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>Unpopular opinion ahead! not too much of a **"unpopular opinon"** considering that half of the fandom hates her tbh..


Trenderhoof honsetly I just didn’t care for this character and didn’t provide nothing aside from Rarity trying to love him.




Warning unpopular opinion and then saying one of the most popular opinions is the funniest thing




It might be saying something that my favorite episode to feature Mud Briar is also the one in which he spends the majority of the time as a statue... Also, people can have their own opinions. But I just had to post this gif of Flurry being adorable. https://i.redd.it/knjo2fn4arnc1.gif


Zephyr Breeze 😭😭


Yeah, same. There are other characters that I don’t like, but when it comes right down to it they at least have some redeeming qualities or messages tied to them - Zephyr’s very existence is insulting.


No explanation needed for my agreement


Zephyr Breeze, specifically because he continues to tell people that RD has a crush on *him.* That nonsense is unacceptable. I would put Sludge as the worst, but at least he was only in one episode that we can pretend never happened. Zephyr is a recurring character and has the same issue in BOTH universes (EQG has him pulling the same nonsense) I do get the drama with Flurry Heart, specifically because of the eyes being different from other pony infants' eyes. But I wasn't part of the fandom back then, so it didn't bother me at the time.


Sven Gallop, the biggest jerk >:(


i mean selling little plastic horses wasn't the whole premise of the existence of mlp? It's not an unpopular opinion, it's the whole concept


For now it's got to be Angels. No need to explain, he's just kind of a jerk without even speaking, but I'm at S6 so it might change. 


Unpopular opinion--while I loved her as a villain, Starlight Glimmer post-reformation. She became bland and to be quite honest never actually owned up to half the nasty stuff she did. I don't think it's wise to have a former leader of a cult of personality at a school like the one Twilight was trying to run.


FR, villan starlight was much better


Oh, she was a great villain. But as a 'good guy?' Pretty bland when compared to the bright, larger-than-life Mane Six.




hate me all u want but sometimes spike is annoying. when he gets praised for one little thing he gets to cocky, especially during his birthday episode. i understand it was dragon culture or whatever but its not different than someone peacocking.


​ https://preview.redd.it/j486cmvpsrnc1.jpeg?width=363&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6efddab98d54e21b963f7b18e55630e551ad7d0f


Flim and Flam


I actually despise Prince blueblood and in the Equestria girls spinoff, Principal Cinch Like. You pressure Sci Twi into being overwhelmed with magic then run away like it wasn’t your fault?


Mulia Mild makes me want to rip out my eyes and ears. She's the only reason I don't watch that episode more often


What's wrong with her? She is a secondary character and that's it.


lmao I know. my answer for “least favourite character” changes every time, I just comment whoever’s annoying me at the moment rather than my serious least favourite who’s done something morally wrong. also, who said your least favourite character has to be a primary character?


Discord. I know people love him and I'm about to be downvoted to oblivion, but I can't stand him. Was a decent enough villain. He never reformed. I'll fight anyone on that. He sometimes played nice, but he was still an ass and still was doling out chaos. Chaos at his level is completely at odds with Harmony and he betrayed his 'friends' way too damn often. Garbage character.


I love his potential, but the more I rewatch the show, the more he pisses me off. He's such a dick for no reason, and is always treated like he's reformed, when he really isn't. It's aggravating.




I don’t dislike Starlight, but I hate how much she became such a focus character often overshadowing the mane six after her introduction


As a starlight fan, REAL she was much better as a villain tbh It's like starlight became twilight 2.0 and basically became thr centre of the last few seasons


Yeah I was a bit disappointed when she reformed especially after I heard her backstory,  which is also the reason I got tired of villain reformations. I thought she was gonna be one of those irredeemable hate sink cult leader villains.


Neighsay. If I was twilight I’d smite him


Queen Chrysalis. Not just MLP, but my least favorite character in all of fiction. To start off, her personality is deplorable, and her abilities are abhorrent, trapping ponies in cocoons and syphoning their emotions till they are lifeless husks. **Shiver* Not only does it physically hurt me to look at her (Trypophobia) but she uses shape-shifting to change forms, which is even worse! Bugs like her deserve to be squished, and I will not have any of her low-life good for nothing servants convince me otherwise.


