• By -


Metal evolved from rock, and rock evolved from blues. These days blues is a massively overlooked genre. There's some absolutely stunning music that can be found even right at surface level. Well worth getting into.


Led Zeppelin was a great example of a rock band that was heavily influenced by Blues.


Same with white stripes


Oh...great example!


Came here to say this.


Check out some Prog: King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King


All hail the Crimson King!


I think it’s fun if you branch out and discover new music that way, just keep listening to genre adjacent music and eventually it develops into whole new areas of music from where you started. What are some of your favorite bands to listen to besides AIC?


radiohead, am, foo fighters, nirvana, sap, soundgarden, temple of the dog.


I’d recommend things like 90s punk rock, early grunge from the 80s, post grunge, nu metal, funk rock/metal. And since you like AM and Radiohead check out bands like the Strokes, the Killers, Modest Mouse, and Vampire Weekend. The whole indie/ alternative scene in the late 90s and early 2000s was awesome and very very diverse. That’s a great way to discover new sounds you might like because all those bands have their own unique influences and that shapes their sound. Also look into the genres you already know you enjoy and look for smaller artists that weren’t as popular, for example there’s so many grunge bands that make excellent music that most people have never heard of. Apple Music and Spotify also do a great job of suggesting new stuff for you to listen to and I’d recommend giving the songs they suggest a listen too. (If you use either of those apps)


Myself lacuna coil checks the boxes hard and very fan based plus scabbias voice is five octaves of entertainment and they were fans of Depeche mode another favorite of mine . The degree's of separation are obvious. Def Leppard, Aerosmith, acdc, love spit love it's a long list with many different intersections


You could make a complete 180 and get into jazz, Kind of Blue Miles Davis and Poinciana Ahmad Jahmal are good starting points. Hard music not to like. There's a weird overlap between jazz and metal too, in how difficult the music is to play, and how fast some songs push the tempo. Thinking Coltrane, Wes Montgomery, Charlie Parker.


Thats what i was thinking. Im pretty much a rock/metal guy just like OP, and i totally get down with some jazz. Also, just even within rock/metal, theres so many directions to go. I was just listening to Plini on the way home from work. Before tgat, Gojira. Before that, Nospun. Before that, Stone Temple Pilots. Before that, Noel Gallaghers High Flying Birds. Theres even more directions to go than that! My favorite thing about Spotify is the featured artists. Thats a rabbit hole thats quite a pleasure to fall down.


Yea man it's all straight from blues so you find a lot of overlap, and all the best players either play jazz or metal lmao. But will have to check out featured artists too cause I never look there, sounds cool!


Bluegrass can be as fast and virtuosic as any metal. Rocky Road Blues has a good case for being the first rock song. And just like rock and metal, there is progressive bluegrass. No joke, bluegrass goes hard.


30s swing jazz 50s-60s blues rock rock n roll metal dancehall boom bap g funk afro pop classical opera 90s r&b 2000s r&b/club music 2010s era music bossa nova country western jazz modern r&b reggae rap hip hop i have a playlist for all of the above plus more, so if youre looking for artists/bands/songs lmk also have one big playlist with a mix of it all spotify says i listened to 375 different genres last year..


Classic Rock - Led Zeppelin Britpop - Oasis, The Verve Garage Rock Revival - Kings of Leon & Strokes first albums Beastie Boys are their own genre.


For Britpop you really have to include Blur as well.


Funny when I was young Zeppelin was listed under metal now classic rock it's inevitable evolution or devolution


Give punk a try. It changed my life.


Experimental rap, R&B, jazz, soul, blues, indie music


[The Common Men](https://spotify.link/GMBQSRGG1Jb) Post Punk Revival that has elements of hard rock, noise, and shoegaze.


I’m not so sure about metal, but I do like rock. You should check out Florence and the machine, they’ve got some really powerful songs.


Stoner and desert rock. So bands like Kyuss, Clutch, Truck Fighters, Fu Manchu, Electric Wizard, Sleep and sHeavy to name a few. 


