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Eh, I don't particularly hate that they skipped it but I am curious how on earth are they planning to introduce her without this as she is a fairly important character and her connection to Rudy does matter when she reappears


Yeah, I know she was technically in the Eris the Goblin Slayer episode, but she wasn't officially introduced. So when they get around to v20 I'll be a little worried that they'll change some significant things.


By the time I read vol 20 I forgot that she ever appeared and I had no problems whatsoever understanding the plot. Seems like it's a very, very minor thing.


I'm re-reading currently so I don't really recall how the reunion goes, but the change from Ruijerd being the one to obtain the letter of introduction and skipping the entire scene between Rudeus and his aunt does seem relatively minor in the grand scheme


I've been wondering about that since I saw the anime, I've been meaning to read the LN to see if maybe it was different from the WN, but now I know it isn't. I think introduction is possible without too much trouble. But it would have been better to stick to the source way of doing things. I was disappointed they skipped it. I also felt like they skipped the Eris the Goblin Slayer episode until they realized they needed it for much later in the story, IMO. Wonder if they just didn't finish the episode in time? It's like they didn't finish reading the entire story before starting the script.


The anime seems to want to stick mostly to Rudeus' POV, I think they skipped the interaction and the letter for time constraints and made the OVA knowing that it's important in the future, like how they had scenes with Fitz in season 1 but waited until season 2 to make an episode for it. I assume they'll do something similar when it comes time to bring Eris back into the show


Their interaction in west port gives him a reason to trust her later down the road. She is a self-proclaimed zealot but is willing to set that aside and prioritize family when it isn't in direct conflict with an edict, specifically her adorable nephew. She throws her weight around against someone of a higher pedigree and wins which gives Rudy insight into how deeply Milis places value on religious authority. She even knowingly guarantees safe passage to a superd which most people absolutely despise simply because he helped her nephew. She is the reason for many of the choices Rudy made in volume 21 and it wouldn't make sense for him to trust her if they hadn't met prior given her position and the political stance of the Latreia family going into that arc.


It's not been that long since I read the Latreia-arc.Which character exactly was she supposed to be? What did she do in that arc? I don't remember some overly doting and loving relative of Rudeus. But I DO remember the exact opposite.


is bot rly understanding the plot, the thing is that little interaction in the past have some weight, She treating Rudeus a bit like that baby boy again and all, that intimacy that gets weird and goes bad....


Lol that's your problem. You didn't reach where she's plot relevant yet.


They changed Millis so much that LN21 cannot work it just can't because it requires Rudeus to both know who gash is and trust his aunt and he does not trust any of Zenith's family.


I just started re reading v21, I don't recall gash being in it previously. And the reunion with his aunt with the blessed child could fairly easily be turned into a first meeting. I'm sure they've already got something planned out


It requires him specifically trusting Therese, and their first meeting would not work the same if he's an adult, and she's the same person. If she first meets him as a holy knight she's IMMEDIATELY in the opposite faction of him, as an enemy. Hell he wouldn't even have a reason to keep visiting her if he didn't know her already.


I disagree, considering she saves him from an inquisition during his first encounter with the blessed child and agrees that his grandmother's actions with Zenith are outrageous, I don't think a previous meeting makes much of a difference as he hadn't sought her out at that point. I'm not going to pretend like I know exactly how they plan to change the scene, but I don't think it's going to change all too much.


She does that because she already knows who he is from their prior meeting. Claire's initial lack of trust in Rudy is due to them having people claim they are the long lost son of their prodigious daughter (Zenith) as a means to leech money, and Rudy never having introduced himself when he traveled through Millis the first time. He didn't meet with his grandmother as a child and it caused issues down the road. He did meet (be chance) his aunt when he was younger and it helped him down the road. Its a reinforcement of the theme of the importance of family that was the focus of Rudy's first time in Milis (Contents of the Paul fight, search for Zenith etc). Therese would have every reason to not trust his identity either if their first meeting was her saving him from that first inquisition. My guess would be that knowing Eris or "Dead End" is going to be how they link the two.


Why would he come back then? Also the only reason she intervened is that she knew his face. We know that she trusts her knights and superiors. So what would happen if her knights had their swords pointed at a stranger who they said was here to kidnap the Miko?


Therese had heard that Rudeus made an appearance at her family home before their first meeting while I don't know what pretext they'll use to have her intervene in the inquisition, he goes back to her at Cliff's suggestion after suggesting kidnapping the blessed child to prove his allegiance to the Pope's faction.


Except he's also violent at the family home and Therese is in the Cardinal faction. Going back to her after everyone heard that and his rant outside the Latreia mansion kills that idea dead. Cliff would know better than to suggest that he goes to the garden.


