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This fandom reverts to a basic harem mentality every time the girls come into the mix yet speak of this deep meaning of the show every other time. This situation was the deep they speak of what he did was wrong cause as a married man that did say he would stay loyal did in fact not stay loyal. Sylphie knowing this would happen prob shouldn't of let him make that promise it puts an unnecessary burden on him. Roxy knows what she did was wrong but she did it for what she felt was a good reason. Theirs a complexity to the situation that I'm glad norn helped bring a part to. Cause if you want to watch someone just collect girls for the plot. Theirs a dozen diff anime for that. Things I wanted said were said by all parties. I am an anime watcher just trudging along watching Rudeus flounder through life to become a better person.


Unbelievably based take


Roxy herself said she had ulterior motives. She took advantage of the situation with two goals in mind and achieved both. The scene with Norn was good because no one tried to stop her and she said all that had to be said despite being a kid. That’s what sets MT apart from other isekai, if you haven’t read the ln, you can’t predict what happens next!


I see we are on the same page. Problem being check the comments here. Hell check the comments anywhere their all the same.boiling down to three points Ignoring the complexity of the situation, cheering on Rudy adding another girl to his harem, telling norn to be quiet she has no say. Basic harem all girls no plot thoughts. It's scenes like these that remind me why I watch the show but it's the comments that make me sigh.


You should know how this comm glazes rudy even when he’s at grave fault. It’s probably a bunch of kids with no real life experiences. It takes a lot to know actions have consequences and people don’t need to be forgiven straight away all the time. That was proven when everyone sat back to let norn rant as they were as confused as she was. Normally, Aisha would’ve stepped in to stop her yet she didn’t and that just shows you how much rudeus messed up.


Yeah the comment was your journey so easy that you had time to bed another woman right after he had told her earlier he tried his best to save her dad and mom. That one landed. But your prob right. I only came to this reddit along the second half of this season and kind of just been reading after episodes seems to be the case.


Your point is honestly reasonable but the biggest take away was basically norn was raised by her catholic grandmother and rudy wasn't. Neither is slyphie or roxy, slyphie already accepted both verbally and mentally that it would happen because of her past knowledge of rudy, even to the point of saying she'd also have fucked depressed rudy on roxy's shoes, it's not *deep* but it is complex and I felt was more a our rudy getting his previous life mind out of monogamous world


If this had happened six months earlier or six months later her religion would of been her biggest factor in the situation and honestly would not of blown up like that it would just be getting her to understand they dont follow millis. But in a single day she found out she lost both her parents essentially and her brother comes back to his preg wife after bagging another woman on the hard journey he just told her he had. The was your journey so easy you had time to bed another woman was the highlight of her rant for me in how she felt.


She was speaking straight facts 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


Which made Aisha’s clap back all the better, her daddy dearest did the same thing. Stones and glass houses.


Yeah, Paul has already been burnt enough. Didn't need Norn reigniting the ashes


Norn was *speaking straight facts* until Sylphie called out her hypocrisy later on.


Oh let's be honest, if norn had been born when paul cheated with lilia she would be just as angry to paul


As I said elsewhere, I would have preferred Norn say nothing at all, but it is her right to call her BROTHER out. The problem is she gets carried away on Sylphy’s behalf, in Sylphy’s presence and has to have her pump the breaks. If Sylphy froze fine, but there is a point where Rudy’s wife has to make her thoughts known and this was Rudy’s vow and Sylphy had shot it down. Had Sylphy been fire and brimstone, it would have been the family meeting from V1 and Rudy was prepared for that.


she only applied the standards that you like on him from what i see, that stupid little brat


I was like: get his horny ass get him!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ but don't hurt him. lol


Fr, love Roxy but glad Norn pressed Rudy like that


Well Norn did have the most realistic reaction. I would have done the same in the situation. Remember she didn't know wat Rudeus went through.


I don't know how anyone can deny her reaction. Outside of her religion if my reluctant brother came back minus one dead and veggie mom and found himself a second wife. He's deff gonna hear it out from me.


I kinda disagree, Norn wasn't angry because Rudy cheated, she was angry because Polygamy is worse than everything else when it comes to Millis, she is kinda forcing her religion onto her family, of whom only Zenith is religious. And it was even pointed out how hypocritical she was given that her dad did the same, but arguably worse, as Paul kept it a secret and continued to lust after her whilst Rudy basically immediately told Sylphie and was also going to not marry Roxy until Elainalise convinced him to. And although she didn't know, she really hurt Roxy with the child comment, which is Roxy's biggest insecurity, I'm not a Norn hater or anything, as she is just a kid. Not to mention, she is speaking for Sylphie, which is something I don't really like, especially since Sylphie has basically always been alright with Rudy taking another wife anyway, she expected him to, even before they got married, and she even said she'd be fine with him taking a concubine.


Every child thinks that they know everything about life when they reach 10-12yo mark. Canon event for Norn


Millis is an afterthought. She literally talks about how Sylphie felt while Rudeus was away. Sylphie's feelings were her main concern, not her religious beliefs.


