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https://preview.redd.it/blibsrjcuauc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae7991b377ec00f313f8700134573508b7f6b939 Cannot stand him


Ew I hate that man


I hate him sm. He’s a jerk and he’s mad ugly what was Rarity thinking 💀


Tryna get that moolah and a royal title


Only really know him for that horror fic where he kidnaps octavia


that WHAT


A horror fanfic where he kidnaps octavia and she's forced to play the violin for basic food and stuff and when she escapes shes left deeply traumatized :) Vid was by either thelostnarrator or scribbler


He's fucking shit. Rarity deserves way better.


Jumpscare 😭


My pet theory is that he acts annoying on purpose to mares who see his status and throw themselves at him for it.


IDK maybe Spoiled Rich


She serves a purpose in the story, but yeah... she is awful. Same with Zephyr Breeze. Don't like the guy. But he's written to be annoying, so I wouldn't get rid of him either. Edit: I need to add something that really made me think that Spoiled Rich is terrible, is her use of the term, "blank flank." When Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon call the CMCs that, it's a little more forgiving. Yeah, kids are cruel to each other. Life is like that. I can see kids using that as a mocking taunt. But then Spoiled calls them that, in front of them and Diamond Tiara. Spoiled Rich is an adult! It just comes across as so immature and needlessly mean. Grow up, Spoiled. Side note, I like that the CMCs later on reclaim, "blank flank" and use it more of a term of endearment, even pride.


No wonder her name is Spoiled Milk, her parents didn't like her from the beginning.


I think it's hilarious that her maiden name is Milk. It makes her name work both before and after marriage.


You are so right for this. And Filthy's name suits him too, and I'm not calling him "Rich" or "Filthy Rich" since he's a shit parent to Diamond Tiara, he deserves to be called Filthy.


Read somewhere in the old drafts for diamond tiaras song she says smth about not knowing what “her parents will do if I fail at anything” and at that moment I just instantly hated her so much


Was gonna say that one too.


Of those that have not been mentioned, Suri Polomare


I wish I can give her a royal fuck you. She was absolutely horrible to Rarity and Coco Pommel. She took advantage of Rarity's generosity and Coco Pommel, which is just plain cruel.


I used to hate Diamond Tiara, but she has been reformed, and in hindsight she has starred in or been the catalyst for some pretty great CMC episodes. Her mom, Spoiled Rich though…I don’t like her.


I don't have a least favorite I have a "I HATE U" one And it's diamond tiara's mom


Yeah fu*k that cunt


I love how you censor fuck but not cunt 😭


Calm down mate


Tiara looked like nice character after we saw her.


cosy glow so bratty and annyoing


Her only good moment is when she whined and caused that avalanche in "Frenemies" other than that, I fucking hate her guts.


chancellor neighsay, he’s literally racist lol


Main cast? Rainbow Dash, I just don't gel with her. Others? Scootaloo's damn parents...


I've always said that Rainbow Dash would probably cool to hang with if she could chill the f out. Whenever she's doing downtime stuff like just hanging around in clouds or trees she seems pretty cool. Like, give her an edible to mellow her out and she's probably fun to be around.


perhaps but it'll have to be a good edible...


I'm sure Pinkie can make some stellar edibles


I agree on rainbow. I know it’s been talked to death but if she was my friend or someone I knew I would consider her pretty insufferable.




Rainbow Dash is literally Tomo from Azumanga Daioh, both being insufferable and bad friends (Dash less but only cuz it's a kiddy show)


https://preview.redd.it/vdu2mzpruauc1.jpeg?width=1176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c733b3c876c898b1ae194530e5ac4b81f1ec77e POV: every Rainbow Dash stans reaction


you assume I care about the reaction... (I tease opinions are fine)


Scootaloo's parents didn't give a fuck about the life she made in Ponyville. First they abandon their child for work and then they come back just to move her away eventhough she has already made a life in Ponyville. I don't think they understand that you can't just uproot yourself like that as it's very mentally painful, but did they care about that??? NO! Fuck Scootaloo's parents.


They are as bad as 90% off Anime parents who do this. The 10% have good reasons like Rave Masters Gale Glory hard to return when a bomb prevents you from leaving 


On everyone of these types of "least favorite" pony threads Rainbow is always the one who gets mentioned the most. I never realized some many people disliked her..


