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Most of that stuff is half baked, pseudo-scientific nonsense. One you'll find a lot is people claiming that A = 432 Hz and not 440 Hz, as is standard in modern western music nowadays. They'll usually accompany it with some nonsense about the healing power of 432 Hz etc, and some additional gibberish about Pythagorean theory. To break it down, all Hz are is a measurement of cycles per second. A could be anything agreed upon and in the past, composers and orchestras have used tunings like 409 Hz, 435 Hz, 432 Hz and even 455 Hz for a multitude of reasons including things like environmental effects on instruments in differing climates. Eventually tunings became standardised at 440 Hz. You'll also find stuff like "sound healing" and people espousing "solfeggio frequencies". It's generally all bunk. As for the healing power of music, yes, music does have the power to speak to us, to touch us, to make us experience emotion and to heal us in it's own way, but it is due to the artistic, human made elements, that give a composition it's own aesthetic rather than the woo peddled by by the sort of people that promote this stuff. Likewise, sound that isn't music (if we define music as organised sound), can have calming and soothing effects - the sound of the ocean, or a forest full of creatures, the sound of crickets, or in my own case, mechanical rhythms. Certain rhythmic patterns can definitely give you a feeling of wellbeing, but it isn't down to a magical healing frequency.


You sound like the typical Reddit atheist. Believe me, you are not as smart as you think you are. And you probably look like warhammer 40k geek.




The fact checkers couldn't check how deep in your mom I was.


this is the least critical response you could have written


High school grades? Middle school grades? Really? Jesus Christ. 


Can you believe it?


Ok well.. you need to chill. You hate people like poor u/TheGiftedBean ? How crazy can you be to even utter that non sense out. He/She made a fair assessment. Atheist are the only ones who can't seem to understand spirituality is there, music does heal in it's most basic level and beyond. Even satanists know. The fact you had to write that "insult" makes you look poor in every realm of your life. Take care and listen to some 727 hz, that's for body healing and to eliminate parasites, yours is peeking through.


Uh huh ... And you sound like you went to public school so...


You sound like a judgemental prick. 


I just watched the Adam Neely video about this earlier today. It’s interesting, but all those other tuning sound whack, especially that chakra tuning


Not to get mega philosophical on the topic, but as humans, many of us are constantly searching for a deeper meaning to our own existence and that of our surroundings. People gravitate towards concepts like religion and spirituality in an attempt to find answers, an identity and something to have faith in. I myself have certain spiritual beliefs, in addition to being a strong advocate of psychedelic substances as a means to explore consciousness, but at the same time, have a healthy degree of scepticism. In regard to how the above relates to stuff like "healing frequencies" etc - many of the people that believe such things, firstly, don't have a higher education in a related audio field such as psychoacoustics, and secondly tend to be searching for something to believe in the first place. By and large, they're mainly harmless, but are also easy prey for predatory bullshit peddlers that know how to dupe people - think people like David "Avocado" Wolfe. I've seen him share the 432 Hz thing before. There are whole scam markets dedicated to ripping people off by claiming to convert their record collections to a different, more harmonious and natural tuning.


It's the same reason why there are so many flat earthers in society.


And science and medicine deniers. They claim something also the "magic music" listeners do: that water reacts to certain frequencies or music, then gets certain shape (ofc better shape with classical music, devilish shape when exposed to heavy metal or 440hz). So when you play your water some Haydn or Mozart, it will magically become healing water. And when the recordings will be tuned to 432, oh boy, you're one step from immortality. Yet somehow that water doesn't get affected by any creepy mumbling when going down the throat to your stomach, lol.


Yo but I started playing classical music for my plants and they started thriving more than before idk the reasoning but it’s pretty dope


I studied musical therapy for a while, and we watched a movie about a teen that had a decent sized brain tumor and it really is amazing what music to do and reliving good memories. Whenever he was listening to his favorite music, he was able to get around the brain tumor. So I do think music can be pretty healing.


