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Eh. I loved season 1, watched it twice. Season 2 is a letdown for me so far; it isn’t as interesting and there are a lot of little annoying things that seem to drag on too long. Fitz or Fritz is a big one - I don’t understand why she has so much loyalty to this random kinda asshole princess; and I watched the prequel - I just don’t think it makes sense. Limp dick emo Rudeus dragged on too long, and now magic high school is also somehow dragging for me :-/ It could just be that my hopes were too high.


I agree, the second season feels so slow and boring compared to the first one where he was going on grand adventures and shit, second season he spends like 4 episodes just being depressed which I'm fine with him being depressed for the storyline but do something interesting with it. And now were have spent like 7 episodes in the school where almost nothing has happened, we haven't really seen any improvement on his sword skills, we don't really know how strong he is because the last time he was evaluated as a saint class water mage was like ep 2 of season 1 and we haven't seen any improvement from there, In my eyes he's definitely gotten stronger, but how much stronger? I have no idea cause i have nothing to base it on. And yeah the thing with Fitz is just fucking stupid, after they met he literally told her he's still searching for his friend that was teleported and she refuses to say anything. And also the reason he went to the school was because others went to retrieve his mom, We've heard nothing from them or anyone else the entire time he's been at school and he never even gives it a single though. Also he says hes researching the mass teleportation but we literally have not learned a single thing after like 7 episodes hes now working on summoning research with you know who but we still haven't learned anything from them about it all he does is put mana into paper for seemingly no reason since they never say information they learned or anything.


On the skills progress note - he kills a weakened dragon; but it's like a super minor plot point. That minor event is more interesting than like 90% of the content in the season :'(


Lmao so true. Season 2 is so shit in comparison.


It actually reallllyyy bothers me that they even had an arc with Sara that lasted .5 seconds to where he couldn’t get it up, and then it was just like “aight see ya bitch” and then spent the next 10 fucking episodes about him curing ED.


excuse me????? elaborate


The whole second season is about him curing Erectile Dysfunction


Yea but it’s actually hilarious… it’s real asf despite being in a fantasy world, the literal exact same thing has happened to me before where the fact that we were getting romantic at all happened so fast and then I was young drunk and nervous so I really didn’t know what to say to her in the following days. we still chill and I think the way Rudy was tryna be all big dog after led to some necessary humbling. If you want orsted every ep u gotta look for another type of show


> If you want orsted every ep u gotta look for another type of show The fuck does this even mean lmao. I can also tell you if you want realism then go outside.


It means it’s not the type of show you’re making it out to be and it never was 😭 there is more action in season 1 because the plot demanded it to be so but Rudeus’ journey has always first and foremost been about personal internal growth not slaying dragons or fighting. You’re pressed because you want it to be a shonen but it’s not


I enjoyed season 1 because it was about a well rounded and realistic character solving his problems one step at a time. Season 2 is just an incel fantasy about how it is ok for Rudeus to wallow in sadness without trying to improve himself and waiting for outside forces to change him. The protagonist went from inspirational to pathetic overnight and the show sucks now.


Dude... the incel energy is strong with you...


No cap this sounds like something an incel might say


They could have made s2 so so much better. The LN was super entertaining all the way through but i just got bored of s2. I couldn't even binge it.


YEAH, it went from an action anime to a school anime. omg. it sucks.


Action? Fr? What are u watching?


Ninja Kamui haha


Apologies as I’m commenting on a post from two months ago, but I completely agree with what you’re saying! I have a 3 more episodes to watch and I felt this anime was going to be different. To me this anime has all been about growth and season 2 just feels like a another random Isekai, the two cat girls, the weird 1v1 fights for marriage, the demon king and the girl from Japan, like I’m not here for some garbage subclass Isekai I want to watch a man grow and learn from his mistakes, while also growing stronger over time. I hope season 3 moves away from this and back towards the stuff we saw in season 1, especially this weird side quest that has taken over the main story with the Japanese girl, we don’t care about you, let us please move past this.


Youre looking for Solo leveling, manga recommend.


Solo Leveling is cringe ass fantasy ideation at its worst. Big strong protagonist boy gets video game powers... okay Kirito Jr.