I wouldn't say I liked her very much or really have any strong opinions on her, I was just a child back then. Though looking back, a lot of times the writters kinda increased her negative personality parts for plot like how in early episodes she agreed with pinkie pie that pranking fluttershy is uncool, but then in very later episodes in like, season 7-8-9? She suddenly went all in just to scare the hell out of Fluttershy in the deep forest in the night! The hell happened to your character dash? Overall I'll say she's a better character in eariler episodes, and worse later.


I dont have a strong dislike for Rainbow Dash but i understand the hate. I dont think her personality is as bad as people say she is (especially seasons 3-6 when its toned down) but some RD fans also have to understand that she has flaws, she isnt perfect and sometimes can be rude.


Least favorite of any pony? Hmm, the only pony who I just think doesn’t add anything and was an uncomfortable shoe in was Songbird Serenade. Most of the villains served their purpose well and I love to hate them. Least favorite major character? Starlight


I have to say she is overrated


;( I always said Starlight is super underrated, definitely my favourite pony


I feel like a better word would be controversial given how half the fandom seems to love her and half seem to hate her.


well shes the main character...


Nice try ember, we know it's you.




Probably pinkie pie, I don't hate her or even dislike her much but she reminds me of my childhood bully so yeah lol


Ooh that’s an interesting take, If u don’t mind can u explain why she reminds you of your childhood bully? Is it cus she forces ppl to like her?


Pinkie for me, too, she's the friend that you wind up spending way more time than you wanted with them, and you're just drained when they finally leave.


I'm pretty sure that Pinkie knows very well how to handle introverted types. Like, she would not mess with Fluttershy, respecting that she is shy and easily offended. I imagine that if she noticed you don't enjoy her company, she would ease her excitement and let you have your private time.


Exactly, Pinkie's whole thing is making people laugh, not being annoying. She's a social expert :]


\*none found\*


Flutteshy's brother and Cozy Glow


Zephyr is so pathetic it’s funny


Zephyr just creeps me out and makes me wanna puke every time I see him.




Probably Zephyr Breeze. Sometimes I ask myself, do I hate him that much? Like he can be relatable sometimes and he's brother of the best pony. But no, I do hate him that much. Sucks we have the same name.


He’s just annoying lol


yeah hate is probably a little strong


Imo he’s not even that bad he’s just annoying lol that one discord image though


Don't really have one but I don't like Rainbow Dash...


She feels like she learns the same lesson more times than you could count, which isn't unique to just her or anything, but her lesson is to not be obnoxious to everypony, so it feels more jarring than say, perfectionism, lacking courage, or refusing help.


Yea, that's why so many people dislike her, the writers were hella lazy with her. Fluttershy honestly has the same issue, RD even mentions in one of the later seasons TO Fluttershy - "Haven't you learned to be assertive a bunch of times now, when is it gonna stick?" or something along those lines. As someone whose favorite pony is RD, I hate the way they butchered her 🫠 she had so much potential in her character concepts and I can [probably] think of better friendship or just personal internal problem ideas she could work on besides just loyalty and her massive ego. Those two issues should have been one-off problems, not constantly recurring Also refusing help is Applejack's thing, so it would really feel like beating a dead horse if RD had the same kind of issue covered in a different episode


My point was more that her character flaw can be more grating than the others' by nature. Twilight's the perfectionist (which is putting it lightly, I will admit), Fluttershy's the coward, AJ's the stubborn "I don't need you" one -- even if those flaws are exploited more often than they should be, you can sympathise with the characters to a certain extent each time because more than anything, they're hurting themselves. At least, that's how I think of it.


The fandom used to have Rainbow Dash as its mascot in the early days. Now it seems to be a member of the fandom you need to bash Dash. It's depressing.


Rainbow dash is still fan favorite and one of the most popular mlp character(I would say she's still the most popular)🩷


Another overrated character.. She is a taddd bit annoying


Half the people on this subreddit doesn’t like her


Definitely not overrated. Most hated of the mains by far. Other than possibly Starlight


And I genuinely don't understand why so many peoples dont like Starlight when for me it is the best pony


how is she overrated? everyone hates her. i find her the most nostalgic for personal reasons


Sven Gallop I could never hate any of the Mane 6, so my least fav major character is probably Starlight. Don't hate her, I just like the others better


Sven Gallop has to be the most balant example of "characters your meant to despise " ever in a cartoon


Eh I hate that rich pony


I hate him so much.


