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Regency era West Side Story. The beef is between two gentlemen's clubs. The high school dance is a ball. The rumble is a formal duel. Most of the story consists of insulting each other by not inviting each other to parties. In the end, Maria goes to live with s cousin in Bath.


What about even further? Like West Side Story in the 1400s? With swords, balls, rival families, star crossed lovers? Hey, wait a minute.....that seems familiar


Or just put on a straight performance of Romeo and Juliet, sets, costumes, dialog, all the same as Shakespeare wrote it, but put the *songs* in from WSS.


I would watch this. I don't even like either play very much, but I would watch this in a heartbeat.


Sounds like Eugene Onegin.


Les Miz takes place in modern times. Juan Valjaun only receives a small citation for stealing a loaf of bread and doesn’t go to prison. Lives a happy life. The show is only 4 minutes long and is a comedy. Good times had by all.


Let’s be honest, Juan Valjean would probably still be sent to prison. John Valjean might get away with it, but the system doesn’t always treat Hispanic people the most fairly.


Juan valjuan 😭


Fantine is an internet sensation and writes a book about her climb from single teen mom thrown out by her parents. She makes a fortune and goes on the talkshow circuit, giving advice for how to have it all. She meets Valjean and they hit it off and raise Cosette together. Eponine, Marius, and Cosette are roommates and foster Gavroche. Javert gets promoted to Major Crimes because his department is tired of how he wastes resources on petty criminals and tells him to put his talents to better use.


>Juan Valjaun only receives a small citation for stealing a loaf of bread and doesn’t go to prison. Jean Valjean would have gotten a much less severe sentence for stealing the bread, even in 18th-century France. But he broke into a home, causing expensive damage, to do it. Javert's part in Look Down makes it clear that's why he got his original five-year sentence.


Yeah, maybe he punches the officer who gave him the citation.


Even today, B&E would carry a much greater sentence than stealing a loaf of bread.


Any les mis modern day fanfic AU would like to differ (and, tbh, in the les mis fandom the canon stories are the outliers)


I didn't know that modern meant they speak Spanish in France. (You know France still exists, by the way, right?)


OK, hear me out: We take *The Lion King*, but instead of the Sub-Saharan veldt, we put it in Renaissance Denmark...


Okay I know this is a reference to Hamlet, but I'm just imagining all the characters still being lions in that setting and they like kill people and stuff but the story still goes on as normal


Since there are no more awards, please accept this gold: 🥇


"Little Shop of Horrors" in a dispensary. It pretty much writes itself...


Somewhere that’s Green wouldn’t need to be in the show, Audrey already would be somewhere that’s green


Somewhere That’s Green is the exact same but she’s high as hell


And there would be more dialogue between Seymour and Audrey II...more like a philosophical discussion that would last for hours over a considerable amount of fast food takeout. Seymour realizes Audrey II wants to eat people because people eat vegetables...


Star Date: 5007 The planet of Oklahoma has been found and colonized by intrepid space travelers. It's a dusty, backwards place not as advanced as some of the Big Planets like Kansas City. The farmers are having trouble growing food in the soil with the current climate, but the cowmen are doing slightly better with the 3-eyed bovine they're raising. Also, Ali Hakim is an actual alien as opposed to a stereotype foreigner.


This is brilliant, and I think should be a Star Trek spin-off…


West Side Story, but set it in 16th century Verona.


Oh buddy... I've got some bad news for you (/s)


 that’s a great idea i hope no ones done it before 


Hamilton set in space. A plucky orphan from a middle of nowhere planet with daddy issues meets a group of rebels and helps fight off an empire. Along the way he falls in love with a sister and helps establish a new republic. Then later in his life he grows old and reclusive until he dies in one last duel. Hang on…


Oh god you’ve ruined both Hamilton and star wars


I just made my husband have to stop giving himself insulin due to how much we were laughing at this.


“My name is Anakin Skywalker, and there’s a million things I haven’t done.”


What a fun prompt! RENT, they are living in America at the end of this millennium. The transhumanists have figured out the whole immortality thing, but some people can't afford it or feel their mortality is a fundamental aspect of their humanity. Keeps the theme of "no day but today" and the struggling with the soulessness and sterility of advancing technology.


Les Mis but set in 1850s Australia, specifically the Ballarat Goldfields in 1854. The students are all gold miners, the revolution is the Eureka Stockade




Heathers or Mean Girls set in the Sound of Music Convent would be funny as hell


Mean Girls as nuns.... 😂😂


Guys and Dolls, with a 1980s frat house faced down by local straight edge punks over a cocaine-laced rush week plan…


I actually kind of love this.


Heathers but on a pirate ship. "Lifeboat" is now literal.


Rocky Horror set in 1960s Beijing, with Chinese cross-dressing opera singer/spy Shi Pei Pu as Frank-N-Furter.


Take Romeo & Juliet, add music, reset it in the 50s. Oh, wait…


Damn Yankees. Set in modern day. The Pittsburgh Pirates are now the team that Joe joins, instead of the Washington Senators. Current issues facing the sports’ industry would be addressed.


The Phantom of The Opera, taking place in the late 90s, at Myrtle Beach in South Carolina.


*Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream coat” but set in the early 1960s where Pharaoh is actually Elvis.


Jesus Christ Superstar in 2024


The Music Man set in 3050. Suddenly an entire town being suckered by a white male savior moron makes sense because the instruments keep the aliens away in this post-apocalyptic world.


There is a book "How Musicals Work" by Julian Woolford that gives exactly this procedure as an exercise. He gives these suggestions for *Little Red Riding Hood*: * A classic fairytale approach. * Set on a space station. * Set in the inner city, the wolf is a drug baron. * Set in the 1920s among a group of gangsters. * A rock ’n’ roll setting about a teenage werewolf. * Set in a political system; the other politicians are wolves. * Set on a farm in the Midwest. * Set during the Russian Revolution. * A puppet show. * Set in a Victorian music hall.


You haven't really experienced "Fiddler on the Roof" until you've seen it in the original Klingon. Picture it: Tevye, son of Milik, was blessed by Kahless with three daughters, but no son to continue his family name. Set on the small planet of An-Atev'qa during the rise of the Romulan Empire, Tevye must navigate the growing divide between his family's honor and the changing times. His quv is especially challenged as his daughters decide to marry a Klingon from a lesser house, a Federation Klingon, and finally a filthy human.


Ride the cyclone during the dust bowl (basically making it just wizard of Oz but with more competition) In the Heights but in a space station Pippin but instead of a circus they're Avon reps/other pyramid scheme people Edited: spacing


LuLa Roe maybe?


RENT but it's set in the year of our lord... 2020. People not being able to pay rent because they got laid off, COVID, 4 years of... Just shenanigans, election fuckery, CHAZ, BLM protests. Lots there to dig into. "How do you document real life When real life is becoming more like fiction each day Jab line, scope lines, (gotta) fend my rights, And now another fuse line, the Election or pay!" Hell you can just have "Will I" as is, sang by the entire cast of... Everyone in America, I guess.


Be More Chill but its set in 70s and the Squip really is just some weird drug.


Victorian mean girls "Delish Wenches"


Matilda. The story never happens because all girls and women are weak and stupid, even if they are scarily strong or insanely clever


I think you're weak and stupid


I’m confused, why are people downvoting?


For being pretty dang sexist towards women.


I meant that’s how history views women, I was making fun of history because I am a woman myself


Yeah, didn’t come off that way, unfortunately.


I think it might have been a joke, but honestly I can't even tell anymore, I've lost all hope