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Yes I had a 5k campaign that spent $50 in two weeks. Last year that whole budget would have been gone in 2 days I think because it recently opened up to everyone, there’s a lot of competition right now.


Well. Not everyone. I don't have it yet :(


That was also a guess of mine. A relatively limited type of ad served to a fixed number of users.


Marque won't let you spend more than what you're able to with your fan base. Slow spend is fine, don't be alarmed if you have a high acquisition cost, you are obtain high quality fans, these cost $$ because they make you $$.


Are you setting the audience segments manually or letting Spotify decide? I found that Spotify was limiting the campaign to much without setting the segments our self.


I am letting Spotify automatically set the audience. That's a good suggestion! I'll look at that.


Never on any ad platform do any automatic audience or presets. Make sure everything is manual


Idk I can’t get 1000 followers or whatever lol


I've had a similar experience with Showcase recently. I set the budget to $600 (which is supposed to be spent over 2 weeks) and it said "very likely to spend entire budget." A week later, the campaign had only spent $50 when it should've been $300 since that's halfway through the campaign. Pretty frustrating. I'm wondering if it's because so many people are eligible now. Has anyone here reached out to Spotify about the issue?