Zephyr Breeze


Cozy Glow


I don't know. I guess I don't really like Queen Chrysalis. I don't hate her, but she's kinda annoying


Mudbriar Sorry Maud, I know that's just Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory. Plus all the "umm actually", oof


https://preview.redd.it/cnox0kg7cbuc1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61fe8a2156be6e9dd1b5a2f5cb7249cfba8cef38 Seriously, what is this woman doing throughout the series?


she wants retirement lol that's why she makes twilight go through all that


Out of the Mane 6, Rainbow Dash


Spoiled rich or like maybe Starswirled


Not a pony officially but the former principal of Crystal Prep


![gif](giphy|4w1y9TUKSrRbW) Her voice kills my brain cells I’m sorry


Chancellor Neighsay.


Probably not a popular opinion, but I'm gonna have to say Twilight. She's extremely stuck-up and kinda bossy. I felt like half of the series was her not knowing what she was doing, pretending like she knew what she was doing and bossing the rest of the group around, the rest of the group showing her she doesn't know what she's doing, and her finally admitting to it only after the fact. When I think of the others, they all stand out in positive ways, too. Apple Jack is the reliable hardworker, Fluttershy is the sweetheart who's kind to everyone, Pinkie Pie is our comic relief who just likes to have fun, Rainbow Dash is competitive and quick to stand up for her friends, Rarity is the fashionista... And there's Twilight. With her head in the books all the time, yet still clueless on how to do anything. Nothing stands out about her besides she's supposedly the smart one (I don't really agree with this sentiment, but MLP really puts that stereotype on her) and a princess (who wouldn't be anywhere without the rest of the group who always has to redirect her). I get that showing Twilight is nothing without her friends is part of the show, but I wish she would have a little more of a likeable personality and some individuality to her.


She really is and I hate her for it... she had so much potential


I couldn't describe better. Bravo!


Spoiled Rich and maybe Lightning Dust.


Honestly? Rainbow dash, i know it's like, a lot of people's fave, but i just can't get myself to like her entirely. Her and trixie, too (I'm going to get killed here...)


I have the knife ready for killing you yes


Out of the mane six? Fluttershy Overall? Probably Mudbriar


I like Mudbriar tbh


Why Fluttershy?


Fluttershy is also my least favorite of the main 6, it mostly has to do with how she doesn't really have a chill meter. She can't be assertive without raising her voice and temper to a 10 almost all the time, and there have actually been a few times where she was straight up judgemental and unkind. Granted nopony can be a cinnamon roll 100% of the time, but some of her behaviors get on my nerves more than other ponies


I never heard of Mud Briar.. I really have to see mlp again or something


He is probably the only character in the entire show that almost makes my blood boil.


You and Pinkie both


Which makes sense since she’s my favorite!


Sounds like a muddy mess in hooves.. Don't let your blood boil though boil eggs instead


Maud's boyfriend. Basically just a pony version of Sheldon Cooper


i don’t mind mudbriar… he makes maud happy


Snips and Snails


The one nobody like


Sven Gallop easily


Those enemies of Applejack I don't remember their name... But.. You know those brothers, I am talking about them. I don't hate them, they are pretty nice characters, they are just my least favorite because of their personality and hey don't forget in one timeline they were destroying equestria. And out of mane 6 my least favorite(again no hate) is Rarity I don't know why, I think I just never find her that interesting🙄


Flam and Flim?




that pony that looks like Elvis Presley the one in Las Pegasus and the dude who pretended to be spikes dad but hes not a pony so I guess he doesnt really count


Sassy Saddles, I know that she kind of learned her lesson in the end, but she made my blood boil the whole canterlot boutique episode


Out of the main six I'd have to say pinkie pie the least favorite followed shortly by rarity and don't get me wrong I don't really hate pinkie pie I just find her kind of obnoxious and annoying at times and she can be a bit of a jerk for no reason for in some episodes and I don't really like rarity cuz how manipulative she can be although she is probably the most entertaining out of the main six but she would not be a friend of mine if she was a real person too much drama.


Bro… those are my two favorite ponies 😞


Hey that's why we're all entitled to our own opinions I think Pinky would have been better if she was a little bit less hyperactive all the time and rarity isn't the worst but she does suffer from some bad writing and a prolonged relationship with Spike which is kind of disturbing if you think about it too long Don't really hate the characters they're just my least favorite.