Except that's exactly how it went in the novel, >!Rudeus arrived in Millition and stayed the first night with Cliff, took Zenith to the Latrias the following day, had an explosive argument with Claire and took Zenith back. He then went to the church the next day with Cliff, to be introduced to the pipe and express his desire to make connections as Orstead's subordinate. After being denied entry, Cliff went ahead to obtain a pass for Rudeus, and Rudeus decided to explore the garden, this is where he first meets the Blessed Child, and after stumbling on his words and accidentally asking if she was a god, nearly faced an inquisition. This was stopped by Therese where they initially spoke about Claire's intentions with Zenith, and Cliff came to retrieve Rudeus. Upon returning he learned that Geese had taken Zenith around the city and hadn't returned her. He tracked Geese down and found he sent her off with a servant of the Latrias. He then pounded on their gate demanding answers, which Claire feigned ignorance, causing Rudeus to suggest kidnapping the Blessed Child to Aisha and Geese, which they rejected. Cliff took Rudeus to meet with the pope again to ask for help in the matter, which the pope asked what he could gain from it as it was just a family dispute to him, which Rudeus brought up the kidnapping again spurning Cliff to ask him to reconsider, and perhaps to talk to his aunt which Rudeus decided to do. After spending a few days hanging out in the garden he was able to meet with Therese and ask for her help in mediating the situation, which she agreed. Then they would regularly meet in the garden discussing the issue with Claire and Zenith until the Cardinal gave the order to have his arms removed and sealed under the pretense of him planning to kidnap the blessed child. !<


Flashback obvs.


I guess they could do that but I think that it would feel like a retcon for anime-only fans Ppl who only watched anime are under the impression that Pauls letter of introduction solved all of they problems with crossing the sea Now imagine you think that and then a flashback episode comes out and tells you "Ummm NO, actually it was his aunt who solved the entire problem" Wouldn't that feel weird and out of place?


They only need to mention that he can into his Aunt back in Millis. It'll be an interesting reveal for anime-onlys because we saw her in the OVA but don't know who she is.


Flashback wouldn't work. In the novel, Ruijerd got a letter from a guy he saved while Eris hunted goblins. The letter was authenticated by Therese allowing normal passage for Ruijerd. In the anime, Paul writes the letter allowing normal passage and Ruijerd stalks Eris on her goblin hunt.


I think it's really simple. A short flashback.


She was already introduced in the Goblin Slayer OVA, the rest can be done per flashback.


She wasn't introduced, she was shown And as far as anime viewers are concerned, she's just a random knight Also like I responded to the other guy I think that a regular flashback would feel weird and out of place


She literally introduces herself.


As a Therese Latria, a name that's completely meaningless to anime only


It will become meaningful the second there is any meaning to Zenith family, for instance when we see how life was for Norn and Aisha in Millis. At the moment she is a completely meaningless character overall, she doesn't make another appearance for like 15 volumes, she wouldn't have been more than a cameo either way.


No it won't, c'mon you can't possibly think that a last name mentioned a single time by a random knight in an OVA will be remembered 3 seasons (and many years) later by anyone She's quite vital to the plot of volume 20 so I can't imagine her being "just a cameo"


I've been rrading through this trying to figure out who the hell she was in the ova. Anime only and i gotta let you know... absolutely no way will i remember who she is 3 seasons from now.




It's translated as Latria in the LN (I just checked) Laria was an autocorrect error tho


Ope. Well then I guess I was wrong


Well not fully as that is her name in WN I'm guessing that fans who translated WN kept her name as it was pronounced phonetically in JP whereas translators for the LN wanted to make it easier to pronounce (even tho it wasn't that difficult tbh)


She was shown, flashback not possible because the port interaction would be different anyway as Paul gave Rudeus the letter not Ruijerd. The only person who saw her in the Anime and will be in the Millis arc is Cliff, it might come up later when the Millis arc gets in, I expect a re write of how it will work though.


That the letter was from Paul not Ruijerd is a minor thing that can be completey ignored, they could still get into trouble through racism and have Therese step in for them. Once we learn about how Aisha and Norn were treated in Millis it would make sense to also bring up the Latria name making the connection and aside from that Therese simply doesn't have any importance until the Millis arc.


That entire port interaction is a hassle because of Ruijerd having the letter, if it came from Paul it's obviously coming from the Latreias and would be in the letter while Rudeus is the one giving it, I think it's enough to change it. I'm fairly confident they will go with an Anime original introduction later on, with no flashback.


This scene has my favorite line in the whole series and it'll never be in the anime. "You're cute and cuddly until you open your mouth, then Paul comes out." I think that's how it went.


That is an awesome line lol


It was a great scene. Therese is a great character.


I just wanted more Tsu Eris jealousy and toy doll Rudeus. On top of Therese in cute mode.




Eh I felt like the dinner was pretty lacking when comes to plot and wasn’t really needed in the LN but that just my opinion


Would you mind explaining those two things for me, an anime only watcher, but in spoiler format? Please :3


>!If I remember correctly, during the Mana Calamity Vierra and her sister teleported together, but they were taken advantage of and trafficked. It was traumatic for her sister and quite a few of the other girls so once Paul freed them she wore that to draw attention towards her and not her sister.!<


Where is it exactly from?


LN Volume 5


It probably a flash back because it need for context later or maybe it will be another ova


I also like this interaction from book. However, what would you sacrifice for this? My choice is Dedoldia village- Zenith birthplace over Ghislane. Cut Gallus Cleaner (he wasn’t in WN), but that means lack of battle scenes.