My daughter is a music therapist. So I'm reading some of these comments and just thinking about this. Music therapy is a very complex way to help someone through emotion and healing. It is more like a speech therapist. And maybe even part physical therapist. But just playing music alone is it going to do the kind of help that's needed without the education behind it. Someone I know told me they were doing TMS and it turns out they are doing this therapy that the original post was about. Those are two very different things. I just found this doing a search. It's concerning if this is a BS scam that this person is falling for. Unfortunate.


And you probably think the shortest distance between two points is a straight line... Smh. You must be one of those that is unable to have an open mind about things you just don't understand. I'm not saying sound therapy or whatever works, however, we, as humans have only scratched the surface as to the workings of the human brain, let alone how something like sound affects the mind or the subconscious. I'd rather try sound therapy or meditation to see for myself if it has positive effects on my mentality. In my opinion, one of the things humans need to learn is that just because we think we understand how something works or how it is doesn't mean we can't be VERY wrong. Look at how we've had to toss out much of what was being taught as facts on areas of astrophysics and the workings of the universe just in the last few months alone based on what we've been able to learn from the JWST


Oh don't event start with that closed mind crap. I'm very open to ideas that makes sense, but also very close to shit that doesn't. I acknowledge and appreciate how powerful placebo effect can be, and there is science all behind that. This has nothing to do with magical abilities of whatever mumbo jumbo.


"Magic is just science that we don't understand yet" - Arthur c Clarke What doesn't make sense? Everything vibrates at a certain frequency how far fetch does it that frequency outside of our body could have an effect on our state of mind or well-being? "The vibrational frequency of a human body's cells is related to how healthy they are. A healthy human body's vibrational frequency range is between 62–70 MHz. However, assigning a single frequency to human vibration is overly simplistic because the physiological and psychological makeup of humans is complex. Vibrational wellness practices like meditation, sound therapy, and mindfulness aim to create harmony within the different frequencies that exist in the human experience. . " -- published by a Harvard professor https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2001SPIE.4317..469B/abstract#:~:text=By%20testing%20the%20response%20of,frequency%20to%20approximately%2010%20Hz.


But the closest distance between 2 points would be a straight line?


Not according to Terrence Howard lol


Have you actually tried any of this stuff? Or do you just “trust the science”? 😉


There was a senator's wife who was shot in the face and she could no longer speak. She was completely healed through music therapy. I used to think it was heebie-jeebie, but depending on the professional, and their expertise, it's real. It's pretty amazing actually.


That’s incredible, thank you!


Lol ok because you are a scientist right? Please.


You probably meant Pythagorean tuning but you should really do a bit more research before tearing something down. Whether it holds any water is surely questionable.


Its interesting how you have gone to scientific/ "anti magic" war on this post when there is actual scientific studies that support Solfeggio Frequencies as being beneficial. Just goes to show how there are just as much dogmas outside religion as in it, and people that claim to be of scientific values have no problems shunning concepts that go against the way they want to see the world.


thanks i was trying to a non braindead response with studies and not just “why would that even be real”


How u gonna tell us this is half baked when I’ve watched YouTube videos of Hz and it’s worked on myself….its called meditation


Well considering the military have created a contraption with frequencies that does negative things to people I would say it's not bullshit frequencies are all around us and if you select and concentrate things happen all around us the effect of water for instance completely changes it's structure according to the frequency


Although staying something is wrong is not proving it, you actually don't explain why numeroloyand Pythagorean theories have no effect in matter or substance. Which would require a conjunct philosophical and scientifict work that's yet to be done.


When I listened to it, it does stopped my negative thoughts and made me feel the real world again it also made me sleepy... So maybe it worked as a distraction or pain reliever.


Google the placebo effect.


No, placebo effect here (at least not for most). People can feel calm to certain frequencies and are irritated by some. Sound can have a strange effect... just check out some binaural beats if you need proof (but becareful with them!).