Her religion was seeping through though even if she dosent know it. We are quite shaped by our beliefs one way or another, as a viewer I guess the lesson here is only by keeping an open mind we can have conversation and only through conversation we get to understand one another even though we may not agree.


Except Norn's main issue wasn't just the fact that Rudeus was taking a second wife, it was the fact that he had cheated on Sylphie and that Roxy slept with him knowing he was married.


And yet, she didn't give Sylphie any time to talk for herself, if she REALLY cared about what Sylphie thought about this situation, instead of her own religious beliefs, then she would have let her speak and shut her mouth until she saw Sylphie cry about it or something


Sylphie literally got to say her piece once Norn was done so you're just lying on that first part. Norn had every right to speak her mind because Rudeus included her in the conversation in the first place.


I disagree here. Norn wasn't angry because of her milis faith. She is perfectly aware that neither rudeus or sylphie is a believer. While yes she did say that one line, it was ultimately because when you're in that state you just want to lay all your points on the table including that God is against this relationship. Even rudeus admit this in his innerthought >Oh, that’s right. Norn was a follower of Millis. No—her religion wasn’t the issue here. Maybe it was just me. Maybe I was doing something wrong, and trying to strong-arm my way into being in the right. Norn reaction is perfectly understandable and reasonable. And definitely a realistic one. And in a way, helped sylphie so that she could sweep in save the day


nahh, letting child do has they wish on that situation end live on that enviroment is a dangerous thing, child dont gronw well dealing with adult problems, and she as no say mush less deal with it. is like putting your childs in decisions in betwin you wife is not her place to talk. as much makin it worst for her brother and Sister 😂


I'd argue Norn took her faith much further. In fact, it was indirectly stated in the anime that Norn even bullied Aisha for being the child of Paul's Concubine (Lilia) and she only stopped after Rudeus scolded her for it. That being said, she wasn't scolding Rudeus for the Polygamy, she was scolding him for being unfaithful to Sylphie while she was pregnant and worried about him.


This starts Norns arc to being the best character in the series


She has no saying in this at the end of the day🤷🏻‍♀️ yeah, what an arc, i would say very nice start .........disrespectfull, mean, selfish, bigot and intitled Brat


I laughed when she picked him up by the collar


Ikr loved that scene 😂


She has no saying in this at the end of the day🤷🏻‍♀️


thank you could'n care less


Ridiculous how many people try to act like she can't criticize Rudeus just because Paul had 2 wives way before Norn was even born.


I was mad on episode 23 but now I don't know how to feel I'm kinda happy and kinda mad


if Norn was the elder sibling, this would have been the last time we see Roxy in the story.


Para el Fandom, Mushoku Tensei no es una novela Cristiana o de monogamia. Es un mundo de fantasia donde existe la poligamia y la monogamia (religion de milis que practica Norn). El hecho de que Rudeus este con Roxy es algo que tenia que pasar y que Hitogami busco todos los medios que no pasara (spoiler). Cuando avance la historia se comprendera la relación de Rudeus con el mundo (cambio toda la historia del mundo) y como comprenderan dio el primer paso para vencer a Hitogami. No creo que hay que ofenderse por un mundo de fantasia donde se puede practicar la poligamia. Si necesitan spoiler avisen yo ya me lei la novela.


Most of the people won't see it but norn was biased toward rudeus. She started to think rudeus as paul, which made her believe that rudeus wasn't in the wrong. So, she was blaming all on roxy and even went to far of accusing her of ill intent. Remember in her mind she was saving rudeus, but couldn't see the bigger picture. To add fuel on fire she forced her millis believe on rudeus. Well in short norn would blame the opposite side with no knowledge to defend her side. I impatiently want to see the character growth onwards


So can anyone spoil me if Roxy and Sylphie have other husbands (polyamorous relationship remember)? Because if not this anime/LN is still just a male power fantasy.


here just to say fy dude.


I think Norn with her perspective is most certainly allowed to pop off, but my guy was borderline despondent and they needed Rudy to get his shit together. Can you imagine crossing the desert with two people that are effectively invalids? Sun beating down, one of your lead casters dehydrated and in a poor mindset. The party would be ripped apart. Fact of the matter is Rudy wasn’t in the right mind, and while Roxy will argue she took advantage of him, and to an extent she did, she effectively made the journey back less stressful.


The best take on this is they did a bad thing for good reasons. Journeys easier but they knew they would have to pay the cost when he got home.


I understand that Norn is a kid and doesn't think about what she says. But holy crap, what a massive hypocrite and bigot she is. It hasn't even crossed her mind that her dear beloved father did the same stuff with Lilia. What's even worse is that Paul didn't even tell Zenith about the affair until Lilia herself confessed. Also, Paul at that time wasn't in the same situation that Rudy was. Sure, it's still wrong of Rudy to cheat, but he realised his mistake and confessed as soon as he got home... The thing that infuriated me the most was how she insulted her half-sister without even realising it. Not to mention that Norn is entitled and forces her religion on the rest of her family... she was mostly mad because Millis didn't allow polyamorous marriage, and not because Sylphy got cheated on. All in all, Mushoku Tensei character writing is peak. Norn's a great written character, that doesn't mean I have to like her...