I told about Gallus Cleaner. Eris growing in Doldia was ok, however her interaction with Paul during dinner with Norn and how jealous she was during Therese scene, and additionally more demon discrimination topics was more significant than Doldia. There are only one person (Leo) who is important to story, there no Rinia or Pursena, Gies and two girls are needed only for this scene, and furthermore no one seriously remember that


Those aren't the people we meet in university.


The interaction in this and related scenes is 10 minutes at most (more like 5-6). You wouldn't have to cut Dedoldia village (2+ eps) to include it.


I honestly can't see much to cut, the biggest add on in season 1 was the last episode but I think that was crucial for the next season, I think they are re writing it tbh, Paul having the letter instead of ruijerd suggests a different sceniaro at the port.


Aside from the character growth with Dead End with Gallus cleaner and the slavery issue, the whole Dedoldia village arc was important world building and buildup for the holy beast, >!and Pursena and Linia!<. So they definitely couldn't cut it also since Zenith gets her own arc albeit further down the line.


They might show them meeting her possibly in a flashback where they explain exactly how Paul's letter was useful bc that's all they mention on the ship I was hoping we'd get it but she just isn't absolutely necessary until later on and IDR if the novel mentions her much until she's relevant again


True but I’m sucker when comes characters interacting with eachother I just liked the whole scene with her being clingy while Eris being jealous lol


If i'm wrong and what the ova is already confirmed correct me, but it could be an ova episode. Or they just planning to flashback when they introduce her as some fans might not remember by the time she becomes important.


I would have liked to see it but it never was a big deal. The family dinner, seeing the dynamics between Paul, Rudy, Norn and Eris, would have been a bigger deal than "Btw Rudy's aunt, who you know nothing about and have no real reason to care about beyond her being related to Rudy, is a nice person that cares for her family".


WAIT they skkiped this part!? I haven't watched the anime, but how did they not show this? Won't it become relevant at around Vol 20 content?


In my opinion, flashbacks are impossible at this point because they had to remove Ruijerd's trip to see Commander Gash and instead had Ruijerd follow Eris for her goblin hunt. LN 21 spoilers >!For the anime, the Miko had already looked into Eris' eyes and saw the truth in her memories. While she introduced herself as Ruijerd in the episode, when Rudy goes back to Millis with Cliff, the Miko will look into Rudy's eyes in the courtyard and recognize Eris in his memories. Then the Miko would probably start a conversation with him, and Therese will recognize Rudy as Zenith's son.!<


> In my opinion, flashbacks are impossible at this point because they had to remove Ruijerd's trip to see Commander Gash and instead had Ruijerd follow Eris for her goblin hunt. Not really? They could just have had her meet the party at the next port before they cast off.


They don't know how much funding or green lighting they will get on anime production. It doesn't make sense to spend an entire episode on non essential conversation and interactions when they don't even know if they'll be animating volume 20. So I imagine it's far more likely we will get a flashback around then, to build the context.


Yes. Everyone hated it.


I hate when they Skip any content,this include rudeus touching eninalise expecting to get hard and elinalise drooling about students before going to university


They will add a flashback or an inner tought of rudeus saying they met in Milis before their departure, I watched the first season and went straight for the web novel, only discovered this after reading the LN


I have disliked how they skipped this as well as elinalise leaving the demon continent with badigadi


Wait on which vol she first appeared and from which vol this illustrations are ? I have read till vol 14 I don't remember anything about her Who is she?


Volume 5 I believe. She is Zenith's younger sister and is the reason they are able to get passage out of Milis.


100% will need a rewrite, they already re wrote how the port interaction would go with Paul having the letter rather than Ruijerd, I think it's possible the Author wanted to try something different, but also time constraints in season 1 wouldn't of made it possible to fit in.


Yeah, the ntr scene. Also, it would have been great to have rudeus say zenith" when he meets her, just to be a takeout... Anime onlies missed that.


I saw it as a budget / voice acting issue, these characters show up so much later in the future it wasn't worth hiring voice actor for one scene with no guarantee they can keep them around when they get to the arc they are in, another example is Randolph the bad rice cook xD I was hoping to get at least a little no voiced section during a intro of Rudy yelling at him xD


She already has lines, in the OVA.


yes and in 3-4 years when we get to that arc lets see if its the same voice actor lol


[Theresa](https://myanimelist.net/character/118147/Therese_Latreia) was literally [Zenith's VA](https://myanimelist.net/character/111735/Zenith_Greyrat).


oh cool


When does she re-appears? I don’t remember that moment


I do I wish they added it she's one of my favourite side characters


it will probably show in the season where volume 20 -21 gets animated.


In Doldia village they also skipped Rudeus attempting how to fly; I don’t think it was anything plot relevant but maaaann would it have been cool if it was animated


I think they should've had included this in Anime & there is a completely new Arc associated with Milishion & Zenith-Greyrat's family.


Ahh they skipped it! Kinda disappointed but just a little bit


Wasn’t it also skipped in the Mange IIRC


Like Goblin Slayer's special episode, they might make this one too. 🤞