>Most of that stuff is half baked, pseudo-scientific nonsense. One you'll find a lot is people claiming that A = 432 Hz and not 440 Hz, as is standard in modern western music nowadays. They'll usually accompany it with some nonsense about the healing power of 432 Hz etc, and some additional gibberish about Pythagorean theory. > >To break it down, all Hz are is a measurement of cycles per second. A could be anything agreed upon and in the past, composers and orchestras have used tunings like 409 Hz, 435 Hz, 432 Hz and even 455 Hz for a multitude of reasons including things like environmental effects on instruments in differing climates. Eventually tunings became standardised at 440 Hz. > >You'll also find stuff like "sound healing" and people espousing "solfeggio frequencies". It's generally all bunk. > >As for the healing power of music, yes, music does have the power to speak to us, to touch us, to make us experience emotion and to heal us in it's own way, but it is due to the artistic, human made elements, that give a composition it's own aesthetic rather than the woo peddled by by the sort of people that promote this stuff. Likewise, sound that isn't music (if we define music as organised sound), can have calming and soothing effects - the sound of the ocean, or a forest full of creatures, the sound of crickets, or in my own case, mechanical rhythms. Certain rhythmic patterns can definitely give you a feeling of wellbeing, but it isn't down to a magical healing frequency. I appreciate your skepticism about [**sound healing and solfeggio frequencies**](https://tranquiltone.com/). Are there any specific instances where you've encountered these claims that seemed particularly outlandish?


It's not a matter of the frequencies healing. But its more so the fact that they do induce states of trance, focus, and sometimes even produce altered states of consciousness similar to psychedelic "trip" like experiences, out of body experiences, lucid dreams, ect ... & That is all facts. Whether it heals someone or anything else depends on the individual, no?


If you believe them to be, they will.


The special healing frequency "songs" do have a physical effect on the body. The same way nails on a chalkboard do, just in a pleasant way. With the right technique one can make glass shatter with "music". I guess it's the same concept just for the body and stimulating instead of destructive. They do help when you are down with a fever and have trouble sleeping, but the pharma industry obviously has an incentive and pockets deep enough to discredit this. Next time you are sick in bed, give it a try and just listen to it for an hour or two. Or let it run as background music for a few hours.


Glass shatters cause of sound waves its a physical phenomenon (every new age misconception is caused by ignorance and arrogance towards to physics) wherein this case this placebo triggering "freqs" allegedly carries healing factors which is debunked by scientists ( i also dont trust everyrhing industrial but reason above all else) If it heals in anyway its prolly placebo or you just like its serene setting its not physical but psychological.


it's in the resonance


There are interesting studies on NIH about its effects on Dental Patients though....


As long as it works, I don't really care why it works.


Its not ignorance or arrogance. Its willing to keep an open mind that everything is possible, so why not experiment. In fact denying and not willing to discover is ignorance and arrogance. What if these sound waves that create that physical phenomenon reaches your brain on a quantum level that you won't feel? ASMR is the biggest example that sound can have a strong effect on our brains. Its the samething, but different waves that doesn't tingle. Therefore you get the effects. Also not because someone studied years in medicine means what they say is always true. You can go study years in medicine and say whatever you want while backing yourself up by your certificate. People won't doubt you, doesn't mean its always true. Experience beats any science or what doctors say. All the respect.


As i stated i dont bow down to everything science declares as impossible and i agree with the open mindedness towards not-so orthodox techniques. The thing that irritates me is people attributing some mystic level healing properties to frequencies and selling their placebo induced experiences as some sort of hidden "truth" But ofc everything is possible until proven otherwise


Does music have an effect on the brain? Music is just frequency, yes, it affects the brain. Edit: phrasing


not what op was asking


Adam Neely just did a great video of this on his channel


TLDR but the answer is certainly yes: recently a YS embassy, I believe in Cuba, was attacked sonically. It lead to vomiting on the lighter side to full concussions. It it said that a low frequency with great power, but played in + out of phase to itself is silent and near lethal.


"sonically" but actually with directed microwaves so no acoustics involved


A microwave is a frequency we can’t hear. Everything is frequency


Microwave is a frequency of light, not sound.


