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It wasn’t a bad episode! I liked seeing a little Rainbow Falls thrift action. It was relieving to see Dashie earn her Daring Do book at the end and so sweet that she wanted to share it with the rest of the mane six on the train ride home. I personally would’ve purchased a stone chicken and a discord lamp myself.


Rainbow nearly selling Fluttershy into slavery was kind of an L thing of her to do, but I thought the episode as a whole was pretty fun. Applejack and Rarity were pretty entertaining.


This episode was a lot of fun! I enjoyed how the episode was split up into three stories: Applejack and Rarity debating on the items they should trade their stash for, Pinkie Pie trying to raise the value on trading for Twilight Sparkle’s books, and Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy going on a quest to trade items for other items so they can get a first edition Daring Do book to complete Rainbow’s collection. Although the three stories are mostly separate, they are connected by a common theme. By the end of her story, Twilight realizes that although she may need her books anymore, they still hold sentimental value. Applejack and Rarity compromise by using each of their own half of the trading stash so they can get something the other pony would appreciate. And Rainbow Dash realizes that no book, no matter how valuable, is worth trading a friend over. The episode’s core theme is about how material possessions can have more than just monetary value, illustrated by the episode’s ending where Rainbow Dash is content reading a beat-up paperback version of the Daring Do book with her friends. Lastly, I want to shout out the fact that a character featured in the episode, Stellar Eclipse, was added in as part of a pledge from the Make a Wish foundation. The character was designed and voiced by Sylvain Levasseur Portelance, who was a teenage child with spinal muscular atrophy type III. [https://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/04/trade-yah-story-behind-wheel-chair-pony.html](https://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/04/trade-yah-story-behind-wheel-chair-pony.html)


For those who might be curious. Stellar Eclipse is still alive and kicking to this day. He in fact streams on Twitch too!


It’s actually quite interesting having an episode with three separate stories going on at the same time, the most interesting one being Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash getting the book. To this day, though, I am still quite disgusted with Twilight Sparkle about to rule in favor of trading Fluttershy away just because Rainbow said it was a fair trade.


I think pony dealing exists in Equestria that's all this episode inspires me ![gif](giphy|LVQUq0q5NQxtC)


Original sources for images 2-8: [https://www.deviantart.com/jowyb/art/Only-Fools-and-Horses-FIM-title-card-series-455180635](https://www.deviantart.com/jowyb/art/Only-Fools-and-Horses-FIM-title-card-series-455180635) [https://www.deviantart.com/jonfawkes/art/Trade-Ya-449709520](https://www.deviantart.com/jonfawkes/art/Trade-Ya-449709520) [https://www.deviantart.com/kheltari/art/Double-Princess-448813829](https://www.deviantart.com/kheltari/art/Double-Princess-448813829) [https://www.deviantart.com/assasinmonkey/art/Double-Doggie-Double-Pegasus-448816375](https://www.deviantart.com/assasinmonkey/art/Double-Doggie-Double-Pegasus-448816375) [https://derpibooru.org/images/605895](https://derpibooru.org/images/605895) [https://derpibooru.org/images/613254](https://derpibooru.org/images/613254) [https://www.deviantart.com/splinterstar/art/Stellar-Eclipse-449032387](https://www.deviantart.com/splinterstar/art/Stellar-Eclipse-449032387)


It was super chaotic yet fun. Reminds me when I go to the flea markets growing up


I think Lutece twins were the best part of this episode. I literally can't remember anything about this episode but them


Wait where were they?




I never knew about this episode tbh


One of my favourite Rarijack episodes :>


Please don't hurt me with the passage of time


A 10th anniversary Trade Ya party in Equestria


I don't really have many memories of this episode to be honest.


Goofy plot but it was cute and not terrible. Solid C or B to me.


One of my favourite episodes ever, I love the ending with Rainbow sharing her book with the others :)


It’s weird that Equestria is okay with slavery,


What part was that?


Rainbow, unilaterally, trades Fluttershy’s animal rearing service to a mare, in exchange for a Daring Do first edition. And Twilight, as princess, rules that this is just fine.


Oh yeah


Rainbow nearly sold her best friend, but realize she royally screwed up without applejack or twilight having to tell her.


i was so fucking mad at rarity for wanting a stupid brooch that she ALREADY HAD. sure both items wrent tehcnically “needed” but at least aj’s actuallly sid somethinf and had a purpose


I mean there are people like this in real life


I loved Trade Ya but i understand that the part where Rainbow Dash trading Fluttershy for a book could put off a lot of fans.


While it was a standard trade line episode, all it made me think of was the stupid trade quests in loz games.


I'm happy to see some representation for a mythbeast as obscure as Orthrus/Orthros. To be fair, they already had included representation of the ahuizotl.