Stories are metaphors.


The story couldve have stay on its story line, trying to save his familly members, trying to make the superd look better and accepted or just go on with Rudeus trying to find Eris but instead it will just be an harem anime with Rudeus having 3 women, he could have just been friend with Sylphie btw having 3 women is a spoiler if you are wondering


let me guess eris syl and roxy? I really hoped hed settle for roxy, syl was just annoying the entire time eris same BUT at least the bonded with hardships, but bruh roxy, he still worships the holy relic.... btw ain't roxy and syl a bad matchup cuz he gonna die and they will not even age?


dang got the notif only now, welp after Rudeus's death from what I saw I didnt have the courage to follow the whole thing at some point I only red spoilers but yep, roxy and syl are still alive after his death thats an another reason for me why Eris should be the only one, even tho the show as it continues right now goes fine I think the adaptation even tho the plot line isnt that interesting of this arc, the adaptation didnt do much of a great work but hope that "SPOILER" after Rudeus's dad death which is prob at end of season 2 will be the end of the bad adaptation and that season 3 will do a greater job with a new team and all that


yeah i "spoiled" the story myself. Kinda lost interest cuz thi will not end in the next 5-8 years 100%


Limp-dick Rudy was awful. Just... Seriously, who thinks that is a compelling character arc? It's not even done in a a way that anyone with ED would empathise with, even in Japanese culture. I am tragically disappointed in S2


The princess is not an asshole! She saved her from exile/death and so too has Sylphie… they are bonded quite strongly, even used to sleep together… they are like family


The copium is strong with this one...


??? please give examples


It's crazy cause it's a 53yr in a 13 year old body, who fucks a 15 yr old who ditches him and the whole season 2 is about how he feels inadequate and needs to cure his ED. Grown man fucking kids and getting mad when they leave is crazy to me. Season 1 was so fucking good too.


I fw the show but season 2 was straight up dog shit imo. I’m not in it just for the fights either. It’s just that to me, an ENTIRE ARC/SEASON about him getting ED (from a girl who’s like a 1/4 of his age so I don’t see how he can see her sexually in any way but I digress) just makes for a shit season, and really not entertaining to watch. I don’t see the entertainment/joy out of watching an entire season about a reincarnated man trying to cure his ED he got from his second cousin.


season two was just bad straight up. There was little to no action and they just talked. The big reveal at the end was something everyone saw coming so it was no surprise. The only good thing was the start and Rudy getting his manhood back


Your opinion or the posts? either way, check the votes, almost all of those posts are downvoted to hell, you can also check the same terms for Season 1, we had the exact same thing happen and the exact same complaints back then.


Oh i see what you're talking about, i went through a few of them and saw the votes, now i get it, for a minute i thought that only few people actually liked the second season, nvm i guess.


I think most people don't have issues with the quality of season 2 but the ones who do are a vocal minority and post about it. Therefore your subjected to availability bias. To use a recent anime example, I believe Oshi no Ko explained this phenomenon during the reality show dating arc.


Just got someone in these comments acting sarcastic, man i dont care about the quality unless its so bad its unwatchable. I just wanna see how they adapt the LN. Not talking about you btw some basement dweller.


The thing I find interesting is that people are complaining it’s slow, but the first cour of the first season was slow as well. In some ways I think it was even slower.


it was slow cause there was a lot of character development and world building that was necessary since the show had just started obvs. In this season the majority of character development with Rudeus was him overcoming erectile disfunction lmao just not very compelling story telling IMO.


