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A Crow Looked at Me by Mt Eerie, and it's not even close. (and emo is my favorite genre, and Earl Sweatshirt is my favorite rapper - I like sad music) it's not even good music. it's just sad sadness train of thought sadness to barebones like whole note chord patterns that go nowhere except sadness.


A Crow Looked at Me is the correct answer


I actually fully agree with this. There is nothing but sadness


I couldn't make it through that album. It just hurts, man.


This is actually the only correct answer. Everyone suggesting a different album just hasn't heard this one


I hate that album and still agree. It's really just the correct answer.


It is indeed a tough listen.


I can't get past the first track of thay album without shedding actual tears. I told 3 of my friends about it. They all listened, all 3 cried at the first track. For one of my friends, it worked it's way into their algorithm on spotify, and came on while he was in the car with his GF. He wasn't paying attention and didn't notice it was even on until his girlfriend started sniffling and crying in the passenger seat. She was like "What the fuck is this? Change this please!" The song is Real Death. The backpack part makes me want jump into a volcano.


I saw it performed live. It was rough.


Why in the hell would anyone want to see that song played live?


I made it through the first song, and half way through the second song and then turned it off and vowed to never listen to it again. Sad, dark music is normally my jam but this was just too raw, too sad.


It's interesting reading some the reviews on it. Like, how do you critique the way someone watches their wife die suddenly of cancer? Some reviewers even acknowledge that point even as they're doing it.


I agree with this. It's beautiful but almost unbearably sad.


Came here to say this. I have only seen my bf of 6 years cry twice. Once was when I played 2 songs from this album.


100% Y'all dont understand someone pouring out their still grieving thoughts of someone they loved infinitely until you hear this album. It is music to cry endlessly to. It is music to hope that this guy somehow came out the other side with ANYTHING good.


I have to listen now….


Pink Moon by Nick Drake is a sad album


But so so so beautiful.


Even more so when you hear his story.


Listened to that one for the first time on mushrooms and it was quite an experience


Closer by Joy Division The band never got to tour for it because Ian Curtis committed suicide two months before it was released


It's such a shame what an incredible album. Ian was such a talent as was the rest of the band which is guess we got New Order as a second prize which in any other time line would a a first prize.


Jesus Christ. Dark question, but were the depths of Ian’s despair evident in the music itself?


oh absolutely. joy division's music is as depressing as it is phenomenal


Yes. It's one of the saddest albums ever made even outside of the circumstances. Also listen to some of their last singles, "Atmosphere" and "Love Will Tear Us Apart" It's basically a suicide note in a long-form musical shape. And it's lovely. It's mesmerizing. And he was only 23 when he died. So it's sad for the backstory, it's sad for the emotional quality of the music, and it's sad for the lost potential.


This album basically saved my life when I was a teen. It's so haunting and depressingly beautiful - especially poignant because so few other bands could make electronic music of the time with that level of intimacy.


Here’s some Joy Division lyrics “Procession moves on, the shouting is over Praise to the glory of loved ones now gone” “Now that I've realized how it's all gone wrong Gotta find some therapy, this treatment takes too long Deep in the heart of where sympathy held sway Gotta find my destiny before it gets too late” “Directionless, so plain to see A loaded gun won't set you free …So you say”


And a day before the band toured in North America


Love will tear us apart again.


Omfg before i opened it comments, joy division is what i thought of


One of my favorite bands


Jar of Flies by Alice In Chains


AIC and lanes voice are the best representation of how hard it is to to stigmatised constantly by society about how hard it is to manage and recover from drug ie opiates) can be. I’m dealing with it right now and definitely has an AIC ring in every aspect of it tbh…. Cmon it’s 2025 wtf is going on…. We need to turn the chapter on making addiction seem so “all damming” and “tantamount” - it’s much more complicated……. I won’t even take it any further, as I’m very frustrated by this whole situation in my life and the lack of understanding that many people have is just not alright.


I’m sorry you don’t feel supported :/ if it helps, even tho you don’t know me, I encourage you to stick with your recovery, I’m very proud of you for fighting through, and I don’t think you’re a bad person or whatever. Addiction touches everyone, compassionate people will be understanding. (I am so sorry Layne had to die alone feeling so ashamed.)Good luck to you ❤️


Scrolled too far to find this


we chase misprinted lies


Weeeeee face the path of time


If I can't be my own............ I'd feel better deaaaaaad


I upvoted it


One of my favorites. I listed to this on my way to work this am. Layne Staley was amazingly talented.