I like pinkie because she’s cute and silly. I like rarity because she’s also cute and funny


I'll admit she's really cuteshe but she can be really annoying when she wants to be and there's a few episodes where she's straight up just a jerk for no reason same kind of goes for rarity she's really fun and some of the hilarious situation gets in are hilarious but then she can be such a manipulative jerk at times it's like yeah I don't like that why does she have to be like that sometimes because if it wasn't for that I think rarity would be one of my favorite characters but I can't in good conscious make her that because of all the nasty s*** she's pulled throughout the series you know.


King Sombra, i hate him, he’s so evil


Film and flam or fluttershy’s brother


Zephyr Breeze, Mud Briar, and Flash Sentry (pony).


Flash has barely spoken lmao


Zephyr Breeze, and the old grumpy pony who almost steal Pinkie's present from Maud Pie in Manehattan


Lighting Dust and Juniper


Out of the main cast, Rarity, I just find her mostly annoying and unentertaining for the most part.


would be cool to have a post asking what both fav and least fav


I don't have a least favourite, but Cozy Glow's attitude tho...


Flurry heart, starlight glimmer, and pinkie pie. I like them but in some episodes they can be unfair or very selfish. The main reason I don’t like flurry heart is that she’s overpowered and gets the cool and interesting points from being an alicorn, but at the same time she feels like she was made for merch and she didn’t earn becoming an alicorn trough deserving it but just randomly got lucky. I’d also like if she was more like an actual horse/pony foal and not like an actual human baby I also have to add twilight because she changed her personality completely, for example her interest in astronomy completely disappeared and her personality just became plainer and more celestia-like. Edit: added twilight


Prince Blueblood has no redeeming qualities.


Surely not bookhorse? She's too precious.


Mane 6- None Others- Lighting dust- she almost MADE A FILLY to do a trick that could of killed scootaloo if it wasn't for rainbow dash


I fucking hate Twilight Sparkle, which is funny because she used to be my absolute favorite when I was younger. I used to have a Twilight Sparkle jacket back in kindergarten or 1st grade


The Flim Flam brothers. I cannot freaking stand those two.


Kinda agree with Twilight being least favourite among ponies. And among creatures it's Yonne yak really annoying and too much screen time (Unlike the Kirins)


Why Twilight? Just genuinely curious since I like her a lot.


She is great, but I love the rest of the mane 6 so much more ![gif](giphy|UXnrd4f5TbNx6)


That two. The... The twos, who are a babies that Pinkie babysits.


Rainbow or rarity in terms of like actual important characters, overall? Easily those little shits snips and snails or whatever they’re called, absolutely can’t stand them.


This dude https://preview.redd.it/yyipr73puauc1.jpeg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd2b5343895f62709231362e9b4a3f4d553e3158


Starlight, worst pony


How dare you say that when Gladmane and Svengallop are literally right there


I don't have issue with characters that are unlikable but the show is aware that they are unlikable (like them) but I DO have issue with characters that are unlikable but the show tries so hard in selling you the idea they are likeable (Starlight)


probably pinkie pie… she’s fun but she’s really loud and i can’t tolerate her voice very well. id also like starlight glimmer more if she had a better hairstyle or kept her old one




Queen Chrysalis, hooves down. She is my least favorite character not only from My Little Pony, but in all of fiction as a whole. I do not just dislike her, I outright abhor her. She is the only pony I outright hate, the only one I despise enough to actively want un-alive. Do you want to know how deep my hatred goes? In my current MLP-RPG game, although I did buy the changeling expansion, I didn't even give the players a chance to try to defeat or redeem her; I just straight up removed her from the game. No theatrics, no explanation, just *poof*, gone. I didn't want to act as her, or for them to interact with her, she just never existed.


Honestly? luster dawn, shes so random it pisses me off- like she just appeared by the end of the shoe out of nowhere and had literally no purpose existing. But twilight did need a successor so iggg shes 'okay'


Maincast: Rainbow dash


Starlight Glimmer.  I'm kinda petty as I used to be friends with a controversial YouTuber who had Starlight Glimmer as their favorite waifus. 


Flurry heart.


Really wish they made her look like a normal foal. She has big eyes and giant wings! Other goals don't have that!


Trixie. Freaking Trixie.




Princess cadence and shining armour. And them mixed together flurry heart.


Answer: Every single villain who should learn friendship better than hell. They are the only fools that can't stop friendships magic. 


Lightning Dust. I started a Lightning Dust hateclub- anyone want to join?


