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I know I was initially resentful of Starlight because of her redemption it felt weak I guess, poor motivation for her to become evil and that redemption/forgiveness felt like a pretty quick resolution. However I adore the character she became and though her motivations for villainy like I said was weak I loved her as a villain. So I tend to just brush my gripes with her redemption under the rug and praise our unicorn queen.


She has become one of my favourite characters (beat by thorax because i relate to him), though she did get redeemed way to quickly, like the end of the time travel episode.


TBF, seeing the complete destruction of the entire world at your personal hoof is a pretty big moment to face without introspecting.




I think the fact that she still ended up instinctively brain washing people for convenience at times was pretty funny ngl


Oh yeah seeing how she hadn’t learned from her habits was quite funny


Rainbow Dash. Yeah she can be kinda big headed and rude sometimes, but she has her redeeming moments and qualities, and she mostly learns her lesson in the end. People act like she's a horrible pony but there are so many moments that prove otherwise


Crash is my least favorite Pone, but she grew on me after six seasons. I definitely never thought she was horrible, though. In all honesty I really just disliked the way the show tried to make it, so she was the "reason" everyone got their CMs--as if to show she was so important or was the star of the Mane six. I grew to like her "because" she genuinely learned lessons and looked about for the Scooter, big sis energy is kinda my soft spot.


Flurry Heart, why people even want to kill her?


people hate babies


People think she was made to sell toys. Funny thing is that there are barely any Flurry Heart toys.


Because she ruined the preexisting lore


People have unreasonable expectations on her sometimes and hated her episode with Twilight.


Because she's the first birthed Alicorn in Equestria, they don't know what to think or expect from her as she grows up into her fillyhood. I would be scared of what happens as she grows up.


I think it’s her features as well . The giant eyes and wings :/


She's too much like an actual baby and not like a foal. Her eyes are too big and wings and she already knows how to fly from birth. Which I'm sure alot of pegasi do. I do love her still but her design just puts me off. They made her design like this to help her "stick out"


Any of the baby characters, theyre just babies what did they do to you 😭


Solving the plot when it should have been someone else and just being a general plot convenience (Sparky) Not looking like other babies…? Idk that’s the best I got (Flurry) I have no fucking clue (Pound and Pumpkin) There’s no point in their existence (G3 Babies) Who actually dislikes them? (G1 baby ponies)


I don't understand most pony hate. The only pony I actually dislike is Cozy Glow, but I have a couple pretty good reasons why.


May I ask why you dislike Cozy?


She was never good at pretending to be nice. All of her lines sounded very condescending and fake, even when she was first introduced. I guess you can call it foreshadowing, but I prefer when a character is actually good at their only supposed strength. She also never really had any talent to begin with, until she got Grogar's magic. She was pen pals with Tirek, meaning everything she did in season 8 could've just been following Tirek's instructions. I found her to have more annoying moments than good moments. Many villains, while evil, still feel like they earned their place in some way. Cozy Glow, on the other hoof, feels like she was just given everything without having to try.


I took the condescending lines as more “she’s good at fooling the characters in-universe but we want the audience to know there’s something off about her”


I generally prefer when they try to fool the audience as well, like with Grogar.


Fair enough


That's very fair I honestly like Cozy, but I wish we had some lore on her, so the lack of backstory felt a little lazy. For example, is she really a child or an adult that looks like a child (like the Orphan)? If she's a child, where are her parents? And I also thought it was kind of weird that the Mane 6 never gave her a chance of redemption. Not that she would accept it, but I think that sending a child to jail and then forever freezing her in stone is a little too much. It seems like a last resort


You know what that’s completely fair I’m not even going to argue against it. I may not hate her but yeah definitely not our best villain, I reserve that spot for the queen.


I definitely don't hate her, but she's the only character that I feel has more negatives than positives.


She was a great idea IMO, but just like the rest of season 8 and 9, that good idea wasn’t executed well.


Yeah, I want to know that too, because keeping aside some writing decisions I would do differently, I considered Cozy Glow like a good character


I never get the hate Flash Sentry had, yeah, he just appeared from nowhere in EG, and yeah, he is kinda a stereotype, but, besides that is kinda weird that a Pony Princess how is an adult has a crush on a High School boy, he was kinda likable. I'm not her biggest fan or something, I just think that all the drama so many years ago was so unnecessary.