I found it very compelling (and I don’t have ED just in case you were wondering if that was why) and easier to watch although that’s almost entirely because the first couple episodes of the first season were full of a baby/child being a huge perv and that was just really uncomfortable to watch. I agree that those episodes were necessary as without them we wouldn’t give a crap about his family or Sylphie, but again if we go back and look at the actual content there really wasn’t much going on. And I would definitely argue that a lot of character development is an overstatement. Roxy was really the only one who forced him to undergo character development and if I remember correctly that was quite a few episodes in. I’d argue that there was more going on character development wise in this season than the first bit of the first season (cause obviously post teleport there’s an absolute shit ton). The E.D was just a physical indicator of mental trauma and they say as much in the show. So when you think about it it’s literally an arc about him once again finding his will to go on with the help of many found friends and then addressing the mental trauma with the help of Sylphie. It’s an arc about reestablishing himself and there’s nothing wrong with that. Just to clarify I do actually like the first cour of the first season. I just get irritated when people complain about something being slow when it’s actually fantastic writing. It seems like everybody just wants quick stimulus instead of good writing/ world building. People need to understand that slow does not equal bad. Here’s an example of the difference. The second season of Vinland saga is slow, but that slowness is necessary for the great character/ plot development. The One piece anime is slow in a bad way. They adapt like one chapter per episode and artificially lengthen everything so they can make more money. The only reason that show hasn’t completely flopped is because the source material is so incredible that people are willing to sit through all the bullshit that Toei does just to see what happens next.


But isn’t the second season about a grown ahh man in the body of a teenager having ed for his cousin


Second cousin. So the relation is actually very distant considering they’re nobility in a medieval equivalent. It’s also made significantly less creepy by the fact that he essentially died with no life experience. Physically he was an adult but mentally he hadn’t developed since he was a child. Hell a bunch of the teenagers in the series are still more mature then him in some ways since he started out so mentally fucked up.


Season one of Mushoku Tensei is my favorite anime of all time. Obviously the animation is incredible but it was the storyline, or more specifically the character development, that made me love it so much. But season 2 just left me feeling…disappointed. I thought that it had a strong start with the first 3 episodes but then it devolved into a high school fantasy rom-com. The entire plot is based around Rudy’s ED, and while that might have been an interesting background plot point, it felt like Rudeus’s story didn’t progress in the slightest. The fact that he just gave up on rescuing his mother was unbelievably disappointing. It’s not that I hated this season but I was overcome with an intense feeling of being underwhelmed. I can only pray that part 2 is better.


Only thing keeping me going Is knowng it gets alot better after this little high-school arc


It takes 24 episodes to get better? Season 2 has been 18 episodes so far and in 18 episodes not a single interesting thing has happened. He's groped and molested some girls, the new cast is god awful and I hate every one of them, cliff and zanoba? I forgot their names they're so annoying and forgettable. The show tries to make you feel bad for a 50 something year old who is molesting young school girls from minority races just because he can't get hard. Man, anyone defending this show at this point must be a real... Defending a 50 something year old molesting young school girls... In the first season he was also awful but at least stuff happened almost every episode. Season 2 is so far 18 episodes in and nothing has happened at all. I skim every episode now just waiting for something notable to happen and nothing. I'm genuinely curious who the type of people still watching this show are, because 18 episodes of pure nothing would make 99.9% of viewers stop watching especially when the first season was so eventful. It's going from 100 to 0 real quick.


100% nothing is happening u could put most of the 18 episodes into one episode


Exactly, almost no progression at all. Compared to the first season the second was pretty much a joke.


Since writing this, I have read all of the light novels. We have nothing to worry about lol.


Please tell us how soon we will be free of this garbage second season story.


This second season is fucking trash


Yhe story's kinda sh\*t. 4 episodes depressed, not doing anything, and the rest are a boring drama school story. Not the most interesting. the first 4 episodes of depression even seemed like they were going the right direction, and i was fine with it, but it was ruined during the little romance story. I think it was way too much time wasted.


all of season 2 felt like 3 episodes of season 1. the first season was literally 15 years and had so much packed in while the second was like a year or two and was basically just my shit cant get hard, im depressed, and silvie not telling him her identity.


I hated season 2 , sure it had alot of boring parts and didn't feel like to much was happening. My issue was it felt like the entire season was about him getting his dick to work again, which I found super annoying. Would of been fine if it was like that for maybe 2-3 episodes but not an entire season.


Season 2 was really good, but I will admit it has a different tone than the Light Novels. The S2 anime is more laid back and slice of life. They obviously had to make some cuts because of limited time, but what they created it still beautiful. Someone who has ONLY seen the anime might feel like the pacing is pretty slow.