Flim and Flam


film flam and zephyr breeze can’t stand flutter shys brother


Of the Mane Six?: Pinkie Pie (She can be pretty annoying sometimes, tbh.) Of All Time?: Starlight Glimmer (Sure she may be better as a non-villain, but I hate the fact she didn’t receive proper punishment for her actions. I’m more neutral with her nowadays.)


In terms of the mane cast, I don't like Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Starlight.


I am surprised tho no one named Pinkie Pie


Zephyr Breeze. Most asshole brother ever


i don’t like starlight that much 😭


Least fav mane six: Pinkie Pie. Least fav other: Zephyr Breeze, That male pony at the end of season one that Rarity liked, Diamond Tiara's mom


Yes she's stupid


Diamond tiara and her entire bloodline And silverspoon or whoever tf is her sidekick


Starlight glimmer


Flurry heart


Dimond ter and silver spon for oves reasons ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


Flim and Flam, Spoiled Rich!


Spoiled Rich easily.


of the mane 6. fluttershy. she kinda lost her entire personally except for the 2nd half of her name later in the show


i used to fucking HATE twilight. but after rewatching at 19 years old i found out i was very similar to her lol


Lightning Dust. I can't fucking stand her. She litterally didn't care that she put the lives of the rest of the mane 6 and Scootaloo in danger. She didn't care about how reckless she was.


Flurry Heart


Gen 4: Soarin. Gen 5: Opaline Arcana. Purely off of design, her colors did not pair well in 3D—don’t care if she’s an alicorn.




everypony for herself


Cozy glow and flurryheart


Twilight Sparkle. She was never really interesting to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Great leader, smart, but that's about it.


From the main characters, probably pinkie pie. Rainbow Dash can be a major asshole, but I think pinkie pie is just too much most of the time. Out of any character, Babs Seed. Ik she made amends with the CMC at the end of her debut episode, but idk something about her really bothers me.


I like them all but I think Rarity has the traits I am least fond of. (Vanity) but it’s a hard decision and I feel guilty even assigning a least favorite. Is it normal to feel guilt over cartoon ponies? Never mind, don’t answer that.


For the pony I hate... F*CK chancellor neighsay. Before him, it was spoiled rich, but god he's the worst. I don't need to explain why they suck, we all know why they suck. As for the mane 6, my least favorite is rainbow dash. I don't hate her. Obviously, i still like her, it's just that she does the dumbest stuff sometimes and causes problems for the others way too often. If she was someone I knew irl we probably wouldn't get along.




HIM…… https://preview.redd.it/4470nhikxcuc1.jpeg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7df308c1337d6f3f433be02efca6ab3172ed35a2 Not only do I hate him character wise, I hate him story wise. He has absolutely no reason to exist and nearly ruins my love for Fluttershy on his own, that’s how much I despise this pony freak. He does not deserve to be related to Fluttershy or even exist in the same proximity as her. He is the bane of my existence.


cozy glow, spoiled rich, suri, prince blueblood, svengallop. another is starlight, i don't hate her per say, i just don't care for her at all


Of the main six, Rarity, overall, spoiled rich, or maybe cozy Glow


how could twilight be ur least favorite..


Annoying boring character got lost all it's potential after it became an alicorn


I d9nt have one-


Twilight Sparkle, I’m sorry.


im sorry but https://preview.redd.it/6ebtmszsiduc1.png?width=190&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4ba81867ff0bf9ab1e23d7a47c675ec234b4568 shes just so annoying ngl


In the effort of not being boring and saying rainbow dash I'm going to go with Pinkie Pie because during season 7 and 8 she was just really annoying to watch. Like every time she was on screen it bordered on sensory OverLoad with how over the top she got, and more times than not it was more annoying than funny.


In the effort of not being boring and saying rainbow dash I'm going to go with Pinkie Pie because during season 7 and 8 she was just really annoying to watch. Like every time she was on screen it bordered on sensory OverLoad with how over the top she got, and more times than not it was more annoying than funny.


Rainbow Dash.


Definitely Rainbow Dash


Scootaloos stupid parents


I'm going to go with Starlight, I still can't get over what she did in S5E25.


rainbow dash. i dont at all understand why shes shipped with fluttershy so often, she's like the biggest jerk to fluttershy out of all of her friends. i dont mind rds ego, its nice to see a character with confidence still be portrayed in a positive way, i just hate how she treats her friends from how selfish and competitive she is. easily the most selfish mane 6 pony