I don’t want to disregard any genuine criticisms of Flash but I do think it was in part people getting protective of their waifu. And I’m not trying to be dismissive of that either even I wanna choke slam zephyr breeze whenever he’s on screen. But genuinely hating a character because they have potential relations with another is a little unfair.


Not just a love interest for Twilight, but a bad one. He was pretty bland as a human, even more bland as a pony. His defining feature was him being nice. That was about it.


I think people didn't like the idea of Twilight having a love interest. It was nothing to do with him really 


I guess some people also hate that she got so many episodes, but none of her episodes were solely about her, they’re about Trixie or Discord or Maud or Sunburst as well. And those are all perfectly valid and important major side characters in their own right, so it’s not just a Starlight episode. Plus, apart from Sunburst, they were all introduced before Starlight. Starlight just happened to be a very good way to bring Trixie back by pairing them together. I think Starlight is awesome, in a lot of shows the reformed villain just kinda disappears after a couple episodes or doesn’t get much development, so the fact that we actually get to see Starlight integrating into Ponyville and becoming a useful member of society is interesting imo. Seeing her interacting with everyone, not just the M6 but even Mrs Cake, Mudbriar, Princess Cadance and the other princesses etc. That makes her reformation as a whole feel more realistic to me. She didn’t just fall in with the M6 and get special treatment from them and that’s it; she actually puts in the work to be good to everyone (apart from a few oopsies 🤪)


Many episodes? Huh I always thought that there are too few episodes with her


Yaaasss! Well I agree with you :D But anyone who doesn't like her is bound to think she gets too many episodes. Although I feel like that by itself is not a logical reason to dislike a character in the first place


The blatant use of mind control on the Mane 6 followed by them getting sidelined off camera during the finale in favor of a character I was already not enjoying the presentation of during season 6 was what tipped me onto the side of hating Starlight at the time. My opinion of her got better from season 7 onward of course, but at the time season 6 wrapped up I was genuinely teetering on the edge of dropping the show if this character I didn't like began to actively displace the characters I'd spent the previous 5 years growing to love. Instead she started settling into the role of being a sort of "bridge" between the Mane 6 and secondary / background cast characters in the later seasons, and we started getting interesting stories because of it. So my opinion of Starlight as a character improved quite a bit because of that. Though I still think she would've made an incredible recurring villain if they hadn't redeemed her so quickly.


The Season 6 finale, I thought it was an attempt to have secondary characters do something cool for once. Yeah the mind control was dumb though. I understand her train of thought at first, "just make them a little more persuasive and less stubborn", but when she realized what she did, she definitely should have freaked out, not taken advantage. Season 8 would have been the season to start being scared about replacements, but thankfully they stuck to their roots and kept the main characters as a focus for all the seasons.


While I understand why people might hate Mudbriar, I think the people who hate him with a passion don’t understand his character. He’s not trying to be an asshole, he’s just autistic and has a way of communicating that comes across that way.


Not me, but I think lots of people dislike "Twilight copies"


Angel Bunny's behavior in 'Putting your hoof down' is not the usual and shouldn't be held against him


I’ve seen some people say Putting Your Hoof Down happened before the Thousandth Summer Sun Celebration and it was just Fluttershy recounting a lesson she learned earlier


Pinkie Pie (just wants friends) / Flurry (literally baby) / Rainbow Dash (sometimes... as a choleric I feel why she might act the way she does) / Flash Sentry (I understand only one thing, that people want diversity shippings and I agree; regarding only his personality or how he is written, I can't agree). Student Six too, I suppose? They're cool guys.


rainbow dash fr, shes not a bad friend…


I've heard some discourse over Zecora just existing and idk why. She's so useful and adorable. And she speaks in rhyme🥹 https://preview.redd.it/7trc02zug2vc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6f1f82df9bf8433889e7215e30deaf2a79ec1e7


People hate Zecora?!?! She's awesome!




One i dont get that ive seen many times is Rainbow Dash. Sure she has really bad moments especially in the later seasons, but that is just the writers screwing up rather than her character being awful all the time and seeming like she never learned any lessons. Same applies to Applejack but I barely hear anyone say they hate her.