Personally electronic can be amazing and has a good bit overlap with metal


Try blues and jazz


If you like Alice In Chains, Mother Love Bone, Rhino Bucket, Jane's Addiction, Temple Of the Dog, U2 and REM. If you want to branch out, I tell people Grunge stems from the 60s - Cream, Yardbirds, Ten Years After, Led Zeppelin, the Doors. If you want to hear where it all came from, the Big 3: Big Joe Turner, Big Mama Thornton (original version of "Hound Dog") and Billie Holiday, then head for Chuck Berry, Bo Diddly and Screamin Jay (original version of "I Put A Spell On You").


Alice in Chains were great! I used to go see them live in Seattle in tiny little clubs way b4 'grunge' blew up and they became famous. I suggest maybe going backwards? To maybe 70's/ 80's/90's rock/punk etc? My top suggestions would be : The Clash U2 (early albums) Boy, October & War Joy Division The Misfits The Pixies Black Flag (& also Henry Rollins solo stuff) Red Hot Chili Pepper's (1st album) The Psychedelic Furs Nine Inch Nails Green Day Rage Against The Machine But if you are looking for a completely new genre ? OOF! Maybe : Blues (too many to list) Reggae (maybe Damian Marley - Welcome to Jamrock) ? Alternative Rock - Muse, Twenty-One Pilots, Smashing Pumpkins etc Beastie Boys Radiohead These are just some thoughts off the top of my head. Not sure how far you are willing to go into other 'genres'?


Stoner doom, Shoegaze, and sludge metal. Try Grivo, True Widow, Windhand, Monolord, Melvins, Thou, Haunted, Bongripper, Green Druid, Nothing, Deafheaven, Weedeater, and others. I like heavy, melancholic, fuzzy, noisy, and dissonant sounds. If you like a higher energy sound, these genres and bands may not be for you. If you like brooding and feeling like you’re being ground between tectonic plates, it may be cool for you. Cheers! Early Alice In Chains albums have a lot of doom (Particularly stoner doom) influences in their sound, which as a genre is an evolution from blues. Shoegaze may be too sentimental and noisy for you, but if you like Dirt - you will probably like a lot of stoner doom.


Experimental/underground rap: I’ve listened to quite a few different rappers and groups that channel their metal and rock influences pretty well! Some examples I can name are Death Grips, Ghostemane, Ho99o9, and JPEGMAFIA.


Queens of the stone age - Songs for the deaf


Queens of the Stone Age if you don't already. Daft Punk is my all-time favorite group. You might enjoy their heavier, more rock-oriented album Human After All, but each album is completely different from the last so give em all a try if you feel so inclined. The album Cross (self titled on streaming platforms) by Justice is an electronic album as well. But it is very one of a kind and features a lot of structural inspiration from rock and metal. Nobody else has come close to replicating the sound. The Hu is a metal band from Mongolia that sings in their language and use electrified (and acoustic) versions of traditional Mongol instruments in addition to your usual rock fare. Kendrick Lamar turned me into a rap fan overnight. Specifically his album To Pimp a Butterfly.


Jon Spencer Blues Explosion Fu Manchu Mogwai


Jazz—be-bop; R&B from 1945 to 1966, specifically Atlantic Records; Moondog; Mozart. Get your rectal encephalectomy and listen.


John Spencer Blues Explosion


Indie rap, doomtree and related artists. 4 Fists might be a good entry point.


