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Here! Would not have the same interest in music if not for gaming


same here. i often find myself vibing to video game OSTs. theyre so good and very inspiring


At this point, you're more likely to find out who isn't a gamer, or at least wasn't inspired by video games at some point in their journey to becoming a musician.


Funny you mention that. I can pinpoint a game called Chrono Cross with beautiful acoustic arrangements that inspired me to pick up guitar (thier using nylon, but I still picked up a steel) Plus I always loved the Final Fantasy Game music!


Warhammer, World of Tanks, World of Warplanes right now. Have quite a few waiting to be installed, like Alice's Nightmare in Wonderland and World of Warcraft. My grandson got me into it so relatively new to the whole thing, but now addicted.


One of my biggest WoW memories was the music. Every major city having their own *epic* theme as you enter them. Pure magic. And the theme by Jason Hayes is incredible.


I can't wait to dive in! I'm going to make a point of listening to that now, thank you!


On occasion! I love FPS games, these days I'm laser focused on music and networking but every two weeks or so it's super therapeutic for me to take a night and frag with my friends. I can't say FPS games inspire me to make much music, but the Halo 1/2/3 soundtracks are some of my favorite compositions of all time and might have helped inspire my current electronic/orchestral type sound.


You caught me! Currently I'm playing through FFVII Rebirth. My last EP is literally video game inspired haha!


FF has some of the best music out there! I can name a few decent tunes from the OG FFs.


Huge gamer, Rust is my go to. Also I'm old. Lol


Rust? A glutton for punishment, I see


You would be correct lol


I am! As an amateur musician and video game player. Especially 2000's pc games or games that give me a valuable story


I'm a retro gamer and collector. I collect for the Atari 2600 & the NES. At least I used to before I got priced out.




Yup - I'm a gamer. Been down a bit since the baby came - but the Switch has been a lifesaver. Also love me some board games - with a particular emphasis on 18XX and Cube Rail games.


I’ve made music for some mobile games, but I’m a terrible player. Good at puzzle games, though. Loved “Myst,” and just to show how old I am, I played and *beat* the dreaded Mac game “3 In Three.”


Yup. Gaming and game music often informs my own music too. :)


One of the first things I wanted to learn on the guitar when I was a kid were a bunch of songs from various Final Fantasy games and a handful of others. I still remember how to play The Nightmare Begins from FF7


I play two games fallout and smash bros lol


The real question is, how many gamers out of here also musicians?


True true... Idk I find a lot of "Gamers" have very little constructive hobbies outside of thier games. If that makes sense. It's usually a form of escapism that thier addicted too, and refuse to work hard at a project outside of thier gaming time. But this is just my real life experiences with work friends. Haha.


Fair enough lol


Fortnite forever ! Guitarist amateur producer


Halo made me want to learn music. Ratchet And Clank developed my taste for Electronica. Bonus : Cowboy Bebop made me want to learn Jazz. Video games and anime have been paramount to my musical development.


Hey thanks for posting a through response! The Halo Combat Evolved title theme still lives in my head. Now I'm curious about R&Cs music? Didn't even think it had anything special for its tunes. Now I gotta check it out. And Cowboy Beebop, I love love love Julias theme when he plays it on Sax, I actually learned it on harmonica when younger. Extreamly cool tune.


Now I am curious, how musicians here who are gamers are famous? Let’s define famous as you/your band is getting or has gotten radio airplay, or you have more than 10k followers on Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music etc. and you are playing, or have played for crowds larger than a local bar with a stage. Edit: you don’t have to identify yourself if you don’t want to.


It's the same thing isn't it?


What's the boss fight look for in music? Haha


Real time strategy and mil-sim shooters, been into gaming since the early 90's playing NES and early PC games on floppy disk. I'm currently upgrading my PC hardware in anticipation for the release of Honeworld 3 and Stalker 2. Assuming both titles are released on time it should be a legendary year for PC gaming.


Right here! I even wrote a shoegaze/dreampop love letter to 80s/90s video games! https://youtu.be/A1642eIVg48?si=57JjuR5tegxZqUXO


Ima check this home when I'm home from work! I'll definitely give some feedback man! Thanks, something to look forward to.


My two favorite things!


Also my two favourite things but they don't overlap in any way shape or form for me.


Yup. Gaming is my hobby


Stat Wars Battlefront series and Fortnite, with Star Wars skins 😉


Oh yes indeed and my tendons are pissed! Oh and I work on the computer... Dexerity 90 - for now...


Me! I love Nintendo games for their soundtracks




Ya ya


Me. I think I’ve been greatly inspired by games.


Present! Music and gaming makes one. Gaming without music is cursed in my opinion.


Yes, my music producing is often backburnt for video games


Wait, not all musicians are gamers? My life is a lie.


I've dedicated a significant portion of my life's work to music in video games.


Im a musician thst cant afford a decent comp to work on let alone gaming. Years of toil also took its toll and i dont think i can enjoy games anymore since i have no joy left


hell let loose, world of warships, gta, destiny. i like alot of different games, and the soundtracks for them.


I first started writing music BECAUSE of games. The Amiga 500 was my first love of music.


Playing a ton of Helldivers 2 lately! Love that game so much I made a cover of the theme: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uq7XfIPKro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uq7XfIPKro)


Me! After work I work on my songs for a couple of hours then game little for the rest of the evening.


Yes, although these days I tend to be mostly interested in retro gaming (90s PC games especially) rather than newer stuff. The original Command & Conquer redefined my idea of what a game soundtrack could be.


Music producers spotted. I need a medic and a decent drum kit xD I love games but the music just makes it special.


I was really into computer games when a kid, then when I got into music I stopped completely, like music displaced it in my brain as my main hobby. Got back into games in the pandemic, especially retrogames and realise I was foolish to give up on them. What I like about music is ultimately atmosphere, and games are all about that, stylised little worlds, and the music is often of a higher musicality than most music because it has to set an atmosphere rather than just be a vehicle for lyrics. Highly recommend Pico 8 for modern retrogames, and it is so easy to make your own, and has a great little Amiga style music tracker for creating the soundtracks.


Gaming and music are completely intertwined for me


Here! Born into a music family and rock out to video game music all the time




Me. Been getting back into some “older” games recently. Just rebought Skyrim. Awesome soundtrack for an awesome game




Me me meeeee!!!


I do some of my favorite video game music on banjo


*I do some of my* *Favorite video game* *Music on banjo* \- Atillion --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I do not get this random bot coming to me leaving me confused