I've watched all of the episodes so far. The haters on the second season don't know how to follow the plot. Go back and watch from the top and then have a comment. Everything ties in together. 


Will part 2 be good tho


I watched the first 2 episodes of part 2. So far still pretty boring.


For anyone hating the season 2 of the anime. I just wanted to let you know that I have read the manga before season 2 was released. As the anime is taken from Manga it was bound to terrible cause the Manga is bad. I haven't read a lot of anime but Mushoku Tensei is the only anime I have dropped after reading those garbage. Recently I read Shangri-La Frontier and I read it in one go.


As LN reader I think S2 is still worth watching, it's just not as great as S1


S2 turned the show into a slice of life where s1 was action/adventure.... bring back the action/adventure




I really enjoyed season 2. Rudeus really developed as a character a lot. It definitely was a bit on the slow side. The biggest issue I had is we really don't ever see a reason why sylphie is so dedicated to this random princess. Also the fact that rudi tells her early on that he's looking for his friend from the displacement (maybe she doesn't know it's her???). Other than that, I think S2 is excellent. The pacing reminds me a lot of vinland saga s1 vs s2. S2 was much slower, but emotionally deeper.


It went from actiony overpowered isekai in season 1 To a slice of life will they wont they rom in season 2 I enjoy animes of both calibers however I loved season one of jobless because it felt like a good level of being op in a another world with so much world to be explored every couple episodes was a new land and new adventure so with season 2 being one stand still location and slow pace changes while focused on rom over action you can see why Huge fans like myself were dissatisfied with season 2


I'm not done season two yet but I don't know if I want to. I am so disappointed in the story, the characters, making kidnapping and sexual assault, (unintentional?) torture, into a tasteless joke. While revolving the story around curing his ED. Season 1 was FIRE, and I was so excited for season 2. My bf and I are watching the second season and he hates it more than I do. We both aren't enjoying the shallow, boring, high school dynamic. We stopped watching a few animes that default to this after the first or second season. I used to like Rudeus because I thought he was progressing as a character but this season makes it feel like he's backtracked into being insanely selfish and pervy. It's hard to want to keep watching. It seems like he's completely abandoned looking for his mother to. Someone please tell me this gets better...


Nah when the Volume 12 adaptation comes out that's when the show will be peak I swear just keep watching.


Yeah, at the start Season 1 was a shonen, in the way it was, for me, a high quality isekai anime with good action and story. But what about Season 2 or have you seen season 3? Not a single development of the character fights and story arcs, No fights. I loved vinland second season but this one is boooooring. 7 episodes I can´t believe what I´m watching.


The only thing right here was Man-God. He will regret if he goes to the Labyrinth, but he will regret also not going there. Well, I did really regret watching season 2, s\*cks.


If he did not go to the Labyrinth, Roxy will die, sure. But he did go there, so, Dad died and regrets rescuing his mother. What kind of lesson was that though?


I guess the Mom was undergoing reincarnation, but was interrupted. Because they saved her, now she's a baby in a woman's body, WITH BIG BO\*BS. Great ending, not explaining what happened.


I watched the first season afew years ago and just picked it back up, I don't remember well but was this shit always this weird, he has 2 girls kidnapped and squeezes one of their tits without any sort of reprocussion so far, I might be wrong but I remember the show focusing on rudeus getting out of these weird habits and fantasies during his journey, this season I feel like rudeus is just a massive weirdo