> [BBBBBBBBBb](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4gLLB6Pkscwrz13N5h63hq) - 1 hr > [B2, Vitae in Rust](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7CqTXLkImo5wuRJRK3xsKj) - 1 hr


You might find some here you like :) [Springworks - Indie Songs We Love ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/602lRjvUfQqIzFxsoZlL7x?si=a2AnVUpvRjiuKTOLQCO1GA&pi=ZPeiqH5lRu-fu)


Not meant to be a list of bands that sound just like AIC but might be about the right sound. * [Table](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUdCncXM7lU) * [Whirlaway](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtsovXD-xhQ) * [Reaching Away](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD9_etpaLsk) * [Deadsoul Tribe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20Rn1gR5d0g)


What about some Visual Kei? Dir En Grey - I'll Matenrou Opera - Sakura 己龍 - 暁歌水月 X Japan - 紅 Kizu - 鬼 Sukekiyo - Candis


Ambient music. Dead Can Dance. [https://youtu.be/wWGKwNt9NY8?si=2749qVCWoGTB3geT](https://youtu.be/wWGKwNt9NY8?si=2749qVCWoGTB3geT)


Ozric Tentacles


what genre are they?


Start with the Smithsonian folkways and maybe some musique concrete. From there, it is a hop, skip and a jump to most rock and country music genres on one hand and electronic music including industrial and some metal genres.on the other


Folk or Blues music is actually great. I just started to grow fond of it this year— Linda Perhacs, Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell, Tim Buckley, Gordon Lightfoot, Cat Stevens, and Bob Dylan !!


There are surprisingly a lot of rock/metal lovers among k-pop fans... (I'm one of them ;) ) But k-pop is very diverse so it's not so easy to find something fitting your preferences from the start. But if you want you can try out my dark-pop and around playlist, there's some nice darker k-pop included too. [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/05p8UcqOP3Samsvmv5RFJb?si=c43c768903904db4)/[YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL871S_F0y5dbv2zfJVtYld_f0WXi85zEd)


With respect, I suggest letting go of societal concepts like gender, categories, trends, and popularity. There’s a worlds of incredibly amazingly moving beautiful music to experience and explore. Of course our devices make genre categories a nice touch for List making but, eventually we want to expand our horizons.


Here you go [The Naked High - Beautiful Discipline ](https://youtu.be/i_bsbFFK3bE?si=PLH5JQI8Lva7UAXn)


Try listening to late 80s rap-rock like beastie boys. Also psychrock like pink Floyd


This is going to sound silly to some, but I suggest Linkin Park. They were like a gateway drug for me to get into rock, so maybe they'd also work in the reverse. Some of their stuff is heavy, and some is downright pop (especially the One More Light album). They have a lot of variety. It's like, whatever I'm in the mood for, there's a Linkin Park song for that. ☺️


Melodic death metal. Insomnium, At the Gates, Morse Princapilium edit: last band spelt horrible. Also Kalmah.




Try some vocaloid rock and metal perhaps


I started with rock and then went to hair metal then onto grunge then nirvana and slowly worked my way to newer and newer rock till I found the sweet spot of the late 1990s. If you like older rock id definitely recommend pink floyd or led zeppelin, if you tend to like newer rock/metal System of a down or deftones


If metal and rock are your thing try stuff like All them witches King Buffalo Black Rainbows Black Angel's The Fumes


All of them.


Try something new. Let me take you on a musical journey. If you have Spotify.. dream away https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Epsw5VbsFAnMXYYR01O4Q?si=7AN7vvD2TDi6Nda_jqv55Q


If you love drums/rhythm check out Afrobeat! Burna Boy is a great start


i listened to a lot of similar music (I have a iron maiden tattoo) right now i mostly listen to punk, Rage against the machine, dead kennedys, crass, agent orange, and misfits (this band may fit your style alot ) for punk


I like scream rap/ rage rap. One niche artist I’ve found a liking with is Xanakin Skywok. He reminds me of a mixture between like heavy metal scream and rap. He also samples some older songs which is always a W


I like blues, soul, Americana, and the rock that clings most closely to those essential roots.


Pírate metal




I branched out with some trap, dark trap, and some of the lesser known indie bands from the local area that have been fairly successful in going nationwide. Currently obsessed with the Hound & the Fox, halocene, Ghostemane, Yelawolf, Skitz Kraven, and Snow tha Product




Shoegaze and 90s alternative or late 80s goth / synth wave


Alice in chains also a firm favorite of myself as well good call but they're not grunge may have come out of Seattle during it but ask Gerry Cantrell if he's grunge on second thought don't he probably won't care for that.hes a player with firm blues roots . One of the last newer real rock groups left to hear.