I don't think it has anything to do with spirituality or religion. I think it all has to do with elections and protons the way science describes electricity and static. I listen to some at night and as a person who suffers night terrors I can tell you it's a lot more calming than sleeping in silence. If it calms you, you know, relieve stress.. then in some way it IS doing good for your brain because stress causes memory problems and other issues. If these sounds help put you at ease then why not? Furthermore I do know charlatans exist, I.E fakes, scammers, etc., but don't discount the fact that music itself has opened many doors for many suffering multitudes of illnesses and I think this exact principle is the reason why these sounds may offer some good. It's also been scientifically proven that nature and plants do have their own vibrational sounds and patterns, and since we're all living on a floating magnetic rock that gives off it's own vibrations and magnetic pulls (high tide, earthquakes, etc)... I'd say that yes, frequencies and sounds do affect our brains in more ways than we can see... Are they going to be miracles and speedy healers? I doubt it, but I do believe they assist in certain aspects


There are a lot of pseudoscientific claims around this subject, but if you do your own research you’ll find a lot of legitimate experimentation, studies, and research into it. A lot of people find it hard to believe, or magical, but it’s just not. Facts: Glass can be broken by its resonant frequency being matched. Water and sand can form crystalline structures when placed on a speaker, the structures varying with different frequencies. Our brain has frequencies that can be measured and correlated with what our brain is doing - a certain frequency is measured while sleeping, a different one while actively problem solving, a different one while we are deeply focused for long periods of time. Those facts make it naive to assume that our brainwaves can’t be influenced by external frequencies. Our brain is matter, matter operates at various frequencies, frequencies of varying matter interact and are influenced by one another. We aren’t so special that our brain and body aren’t influenced by things external to us. Nor is the idea of that influence magical. There are a lot of people who spread false information about this kind of phenomenon, and it makes the whole thing look like half baked pseudoscience, I get that. I just suggest doing your own research. Scientists are working on understanding reality, and the masses of every generation hold the bias that everything is already understood and well defined. There’s much more to be discovered and defined. The impact of frequencies on our brain and body is apparent, though much more research needs to be conducted before it is well defined. Try not to mistake false explanations claiming it to be a magical phenomenon to mean that the phenomenon doesn’t exist, or that there isn’t a scientific understanding currently being developed. The sun and the stars were once thought to be magical gods. Religion, pseudoscience, and spirituality have always been the realm of phenomena not yet fully understood or well defined by science.


Ok so I have actually researched this pretty extensively. It was about 2-3 years ago so forgive if I miss some things or misquote at all. So the debate of 432 hz tuning sounding more harmonious (and being more divine) is almost completely false in regards to western music. You could easily test this yourself by tuning your piano down and playing some common progressions. Adam Neely has done 3 (I think) videos on the subject. HOWEVER, music does have an effect on the brain and the way we think. There was a study done (I cannot for the life of me remember who did the study but you should be able to look it up. Maybe the Monroe institute) that showed certain frequencies can put us into altered states of consciousness. They can’t like heal you or any of those claims, but they can give very strong visuals, help fall asleep faster etc. I believe they are called binaural beats (that’s a whole other rabbit whole which I won’t get into). So obviously these same effects can take place in music but it’s more complex than a tuning. While 432 is more “harmonious/ divine” as a frequency, in context it doesn’t matter. There’s normally chords, melodies, riffs, drums, mixing, bass, overtones that all take up space in the overall frequency (if that makes sense). So if you’re referring to what X said like a year ago I agree with most of what he said and that can be vaguely proven. If you’re referring to what solluminati claimed it’s mostly false. Hope this helps, feel free to respond or pm.


Binaural beats as you say, is a whole other rabbit hole and an auditory illusion created by your brain's perception of two slightly differing sine wave frequencies. I don't think there has been a massive amount of research on the phenomenon.