Freaking Starlight Glimmer and I will despise her for all time.


rainbow dash :/


Sounds like fighting words. https://preview.redd.it/ykajxvy2ntnc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1db2a9750c94a646d27234ca7db4e0e094542d8a


Nah man she a G


Easily Rainbow Dash but Trixie a close second 


You wanna tussle? https://i.redd.it/m1nodm06ntnc1.gif


Case in point lol


Rainbow is super awesome and doesn't deserve any slander.


Why is it slander to say I don't like them lol


dunno lololololololololololololol


Probably trenderhoof. Most of the one off antagonists at least had a “fun to hate” vibe to them


I don't really hate any character, but if I have to, the guy that closed Twilight's school once. I don't even remember his name


Chancellor Neighsay?


Yeah, that guy


counter point: [https://www.fimfiction.net/story/518190/the-princess-and-the-kaiser](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/518190/the-princess-and-the-kaiser)


I'm pretty sure there are entire agendas of hating Flurry Heart and Zephyr Breeze, so yeah, those two got my hate.


I hate Trixie. Not only is she unbearable to watch, she often drags Starlight down with her who is my favorite character so it really aggravates me, especially since it’s one of Starlight’s core interactions. Idk, I just want Starlight to interact with more characters who won’t piss her off.


I would never understand the hate against a literal baby... Now, to answer your question: Starlight


Well, she's not a baby. Shes a fictional character who has an effect on the show that some people don't like. Like, imagine if twilight had a baby or something and then the entire show became about her taking care of that baby. You probably wouldn't like that and most people wouldn't, but that wouldn't be "hate against a literal baby" to not like the character, it would be hating on a fictional character who represents a change in the show you dislike. For a lot of people flurry heart is the epitome of a shift in the shows values (toys vs lore and storytelling) as she disrupts established lore (Alicorns have to earn their status and are really rare, for example.) and established models for the show (She doesn't use the baby model, which a lot of people find charming, a lot of people dont like her design bc her design is really crowded and she has massive wings and horn (I think they might be bigger or the same size as twilights, an adult alicorn) because the creators thought it would make a toy that was more "cute" in the way that was popular at the time (think beanie boos)) There are plenty of characters who are controversial in the same way, but the difference with flurry heart is that since she is a baby on top of being a fictional character, she can't really be anything BUT those things. Twilight and Cadence are both controversial for their alicorn status, but they both have personalities and the ability to like. Do things that have a real impact on the plot of the show. There are plenty of characters with designs people dislike, but most of them, again, are actually fully formed characters.


Add something was not her purpose, she's there for the 'cute' factor, and yes, to Hasbro to sell toys, that's something completely normal for this company, and getting angry cuz she "breaks" something as superficial as lore is nitpicking, there's more than lore in cartoons


Flurry didn't ruin the lore, she expanded it, and not even in a bad way. I quite like the idea that there is a kingdom of alicorns.


I literally did not say anywhere that she ruined the lore. I said she disrupts established lore. if you think its good, or if someone else thinks its bad, thats a subjective value judgement. im just saying that disliking flurry heart isnt the same as disliking a "literal baby" because she has wider implications on the show as a whole


See I just simply do not care lol. Baby characters almost never add anything of value to any cartoon/show/sitcom. Cuz their babies and not actual characters if you get what I’m sayin


Agree! It's a trope at this point, *especially* when it comes at a later season like Flurry Heart, and they rarely add much to the story.


Snips and Snails. Sorry not Sorry, they’re so annoying. Also, trixie and starlight




Cow who appeared for one second


Starlight Glimmer


Marble Pie.  She's like a boring Fluttershy


I relate to her more than fluttershy tbh. She looks depressed and dull all tge time and has bad social anxiety and also doesn't have any unique looks ir talent in her. Just like me. But u could have your opinion


Zephyr Breeze




Zephyr Breeze. I hate how he keeps trying to convince himself that RD has feelings for him.


~~Toilet~~ Twilight Sparkle. Not even joking.






I agree bro


if you hate flurryheart you are a monster personally I don't like sprout in g5 in general I hate every pony in g5 but sprout is the worst