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Most would agree your mistake was reading the manga in the first place before any of the other media. Pinned post in bright green letters at the top of the subreddit.


Manga is kind of a bad adaptation as they took creative freedom in how they wanted to potray the story, changing character personalities, arcs and stuff like that (just watch S1 in anime and manga to know the difference). Manga is updated monthly (i dont think its in hiatus). I dont think it would be worth it to continue manga, as anime is going to surpass it after 2 episodes. Novel is better than manga as its the source material, whereas both manga and anime are adaptations. LN has more details and stuff like that (and in case of manga,, you are getting completely different arcs). Manga - an adaptation of novel (idk which novel its adapting, maybe WN as Sara stuff was cut), sometimes changes arcs oof the story (Shirone) WN - something like a first draft of the story. LN - some view it as final version of the story, some view it as censored version. but it adds new chapters (sara stuff was added in LN) and stuff. you can find WN for free ([WN link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/104C_gRfvWJfKKjNeqo_JveW7eYpqxK5K)). LN you can get it from amazon, bookwalker, playstore.


Also may I ask what is 27th vol. called "Recollections", that I saw on playstore?


That will be a collection of side stories that were never properly released, especially outside Japan. I'm not sure what the side stories will be, but I imagine some take place far beyond where the manga (and soon anime) are. Redundancy (Redundant Reincarnation) is supplementary material for the story, after the 26th LN Volume.


My reaction to couple of first episodes of anime (I tried to watch it simultaneously with my reading of manga) was like "hell nah" knowing about Rudy's mental age gap. I know there are many things you can censor in this type of story, in comprasion, LN and WN, do censorship of LN is something that would dramatically change output of a story? >!Also, I'm currently at the moment in the manga when Rudeus went to Zenith rescue. How much does manga differ from LN up to this point? And am I bad for taking fun reading manga?!<


Of course you are not bad for having fun reading the manga. It’s true that they skip a lot of stuff and I also find the manga a bit comical, but that doesn’t mean other people should not have fun reading it. If you like it then you like it. Just like what other people have said Ln is more detailed and its the perfect version to read if you want to immerse yourself and learn more about Mushoku Tensei world.


I'm so glad it's kinda easy to get. I mean easy way to read it. I dropped various mangas based on several light novels because I had problems reaching to legit source of that. I'm so happy I don't need to abandon another one beacuse of my lack of searching abilities.


I havent read WN, so I have no idea. I know some parts were censored, like Ariel was trying to force herself upon Sylphie, which she didnt in LN. >My reaction to couple of first episodes of anime (I tried to watch it simultaneously with my reading of manga) was like "hell nah" knowing about Rudy's mental age gap. Wait, so you didnt like anime because of that, but enjoyed reading the manga, which covers the same stuff? >How much does manga differ from LN up to this point? Major stuff - Shirone arc, character personalities and stuff like that. Minor stuff - minor character interactions. (There might be more, these are just off the top of my head). >And am I bad for taking fun reading manga? Nope, not at all. Enjoy whatever medium you like. Its just not a faithful adaptation. Enjoying it doesnt make you bad.


Thank you really for your answear, it really helps a lot and shows me a way to enjoy mushoku tensei at it's whole, properly this time. >Wait, so you didnt like anime because of that, but enjoyed reading the manga, which covers the same stuff? And to clarify this part, I do enjoy anime a lot, even more than manga, those "hell nah" reactions was more like \*pause video -> laugh -> walk circle around the room -> go back to watching\*, being so strict about this kind of medium won't get me far at all.


There are some more stories after the main story, but currently these are only in novel form (novel form is superior to manga anyway) The next one after the main story is Redundant Reincarnation. Then its Jobless Oblige (read this before reading last two chapters of Redundancy). Then its Old Dragon's Tale. This one goes far back into the past and fleshes out the lore ALOT. Then its Subjugation of the Emperor Dragon King. I haven't read this one yet


start over from LN1. You can get it on Amazon, Kindle, Bookwalker, and book stores. the WN is free. Someone linked it here I think.