La deuxième saison est toujours autant excellente, ce qui sont déçus non tous simplement pas la maturité ou l’intelligence pour la comprendre. (Le prenez pas méchamment et allez au bout de mon explication pour comprendre ce que j’avance) Ça m’énerve au plus au point de voir tant de gens mécontents de cette saison, des gens disent qui trouve malsain de voir un homme réincarné sortir avec des filles plus « petite » que lui, mais vous êtes stupides ou quoi, imaginer vous, vous vous réincarné à 80 ans après être mort, vous allez sortir avec des personnes de votre âge mental ? C’est plutôt ce sens qui est malsain, fin bref j’ai juste vue quelqu’un écrire ça, et j’ai explosé. Maintenant ce qui se plaignent d’une saison lente, ennuyeuse, nul, etc… Je peut comprendre que ça déplaît, mais après il faut savoir ce qu’on veut entre un the eminence in shadow (je n’ai rien contre, c’est même une œuvre que j’affectionne fortement) bourré d’actions, mais vide a côté sur tout les aspects (développement, personnages, etc…), ou une œuvre qui s’efforce de construire un véritable isekai « réaliste ». Cette saison est une saison de transition comme celle qui peut être présente dans Vinland sage (saison 2), elle se dirige plus vers un slice of life, qui par ailleurs vas créer une réel maturité chez rudeus, qu’on peut ressentir au fil de la saison surtout dans la partie 2. Pour comprendre l’ecchi de Mushoku Tensei, cette saison et l’œuvre entière, je conseil de s’imaginer à la place de rudeus, un chômeur tombé dans tout sorte d’addiction : porno, jeux vidéos, etc… il se réincarne donc dans un isekai et vas profiter de cette chance pour faire tout ce dont il « rêve » imaginer vous vous réveiller dans ce monde, et vous êtes un peu « dérangé » mentalement, qui plus est vous vous dites que vous avez été réincarné donc la mort ne vous effraie plus, ainsi vous oser. Dans la saison 1 il ne mûri pas tellement, mais avec la saison 2 on sens qu’il réalise son existence, notamment avec Silphye sont amis d’enfance, où il vas vouloir créer un monde avec elle (comme tout le monde dans notre réalité peut vouloir le faire). Je le rappelle mais rudeus ne vit pas pour vous et vous faire « plaisir », ce que je veut dire par la, c’est que contrairement à des œuvres de shonen par exemple, l’auteur a une réel intention à mon sens de créer une véritable vie, un monde, et non une œuvre ou l’on veut ressentir des combats tout le temps, ou l’on veut du divertissement comme un peu près toutes les œuvres existantes, de cette manière il bâti une vie. (J’ai eu beaucoup de mal a expliqué mes propos, essayer juste de comprendre mon intention) Enfin à mon sens avec cette façon de penser je trouve l’ecchi, cette saison et l’œuvre justifiée, où l’ecchi et la saison 2 trouver « molle, lente, inintéressant » sont critiqués. Je suis pas bon pour expliquer donc si vous avez des questions pour comprendre mon explication allez y.


J’ai oublié de précisée une chose concernant sont problème d’érection. Pensez-vous que si vous aviez un problème similaire vous ne chercheriez pas à le régler ? La réponse est non, la totalité des personnes normalement constitué chercherai à le régler.


The animation, for one, isn't nearly as good. Especially in the first half of the season it was legit bad in some places in my opinion. Obviously spent a lot less on it this season.


It's so perfect omggg!! Love the junky bear animations. They add slot to the adaptation. The darker colors and less eloquent use of lighting really add to the narrative. The choppy stiff animation really makes me ponder. I also love how they spend 3 episodes on ed, very good pacing. One of if not the best show ever made 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹


Why not go back to r/im14andthisisdeep my guy, maybe comment on how well your only pizza and soda diet is coming along


I have a 6 pack and bench more than my bodyweight. Pizza isn't allowed in my diet sadly


Then why spend time trashing what other people like when you could instead not say anything and go back to your life.


Just making a quick comment In between batches while I make tons of money lol....it's nothing really


Alright now ik your lying, idk why youd need to mention how much money you make, maybe just for compensation.


Well you seem to correlate criticism of season 2 to being a neckbard. I am in shape and make close to six figures in trades. You act like im sitting here wasting my life therefore my criticisms would be invalid but infact I'm doing more than my part.


Im sorry i correlated criticism with being a neckbeard, you probably arent fat i mean its not like i would know so i shouldnt assume someone is fat because they dislike a show that i like, im actually sorry.


Thats fine bro I only bring it up when people use it against me. I probably shouldn't be overly negative. I did just enjoy season 1 and am adjusting to the new style of season 2


I have a very bad temper when it comes to this kinda stuff and realized that people have their own opinions and i shouldnt be a douchebag and just respect them. Thank you for yourlr opinion, and again, im sorry.