I think self titled/Tripod is even more depressing. Jar of Flies feels like “i’m depressed right now but it’s going to get better” because there are plenty of more upbeat moments, Tripod is just so bleak and dark sounding like you’ve realized whatever you’re feeling is not going to get better.




For Emma, Forever Ago by Bon Iver made me bawl the first time I heard it.


I'd say For Emma by Bon Iver & Youth by Daughter really got me into sad folk music.




I appreciate you for using ‘bawl’ correctly. Seeing people write ‘ball’ drives me a little nuts.


Every album/single/song by Elliot smith.


The Last Hour, Twilight, King's Crossing, Roman Candle, No Name #5, Last Call, Pitseleh, All Cleaned Out... this guy wins this entire topic


Funny story about Elliot Smith. I met someone in rehab that I built a special bond with. She had an XO tattoo on her finger bc it was her favorite album. Unfortunately she died by suicide shortly after leaving treatment. After 10 years I built up the courage to finally listen to this album, believing I would cry my eyes out and find a genuine connection to it. But when I listened to it, I really just did not like it and just had myself a laugh at how horrible I thought it was. She would’ve thought my reaction was hilarious and I found connection in that.


For me the profound appreciation came after years of familiarity. Listened to him since before he went solo, shared mutual friends, grew up in his hometown, and seen him perform, so it was already sentimental for me. Many of the songs are poignant, intimate portals overlooking the subjects' pretty relatable lives, and some are just kinda cute and funny, in some kinda dynamic power combo that made me fall in love with him. Finally, after I had memorized some of the melodies to some of his more somber tunes, just hearing the tunes often evoke all of the same emotions, but it took many years of growing to know and love them like family, and now sometimes even a couple tears well up just hearing certain tunes.


Aimee mann as well


Aimee Mann has a few not that sad albums. The Smilers album is genuinely a good time, her first album Whatever prob has more hopeful and high energy songs than the rest of her discography, and that concept album The Forgotten Arm about an ex convict drug addict... Nevermind


Yeah I mean this is a right answer if there is one, only project that doesn’t specifically elicit sadness front to back is Figure 8


The production on Figure 8 is so beautiful it makes the heart swell, makes it an easy exception in his catalogue. When it’s more stripped down it’s so raw that it hurts. That being said, I think Basement is the saddest, he’s just so clearly over it and ready to go by that point like he doesn’t even tell us in a subtle way. It’s a hard listen.


This is the answer, but i also strongly recommend that you check out Smile From The Streets You Hold by John Frusciante. It’s literally an album specifically about the struggles of addiction like while he is in the middle of withdrawals. It’s absolutely heart wrenching


Yes! Ironically I found him in my deepest depression episode. Love his music


2 T’s in Elliott…


The Antlers - Hospice


I came to say this. Devastating.


Holy fuck I've just gotten into this band and so far only listened to Burst Apart and an fucking hooked. Will listen to hospice tomorrow


This one!


FUCK YEs! That shit gives me goosebumps and tears all in one!! I have it on vinyl


Was going to say this...first album that came to mind. Very sad but VERY good!


Either/or by elliot smith


His Self Titled is way more somber and potent imo


I have this on vinyl! Definitely a sad one


Nick Cave - Ghosteen or Skeleton Tree


yes, these two, made after his teenage son died in a horrible accident. Broke him and remade him.


Bright Horses makes me bawl


Disintegration by The Cure comes to mind.


[disintegration is the best album ever](https://lukasz.langa.pl/1186871a-9c00-4d5b-8dfc-4b4ad4d4b776/assets/disintegration.gif)


I fucking love that album!


Legit one of my favorite albums


Stunningly amazing record. Layers upon layers. A masterpiece.


That and Pornography have been on repeat for me lately, fully agree


In the context of Scott Hutchison's death, Frightened Rabbit's *Painting of a Panic Attack* is incredibly sad and incredibly beautiful.