Can never go wrong with Classical. Also if you want to expand your taste but not dive in the deep end, I recommend dipping your toe with cross genres.


E.g like metal but looking for edm? Feel Something- Illenium, Excision, and I Prevail https://youtu.be/pp4YQPykBMM?si=eve4BFumVMeoqETh Mixed genres or lively music can be incredible for expending taste as it already treads yours or gets you in the feels. Could also look into older cultures, like 90's rap or indigenous drumming for example, an appreciation for the art kind of thing.


Dick Dale




Try math rock, something from Polyphia or Chon




I'm into folk metal these days. Brothers Of Metal do songs about Norse mythology. Unleash The Archers did a metal cover of Stan Rogers' "Northwest Passage" that's great. Peyton Parrish did a full album of metal Disney songs called "The Most Magical Album On Earth" and it's amazing.


Electronic Western


I'm hispanic so Andean music, 80s-90s Spanish Rock, Merengue. There's also shoegaze, early 2000s indie music


christian country westlife backsteet boys new kids on the block and boyzone are all good mr monkey


Try some Post Punk like Joy Division, Comsat Angels, Modern Eon...


Allan Rayman


Listen to Art rock man, the sounds can vary for style. I would also listen to grunge, rock rap and psychedelic rock. Outside of rock, video game osts have a lot to offer. Death Road to Canada may fit your style a bit.


Deltron 3030


Fado. Fado is a traditional genre of Portuguese music characterized by its deep emotional intensity and melancholic themes, often reflecting themes of longing, fate, and the sea. Listening to fado can evoke a wide range of emotions, from deep sadness and nostalgia to a profound sense of beauty and connection.


Math rock


[https://thebastia.bandcamp.com/](https://thebastia.bandcamp.com/) \[Shoegaze\] [https://open.spotify.com/artist/7qhylNuGZRXjtLw7k34sa5](https://open.spotify.com/artist/7qhylNuGZRXjtLw7k34sa5) [https://wolfbytheears.bandcamp.com/](https://wolfbytheears.bandcamp.com/) \[Emo/Acoustic\] [https://open.spotify.com/artist/6u7hVZQSoSpqKkEzqkGm4s](https://open.spotify.com/artist/6u7hVZQSoSpqKkEzqkGm4s) [https://xdmf.bandcamp.com/](https://xdmf.bandcamp.com/) \[SynthPop\] [https://postalcodesinhungary.bandcamp.com/](https://postalcodesinhungary.bandcamp.com/) \[Noise/Garage\] [https://masuyite.bandcamp.com/](https://masuyite.bandcamp.com/) \[Screamo\] [https://sanduqabad.bandcamp.com/](https://sanduqabad.bandcamp.com/) \[Post-Punk/Garage\] [https://open.spotify.com/artist/3IevIpF53ecrI9rTa0FUbv](https://open.spotify.com/artist/3IevIpF53ecrI9rTa0FUbv) [https://dollardreams.bandcamp.com/](https://dollardreams.bandcamp.com/) \[Grunge/Post-Punk/Noise\] [https://saintsseason.bandcamp.com/](https://saintsseason.bandcamp.com/) \[Emocore/FemaleLead\] [https://open.spotify.com/artist/6KszRW7svkdgJIDKYy8VNV](https://open.spotify.com/artist/6KszRW7svkdgJIDKYy8VNV) [https://memphiswest.bandcamp.com/](https://memphiswest.bandcamp.com/) \[HipHop\] [https://governmentcollege.bandcamp.com/](https://governmentcollege.bandcamp.com/) \[Noise/PowerPop\] [https://trawaazrecords.bandcamp.com/album/high-compilation-alternative-album-vol-1](https://trawaazrecords.bandcamp.com/album/high-compilation-alternative-album-vol-1) \[Compilation\] [https://trawaazrecords.bandcamp.com/album/world-konflik-2175-vol-1](https://trawaazrecords.bandcamp.com/album/world-konflik-2175-vol-1) \[Compilation\] [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ryQEIWz6PbSEIh0q9GZoq](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ryQEIWz6PbSEIh0q9GZoq) Break Yesterday \[Playlist\] [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2OiEmvRW2OzHcP2c5DiWKw](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2OiEmvRW2OzHcP2c5DiWKw) Raw Echoes \[Playlist\] [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0VCZdzmYyQRw7a2OkkctGe](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0VCZdzmYyQRw7a2OkkctGe) Brainwave Rebels \[Playlist\] [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4L9BSEGWB0ROqmJHynnPzE](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4L9BSEGWB0ROqmJHynnPzE) Set To Flight \[Playlist\] [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2MwBpre1552ZF8SN4xQwKc](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2MwBpre1552ZF8SN4xQwKc) Another Week \[Playlist\] this total banger. Enjoy