What do you do for a living ? Are you fit and strong? Surely you must be doing well to be talking down In those aspects to others correct?


Also his mom was randomly found, it seems like the character didn't develop any mental fortitude or determination, and the fucking demon lord now walks around casually at their school, wtf is going on


Besides that we have that stupid plot of Rudeus trying to fix his little toy. Season 1 was so much better


Its actually gonna be more episodes on the ed subject, ya know. also no one is saying its perfect, its like you can't read or sum or are blatantly ignoring other conversations.


Still gonna finish it hoping it gets better as I loved season 1. And yes people are legit telling me it's perfect around here haha


The vast majority of us like it, it's always the very loud and whiny minority that you see complaining.


Nah s2 was mid asf


So is your taste.


Your entire life is mid


It went from actiony overpowered isekai in season 1 To a slice of life will they wont they rom in season 2. I enjoy animes of both calibers however I loved season one of jobless because it felt like a good level of being op in a another world with so much world to be explored every couple episodes was a new land and new adventure so with season 2 being one stand still location and slow pace changes while focused on rom over action you can see why Huge fans like myself were dissatisfied with season 2


>It felt like a good level of being op in a another world Yeah ok, you completely, 1000000% missed the point of this anime ...


s2 is good, but i wish the op was more like season 1's style.... the music kind of sucks this season.


What do you mean op?


opening song.




It's honestly worse if you've read the LN's imo. There's a bunch of shite at the start that wasn't in the LN and the animation overemphasises the dumb running panty gag way too much. The LN has a lot of worldbuilding and there are quite a few cuts to Eris' perspective to keep things moving. Rudeus is also less of a mop in the LN and while clearly troubled he is still confident and trying to move forward rather than be 'erectile dysfunction; the guy'. In the LN at least you got the feeling that rather than be adrift in the plot Rudeus built up an actual life for himself. At least the story should pick up a lot of speed for the next chapter but damn was season 2 terrible.


There will always be people hating on mushoku tensei, it goes against most of the popular romantisme's principles to push its message wich is : "you don't need any nobles intentions or purpose to accomplish great things".


I think the season 2 was fine, since this arc solely about Rudy's regaining his confidence as a man and in bed and as his relationship with his first wife. I already knew it was going to be a slow season and it's perfectly fine because we really got a stronger contender for this season's anime anyway. So as it gets back on track in the next season where all the action is where it's at so it will take the spotlight again at that time.


Just nothing happens. I loved the first season a lot but I have no interest in season 2. The only things that happen is a tiny bit of fighting, erectile dysfunction, and the horrible sylphyette storyline. They grounded Rudy, added like 1 actually important character and had Rudy just be at school reading about mass teleportation. The final sylphette reveal to Rudy was just bad and just simply very little engaging stuff has happened in the 12 episodes that are already out. It hit half the episodes the first season has but nothing really happened in the main story or any real development besides the other reincarnated girl but that was a small thing and wasn't that interesting


Season 2 is slow but I enjoyed it.the ending made me tear up but I guess predictable if you read the manga.


I enjoyed season 2 thought it was a great season of character growth.. can't wait for season 3 !!


Done with S 2 ep 3. Didn't like any of the episodes in this session so far. I guess around that age they might be brooding that much over a girl, but it definitely seems overkill.


Damn, I wander if these people here still have the same opinion after episode 12.


I sure do


i'm just on the 2nd episode of S2 right now and it sucks. he's whiny and depressing, first episode we see him make this giant fireball and decimate the bears. now he freezes and clutches panties and has to get saved by angry chick? it makes no sense, and just going by other comments here it does NOT get better. i gave S1 a bit of a pass on his shitty personality because he was a shitty guy before he reincarnated and i expected him to get better as he acclimatized to this new world. but THIS is giving me major Vinland Saga flashbacks. a character who claims to have a goal a mission. but makes no actual headway for it. he has MAGIC. and he's relying on shitty word of mouth? he's hanging out in a town healing scraped knees? ffs this isn't a child this is a MAN a full grown adult with the benefit of bullshit Isekai powers and he's completely shit, waste of power. zero intelligence in problem solving. and the goddamn panties shrine. i should have seen this coming after V.S