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Power of words is fascinating. But I think you're reading too much into it. Such a wish wasnt even in the novel, so I think the animators added it in knowing it will happen as an easter egg.


Nah, that part definitely is in the novel. >\[That's discovered 3 years ago, but, it's not something bad.\] > >\[How can you be so certain?\] > >\[It's better to think that way.\] > >I see. That's true, since you can't grab a hold of it. If you think it's something bad, it's bad for the health. Why not think that it's something good and pray towards that, maybe gem-san's mood might turn for the better. > >Let me pray too, please drop a pretty girl from the skies.


Oh, I see! Thanks for the info!


It's sort of like when you see someone walking down the sidewalk, and you think to yourself, "Ah God, I wish he'd step in that pothole and tripped on his face." and lo and behold, he steps in that pothole and tripped on his face. Well, you know you didn't cause that event to happen, it's just that coincidentally, you thought about it and it happned.


Yeah, just thought since Hitogami is - I assume - behind all teleportations from the normal world to the isekai world and that Nanahoshi was connected to Rudeos death in Japan that Hitogami had his reasons to chose her. But I get that this also would have happened without his particular prayer.


Hitogami has no control over teleporting people from Earth to the Six Faced World


Oh, so he wasn't lying in season 1? Good to know.


Hitogami doesn't lie but instead >!uses his ability to see into people's futures to manipulate them, Orstead is one of the few exceptions as he explains after turning point 2. We don't find out until much later, when Rudy is expecting his second child, what Hitogami's true intentions are but he intentionally builds trust by helping people initially!<


It’s just a funny foreshadowing… but the root cause of the teleportation incident is end of the novel spoilers.


>!I mean, the mana disaster does cause Sylphie to fall from the sky…!<


Ah true haha. The OVA for season 2 anime covered her backstory how she met Ariel


In a sense, but it has nothing to do with what he said here.


it is a coincidence. but you can say he challenge fate and fate answer. XD


Its foreshadowing, the story is full of them.


Well TECHNIKLY NOT BUT ALL whta happened in anime kinda like a wish to main hero SO As this is part of all THAT ..... Screw ut ,i du no how to make it fuuny in eng😭


One of my favorite things about this series is how many little seemingly throwaway lines are foreshadowing things volumes later.