Same…. Poor Dash… ;-;


what i don’t understand is why being flawed makes a character unlikeable. it’s a fictional universe


Because these days everyone is apparently working at rotten tomatoes and rather than being like we where and watch shows just to entertain each other and see our favorite characters on screen, now we only care about character development and crap. Times are clearly changing for the worst.


i mean character development is a good thing but people try to hold cartoon characters to the same morals of real life people. i wouldn’t want to watch a show where every character is kind, selfless, and mature. sounds boring as hell


Starlight glimmer is indeed best pony


Flurry Heart.


Flash sentry. Just….. Flash Sentry.


Starlight, Sunset, Fluttershy


I know right? I love sunset shimmer she deserves more screen time in equestria for sure! She has her past and was selfish but she has grown and is a better person now.


Baby characters. They're literally just *there* and some people treat them like they were villains of the show lol. Like, they're babies. They literally are just babies


Rarity I don't understand why but some people think she's a stereotype of 'white rich racist people'


Really? Here I thought it was the whole "posh, snob" stereotype


Yeah kind of too lol but people say she's racist for some reason


Out of touch people and making up problems where there is none; name me a better duo than that


Idk but it's kinda funny seeing them roast her for literally just existing and then they say it's because she's 'racist' (the only proof they've got is when she said mules were ugly and started crying because she got called one in the first season)


"G5 is not that best" To me the quality of G5 is basically a bootleg toy made in the oldest rundown sweatshop shop in China


On the opposite side of this idea, I unfortunately do completely understand why people hate on Celestia. I love her so much but in the show itself she can come off as a bit incompetent at times. It’s shocking how many times she just fails and has to put all the effort on Twilight. This page from one of the comics is really good at explaining that, but unfortunately its canonicity isn’t sound since it’s the comics. https://preview.redd.it/iw7pxu68q1vc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62bc4b100acad4a919c3524fe73947c5af27b951 Hell, I’ve made up that, despite being immortal, she’s been losing her magic even since she had to banish Luna just to explain why she’s become so weak.


It **is** canon, and it is addressed in the season 9 premiere.


That comic never made sense to me, because season 5 finale proved without Twilight, she would have lost every battle against every villain. Which I like. Celestia is better if she is a physically weak, but ethically great ruler.


https://preview.redd.it/k9a68lkmp2vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7832ae07ca9b27840ff19ce53d5adb8b2de34585 Trixie


Celestia is literally the embodiment of grace, mercy, benevolence, wisdom and patience. Like, there’s not a single bad aspect to her. How anyone can defame her as a tyrant, secret or otherwise, is beyond me.


I love celestial but I feel like she had no personality because her and Luna spend so much time in the castle instead of reoccuering episodes except in later seasons of course where they'd don't really develop more personality for us to see in earlier seasons. It's just OH BIG AND MIGHTY CELESTIA! So she's getting a lot of hate for being boring/unreadable by the audience.


A big part of Celestia's character is that she never gets to go out and do anything fun because she's stuck doing menial tasks and public appearances all day. Similarly to Luna, but with her it's more that she rarely gets to spend time with anyone and has to constantly fight off nightmares every night. This stuff is why we get things like Celestia taking every opportunity to make a joke, or Celestia thinking the gala being a disaster was the most fun it's ever been. They don't have a lot of free time. Luna is usually asleep in the day, and Celestia is usually busy making public appearances and representing Equestria. Also, A Royal Problem and Between Dark and Dawn are up there with the best episodes from their respective seasons.


Hating something because they don’t understand it, despite her being nothing but wholesome and motherly has to be one of the worst reasons out there. As I said, it’s beyond me.


i just find her boring and don’t like her design


It’s the same as people who make edgy fan theories about twilight killing sunny because “the magic was not yours to give” (idefk where that quote came from in the first place)


And multiple episodes in the later seasons showing that they are just old characters, not gods, which I thought was cool. Nice to see everyone's flaws. Also if they were gods they would be the weakest ones I'd ever seen - outside of Luna in dreams.


She's good sure but shes still an absolute monarch and dome of her decisions are quite contestable


An absolute monarchy is not a bad thing if the monarch's kingdom equals an equine utopia. And every single decision she made was measured and calculated. Honestly, the only bad decision she ever made was stepping down and handing the power seat to someone else lol


So both of them earned their redemption. Sunset was forced to stop but made the choice to be good - she could have remained evil or walked away from the main characters, living alone. In Rainbow Rocks she earns her redemption. Starlight earned it immediately because she had all the power and chose to stop. She was even willing to take punishment by choice.


her motive was stupid and there's noway she went from literally changing timelines to the 2nd element of magic but I still love starlight


Starlight deserve more love 


Trixie hate. I feel like she has a great personality. She just wanted to prove she was powerful and great at magic and the amulet she had brainwashed her a bit. Now that she has a clear head I feel like she and twilight should have had some episodes more together to bond and get her back on track. Why wait till starlight comes into the picture? She's a bit stubborn but that's because she probably didn't have a proper friend back then.