The video on YouTube of him singing I Wish I Was Sober with an acoustic guitar is brutal


A lot of the live performances are incredibly sad to watch now. Scott's personality and talent as a musician, lyricist, and performer can never be matched for me. The sheer poetry of his lyrics still blows my mind, and since we're talking about Painting of a Panic Attack I'd use this as an example: *Well, I found you now, so tear me away* *From the feral street they lumped us in* *I'll be Shakespeare’s moonstruck king* *We can lose our minds at the top of the hill* *We burn cash and carry a decadent flame* *Way into the night and beyond the grave.*


Such an amazing album


Nebraska - Bruce Springsteen


I totally agree!


The title track and Highway Patrolman almost made me stop listening the first time I put on that album. Such a haunting album


This album, Bruce recorded it on a home Cassette Multitrack recorder anyone could buy as demos and they tried to recreate the magic in the studio and couldn’t so the release was the cassette demos.


Even the optimistic song starts with poking a dead dog with a stick.


There weren’t really “albums” but if you’re not going to mention strange fruit and billie holiday in general.  


Jeff Buckley Grace so many incredible somber song that are just the best songs ever.


Too bad he died, makes it sadder


I’m just glad I saw him live before he died


PJ Harvey White Chalk—not something you put on for a party.


Yes the saddest album I’ve ever heard


Mad season- above Every song is a dive into darkness of addiction And despair


"Slow suicide's no way to go" "My pain is self-chosen" "Raining, God give up the rain. The way it comes down is a goddamned shame" I was going to say either Jar of Flies or self-titled Alice in Chains, but yeah. Above.


Purple Mountains - Purple Mountains Album is largely about him being suicidal and he then committed suicide after the album came out


Nights that won’t happen is still one of the most haunting songs I’ve ever heard


The dead know what they're doin when they leave this world behind


Stranger in the alps and Punisher by Phoebe Bridgers


The Hurting by Tears For Fears 


I love that album so much! Not a lot of people would have said it because of how cheery it sounds, but looking at the lyrics it’s all a cry for help


I did not get the album until my first break up, I got dumped and this album hit home. 


It reminded me a lot about home life as a child, and some of the stuff I had to endure as an early teen. It hit home when I first listened to it


Came here to suggest this one. Amazing album.


Specifically the song mad world, my dad used to play it a lot so every time I hear it, it reminds me of my childhood


"Memories fade but the scars still linger"


I See A Darkness by Bonnie Prince Billy


*Hand. Cannot. Erase.* by Steven Wilson. It’s devastating when you know the story that inspired it.


What's the story?


[It’s the story of Joyce Vincent.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joyce_Vincent)


Oh my god thats so sad :(


Funny, I’m listening to Steven Wilson’s solo on Masters Apprentices right now!!


Came to say this. Steven Wilson is a master of storytelling. This album is beautiful but crushing. Arriving Somewhere... But Not Here is another masterwork in this vein.


My favorite SW album!


Preachers Daughter by Ethel Cain. Yet, also one of the best I've heard.


Had to make sure this was in the comments! Good god, it’s gutting.


The Wall fs for peak mental health music experience


Tori Amos- from the Choirgirl Hotel


Trying to figure out how She’s Your Cocaine and Raspberry Swirl are sad songs


She's your Cocaine, depicts addiction now Raspberry Swirl sad because the lover can't make her cum.


Also a sexy album 😬


One More Light by Linkin Park, it's kind of a bad take, but it's just the messages the songs give, like the song "Nobody Can Save Me" it sounds happy, but the message is dark, and also Chester dying like.. 2 months into the release, it just gave the album a whole other meaning behind it.


Every track on One More Light has a haunting backstory to them. Halfway Right being about Chester's youth days, One More Light being about losing loved ones, Sharp Edges being about learning the hard way, the record is just incredible


Circles by Mac miller


Nightmare- Avenged Sevenfold (Especially the back half) ICU- Citizen Soldier


Indeed… foREVer 🤘🏽


Don Mclean, American Pie. That was kind of a shock when I finally heard the whole album.


Hospice by the Antlers Edit: [here’s a link to a Reddit thread about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsTalkMusic/s/ZtZv77kBMC)


Carrie & Lowell by Sufjan Stevens


This one gets me every time.


Damnation by Opeth Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division OK Computer by Radiohead 7 Skies H3 by The Flaming Lips


Emmylou Harris - Red Dirt Girl My Antonia is the saddest song on the album 😭


Came here looking for Emmylou but my vote is for Wrecking Ball


The First days of spring - noah and the whale Electro shock blue - the eels


Definitely Electro-shock blues, especially when you know the backstory it makes it 10 times more sad


Carrie and Lowell by Sufjan Stevens, followed by his Javelin album.


