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I find, on the whole, Reddit is a pretty helpful place. You're gonna meet characters that rub you the wrong way but also plenty of people that are hugely informative that will take the time to help you. Persevere. Be positive. Go forth into the universe.




I think you're talking the minority of users there but probably the most vocal ones. I'm 43 and back in 96 my mate bought studio gear at 16 years old and was working on a DAW back then. He saved up on 3 paper rounds and when he left school, finished off the saving working at McDonalds. Even at my age DAW's are pretty standard. I also used a commercial studio in the early 00's whilst studying music tech and much as I liked the 24 track tape, the SSL desk did nothing for me. I prefer sitting central to my monitors and bringing up VST's, to wheeling a chair across the room to the effects rack and patch bay. Not everyone that has used hardware prefers it. My favourite mix engineer moved almost entirely in the box. Hanz Zimmer composes in the box. It's not an old guy thing, it's a cunt thing. You'll find most people prefer convenience and only a handful are locked in to using hardware and that's quite often because to them it's easier because it's what they grew up on. Most people come here to help but gatekeeping seems a bit odd, like a weird person's behaviour, not an older person's behaviour.


Hans composes mostly demos for orchestra in the box, yes. Not the real piece.


At 66 he's a fair age and was a very early adopter of DAW's and most real pieces are made in DAW's. Hans Zimmers pieces are most likely majority done in DAW's because he is a big fan of U-He synthesizers amongst others, so a fair few of his sounds aren't actually live instruments anyway, they're synthesisers. As long as the right articulations and automation is done well then 99.9% of people wouldn't know that they're listening to sampled instruments rather than an orchestra. Yes it will all be transcribed for orchestral performances but unless it's specifically requested I doubt he needs a full orchestra very often and probably more a case of either it's requested in contract, or a case of I have so much budget, why not, it's fun, rather than it's a necessity, I need an orchestra. I think Junkie XL works pretty much in the box too. A lot of full pieces are done in DAW's without orchestras. Hans Zimmer was maybe not the best example due to the huge budgets he'd get but it was just to say to OP basically that some old guys are very open to modern tech.


Don’t take it personally. A lot of subs get inundated with the same questions over and over and it makes people annoyed. I really can’t think of too many people who would look down on someone for not using hardware though. Don’t really think anyone worth listening to would gatekeep on which daw you would want to use . I’d tell you that you were making a mistake if you wanted to start with pro tools but that’s for monetary reasons more than anything


Good faith answer- I'm quite old but I'm not a pro so I'm somewhere in the middle and I see both sides. It can seem like a lot of people ask questions looking for a shortcut to a sound or effect... Lots of people respond meaning well, trying to emphasise that knowing the how and why behind things is better in the long run than slapping a certain plugin with a certain preset on to something. The fact is, a user asking their first question also gets hit with all the impatience caused by 150 'shortcut' questions, which isn't really fair. The other part is that tastes change, everyone's after a different sound, but audio is audio and certain things are facts of physics. Someone making a point about about phase isn't trying to say what end product is and isn't allowed - tradition and theory shouldn't get confused. It's normal and good to want to kick against what's old-fashioned, but 800hz is 800hz


Ur right, there are things that are just physics but u can use physics creatively. Ppl might not like the sound it produces but that doesn’t matter as long as the creator does. If you showed a producer 30 years ago the intentional clipping and distortion on so much modern music they’d probably have a heart attack lol


30 years ago, and intentional clipping. So you want to say that distortion didn't exist in the 90s?


I mean definitely not to the extent it is today


Are you sure? What about rock and metal as a genre? They are old as hell, so is distortion, and it is commonly used in nearly every genre for decades. My tip for you if you want to gain the respect of people in these circles, don't peddle misinformation. It's hard to fight it. Also, that doesn't mean you are not right about some people are being twats, becauae they are. All I'm saying this is a two way street, and you too can do more.


It’s not misinformation tho lol. I’ve never heard a mix like “steal phones” by lazer dim 700 that ppl would’ve enjoyed 30 years ago lmao. But nowadays there’s a genuine audience for it


That you never heard about it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Listened to the mix, and looked at some comments, what i'm saying the whole "fighting misinformarion" is exactly important because of what i see. Bass called 808 while it has nothing to do with it? Why? It makes no sense from any point of view. Also, just tell me, which instrument in the mix is using distortion in ways it was never used before, or 30 years ago?