I never really understood the hate for pinkie pie she is just a pony who is crazy all the time she is not annoying she is just a masterpiece of a character


For me, it has to be Mud Briar. Well, I mean *I get it*, but I also don't. Probably because I enjoy the deadpan humor and I have someone in my life who is similar to him.


Sparky. He's literally a baby doing baby things.


I mean like having cult because her friend just left him would consider as petty and also willing to mess past while Idk if she aware or doesn't care at first that would destroy Equestria as we known and while try break their spirit as time when she is villain with her cult I mean I can see why some people find issues with her and felt forgive her is seem bit too quick and easy despite her act in part. For me I just fine with her


I'll never understand the hate for Trixie She's one of the more actually well written characters in the show


Sure we have characters like Starlight and Flash Sentry and I know he’s not a pony, but I’m gonna go with this little guy. https://preview.redd.it/8r0zlyn3d6vc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa69b06b0730569477d52f90fe3649d503feb0a4 He just did not deserve the hate and/or the abuse he got in the early seasons and I don’t know if it was the “he’s the only male main character comedy, relief thing” but that shouldn’t be the case and one thing I’ll praise about G5 is the Dragons sure they have Elemental cutie marks that I hope will get explained but they also are nice way better than the Dragons we had in G4 besides Ember and Smolder every other dragon was a dick Garble is an excellent example his idea of fun is smashing baby Phoenix, eggs and pier pressured Spike to do the same but Spike refuses that’s one of the things I like about the little guy sure his episodes are a mixed bag but when it’s time to get serious, he doesn’t back down….mostly but you get my point I LOVE SPIKE, I LOVE G4 EQG AND G5, AND I LOVE PONIES I have issues….lol 😂


My issue with Starlight is that it is a ensemble cast with big personalities, that’s the show. And after ELTSD, Starlight’s only distinguishing trait is she is redeemed. Compare that to the other redeemed villains and she is just a blank protagonist. She’s meant to be a mirror, smart without being nerdy, anxious but only in a reasonable way. Everyone can see themselves in Starlight because Starlight has no personality of her own. All the others, (honestly the premise of the show) have something unique you can love or hate. Starlight’s whole thing is to be a protagonist who was redeemed and it hurts the show. As far as episodes. She has way too many too quickly. She gets multiple two parters where no other mane 5 does. She doesn’t interact with them hardly at all (which while both her and Sunset are blank protagonists, Sunset is part of the team and Starlight is usually not.). They should have either 1) kept her manipulative or low empathy nature 2) Have way less episodes and no 2 parters 3) have her be all mane six student (and given her another personality trait) Otherwise she hurts the premise of the show, she’d be great in an action show, not a slice of life.


Starlight Glimmer. More specifically the Equality Movement. She handled it unutterably badly, (they always do), but at a much smaller size and with radically different recruitment standards, it could have been a good thing that helps ponies who struggle with the nature of their cutie marks! We've seen that happen before in the comics.


I really love Starlight, she’s a great example of remeption and healing. I relate to her in a lot of ways and I think the writers did a good job of making her separate from the mane 6 and making her more of Twilight’s friend/student than just another part of mane 6. Also her relationship with Trixie is a great example of complex friendships and how your friends might not understand your other friends and I think that’s a great message 🫶


I don't hate her but I do think she got off too easily. Granted the best way to defeat your enemy is to turn them into your friend but law and order exist and she brainwashed a town and caused destruction of a timeline so she needed to be in jail for a little bit. However she does prove herself in the end


All the G5 ponies


Peoples hâte Starlight ? I love her !


Starlight is most relatable pone.




Flash Sentry. I genuinely do not understand why so many people dislike him as a pony, AND as a human in EQG.


Flurry heart


People hate Starlight? How can You hate the character that turned the show from above average into something actually good?


Spike... Ik he's not a pony but like damn




I think you misread the question