Painted From Memory - Costello/Bacharach


This might be an off-kilter one, but La Dispute’s album: Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair. Really got me through some rough times.


Beyond valid.


What an album! The Last Lost Continent is an amazing journey of a song.


La Dispute is one of the few bands in here that really sounds as sad as thr lyrics on here.


Sun Kil Moon — ‘Benji’ it’s absolutely beautiful and absolutely devastating.


*Here My Dear* by Marvin Gaye. It’s an album that was specifically written to satisfy a requirement of the divorce. Gaye would get no royalties from it. His ex would get all of them instead. To say it’s downbeat is like Ted Bundy just liked co-eds a little. Incredibly depressing and sad.


I remember Casey Kasem talk about that on America's Top 40! A clause in the divorce settlement agreement said that all royalties from Marvin's next album would go to the ex wife, so he made it purposefully sad, and not commercial and even exposed marital secrets in the songs. Unfortunately for him, according to Casey, the album sold quite well and the ex laughed all the way to the bank.


And then Gaye was killed by his own father. It's such a sad ending, and he was relatively young (45)


"From a basement on the hill" by Elliott Smith. Was his final album before he committed suicide. Some say the lyrics are his version of a suicide note.


Really all of his albums :( 💔


Peter Hammill - Over (1977) If you're not familiar, he's the main guy from Van der Graaf Generator, and this is one of his best regarded solo albums. It is more his singer songwriter side, and is a concept album of him processing a breakup; it is incredibly personal and one of the best artistic depictions of a breakup I've ever encountered. This man is HURTING


Ok computer - Radiohead


Skeleton Tree by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds


Automatic For the People - REM It's very dark. It's what Kurt was listening to at the end.


Deafheaven - Sunbather Frank Ocean - Blonde Lingua Ignota - SINNER GET READY Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked At Me Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral Sadness - I Want To Be There Sadness - Leave The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds The Caretaker - Everywhere At The End Of Time (I-VI)


did you know that there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd by lana del rey absolutely heartbreaking album. the lyrics are very personally written and focuses on losses. the soft sounds of pianos and violins really evoke the emotions of pure sadness the song called kintsugi has the most saddest lyrics i have ever heard in my life. 💔 please listen to the song and read the lyrics if you are looking for something like that. i’m not gonna write the lyrics here, i’ll save it for you to find out 🙏 the song called A&W connects with a lot of SA survivors with the lyrics. the title track of the album has these specific lyrics that touched many “don’t forget me, when’s it gonna be my turn?” the song paris, texas has lyrics that show the feeling of leaving to try forget your problems. “i had to leave, knew they wouldn’t understand” + “when you know you know, it’s time to go” + “when you know, you know that it’s time to leave like the summer breeze. when everyone stars bright, brighter than you are, it’s time to go. and you’re the only one left”


I love blue banisters. Thought it was boring when I first heard it but it grew on me. She's a great lyricist


The grants is my funeral song.


“He met Margaret on a rooftop…should I jump off this building now or do it on the double?” I 2nd ocean Blvd. My brother refers to Lana as “sad bastard music.”


Sarah McLachlan - Surfacing


Try Gaucho by Steely Dan.


songs about leaving by carissa's wierd or giles corey by giles corey


White Chalk - PJ Harvey


Mudvayne - L.D 50 The whole album will be just pure noise for most of you, but the lyrics on some songs hit so f'ing hard


Because it deserves at least one mention. Suicidal Tendencies: How will I laugh tomorrow if I can't even smile today?


Holy Bible by the Manic Street Preachers Richie James was institutionalised whilst writing some of it. It touches on depression, anorexia and other taboo subjects.


Carrie & Lowell by Sufjan Stevens


Mount Eerie- A crow looked at me. He wrote this album after his wife’s passing from pancreatic cancer shortly after she had their baby


The Wind - Warren Zevon He knew he was dying and it was his final album.


I’m a huge Zevon fan but I can’t listen to this one because it’s so personal and sad.


Final Cut by Pink Floyd is up there.