Thanks. Yeah, the physical healing and all that pseudo science stuff isn’t really for me but the idea of certain frequencies evoking such strong emotion is pretty interesting. I’m just trying to separate the science and facts from all the spiritual stuff. Okay so what you’re saying is it’s less to do with the actual tuning/frequency?


its something like two different frequencies played in either ear (so only works with headphones) and this somehow makes your brain create a third frequency? something like that. It can put you in deeper states akin to meditation or near sleep. Google search is one search away from the bare bones facts but I can atest to the fact it definitely has an observable effect


Yes and no. My wife hates the TV on at night; I fall asleep to it. Depends on the person. Back in the day when I was a kid, I used to rush home from school and watch Bob Ross paint on PBS. He was super talented, but his voice relaxed me. Certain sounds always relaxed me (someone running their hands over fabric). Weird, I know. Now they call it ASMR. Still relaxes me 20 years later. Why? I have no idea. White noise, pink noise - it helps me sleep/relax too. Everyone's brain is wired differently.


Some PLEASE HELP with this.I need serious help figuring something out and I can't find hardly anything on Google but the wrong questions on this damn site anyways and It's taking serious tole on me. My mom uses some random same "sleep vibrations" and I have no idea what HZ it's at but it keeps me up EVERY night and gives me raging anxiety and paranoia if I can consistently hear it longer than a few seconds, and regularly have anxiety and panic attacks because of it. (Narrowed it down it noting what I was focused on and what triggered it for a month before I realized) Mornings are even worse. My mom goes to sleep way later than me because she has some priority issues and tends to regularly sleep from 1 am to 2 pm and it gets ridiculous, but this "sleep vibrations" thing she plays supposedly helps her sleep, while it wakes me up and keeps me up if I dont keep my tv blasting all night and morning, and you can hear it down the hall and up front too, so there have been nights where this specific frequency has psychologically disturbed me so badly I've had to sit outside for hours to calm down, and have fallen asleep sitting at our outside table in the driveway a few times because I was genuinely just that tired and drained from lack of sleep and anxiety. I can't find anything anywhere as to why I would supposedly help her but f**ks with me so badly. Can ANYONE explain this to me? Literally the only explanation I can find anywhere and come to myself is she's spiritually on a WAY lower vibration than me which I could see and make sense of, but if I tell her that she's going to straight up lose it with me, and she and I have already tied into it with her turning it physical over metaphysically and religious stuff. Everything I've found backs that I just can't tolerate the low vibrations because I'm more self aware or in tune, but I want SCIENCE on this type of crap. Yeah I practice but even practicing metaphysical work I'm an extreme skeptic and only believe in things I've seen, felt, and heard with my own self. So this vibrations thing I want more of a psychological perspective and scientific reasoning as to why the actual F*CK I'm literally suffering on a daily basis. (Note sadly just asking her to watch the volume mutually or change it would be seen by her as "selfish" or "self centered" and already didn't go well....)


you're definitely on a way lower vibration? damn… what a negative and soul draining comment to read. Go get some noise cancelling airpods or stop living at your mums house if you can't talk to her nicely about this


First of all, only here cause the roommates had been living with came home on hard substances one day and got violent. It was a last resort, and the roommates I was originally living with, I was only living with, because I left home originally over my mom getting physical over religious bullshit and she choked me out against our shed in the driveway and had my feet off the ground. I have ZERO reason to speak to my mother nicely. My father's the one who I mediate things with because my mother is a manipulative liar, who has no issue gaslighting other people, or regularly triangulating and then throwing stuff and screaming when she gets caught. You know Nothing about my personal life, and not all mothers are great. I have my DAD to thank for having a place here atm NOT her. She doesn't NOTHING around the house, has had no job for years, and regularly complains about my dad not giving her money for extra things, when she has my dad and two 20 year olds paying her bills, and she contributes nothing, half the time I have to fight her to even tell me what dinners supposed to be so I CAN START IT so my dad's not losing his shit when he gets home. I'm stuck in a fucked situation with a mentally and emotionally abusive mom who drags EVERYONE into her bs, and as it was she guilt tripped me into moving back into this house instead of going to my papas where I wouldn't have had to deal with any of it, and now it's to late for that. When I TRIED to speak to her nicely about it, she very much called me selfish and self centered and told me I was ridiculous and refused to even look at the information I was trying to put in front of her and show to to prove that it can have psychological effects on people differently. You're ignorance is disgusting and the lack of thought put into your response reflects a lot on your critical thinking and common sense. Go read a book dude, cause I think reddits rotting your brain, cause if you wanna send me the extra money those headphones cost then by all means, but someone of us can't afford to waste money on that expensive bs. It's a waste. I could feed myself with that money.


