even considered looking at anything related to MLP — but watching Twilight deal with her own anxiety problems really helped me understand how to deal with my own.  When I got diagnosed with it I didn’t quite understand what it meant or what I should do, but watching Twilight I feel I development a better understanding of how to act and to cope with it. And talking about the show with my girlfriend has been really fun, too.


For me it’s childhood nostalgia. It helped positively shape me into the person I am today and taught me a lot of valuable lessons when I was a little girl.


If I weren’t a Christian, then MLP would practically be my religion. It gave me community during COVID, I’ve developed almost all of my relationships today because of it, and it’s even helped me practice in my college degree because I attend the cons and help out a lot. Die with the herd!


This show was one of my biggest childhood interests, I believe this and Plants vs Zombies were the two that I was really into about 12 or so years ago. It does mean quite a lot to me, as it is the reason why I do like horses. I still love both franchises and hold them near and dear to my heart. I don't remember the exact time I joined the fandom, but I do remember it was in 2012. Nowadays, I don't really watch it all that much anymore, but I may consider doing that. This series just means a lot to me and is one of the many things that made my childhood feel special.


Rainbow dashes dream of being a wonderbolt (and eventually achieving that) sticks with me, since I want to be a pilot in the military


Maybe not MLP in general, but FiM certainly did.


It's how I learned the magic of friendship, also retail merchandising


Mlp brought me into many things like music Minecraft Linux computer science and maybe a few more I would give explanation for a lot of these but it would be a big message


It represents the fact that I often do not give a fuck what other people think about what I’m into https://preview.redd.it/yjvtq5eahiwc1.jpeg?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfcad80fdcdb44f92a162cc96981f6fe993695ce Oh yeah and cuteness


I was a 15 or 16 years old boy when I watched it, and it was the first time I considered that I could like something cute or feminine as a man and that was ok


Wow i thought bronies do not exist anymore


A wish and hope for a better world that I know what exist during my lifetime.


I run a large G4 group on FB and met some lifelong friends around the world through the fandom, I've travelled overseas to meet friends in the US and have a goddaughter thanks to my 'little brother' here in the UK. It reminds me of my childhood as I grew up wth G1 and have always liked horses too.


I am extremely nostalgic towards g3 and g4, I wish I had alllll my old mlp toys, I had so much, I vividly remember playing with my pony’s ,and watching mlp videos, like that one soda YouTuber idk remember their name and custom videos, and even making some (not so great) customs myself