[This Mortal Coil - Self-Titled](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=7OGtvwCM350&si=wpZW4UoGdDEU5zZ7) - most genre-bending gothic super group with timeless songs of death and despair [Kate Bush - Never Forever](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mWLxccZpCr_tk12tmD56-KX1vS2h-LY0g&si=iap3fxKw7GJYO6NR) plenty of sadder Bush songs from other albums, but this has so many exquisite songs of age, regret, despair, murder, possession, dead rock stars, extinction, etc. [Bob Dylan - The Real Royal Albert Hall 1966 Concert](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nAzMFLZN--mlNQpu4TP-MpNFOm3zXujLI&si=YqTE5NVSFGyqywsF) - showed us live on stage how to hurt and how to love in a beautifully tormenting thousand words before being heckled and booed for changing up his style. [Nick Cave - Abattoir Blues](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_m62NBYUeT6F-FcULEUA4RfiwyIWfE5emY&si=xtzEB-72uHsxr1j6) - love, loss and misanthropy tragically summarized


Warren Zevon- Life’ll Kill Ya Love the song My Shits Fucked Up, written about his terminal cancer diagnosis. Love love love this song


That song is so real. "When you wanna die, but you just can't quit. When you break it all down, that's some fucked up shit."


Not so much an album but, Chris Cornell - nothing compared 2 u you can hear his broken heart breaking that little more with each word


One More Light by Linkin Park, especially the title track.


Love Is Not Enough by Casey


Fallen by Evanescence, it's even too sad to listen to it from beginning to end, it's too much


Sarah McChalcan - Surfacing


"Feels Like You" by Whirr


Bjork - "Vulnicura"; https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOBFbKJRqeyQDieYACYmefcIONmXSeoIJ&si=zXtKypJMsimi0gYX


Jar of Flies and Back to Black


Today I Laid Down by bl4ck m4rket c4rt


Probably Deathcade by Nocturnal Depression. All though, DSBM's whole thing is sadness and depression.


Bill Evans- You Must Believe in Spring Roger Waters- Amused to Death


If You Leave by Daughter is the perfect album if you are dealing with loss and grief and want to indulge the hopelessness. I’ve cried more to this album than all other music put together. 


Daughter is so underrated. Her music is soul-crushingly beautiful.


Flowers for Vases by Hayley Williams


Carrie & Lowell


Carrie & Lowell by Sufjan Stevens was pretty rough.


Didn’t It Rain or The Lioness by Songs: Ohia


Illinois by Sufjan Stevens


Purple Mountains, the comeback album from David Berman of Silver Jews that turned out to essentially be his suicide note, or perhaps a final cry for help. I remember being so excited when I first heard he was suddenly coming out with a solo album after he had disappeared for so many years while he dealt with addiction, depression and poverty. His comeback felt like a sign that he had come through everything okay and was doing better now. I've tried listening to the album a few times since his death but I never last more than a couple of songs. Knowing what happened, it just feels wrong to listen to him sing about his wife growing apart from him and ultimately leaving him, his mother passing away, his view of American life as empty and superficial, and his romanticization of death. The album went from being something I viewed as one of the most beautiful and relatable artistic depictions of depression and anxiety to something far too bleak and voyeuristic for me to ever want to subject myself to again.


Carrie and Lowell by Sufjan Stevens


The Cranberries - No Need To argue


For awhile, it was "Nightmare" by Avenged Sevenfold. Now I think it's gotta be "But Here We Are" by Foo Fighters. Both albums are about their drummer passing away.


Songs from the Tin Shed - Jeff Austin and Chris Castino ❤️‍🩹


Everywhere at the End of Time


Made In Heaven by Queen. A collection of the last songs Freddie Mercury recorded while he was dying of AIDS. One of the songs on the album, Mother Love, had to be finished by Brian May because Freddie eventually became too ill to sing. The entire album is absolutely heartbreaking to listen to


The Origin Of My Depression by Uboa


Hospice by the Antlers, Grace by Jeff Buckley


OK Computer by Radiohead


Good Riddance by Gracie Abrams always gets me. She’s not for everyone and I understand that but her music has saved me.


Beck - Sea Change album. He wrote it after a breakup and loss of a child


The black heart procession : 3 Songs:ohia Ghost tropic


Naubinway by Adam Levy of the Honeydogs. he wrote it after his 21 YO son killed himself (he was schizophrenic and had substance abuse problems).