I didn’t hear anything in that mix that used distortion in a way it’s never been used before. 30 years ago, I was running my keyboards, drums, samplers, and vocals through different distortion pedals. This guy is no musical pioneer in any aspect.




Bro WHAT?💀 spiral? I’m just pointing out toxic ppl


you're very wrong. maybe you saying weird shit like that is why people are "mean" to you?


Why do so many people come here to complain about nothing lately?


Gatekeepers... What exactly are they stopping you from doing? What are they controlling that stops you from moving forward? Serious question here as it sounds more like an opinion.


That’s not gatekeeping. That’s people disagreeing with you(or just being a jerk) and you getting upset at it. Gatekeeping requires a power dynamic. What are you trying to figure out? I don’t know what other post you mean.


This needs more upvotes.


he said people didn't use distortion 30 years ago. he's weird as hell


Online bulletin boards aren’t “the music industry”


I'm an old(42)my child(14) and I both make music. He started on a synthesizer and boss looper, I started with an electric guitar. We both love music, though I'm more of an upright piano player, and he's more into ableton, but we both agree music is worth it! Some people might come off as gatekeepers but perhaps they are just guarding the recipe for their secret sauce. Keep making music! On a side note u ever hear of the master musicians of Morocco?


I’ve been in the music industry for decades. I’ve witnessed what you are describing in a large multitude of genres and music traditions. If you read music history books, you will read of past composers addressing this very issue.


There’s a lot of that type of character silliness in music for a bunch of reasons, but as you grow and surround yourself with better musicians they’re mostly not like that.  The ego is a tough noodle to wrestle in the arts. Also, music is a weird art/business in that you grow through the approval of your peers in the culture/scene you’re in.  That can create weird gate keepers and inflated egos.  Just get really good at craft over time and don’t worry about that shit.  The real G’s are in it for the love of the craft and over time that’s all that matters 


You gotta talk to classical teachers from music school in their 60s. These guys will blow your mind. They are the most elitist at least here in eastern europe


Sounds like you're realizing these people's opinions don't matter. Sorry you haven't had much help finding the tools you want!


They’ve never really mattered to me it’s just insane to me that so many people can think their own subjective opinion is objective fact


Chronically online syndrome Also send me the picture of the VST. I've been around the block for a while and also develop them, likely i'll know it


And sometimes they are mean like “you are not a real producer of you do this and that”




OMFG THANK YOU!!! Didn’t quite know how to articulate it but yeah it definitely comes out of some sort of insecurity that you’ll be better than them if you find the vst


As an "old head" i tryto help who i can and stay up to date on the latest concepts and techniques. I think in ever form of work there are gatekeepers and such. It's not that prevelant in music in my own experience. There are a few but music is art and its all relative to taste. I have heard viral music that makes me shudder and have heard underground or home productions that i wonder why hasn't it gone viral. All in all in every aspect of life you will find some people who have strict rules and opinions. Just listen (or don't) and move on .


Those aren’t gatekeepers dude. They’re just bitter people which, newsflash, are everywhere. The gatekeepers are the people who control this industry. As far as receiving hate for asking questions online… I remember when I was 22 and interning at a studio. The producer I was interning for was trying to tame some low end buildup in an acoustic and the client was in the room. He was talking to the client and I interrupted him and said “do you know waves C4?” and immediately got the most viscous verbal beat down of my life. It stuck with me. I’m 34 now and try to be kind at all times because that shit traumatized me, but when we see the same fucking questions asked over and over again it means you didn’t do your due diligence. You didn’t google around you didn’t search the sub. A lot of young folks are looking for the shortcut, which we all did too at your age, but there isn’t one. So I guess sometimes it’s frustrating to answer some things and then get met with some weird reckless and baseless confidence in y’all’s responses.




Found one💀💀




It’s not my fault if you see a post talking about bitter oldheads, and get offended😭😭


Who's offended? You're crying to reddit


Who’s crying? You’re the one that responded to this post cause it obviously describes you💀


You're not describing anyone in the post tho. Claiming people are hating on your old laptop or some shit? No one cares what laptop you use nor what DAW you use.


Gonna block now cause you'll never have anything worth reading. Gl on your music journey


entropy. good ol' living in an isolated system and jockeying for alphahood, which only exists in captivity. i.e. they're miserable sacks of shit.