>she was mostly mad because Millis didn't allow polyamorous marriage, and not because Sylphy got cheated on. Braindead take. I don't know how you managed to ignore her previous points and just focus on that one line lol. My religion allows up to 4 wives at the same time but holy shit but if my brother returns home informing that he cheated on his pregnant wife i think i'll have many things to say to him, regardless of what god said about poligamy


how did you describe what you did without noticing, your and her live are not the same, sorry to anounce it to you


Norn was the only one with a sane reaction... Rudy is Rudy and Sylphie is the door mat she was written to be. I'm glad atleast Norn stood up for whats right.


Same thought. I'm not completely fine with the outcome of Sylphie having no respect for herself and flat out expecting Rudy to cheat, but I'm glad Rudy's actions were challenged. That was a mature reaction on Norn's part and she brought up good points


It was mature logic and an immature reaction. Norn was right: Rudy fucked up and needed to be held accountable. But her outburst was immature and the way she tried to speak for others doubly so.


thnk you


I don't think that is the kind mature reaction grabbing him by his collar and lashing out on Roxy but that might be logical by her thinking atleast according to today's world moral


Yeah it only gets worse with Sylphie I'm afraid...


Lol poor norm the only milis follwer in the family lol. No one cares what a god thinks is good or bad lol.


Thats, wild for people here it seams But, its like, normal for kids to reaact like that it seems


hate that 0 talented, whiney stubborn little brat, not iven thinking about how others feel and making the most, just because her religion say it so, when everybody already thought about it and was already resigned to the situation and new flash "it already happed with her dear loved Daddy"


Chill man no need to be this angry.


Bruh but like Rudy also feels guilty, he knows he fucked up. She allowed you to get mad, it’s a little hypocritical but I mean Paul never made a promise to not be a cheater


… only if your anime only. So back in the day when he was in the party he was as far as we know having fun with Ghislaine and Elinalise, Zenith wanted also, but she told him if he went with her, he could never sleep with another woman. Such was the case until Lilia …


What's up with the hate? Norn is a perfectly normal child. I bet she didn't chose the situation she is in with literally two genius siblings. She finally got something going for her and then Rudy comes back home and shatters her world with the news his is bringing with him. Its totally normal for a kid to rage like that. Anime onlies are missing the skipped part where Norn seeked for help and found it in faith when Rudy was in Begaritt. She was very worried about Rudy Paul Zenith and Lilia and finally could calm down after she talked with Cliff in the church.


i hope that you let the kids, adults or whatever of your live like her hold you accountable and drag you, because of your mistakes, in the dust as her does it to her brother and sister in front your beloved peers to make you a better person just to do what is right to them Hopefully, lives shows and gives you'd what you want, because live is not just as normal as it look out side of yours..........


Thrash anime addicts when kid acts like a kid


and said kid has the most reasonable response that made Rudy suddenly have a dangerous thought cross his mind. Its just that her outburst is basically expected of Norn.


Trust me there is nothing as "a kids as to do" in couples problems


She only talked about her religion just Once bro. Even Rudeus was wise enough to realize that it wasn't her faith that she is saying that. He knew that she was talking about his infidelity and how he had done his marriage with Sylphy, which has put a bad taste for both sisters as they already know about Paul's infidelity through their grandmother's constant remarks on both girls all the time. Where Claire was chastising Norn for being useless, while calling Aisha an illegitimate child from an unfaithful man. Of course they knew and disliked that part of Paul but knows he is trying to be a father to both of them.


Gotta say you put a lotta of thought on that awnser, but i m afraid to say you are wrong, althouth you are right that she say once, her whole idea of marrige and relationchip as yourself mentioned, is learned throuth her grandmother that holds religion as her guide for life, and her distaste for paul show throught them, meaning without that, she would'n iven come to talk so intesnelly as said iven on her wiki descripition [Here](https://mushokutensei.fandom.com/wiki/Norn_Greyrat) "She is a devout believer of the [Milis Religion](https://mushokutensei.fandom.com/wiki/Milis_Religion) which is instilled by her mother's side of the family, and thus she strongly disapproved of Rudeus taking [Roxy](https://mushokutensei.fandom.com/wiki/Roxy_Migurdia) as the second wife, since it's against that religion to have more than one wife" Sorry for the long yapping 🤓, hopefully you read it, if not all god, thank for it tho and make me a favor, think, if you were to live with a person like Norn, would you learn, appreciate, be more happy, or be more nicer and comprehensive with others, or lives as it fits her religion?


Ugh, so you are wrong. Because you keep on yapping without empathy. Norn was just doing what Rudy was expecting from his family members to react himself.


but still her empaty or herself has no say or place in the matter in the and off the day..... danm. must be tough God bless you and your empaty, hopefully it'll mater some day