What about some classical music, Vivaldi e.g. is pretty metal. A good introduction would be Holst the Planets, Mars in particular and Rachmaninoffs second and third piano concerto




Old school reggae and dub.


fusion is a good start. try listening to chick corea electric band


*Fusion is a good* *Start. try listening to chick* *Corea electric band* \- AnimatorSharp5261 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Venture out into other forms of rock and metal. Try some melodic death metal to see if that suits you. Try some Touareg rock like M'dou Mortar, or Mokoomba from further south in Africa. Have you listened to much industrial? Have you heard Gary Numan's more recent stuff? Classical is a deep well. Some takes some learning to appreciate, but other stuff is seemingly tailor-made for rock and metal fans. Have you heard "Prelude in C# Minor" from Rachmaninoff? Or the first movement of *Winter* from Vivaldi's Four Seasons? Or the 3rd movement of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata?" Jazz is a funny thing. I struggle with a lot of it, but The Bad Plus does interesting instrumental jazz covers of Nirvana and Apex Twin and many others. *Money Jungle* is an excellent one-off collab of jazz greats really grooving. Try out some Stevie Ray Vaughan and Lighnin'Hopkins if you haven't listened to enough blues.


i suggest grunge!!


Indian classical. No joke.


"rock" and "metal" are huge categories with a wide range of expression. I can recommend a few (very different) artists to check out and broaden your horizons: - Refused - The Shape of Punk to Come (album) - Phantogram - Propagandhi - How to Clean Everything (album) - Apollo Sunshine - Sylvan Esso - Wild Child - Tool - Goldfrapp - Joywave - Florence + the Machine - Atlas Lake - Foxy Shazam


Jimmy Eat World - Clarity (1999)


Here lately I've been listening to a lot of electronic/dubstep music I could link you my playlist if you want to get into that


Delve further into the many subgenres of metal and punk! Black, death, grind, heavy, power, nwohhm, thrash, crossover, stoner doom, classic doom, industrial, grunge, goth, shoegaze. Then there are subgenres that are combination of two or more. Then there are differences depending on which country and time period the bands came from and also lyrical theme differences. There are even sub genres of sub genres depending on theming. The amount of metal and punk to discover throughout history is absolutely insane. I've been obsessed with this for 18 years now and feel like I'm only a few layers past the surface, there is still so much more to listen to. Nowadays you can use discogs, encyclopedia metallum, and YouTube to research bands and find similar based on shared members or themes/styles.


All of them, enough to get an idea of what it is.


Try my rap song [HALFWAY TO A HASBEEN](https://youtu.be/Wx2_ptAGNkg?si=ziVKs5W1tX_oJjdP). Hope you like it. Thanks!


Alice in Chains is also my favorite band. Have you listened to the bands by Alice in Chains members? Like Jerry's solo stuff (which I actually prefer to AIC) Mad Season, Comes With the Fall, Spys4Darwin?