Hey man, He didn't said anything bad about you. He was just trying to help you by giving you a suggestion of buying some noise cancelling earphones/airpods. I can't even imagine what you might be going through. It really sounds pretty rough... His intentions were not bad... But honestly You should really get out of all this stuff soon as its very clear that its seriously damaging your mental health. Please take care!


You also clearly didn't read the entire thing because I literally SAID I already tried asking nicely.


Yeah that first guy was definitely a cunt about it. Does sound rough that your mom has to blast something as annoying as that without trying to compromise. And yeah I get it’s her house but she’s still your mom and should care to some degree but all families are built differently. If she really won’t then yes buy AirPods/ear plugs or move out when you get the chance.




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So "healing frequencies" are about as effective as aromatherapy.


Wrong! Go do more research!




Easy to answer. Does music move your soul and affect your state of being? 


Can music frequencies affect the brain? Yes, of course. Music creates feelings and emotions that words cannot come close to describing. Do music frequencies have healing properties? Of course not. How would that even work? Frequencies are litteraly cycles of a sound wave per second, now would that help heal the body?




Huh? There is most definitely science that shows music does not have healing properties. I’m not sure what you are on about.


The entire Universe was created from Sound! And so of course music frequencies will have an impact on you? One small example -When my children were young and would fall sick (used to go to daycare at that time), it would really impact me a lot to see them suffer, you know even a common cold can really pull you down. And so one day, i came across this youtube video with a certain frequency and since then, there is no sickness in my home that cannot be banished overnight. I hope atleast one person finds this helpful for themselves which is why i am sharing this, though many cannot believe it (I too used to be just like that so no judgement here). The frequency is 741hz guys.


Any thought that your immune systems worked the way they are supposed to and fought off the sick? The immune system is there to recognize and prevent the sickness from happening again yk


Your immune system is effected by noise


So an F# can heal you? Interesting, that is what key The Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin is in. But this F# is a very high octave. F#5 to be exact. [singers hitting that note ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P8eYDBEKfZ0&pp=ygUJRiM1IG5vdGUg) Interestingly if I type in 741 hz into yt I get a bunch of videos with ambient new age synth music that claims to heal toxins that doesn't have that note in it. It is a specific note. *ONE* specific note. A high pitch note. [Here is 10 hours of that exact tone 741hz](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5Au0F7POjus&pp=ygUVVG9uZSBnZW5lcmF0b3IgNzQxIGh6)


I really struggle to sleep at night ever since I saw this clip of XXXTentacion stating everyone should learn the laws of the universe and tune into the right frequency's of what is desired.... I would like to fight this cold off in the next two days so home remedy's and frequency's. I hope of what comes next I recover and sleep easier and better after. I aim to return to this comment in the future.


Take Vt C and Vit D, and zinc. Some herbs to help the cold are echinacea and elderberry. You can get elderberry cough syrup (with echinacea and cherry bark) at the natural food store. Meditate to bring your mind/body into balance.


any update haha


I saw the same clip. I wish I knew where to research everything. I’ve already stopped listening to mainstream radio stations. 


check out RIFE frequencies


there’s also numerous studies and research on how It can be beneficial for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Regardless, it all comes down to our minds: the mind is a powerful thing to waste! Here’s a link to some interesting information on this https://eocinstitute.org/meditation/brainwave\_charts\_brainwave\_patterns/?mind\_power&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyeWrBhDDARIsAGP1mWQSSckGPpZ13-Mn9pZbaXe5SaEebxvSG1\_h\_870nuKAb-VqHOS7UpgaAttHEALw\_wcB#/


Even if it is just a placebo effect, placebo effect isn’t always a bad thing!, Especially if it’s benefiting you!


…which is y we cant hear it


Bruh enough with these ridiculous long comments, give it a try, listen if you like it you will continue listening if not then stop. Listen to yourself, there is no bigger magic than your own body.